2020-2021学年七年级下册人教新目标英语Unit 11 单元跟踪训练_第1页
2020-2021学年七年级下册人教新目标英语Unit 11 单元跟踪训练_第2页
2020-2021学年七年级下册人教新目标英语Unit 11 单元跟踪训练_第3页
2020-2021学年七年级下册人教新目标英语Unit 11 单元跟踪训练_第4页
2020-2021学年七年级下册人教新目标英语Unit 11 单元跟踪训练_第5页
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1、人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 11 How was your school trip? 单元跟踪训练一、单项选择题(下列选项中只有一个选项满足题意)1What do you think of the sweater?Its too _ , and I dont have enough money to buy it.Anice Blovely Cpopular Dexpensive2Have you ever _ the book Red Star Over China written by Edgar Snow?Not yet.Awatched Blooked Cread Dheard3

2、When _ your cousin_his hometown?He _for nearly two years.Ahas; left; has leftBdid; leave; has leftCdid; leave; has been awayDhas; left; has been away4I have bought a book called The Little Prince.When and where _ you _it ?Ahave; boughtCwill; buyBdid; buyDdo; buy5I _ my homework yesterday.Adont do Bd

3、idnt do Cdidnt Ddoesnt do6The story is _ and all of us are _ in it.Ainterest; interestingBinteresting; interestCinteresting; interested7All the stones which our Chinese teacher has collected look _.Dinterested; interestedAlovely Bgently CquietlyDbeautifully8I dont like _. Lets have some _.Aice cream

4、; pear Bhamburgers; chickens Ceggs; milk9History is really _, so I dont like it.AinterestingBboring CexcitingDfun10 What do you often _ on WeChat(微信), guys? _ like English study.Atalk; Anything Btalk about; Something Ctalk; SomethingD talk about; Anything11Tom_his bike just now. Luckily, he was not

5、hurt.Afalls off Bfalls down Cfell off Dfell down12What do you _ the film last night?I like it very much. It is really _.Alike; exciting Bthink of; excited Clike; excited Dthink of; exciting13Do you like physics?Yes, I do. Its _. I am _ in it.Ainteresting; interestingBinterested; interested Cinterest

6、ing; interested Dinterested;interesting14How _ you _ to school yesterday?By bike.Ado; go Bdo; went Cdid; went Ddid; go15Lang Lang(郎朗)_ play the piano when he was 3 years old.Acould二、完型填空Bcan C mayIts 6:30 a.m. Mark, get up and get dressed. Its your big 16 ! Calls Mom.Its the school play (剧) show day

7、. Its 17 for Mark because he is shy.Mark gets a big hug (拥抱) from Mom. He thanks his mom and goes to 18 .At school, Mrs. Brown asks the children to practice their parts (台词) again. Mark says his 19 , but Mrs.Brown thinks its not loud (大声的) enough. You are the wolf (狼). The wolf is not 20 , says Mrs.

8、 Brown. This is difficult, but I know you can do it. Just act like a big wolf.The play 21 . Soon its time for Mark to act. Ill blow ( 吹) your house out, he says loudly. But he makes a mistake. Then he says with a big wolf howl (嗥叫), Ill 22 your house in.Dont feel bad, Mark, says Mrs. Brown after the

9、 play.I dont, says Mark. I feel 23 .You do?Yes, I wasnt shy. I was loud! says Mark with a big 24 face.When Mark gets home, he says something about his school play to his 25 . His mother is very happy, and she makes a big dinner for him.16Aweek17Adifficult18Aschool19Aschool20Alovely21Afinishes22Ablow

10、23AbadBdayBeasyBhomeBpartBluckyBwatchesBeatBgoodCmonthCfunnyChotelCstudyC shyCstartsCbringCterrible24Aangry25Amother三、阅读理解BsadBteacherChappyCfatherIm Tom. I am a new student in a middle school. I like everything about my school except(除了)theschooltime. Every morning, I get up at 6:25. Thats too earl

11、y. And I take the school bus at 6:50. Sometimes, I must run to the bus.I like my new classmates. One of them is old. He is Jerry. Jerry and I were classmates in Grade 6. Now we aretogether again. Jerry often says, “I hope we can be in different(不同的)classes. I dont like you.” Of course he is joking.

12、He always has a good time with me. We go to play basketball together three times a week.My school has a lot of clubs. I am in the Football Club and Reading Club. I make new friends in clubs.26Tom doesnt like his _.Aclassmates Bteachers Cold friend Dschool time27Tom goes to school by _.Acar Bbike Cbu

13、s Dtrain28The underlined word “joking” means(意思是)“ _” in Chinese.A发誓 B开玩笑 C叙述 D抱怨29Tom and Jerry _.Aoften go to the Reading ClubCgo too play football every dayBare happy with each otherDare new friends30In Paragraph(段落)3, Tom talks about _.Athe school timeChis classmatesBthe clubsDhis middle school四

14、、用所给单词的正确形式填空31There is a park in my neighborhood, and I_ (fly) a kite there yesterday.32My parents work on a farm. They are _ (farm).33We _ (study) in a primary school (小学) two months ago.34Most of the boys are _ in playing computer games. (interest)35_you_ (ask) questions just now?五、完成句子36那个导游带领游客

15、去了一个美丽的地方。The tour guide _ the tourists _ a wonderful place.37你上周六去了动物园吗?_ you _ to the zoo last Saturday?38一些学生刚刚拿走了那些球。Some students _ away those ball _ _.39今天早上你读英语了吗?_ you _ English _ _?40他尽可能快地跑去追那辆公共汽车。He runs _ _ _ _ _ to catch the bus.六、书面表达学校新成立了一个体育俱乐部(Caihe Sports Club)。假设你是 James,并很想加入,请根据表格内容及提示词汇 写一封推荐信,介绍下自己的情况。Name Age Class Grade Favorite sports Sports collection (收藏)


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