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1、高中英语讲义好好努力梦想终会实现- -Section n Reading and Thinking基础知识预习自检Amazon Rainforest TourA short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. From there, youll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest. You can then spend three days exploring

2、the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.词汇自测flight n.空中航行;航班;航程accommodations 住处;停留处;膳宿unique adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的亚马逊雨林之行从安第斯山脉的库斯科短暂飞行进入亚马逊热带雨林。从这里开始,你要坐 一天的船到热带雨林中心的住处。紧接着,你有三天的时间在本地导游的带领下 探索亚马逊雨林中独特的植物和动物。Machu Picchu TourThis four day walking tou

3、r will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your destination, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones to exact siz

4、es so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.词汇自测path n.小路;路径;道路destination n.目的地;终点otherthan除以外文意理检马丘比丘之行为期四天的徒步旅行,从安第斯山脉到马丘比丘市,我们将带你踏上一条神 奇之路。到达目的地后,你有一天的时间去探索这个令你惊叹的古老城市。尤其 会感叹印加干石式的建筑形式。印加的建筑工人杷石头切成精准的建造尺寸,这 样的话不需要任何其他东西支撑墙壁、只用石头就构成了完美的结构。Cusco To

5、urSpend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local mark

6、ets.词汇自测admire vt.钦佩;赞赏architecture。.建筑设计; 建筑学architect n.建筑设计师库斯科之行花四天时间在库斯科的印第安山脉欣赏独特的西班牙和当地的印度文化,库斯科从13世纪到16世纪是印加帝国的首都。住在当地的旅店,参观博物馆,惊 叹于当地的建筑物,享受美味的本地食物,然后还可以去当地的市场购物。Lake Titicaca TourEnjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titic

7、aca. There, a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days.Both the island and the Uros homes are made of water plants from the lake.词汇自测connectv.联结,连接;联系,关联? be made of由制作而成文理解的的喀喀湖之行沿着连接库斯科和的的喀喀湖新建成的高速公路自驾,享受一天美丽的乡村 风景。在那里,小船会带你去岛上当地的乌鲁斯人家住宿三天。整个小岛和乌鲁 斯人的家都是用水生植物

8、建成的。重点知识合作探究1recognise vt.辨认出;承认;公认(教材P26)归纳 拓展(1)recognise sb/ones voice 认出某人/听出某人的声音 recognise sb/sth. by . 通过认出某人/某物be recognised to beas 被认作被认为是It is recognised that .人们公认 (2)recognition n. 认出; 认识beyond recognition 认不出来 Cellphones, which are now universally recognised as a must, have a great eff

9、ect on us.手机,现在广泛地被认为是必需品,对我们有很大的影响。 I recognised him by his red hair.我通过他的红头发认出了他。The school has been expanded beyond recognition.校园扩建得都认不出来了。G?即景活用(1)单句语法填空 It is recognised the environmental pollution has become more andmore serious.The city has been built up so fast that it has changed beyond (r

10、ecognize). The moment I answered the phone, I(recognise) his voice.答案: that recognition recognised一句多译那本书被公认为是21世纪最重要的文学作品之一。(recognise)The book one of the greatest works of literature ofthe 21st century.the book is one of the greatest works of literature of the 21st century.答案: is recognised to be/

11、as It is recognised that2flight n.空中航行;航班;航程(教材P26)(1)a flight of stairs 一段楼梯“二1平历雇(2)fly vi.飞;飞行;time flies (saying)时间过得真快;光阴似箭;时光飞逝 If we leave now, I can catch the earlier flight.我们要是现在动身,我就可以赶上早一点的航班。We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.我们默默地走上一段楼梯,穿过一个长长的走廊。The pl

12、anes flew through the clouds.飞机穿越云层。Time has flown since the holiday began.假日一开始,时间就过得飞快。Q即景活用单句语法填空The return(fly) of the aircraft was delayed.The plane was attacked as it(fly) over the sea.答案:flight flew3other than 除了(教材 P26)归纳 拓展与than相关的其他短语:no more than 仅仅; 不超过,至多no less than 多达rather than 而/、是l

13、ess than少于,不超过To be honest, I dont know any French people other than you.诚实地说,除了你我不认识别的法国人。The little girl is no morethan 4. However, she can play the piano.这个小女孩仅仅4岁,然而,她会弹钢琴。Motorways actually cover less_than 0.1 percent of the countryside.农村地区高速公路的实际覆盖率不到0.1%。上即景活用语段填空除了李华,我没有更亲密的朋友了。当我遇到我不能应对的困难

14、局面时,他 总是帮助我而不是远离我。I have no closer friend Li Hua. He is always helping me_)getting away from me when I am in a difficult situation that isI can handle.答案: other than rather than more than4admire vt.赞美;钦佩(教材P27)归纳 拓展(1)admire sb. for sth.因某事而钦佩某人admiration n.钦佩;次维in admiration 钦佩地express/have admirat

15、ion for .钦佩(3)admiring adj.赞赏的;羡慕的You have to admire the way he handled the situation.你不得不佩服他处理这个局面的手段。Many people around the world admire China for its great contributions to the world peace.世界各地的许多人钦佩中国对世界和平所做的巨大贡献。I have great admiration for her as a writer.我十分钦佩她这位作家。She gave me one of her rare

16、admiring looks.她以难得一见的赞赏目光看了我一眼。Q即景活用(1)单句语法填空All those who knew Mo Yan admired him winning the Nobel Prizefor Literature.Her excellent performance filled me with(admire).She was used to receiving(admire) glances from others.答案:for admiration admiring(2)单句写作我不同意她的意见,但是我赞赏她的恪守原则。I dont agree with her

17、, but I her sticking to her principles.答案:admire; for5transport n. (especially BrE )交通运输系统 (NAmEusually transportation ) vt.运输;运送(教材 P27)归纳 拓展transport . from . to . 把 从 运输至Utransport . to .使产生身临其境的感觉The railways play an important role in the transport system.在运输系统中铁路起着重要作用。 The book transports_you_

18、to another world.这本书会把你带到另一个世界。A special bus transported the tourists from the airport to a hotel.一辆专车把游客们从机场送到一家旅馆。Q即景活用单句写作这些种子是由风传播的。The seeds by the wind.政府认为应该在改进农村地区的公共交通上花费更多的钱。The government believes that more money should be spent in improving in rural areas.答案: are transported public trans

19、port 学习效果 随堂演练I .单词拼写People used to think the earth was小坦的).答案:flatThe area has its own 辖有的)language, Catalan.答案:uniqueThe(小册子)described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.答案:brochureOnly half of the emergency supplies have reached their 1(的地).答案:destinationThe (建筑师)is much int

20、erested in classical (建筑设 计).答案:architect; architectureThe price for the trip doesnt include 住宿).答案:accommodationHe went up the garden 仆路)to knock on the door.答案:pathThey were climbing up a 狭窄的)mountain road.答案:narrowYour local library will be a useful(来源)of information. 答案:sourceThe daughter of an

21、皇帝)does not worry about finding a husband.答案:emperorH .选词填空go hiking , package tour other than, take control of, make upI had no appreciation of anything McDonalds or Coca- Cola.答案:other thanHe failed in his attempt to the company.答案:take control ofSix women and nineteen men the committee.答案:make up

22、We cant play football in the rain. I cant , either.答案:go hikingDo you like a or to travel alone?答案:package tourm .单句写作.这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。The school is widely its excellent teaching.答案:admired for.这条河就是在这里变窄的。This is the river .答案:where; narrows.这两个问题紧密相关。The two issues are.答案:closely connected.你更喜欢哪种类型的

23、交通方式? do you prefer?答案: Which type of transport.尽管消息是非官方的,但是几乎确凿无疑。The news is almost certainly true, although.答案:it is not official课后课时作业课后课时作业(一)I完形填空Yesterday we bought tickets in Wonderful Tour to Luang Prabang. So the _1_ was waiting for us at 8: 40 in the morning in front of our guesthouse. Th

24、e minibus wasnot very 2, but we got to Luang Prabang rather quickly, with only one 3 for the restroom.We 4 a room in A Tee Guesthouse but when we came, the owner wanted to give us the room on the first floor. The room was on the first floor, and it was dark and 5 bad. We asked for another room on th

25、e second floor, but he said that all other rooms 6 not $16 but $20. The owner spoke almost no English, 7 I didnt like him and the room he wanted to give us so we _8_ and left the guesthouse.It was afternoon and we didnt know what to do. We didnt like to _9_ for the hotels on the spot, but 10 we foun

26、d a very nice B & B guesthouse, not far away from A Tee Guesthouse, for the same _11_ but much better.The room was very 12_ with a best hot shower in Laos, free coffee and tea. It is 13 15 minutes from the night market and city centre. We were the only 14 in this guesthouse for the first two nights,

27、 but then new guests 15_ in and it turned out that the room was not soundproof 甯音的),but it is 16 a very good place to stay! First we 17 to stay there for one night, but then we made up our mind to stay there for all nights.One day we 18 a bike and had a day trip to Tat Kuang Si Waterfalls. It was a

28、great day and I liked the waterfalls a lot. Other days we just walked around the town, doing 19. First we wanted to rent a bike and go to the opposite bank of the Mekong River and visit temples and pottery villages there, but it was so _20_ that we gave up and just sat in the cool room in the hotel.

29、1. A.plane篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者到Luang Prabang旅游的经历。minibustrainD.carriage答案:B 由下文中的 The minibus was notvery 一2 ”可知,应选B项。A.expensiveB.interestingC. necessaryD.comfortable答案:D 由语境及下文中的 but we got to Luang Prabang rather quickl4可知,此处应表示比较消极的信息,与下文形成对比,故D项符合语境。A.stopB.minuteC. routeD.station答案:A 此处表示中间只有一

30、站(stop)供大家到卫生问。A.orderedB.cleanedC. bookedD.offered答案:C根据常识可知,旅游时通常是要提前预订房间的。book “预订”,符合语境。A.tastedB. soundedC. operatedD. smelled答案:D 此处指房间里的味道闻起来很差,故选smelled。A.costB.valuedC.spentD.afforded答案:A 由下文中的not $16 but $20可知,此处表示“花费”,故选cost。A.butB.andC.orD.yet答案:B根据语境可知,上下文表示并列,故选 B项。A.went overB. made o

31、utC. turned aroundD. looked around答案:C 结合空前的I didnt like him and the room”和空后的 left theguesthousg可知此处表示转身离开,故 C项正确。A.waitB. callC. leaveD. search答案:D 根据语境可知,此处表示我们不想在原地寻找旅馆了,search for“寻找,搜寻”。A.fortunatelyB. graduallyC. actuallyD. strangely答案:A 由下文中的 we found a very nice B & B guesthouse, not far aw

32、ay fromA Tee Guesthouse可知,止匕处应选 fortunately 0A.placeB. priceC. sizeD. floor答案:B上文提到作者他们因为价格不能达到一致所以另换旅店,再结合选项可知,此处指“房间价格相同”。A.largeB. messyC. pleasantD. ordinary答案:C由下文描写可知,作者非常喜欢这个房间,故用 pleasantA.intendedB.designedC. locatedD.lain答案:C由下文的描述可知,此处是指旅馆的位置,故选located。A.journalistsB.shoppersC. humansD.gu

33、ests答案:D 由下文中的but then new guests 15_ in可知,应选D项。A.checkedB.calledC. steppedD.broke答案:A 表示旅店客人入住时,常用check in,表示“办理登记手续”。A.ratherB.stillC. onceD.never答案:B根据语境可知,此处指虽然房间不隔音,但它仍是一个好地方,故选 still oA.plannedC. happenedB. promisedD. preferred答案:A 作者原打算(planned)*那儿住一晚,但是后来决定所有的晚上都住在那儿。A.boughtC. rentedpickedD

34、. borrowed答案:C 结合常识及下文的 First we wanted to rent a bikS可知,C项正确。19. A.everythinganythingnothingD. something答案:B由上文信息we just walked around the town”及下文描述可知,止匕处指什么也不做。20. A.freezinglateB. cloudyhot答案:D由下文中的we gave up and just sat in the cool room in the hotel ”可知,设空处指天气非常炎热(hot)。n阅读理解Traveling to a fore

35、ign country can make you frightened if you dont know the local language. Mr Thibault has a number of tips to help travelers manage in a destination 高中英语讲义好好努力梦想终会实现-ii -when they dont speak the native tongueb asedon his own experience. Here are a few of them.Download a Language Translation AppMr Thi

36、bault tends to rely 0np2 Google Translate and suggests that travelers find an app that works for them. Ideally, find one that specializes in the language you need to translate especially if the language uses a characterW1 set youre not familiar with, or have difficulty pronouncing.Speak with Your Ha

37、nds and HeadPointing with your hands and nodding or shaking your head, Mr Thibault said, are easy ways to communicate with locals in the country youre in. “Gestures are all universally understood, he said.Learn a Few Key WordsKnowing basic words and phrases like , “helthanlyou” and Im sorry, I dont

38、speak your language. Do you speak English ? ” is a must, Mr Thibault said. Showing that you care enough to learn some of the language before you go, and at least enough to acknowledgeW2 that you dont know more, is a form of respect and will go a long way to be liked by locals.Work with a Local Trave

39、l AgentIf you feel particularly uncomfortable in the country youre headed to, and you have to go anyway, relying on a local travel agent who knows both your and your destinations languages can be incredibly useful.Hire a Local Tour GuideA tour guide can help you get a better graspW3 of the local lan

40、guage and is a good person to practice words and phrases with. Whenever Mr Thibault visits a new country, he books a sightseeing tour with a guide on the first day of his trip. “I use this day to learn about my destination and get familiar with the language he said.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了五种方法去解决在异国旅行的语言

41、问题。In what situation should a language translation app be applied while traveling高中英语讲义好好努力梦想终会实现- -abroad?When you have trouble pronouncing the words.When you want to acknowledge your ignorance.When you want to practice the local language.When you feel uncomfortable in the country.答案:A 细节理解题。根据题干中的

42、关键词a language translation app”定位至U第二段,根据该段第二旬 Ideally, find one that specializes in the language you need to translate especially if the language uses a character set youre not familiar with, or have difficulty pronouncing.”可知,在该语言使用你不熟悉的字符集或者你发音有困 难时,你应当下载翻译软件,故 A项正确。What is the easiest way to comm

43、unicate with foreigners according to the text?Downloading a language translation app.Learning a few key words.Using body language.Working with a guide.答案:C 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句 Pointing with your hands and nodding or shaking your head, Mr Thibault said, are easy ways to communicate with locals in the coun

44、try youre in.”可知,使用双手、点头或摇头,是你和当地人交流的简单的 方式;据此可推知,使用肢体语言是与当地人交流最简单的方式,故 C项正确。How can you better understand the local language?By speaking with your hands and head.By learning a few key words.By downloading a language translation app.By hiring a local tour guide.答案:D 细节理解题。根据尾段第一句 A tour guide can he

45、lp you get a better grasp of the local language and is a good person to practice words and phrases wither 知,导游可以帮助你更好地掌握当地的语言,而且导游是你与其练习单词和短语 的最佳人选,故D项正确。I日前加利w重点单词charactern.字符;个性acknowledge v.承认; 感谢grasp v.抓牢; 理解 n.把握; 掌握 P重点短语be based on以为基础/为根据rely on依赖;依靠| 一一一J- 息威二7 一决定- 寓度.m 语法填空Plovdiv is si

46、tuated in south-central Bulgaria on the two banks of the Maritsa River. The city has historically developed on seven hills, some of 1 are 250m (820.21ft) high. Because of these hills, Plovdiv is 2 (typical) referred to in Bulgaria asThecity of the Seven Hills Plovdivs history 3 (date) back to 6000 B

47、C. Though originally it was 4 Thracian city, Plovdiv has been ruled by many empires over centuries. Later it 5 (conquer) by the Romans. Only in 1885 did the city become part of Bulgaria. Nowadays its the second 6 (large) city in Bulgaria and its a significant economic, educational and cultural cente

48、r.Plovdiv remains a popular _7_ (choose) for vacation travel. I have been obsessed with the city _8_ years. Last summer I was lucky _9_ (spend) a couple of days in this city and I just fell in love with its narrow paved streets and neat beautiful houses! The old town is definitely worthy 10 (see). I

49、t is overwhelmed with restaurants, workshops and museums that were previously famous houses.1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8. 10.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了普罗夫迪夫的历史、现状,以及 其作为旅游城市的吸引游客之处。which 考查定语从句的引导词。some of引导定语从句修饰前面的 先行词seven hills, “介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,先行词指物,只能用which , 故填which otypically 考查词性转换。该空处修饰动词短语referred to,应

50、用副词,故填 typically。dates考查动词的时态和语态。句意:普罗夫迪夫的历史追溯到公元前 6000 年。此处在描述客观事实,所以用一般现在时。由于 Plovdivs history是第三人称单数,且date back to追溯到”,不能用于被动语态,故填 datesa考查冠词。句意:最初,它是一座色雷斯人的城市。文中泛指“一座 城市,Thracian的发音是以辅音音素开头的,故填不定冠词a。was conquered考查动词的时态和语态。描述发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,it与conquer之间是被动关系,用被动语态,故填 was conqueredlargest考查形容词的最高

51、级。句意:现在它是保加利亚第二大城市。“第二大”,用“序数词+形容词的最高级”来表示,故填largestchoice考查词性转换。句意:普罗夫迪夫仍然是度假旅游受欢迎的选择。 remains为连系动词,此处应用名词作表语,故填 choice。for考查介词。句意:我着迷于这座城市许多年了。 for years “好多年”, for一般与一段时间连用,故填for。to spend考查固定句型。此处是固定句型“sb. be+形容词+ to do sth.的 运用,故填 to spendto be seen/of being seen 考查固定用法。sth. be worthy of being d

52、one/ to be done为固定搭配,此处表示这座古镇非常值得观看,故填 to be seen/of being seenIV 应用文写作假设你叫李华。彳的美国朋友Linda发邮件询问你上周末与父母去海边游玩的情况,请你根据以下要点给她回封电子邮件。要点如下:1.周六早上6点出发;2、看日出、捡拾贝壳、游泳、拍照、吃海鲜、买纪念品;3.下午5点乘船返回。注意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Linda,Hows it going? Id like to tell you about my trip to the beac

53、h with my family last weekendYours,Li Hua精彩范文Dear Linda,Hows it going? Id like to tell you about my trip to the beach with my family last weekendWe set off at six in the morning, hoping to enjoy the sunrise. When we arrived, there were already many people there. The beautiful sunrise impressed us ve

54、ry much. After that, we joined those who were picking up shells. The most exciting thing was swimming in the sea. We enjoyed the waves, which always carried us back to the beach. After having some delicious seafood, we bought souvenirs for our friends. Besides, we took many beautiful pictures. It wa

55、s five oclock in the afternoon when we started to return by boat. It was a wonderful day and we had great fun.How was your weekend? Please write to tell me.Yours,Li Hua课后课时作业(二)I 阅读理解There is more to tourism in Britain than you might think. When you think of tourist sites in Britain, what do you thi

56、nk of? Big Ben and the Tower of London? Lock Ness? Shakespearesbirthplace at Strafford uponAvon? There are many famous tourist attractions in the UK and they attract millions of visitors each year. But along with the famous names there are thousands of other interesting places that are only open to

57、the public for a few days each year. HeritageW1 Open Days takesplaceP1 each September and lets the public visit places that would normallyW2 be out of bounds. Among the thousands of historic sites there are castles and factories, town halls and churches. Here we look at some of the places that most

58、tourists might not know about.Roman Baths ChesterThese Roman baths are almost two thousand years old and a fascinating insight into the history of the city but they arent often open to visitors because they are under a clothes shop and a shop that sells baked potatoes! In Open Days week, visitors ca

59、n go downstairs to the basement of the shops and find a little piece of history.Tennis Club BirminghamEdgbaston Tennis Club opened in 1860 and is the oldest tennis club in the world. Visitors can see the clubs collection of tennis clothes and equipment and learn about the games rich history.Ardman A

60、nimation BristolThe studios that produced the famous Wallace and Gromit animated films open its doors to the public to let people find out more about how the films are made.Paddock Wood -KentA family house where some of the rooms are unchanged since the 1920s. The homes owner, Sarah Hamilton, is hap


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