1、 1992:My View on Reading Extensively1993:My Idea of Becoming a Teaching in the Future1994 IV: a good thing or a bad thing?1995Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend. 1996Every college
2、 student would agree that life in college is not the same as it was in the middle school. Now, you have been asked by the Students Union to write a passage entitled: The Main Difference between My College Life And My Middle School Life1997Some of your classmates think that more pressure from academi
3、c studies is not beneficial to students. You either agree or disagree with them: More pressure from academic studies does (does no) good to us1998It is now generally accepted that vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.) are a major source of air pollution in cities. You: are to suggest only ONE way to solve t
4、he problem.,One way to solve the problem1999We see advertisements on television everyday. Some people think that TV advertising brings as benefits, but others dont think so. What is your opinion? ,A major advantage/disadvantage of advertising on televisionCollege life should be varied and colorful.
5、And extracurricular activities are an important aspect of it. However, at present, there is much room for improvement in this regard. Write an article to the university radio entitled: ,The importance of extracurricular activitiesTravel has become part of our life. And more and more of us have come
6、to know the significance of travel through our own experience:,Travel broadens the mindNowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. And they have different ways to stay healthy. For example, some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. What do you thin
7、k is the best way to stay healthy?The Best Way to Stay HealthyPeople in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career, or family. So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING A GOOD MOODNowadays young people tend to phon
8、e more often than write to each other. So, some say that phones will kill letter writing. What is your opinion? WILL PHONES KILL LETTER WRITING?The students Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and sugge
9、stions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIVALRecently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xian, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing, and Shenyang. The results have show
10、n that 67 percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrows money today is better, what do you think?Nowadays the Internet has become part of peoples life, and millions of young people have made friends online. Writeonanswersheettwoacompositionof
11、about200wordsonthefollowingtopic:Is It Wise to Make Friends On-line December 5th is International Volunteers Day. Since 1985, when the United Nations announced the special day, tens of millions of people around the world have volunteered to help those in need. China now has 4.5 million registered vo
12、lunteers who have provided more than 4.5 billions hours of volunteer work. What can you gain from volunteering? The Benefits of Volunteering: Tourismisaboomingbusinessinchina.However,somepeopleworrythattoomanytouristsmaybringharmtotheenvironment,whileothersdontthinkso.Whatisyouropinion?Writeonanswer
13、sheettwoacompositionofabout200wordsonthefollowingtopic:Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?:It was recently reported in a newspaper that six students who shared a dorm at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundry and cleaning once a week. And each of them paid her 60 Yuan a month. This
14、 has led to a heated debate as to whether college students should hire cleaners. Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:Should College Students Hire Cleaners? Recently government agencies in some big cities have been studying the possibility of putting a
15、“pollution tax” on private cars. The amount of tax private car owners would have to pay would depend on the emission levels, i.e. engine or vehicle size. This has caused quite a stir among the public. Some regard it as an effective way to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city.
16、But others dont think so. What is your opinion? Should Private Car Owners be Taxed for Pollution? The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) is one of the important national festivals in China. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Dragon Boat Festival Most of us, as students, are c
17、areful with our money in daily life: we collect all kinds of coupons (优惠券); we look for group-buy deals if we eat out or travel; we dont buy clothes unless in a sale. However, some people think that all this may not make us smart consumers. What is your opinion? You should supply an appropriate titl
18、e for your composition. An undergraduate of English at a university, in a recent letter to the universitys president, complained about the mandatory maths classes he had to take. He said that because a language major has little use for maths, he would forget all of his maths lessons soon after takin
19、g the required exams. What do you think of his opinion? Should English Majors Study Maths?How I Deal With Stress Should School Time Holidays Be Banned With intelligent machines to do the thinking, will our brains get lazy? Changing technology stimulates the brain and increases intelligence. But that
20、 may only be true if the technology challenges us. In a world run by intelligent machines, our lives could get a lot simpler. Would that make us less intelligent? Artificial intelligence is taking over many human jobs. For instance, planes arc being flown much of the time by automatic pilots. And th
21、e complex problem of controlling air traffic around I large modern airports is also achieved by artificial intelligence that operates well beyond the capability of mere human air traffic controllers. Artificial intelligence is embedded in many features of modern life for the simple reason that intelligent machines can already outperform humans, including some aptitudes where
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