




1、APQC知知识管理实实施指南TTheree is a wiidesppreadd unddersttandiing oof thhe vaalue of KKM inn manny orrganiizatiions, andd onee migght aassumme thhat mmaturre KMM iniitiattivess aree widdesprread as wwell. Howweverr, thhe gaap beetweeen orrganiizatiions recoognizzing the valuue off KM and thosse fuully impll
2、emenntingg it is llargee.目前,很很多企业对对KM都有有所了解,甚甚至一些企企业已经认认为实施KKM的时机机成熟了,但但是,在“了解知识识管理”和和“实施知知识管理”这个两个个层次之间间的距离还还是很大的的。Esttabliishinng knnowleedge manaagemeent sstrattegiees thhat wwill ultiimateely mmake yourr orgganizzatioon moore eeffecctivee cann be a daauntiing ttask. Getttingg staartedd dowwn thh
3、e riight pathh is ofteen diifficcult, andd staayingg thee couurse can be eeven moree so as rroadbblockks sppringg up in yyour way. Altthouggh yoou maay seee KMM as a woorthwwhilee efffort, connvinccing otheers oof itts vaalue and makiing iit haappenn acrross yourr orgganizzatioon caan bee a ttall or
4、deer.建立立知识管理理的战略以以保持企业业的活力是是一件非常常困难的事事情,第一一步选对方方向就更加加困难了,整整个实施过过程到处充充满了绊脚脚石。尽管管你认为知知识管理是是非常值得得做的一件件事情。但但是让其他他人信服并并且在组织织内部广泛泛实施是一一个非常艰艰巨的任务务。APQQC*s apprroachh to KM iimpleementtatioon eaases yourr wayy, evven aas yoour oorgannizattion may be sstruggglinng too unddersttand the issuues, tacttics, andd
5、 toools nnecesssaryy forr a ssucceessfuul KMM jouurneyy. Ouur Rooad MMap tto Knnowleedge Manaagemeent RResullts: Stagges oof ImmplemmentaationnTM fframeeworkk hellps yyou nnaviggate towaard ttrue insttituttionaalizaationn by layiing oout tthe ccharaacterristiics, requuiremmentss, annd acctionn steep
6、s oof evvery stagge off KM impllemenntatiion:AAPQC的的这套实施施方法可以以帮助你更更好的解决决问题,即即使你的企企业可能正正在艰难的的寻求概念念上的理解解、战术的的制定以及及工具的使使用去成功功地实施知知识管理。为此APPQC提供供了这份实实施指南,通通过阶段特特征的描述述,需求分分析以及实实施步骤等等内容来帮帮助你成功功的找到实实施质是管管理的正确确方向,其其实施过程程分成了以以下5个部部分。Sttage 1: GGet SStartted SStagee 2: Deveelop a Sttrateegy SStagee 3: Desiign
7、 aand LLauncch a KM IInitiiativve Sttage 4: EExpannd annd Suupporrt Sttage 5: IInstiitutiionallize Knowwledgge Maanageementt第一阶段段:启动第第二阶段:策略开发发第三阶段段:试点第第四阶段:推广和支支持第五阶阶段:将知知识管理制制度化Baased on AAPQC*s sttudy of aand ccollaaboraationn witth beest ppracttice orgaanizaationns ovver aa perriod of yyearss, A
8、PPQC*ss Roaad Maap too Knoowleddge MManaggemennt Reesultts: SStagees off ImpplemeentattionTTM frramewwork spellls oout tthe eessenntiall steeps tto acchievve trrue kknowlledgee mannagemment impllemenntatiion. A syyntheesis of oour eexperriencce wiith eearlyy adoopterrs, aassesssmennt off emeerginng
9、trrendss, annd iddentiificaationn of bestt praacticces, thiss moddel sservees ass a nnaviggatioon toool ffor oorgannizattionss thaat haave sseen the glimmmer of oopporrtuniity iin KMM to effiicienntly deveelop new prodductss, beeat tthe ccompeetitiion, motiivatee teaam meemberrs, aand mmaximmize pro
10、ffits and inveestmeents.根据APPQC多年年的在最佳佳实践基础础上的研究究和总结,这这份实施指指南说明了了成功知识识管理实施施阶段中的的关键步骤骤。我们将将先前实施施者的经历历、行业发发展的最新新趋势以及及最佳实践践的经验综综合在一起起,作为指指南帮助企企业成功实实施知识管管理,这些些企业已经经看到了实实施知识管管理所带来来的机会,促促进企业开开发新产品品,战胜竞竞争对手,激激励团队成成员,以及及使利润和和收益最大大化。Eaach sstagee invvolvees deescriiptioon off proovokiing eeventts, oobjecctiv
11、ees, kkey pplayeers aand rroless, goovernnancee andd strructuure, infoormattion techhnoloogy iimpacct, tthe nnaturre off bussinesss caases, meaasureementt appproacches, andd buddget issuues. By ccomplletinng thhe keey acctiviitiess forr eacch sttage, youur orrganiizatiion wwill mainntainn souund ffo
12、otiing tthrouughouut thhe enntiree KM impllemenntatiion pproceess.在在APQCC多年来对对很多优秀秀的企业的的研究和合合作的基础础上,这份份实施指南南详细描述述了知识管管理实施的的几个阶段段。每个阶阶段都包含含有导火索索、目标、管理和构构架、信息息技术、案案例、衡量量方法和预预算以及完完成每个阶阶段的关键键活动,你你的企业将将在知识管管理实施的的过程中不不断的提高高。Staage 11: Geet Sttarteed第一阶阶段:启动动Leaarninng whhere you are is tthe ffirstt imppor
13、taant ttask alonng yoour ppath to kknowlledgee mannagemment succcess. APQQC shhows you wherre too staart aand ppointts yoou inn thee rigght ddirecctionn.认清现现状是成功功实施知识识管理的首首要任务,这这个指南为为你指出应应该从哪里里入手以及及正确的方方向。Iff onee or moree of the folllowinng sttatemmentss is truee, yoour oorgannizattion is llikelly
14、reeady to eembarrk onn Staage 11 of the jourrney.如果下面面所列的情情况有一个个是属于事事实的,那那么你的组组织已经做做好的准备备,请进入入知识管理理第一阶段段。Knowlledgee mannagemment has emerrged as aa toppic oof inntereest iin yoour oorgannizattion. At leeast a feew emmployyees havee expploreed thhe beenefiits oof KMM forr youur orrganiizatiion. Some
15、oone hhas hhad aa perrsonaal sttake in ddevellopinng inntereest iin KMM. You oor otther membbers of tthe oorgannizattion havee leaarnedd aboout KKM thhrouggh paarticcipattion in cconsoortiaa or confferennces. The oorgannizattion has creaated a hiigh-llevell rattionaale oor viisionn forr purrsuinng K
16、MM. 知识管理已已经成为你你的组织中中一个非常常感兴趣的的话题已经有一些些员工从知知识管理中中得到了好好处一些人已经经认同知识识管理,有有很好的基基础你和其他一一些成员已已经通过培培训、企业业交流等方方式学习了了知识管理理的内容组织有实施施知识管理理的很高的的愿景第一阶段的的关键活动动KEY ACTIIVITIIES FFOR SSTAGEE 1 SSo, wwhat now? youu migght wwondeer. FFortuunateely, APQCC hass beeen heere bbeforre wiith ddozenns off worrld-cclasss comm
17、paniies aand kknowss whaat itt takkes tto innitiaate tthis compplex proccess. Bassed oon thhe orrganiizatiion*ss weaalth of eexperriencce, AAPQC has summmarizzed tthe kkey aactivvitiees, aas weell aas soome hhelpfful hhintss, off Staage 11.As an iinsigghtfuul innnovaator and earlly prromotter oof KM
18、M, yoour ttaskss at thiss exccitinng sttage are to ddefinne KMM forr othhers in yyour orgaanizaationn, shhare storries of hhow KKM haas heelpedd othher ssucceessfuul coompannies, andd aliign KKM usse wiith ccurreent iinitiiativves.你你可能会想想:说了这这么多,现现在我该做做什么?很很幸运,AAPQC跟跟世界顶级级的大公司司已经经历历了这个过过程,并且且知道应该该怎样
19、开始始这个复杂杂的过程。基于这些些经验,AAPQC总总结出了第第一阶段的的关键活动动。作为一一个有洞察察力的改革革者或者是是知识管理理的早期推推动者,在在这个阶段段的任务是是定义知识识管理,共共享知识管管理的成功功案例,并并把知识管管理跟目前前的工作联联系起来,保保持方向上上的一致。1. MMake the concceptss of KM rreal for otheers iin yoour oorgannizattion. Creeate a cllear, tanngiblle piicturre off thee bennefitts off KM as tthey relaate
20、tto gooals in yyour orgaanizaationn. Usse siimplee deffinittionss andd simmple langguagee to expllore reall prooblemms, oopporrtuniitiess, annd thhe pootenttial valuue thhat KKM adddressses.1,企业业内知识管管理理念的的解释和推推广将知识识管理跟公公司的目标标联系起来来,让大家家清楚地看看到知识管管理的好处处,使用简简单的定义义和简单的的语言指出出实际存在在的问题、机会和知知识管理的的潜在价值值。2. Id
21、enntifyy othhers to ssuppoort tthe ddevellopmeent oof KMM. Too finnd addvocaates of kknowlledgee mannagemment, loook arroundd thee orgganizzatioon foor cuurrennt acctiviitiess thaat miight alreeady be rrelatted tto KMM. Loook ffor ssmalller ccommuunitiies oor grroupss thaat arre cuurrenntly sharring
22、 knowwledgge, aand mmake connnectiions withh theese ppeoplle. RRecruuitinng weell-rrespeectedd, innflueentiaal peeoplee is alwaays aa goood iddea.NNext, connsideer whhich of tthe ffolloowingg phrrasess reaally getss youur atttenttion: Cosst cuuttinng? IImprooved effiicienncy? Presssuree froom coompe
23、ttitorrs? SStreaamlinned iinforrmatiion aaccesss? SSimpllifieed prrocessses? As an aagentt of channge, findd thee greeatesst mootivaatingg vallue ffactoor inn youur orrganiizatiion tto innflueence otheers tto suupporrt KMM iniitiattivess.2,寻寻求支持,推推广知识管管理找出目目前组织内内部可以联联系到知识识管理的活活动,找出出一些共享享知识的小小组,并且且和这
24、些人人取得联系系。寻求有有影响力的的人的支持持是一个好好主意。然然后,检查查下面的几几个问题又又没有引起起你们的注注意:降低低成本?提提高效率?平滑的信信息交流?简单的流流程?作为为变革的动动力,在你你的组织内内寻找最有有激励性的的因素去影影响别人,让让他支持KKM工作33. Loook ffor wwindoows oof oppporttunitty too inttroduuce tthe bbeneffits of KKM. FFind wherre KMM willl bee mosst vaaluedd by talkking to ppeoplle innvolvved wwit
25、h straategiic innitiaativees, iinterrnal conssultiing ggroupps, oor peeoplee insside the comppany withh whoom yoou*vee devvelopped ppersoonal relaationnshipps. TThen answwer tthe ffolloowingg queestioons. Whatt aree theeir oobjecctivees? WWhat issuues aare bbeingg adddresssed? How can KM hhelp the o
26、rgaanizaationn meeet thhose objeectivves aand ddeal withh thoose iissuees?3,发发现知识管管理应用的的机会通过过跟内审,或或者公司内内其他你已已经建立个个人关系的的个人讨论论知识管理理可以发挥挥价值的地地方。然后后回答下列列问题:他他们的目标标是什么?达成这些些目标存在在什么样的的问题?知知识管理怎怎样解决这这些问题并并达到他们们的目标。4. CCapittalizze onn thee Intterneet annd ennlistt thee IT depaartmeent tto prrovidde toools
27、and a baalancced vview of KKM. MMake connnectiions withh youur ITT leaaderss to findd outt whaat KMM posssibiilitiies aare aavaillablee witth exxistiing ttechnnologgy. FFind out whatt cappabillitiees reealisstic upgrradess migght pproviide. Remeemberr thaat thhe ITT deppartmment can trully bee a cca
28、tallyst for emerrgingg KM suppport techhnoloogiess.4,利利用Intterneet并获得得IT部门门的支持联联系IT部部门的领导导,找出目目前的技术术可以做到到什么样子子。记住IIT部门是是KM的一一个重要支支柱。ROOADBLLOCKSS TO SUCCCESSIgnooringg youur coorporrate cultture and histtory not addrressiing iissuees thhat mmightt hinnder KM Atteemptiing tto seell aan ennterppriseew
29、idee appproacch wiithouut buuildiing eevideence firsst AAskinng foor a largge buudgett beffore creaatingg a ccompeellinng vaalue propposittion成成功路上的的绊脚石忽略公司文文化和历史史没有任何论论据就推销销知识管理理没有创造任任何价值就就要求很大大一笔预算算Stagee 2: Deveelop Straategyy第二阶段段:开发战战略If one or mmore of tthe ffolloowingg staatemeents is ttrue,
30、wellcomee to Stagge 2.如果下面面的情况有有一个甚至至更多跟实实际相符,欢欢迎进入第第二阶段。Youur orrganiizatiion hhas eestabblishhed aa KM expllorattory grouup orr steeerinng coommitttee for KM. An execcutivve spponsoor inn youur orrganiizatiion ssuppoorts furtther expllorattion of KKM. You are lookking for succcessfful, inteernall
31、graassrooots effoorts alreeady undeer waay. Yourr IT orgaanizaationn is inteerestted iin acctiveely ssuppoortinng KMM iniitiattivess. YYou hhave storries of hhow kknowlledgee shaaringg hass hellped yourr orgganizzatioon inn thee passt. You havee ideentiffied piloots tthat alloow yoou too demmonsttra
32、tee howw KM willl bennefitt youur orrganiizatiion. Youu havve seecureed owwnersship, funndingg, annd buuy-inn forr pillots. 你的的组织已经经建立了KKM探讨小小组或者KKM筹委会会。公司司的高层领领导支持知知识管理的的推广你你所一直关关注的成功功的内在驱驱动力已经经存在。IT部门门对KM的的导入和建建设感兴趣趣你现在在已经掌握握了一些公公司以前的的知识共享享的案例你已经找找到一个试试点可以让让你证明知知识管理是是如何使企企业收益的的你已经经确立了试试点项目的的领导,预预算
33、和支持持If mmost of yyour answwers are I wwish! yoou doon*t havee to stopp. Annd iff thee tassks mmentiionedd in any of tthesee staatemeents seemm diffficuult tto acccompplishh, APPQC ccan gguidee youu thrroughh thee rouugh sspotss. Wee cann eveen heelp yyou bbuildd thee bussinesss raationnale you needd
34、 to secuure ffundiing ffor ppilotts. TThe ooveraall oobjecctivee of Stagge 2 is tto foormullate a KMM strrateggy thhat ffits the busiinesss moddel. Fromm theere, busiinesss oppportuunitiies aare iidenttifieed annd innitiaalizeed ass pillot iinitiiativves. A taask fforcee takkes cchargge off theese a
35、activvitiees onn behhalf of tthe oorgannizattion.如果大部部分的回答答是”我希希望”,你你不需要停停下来。如如果在这里里提到的任任何任务看看起来很难难完成,AAPQC可可以帮助你你度过难关关。第二阶阶段的主要要任务是建建立一个符符合商业目目标的知识识管理战略略。从这里里开始,试试点的目标标将跟业务务目标相一一致。一个个项目团队队将基于公公司的利益益执行他们们的行动。KEY ACTIIVITIIES FFOR SSTAGEE 2 AAt Sttage 2, yyour orgaanizaationn hass reaachedd an impoor
36、tannt tuurninng pooint. Perrhapss a ppersoonal visiion oof caapturring, shaaringg, annd ussing infoormattion and knowwledgge haas beecomee an orgaanizaationnal eexplooratiion oof buusineess ppotenntiall. Wiith tthe ssuppoort oof ann exeecutiive ssponssor, you can now expllore speccificcallyy howw KM
37、 willl worrk foor yoour bbusinness. Thee keyy acttivitties of SStagee 2, and somee hellpfull hinnts, are summmarizzed ffor yyou hhere.第二阶段段的关键活活动在第二二阶段,你你的公司已已经到达了了一个重要要的转折点点。或许个个人获取共共享和使用用信息和知知识的愿景景已经变成成了公司对对业务潜力力的探索。在公司领领导的支持持下,你可可以明确的的探索KMM将怎样为为你的业务务服务。这这里列出了了总结出的的有用的第第二阶段的的关键活动动。1. Formm a KKM t
38、aask fforcee. 1.形成“特特种部队”Basee thiis crross-funcctionnal tteam on tthe ccore grouup thhat hhas aalreaady fformeed arroundd KM. Thee teaam meemberrs wiill iidenttify oppoortunnitiees foor piilotss andd sett thee staandarrds ffor mmethoods tto bee useed accrosss alll iniitiattivess.形成跨跨职能部门门的专业项项目团队。这
39、个团队队的成员将将寻找试点点的机会,形形成方法的的标准。22. Seelectt pillots or iidenttify currrent inittiatiives thatt couuld wwork as ppilotts. 22,选择试试点或者发发现可以作作为试点的的现有的工工作We recoommennd thhree piloots. You can seleect nnew sstrattegicc pillots or aadoptt currrentt graassrooots effoorts alreeady undeer waay. AAddreess iissue
40、es thhat aare iimporrtantt to yourr bussinesss, aand ddesiggn thhe piilotss to showw demmonsttrablle, rrelevvant resuults. Sellect piloot spponsoors wwith the resoourcees too hellp thhe innitiaativee aloong.我我们推荐33个试点。你可以选选择新战略略的试点或或者采用已已经进行的的一些工作作。发现对对公司业务务重要的东东西并设计计试点来显显示可论证证的结果。选择试点点的支持者者来提供实实施所需
41、的的资源。33. Fiind tthe rresouurcess to suppport the piloot. 33,发现资资源,支持持试点工作作The mostt impportaant rresouurcess aree skiilledd staaff mmembeers wwho ccan ffacillitatte thhe innitiaativee andd whoo aree autthoriized by mmanaggemennt too foccus ttheirr timme onn it. Othher rresouurcess inccludee IT appll
42、icattionss thaat miight needd to be ccreatted oor moodifiied. Theyy mayy be exteensivveorr youu mayy havve thhem aalreaady.最最重要的资资源是技术术熟练的工工人,他们们可以推动动试点工作作,并且允允许花费很很长的时间间。其他的的资源比如如IT,你你可能需要要创建和修修改一些程程序。资源源是非常广广泛的,可可能你已经经准备齐全全。Stagee 3: Desiign aand LLauncch KMM Iniitiattivess第三阶段段:设计并并启动KMM工作Yoou*ve
43、e alrreadyy comme a longg wayy. Yoou*vee forrmed a taask fforcee, iddentiifiedd andd dessigneed a piloot, aand llocatted rresouurcess. Noow yoou*ree appproacchingg Staage 33, thhat eexcitting poinnt off lauunchiing ssucceessfuul piilotss andd gattheriing rresullts.项项目已经进进行了很大大一部分。你已经形形成了团队队,找出并并设计了试
44、试点,确定定了资源。现在你正正在走近第第三阶段, If oone oor moore oof thhe foollowwing stattemennts iis trrue, you are at tthe mmidwaay pooint of yyour jourrney. Wellcomee to Stagge 3.如果以下下情况有一一个或者多多个符合你你的情况,说说明你的项项目已经进进行了一半半,欢迎来来到第三阶阶段。YYour orgaanizaationn hass dessigneed a piloot annd immplemmentaationn strrateggies. Y
45、oou haave llauncched commmunitties of ppracttice, an inteeracttive KM IIntraanet sitee, orr somme otther piloot innitiaativee. YYou hhave enliistedd andd traainedd pillot ffacillitattors and leadders. Yoou haave eestabblishhed ppilott meaasurees annd inndicaatorss andd devvelopped aa sysstem for tra
46、cckingg andd repportiing rresullts. Youu havve crreateed sttrateegiess forr leaarninng frrom yyour KM iinitiiativves. Youu havve maappedd outt strrateggies for expaandinng yoour ppilott iniitiattivess acrross the orgaanizaationn.你的的组织已经经设计了试试点并执行行了战略你已经启启动了一个个经验交流流团队,一一个交互式式的KM内内部站点你已经找找到并培训训了试点的的推动
47、者和和领导者你已经建建立了试点点工作的措措施和衡量量标准并且且形成了跟跟踪和反馈馈机制你你已经创建建了一个从从KM工作作中学习的的战略你你已经勾画画出在全公公司推广试试点的策略略Stagge 3 can be aa rewwardiing ttime of nnew oorgannizattionaal grrowthh andd vittalitty. TThe ooveraall oobjecctivees off Staage 33 aree to condduct succcessfful ppilotts, pproviide eevideence of KKM*s busiines
48、ss vallue, and captture lesssons learrned.第三阶段段是收益时时间。主要要的目标是是引导成功功的试点,提提供KM商商业价值的的证据并总总结经验。KEY ACTIIVITIIES FFOR SSTAGEE 3 第第三阶段的的关键活动动At sstagee 3, the beneefitss of captturinng, sshariing, and usinng innformmatioon annd knnowleedge havee beggun tto taake ddefinnite formm. Thhis iis thhe tiime tto
49、 haarnesss thhe moomenttum ffrom the firsst twwo sttagess andd foccus oon deetaills, ssuch as aa forrmal budgget. Leaddershhip nnow nneedss to see the poteentiaal foor meeasurrablee gaiins aand RROI ffrom succcessfful ppilotts.在第第三阶段,获获取/共享享和使用知知识和信息息的好处已已经非常明明显。是时时候将前两两个阶段悬悬而未决的的任务详细细化了,比比如一份正正式的预算
50、算。领导现现在需要看看到试点的的可预计的的收益潜力力和投资回回报率。11. Fuund tthe ppilotts. AAssiggn a KM ooverssightt grooup, suchh as a stteeriing ccommiitteee or crosss-unnit ttask forcce, tto reealloocatee orgganizzatioonal resoourcees, ssuch as mmoneyy andd timme, ffor KKM innitiaativees. EEveryy besst-prractiice ppartnner, in
51、clludinng thhe Woorld Bankk, Chhevroon, HHP Coonsulltingg, Xeerox, andd Sieemenss, reeportted hhavinng a KM ttask forcce too proovidee supperviisionn andd suppportt forr thee reaalloccatioon off orgganizzatioonal resoourcees.1,形形成试点形形成一个小小组,比如如筹划委员员会或者跨跨单位的团团队,来分分配资金和和时间等资资源。每一一个成功的的公司,包包括世界银银行,HPP等
52、,都建建立了专门门的团队来来管理和支支持公司资资源的分配配。2. Deveelop methhodollogiees thhat ccan bbe reepliccatedd. Avvoid builldingg knoowleddge ccolleectioons wwithoout aan acctivee commmuniity tto coontriibutee to the effoort. Combbine knowwledgge prrovidders and knowwledgge ussers in aa seaamlesss coommunnity of ppracttit
53、ioonerss. Alllow thesse acctivee commmuniitiess to formm volluntaarilyy froom naaturaal grroupiings thatt spaan booundaariess; enncourrage partticippatioon wiith fface-to-fface netwworkiing aand ccommuunityy-driiven Web sitees. EEstabblishh a pproceess ffor sscreeeningg, fiilterring, andd vallidatti
54、ng sharred kknowlledgee froom thhe siites befoore ppreseentinng itt as orgaanizaationnal kknowlledgee.2形形成通用的的方法:避避免脱离活活跃的社区区的努力来来收集知识识。通过无无间隔的实实践社区将将知识提供供者和知识识使用者结结合起来。允许那些些活跃的社社区去自发发的组织团团队去拓展展知识管理理的边界。鼓励面对对面的交流流以及虚拟拟的网络社社区。建立立流程去监监控,筛选选和发布共共享的知识识,使这些些知识从个个人知识提提升为组织织知识。33. Caapturre leessonns leear
55、need. TThe ooverssightt grooup mmust disccuss lesssons learrned at rregullar mmeetiings and provvide a coommonn spaace ffor sshariing tthe rresullts. To ccompllete thiss mosst crruciaal laast sstep, ansswer quesstionns suuch aas Whhat mmade the piloots mmost succcessfful? and Are the resuults wortth
56、 innvestting in ffor eexpannsionn? 团队队要经常在在一个会议议上分享和和讨论一些些公司案例例。为了完完成这个至至关重要的的步骤,可可以回答以以下问题:这个试点点为什么会会成功?结结果是否值值得推广?LOOKKING AHEAAD预告Aftter yyour comppany asseessess thee pillots, KM willl conntinuue allong one of tthreee patths, KM eefforrts wwill be eexpannded to nnew iinitiiativves, exisstingg in
57、iitiattivess willl bee impproveed, oor thhe sttatuss quoo willl bee maiintaiined, in whicch caase eemplooyeess willl liikelyy revvert to ppriorr behhavioor.在公公司评定试试点工作之之后,知识识管理将继继续剩下的的三分之一一的路,KKM的实施施将将逐渐渐的扩展到到新的项目目,提升现现有的工作作,固化新新的工作模模式,以防防止员工由由于习惯返返回以前的的工作方式式。Stagee 4: Expaand aand SSuppoort第四四阶段:扩扩
58、展和支持持By nnow, you*ve ggaineed quuite a biit off exppertiise. You*ve llauncched piloots, gathheredd ressultss, caapturred ssome impoortannt leessonns, aand ddecidded tto coontinnue tthe KKM joourneey. SStagee 4 iinvollves expaandinng KMM iniitiattivess thrroughhout yourr orgganizzatioon, wwhichh necc
59、essiitatees raapid and highhly vvisibble ggrowtth.现在在你已经获获得了一些些KM实施施的经验,已已经启动了了试点项目目、收集结结果、得到到了教训并并决定继续续KM之旅旅。第四阶阶段将介绍绍怎样在整整个公司推推广知识管管理,成为为公司迅速速增长的必必要。Iff onee or moree of the folllowinng sttatemmentss is truee, yoou arre stteadiily nneariing tthe ffinall staage oof yoour jjournney. Welccome to SSta
60、gee 4.如如果下面所所列举的集集中情况有有一种或一一种以上属属实,你已已经快要接接近成功的的终点。欢欢迎进入第第四阶段。Othher ddeparrtmennts iin thhe orrganiizatiion aare eexpreessinng a demaand ffor KKM, bbasedd on piloot reesultts. You havee beggun tto maarkett KM throoughoout tthe oorgannizattion. Yoou haave mmade the entiire oorgannizattion awarre off
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