1、PAGE CONTRRACT NO.: DATEE: THE BBUYERRS: ADDREESS : TEL: FAX: 买方: 地址:THE SSELLEERS: ADDREESS: TEL: FFAX: This Conttractt is madee by and betwween the Buyeers aand tthe SSelleers, wherreby the Buyeers aagreee to buy and the Selllers agreee too selll thhe unnder menttioneed coommoddity accoordinng too
2、 thee terrms aand ccondiitionns sttipullatedd bellow:买方与卖方方就以下条条款达成协协议:1. COMMMODITTY: Item No.Descrriptiion名称及规格格Unit单位Qty数量Unit Pricce单价Amounnt总价 CIP XXIANN Airrportt TOTTAL VVALUEE CIPP XIAN AAirpoort UUSD Say U.S. Dolllarss onlyy. 2. COOUNTRRY ANND MAANUFAACTURRERS: 原产产国及造商商: 3. PAACKINNG:制 To b
3、ee paccked in sstanddard airwway ppackiing. The Selllers shalll bee liaable for any damaage oof thhe coommoddity and expeensess inccurreed onn acccountt of imprroperr pacckingg andd forr anyy russt atttribbutabble tto innadeqquatee or imprroperr prootecttive meassuress takken bby thhe seellerrs inn
4、reggard to tthe ppackiing.包装:标准准空运包装装。如果由由于不适当当的包装而而导致的货货物损坏和和由此产生生的费用,卖卖方应对此此负完全的的责任。4. SHHIPPIING MMARK: The SSelleers sshalll marrk onn eacch paackagge wiith ffadelless painnt thhe paackagge nuumberr, grross weigght, net weigght, meaasureementt andd thhe woordinngs: KEEEP AAWAY FROMM MOIISTURRE H
5、ANDDLE WWITH CAREE TTHIS SIDEE UP ettc. aand the shiippinng mmark: 唛头头:卖方应应用不褪色色的颜料在在每个箱子子外部 刷上上箱号、毛毛重、净重重、尺寸,并并注明“防潮”、 “小心心轻放”、“此面向上上”等,唛头头为:5. TIIME OOF SHHIPMEENT(装运期): withhin dayss aftter rreceiipt oof L/C6. POORT OOF SHHIPMEENT(装装运港): 7. POORT OOF DEESTINNATIOON(目的的港): , CHHINA8. INNSURAANCE(保
6、保险):TTo bee covveredd by selllers for 110% invvoicee vallue aagainnst AAll RRiskss.9. PAAYMENNT(付款款方式)TThe bbuyerr opeen ann irrrevocable 100% L/CC at sighht inn favvor oof seellerr信用证付款款:买方给给卖方开出出100%不可撤销销即期信用用证。银行资料:10. DDOCUMMENTSS:1. Fuull sset oof Aiir waaybilll inn oriiginaal shhowinng “FFreig
7、ght PPrepaaid” and conssigneed too appplicaant. 空运提单单一套2. Innvoicce inn thrree ccopiees. 发发票一式叁叁份3. Paackinng liist iin thhree copiies iissueed byy thee Selllerss. 装箱箱单一式叁叁份4. Ceertifficatte off Quaalityy isssued by tthe SSelleers. 制造厂家家出具的质质量证明书书5. Innsuraance Poliicy. 保险单一一份6. Ceertifficatte off o
8、riigin issuued bby thhe Seellerrs. 原原产地证书书7. Maanufaacturrerss cerrtifiied ccopy of ffax ddispaatcheed too thee appplicaant wwithiin 244 houurs aafterr shiipmennt addvisiing fliight No., B/LL No., shhipmeent ddate, quaantitty, GGrosss weiight, Nett weiight, andd vallue oof shhipmeent. 制造厂厂家通知开开证申请人人
9、有关货物物装运的详详细资料传传真复印件件壹份8. Thhe seellerrs CCertiificaate aand wwaybiill ccertiifyinng thhat eextraa doccumennts hhave beenn disspatcched accoordinng to the conttractt terrms bby exxpresss aiirmaiil. 卖方有有关另外用用特快邮寄寄壹套单据据给开证申申请人的证证明书及邮邮寄底单.9. Ceertifficatte off No Woodden PPackiing oor Ceertifficatte off
10、 Fummigattion.非木包装装声明或熏熏蒸证. In addiitionn, thhe Seellerrs shhall, witthin threee daays aafterr shiipmennt, ssend by eexpreess aairmaail oone eextraa setts off thee afooresaaid ddocummentss dirrectlly too thee Buyyers.另外,卖方方应于货物物发运后三三天内,用用特快专递递寄送一套套上述的单单据给买方方。11. SSHIPMMENT: The SSelleers sshalll shi
11、ip thhe gooods withhin tthe sshipmment timee froom thhe poort oof shhipmeent tto thhe deestinnatioon. TTranssshippmentt is alloowed. Parrtiall shiipmennt iss nott alllowedd.运输:卖方方应于交货货期内将合合同货物从从装货港运运到目的港港,不许分分批,允许许转运。12. SSHIPPPING ADVIICE: The sselleers sshalll, immmediiatelly uppon tthe ccomplleti
12、oon off thee loaadingg of the goodds, aadvisse byy faxx thee buyyers of tthe CContrract No., commmodiity, quanntityy, innvoicced vvaluee, grross weigght, namee of vesssel aand ddate of ddelivvery etc. In casee duee to the selllers not haviing ffaxedd in timee, alll loossess cauused shalll bee borrne
13、 bby thhe seellerrs.装运通知:卖方应于于装货后,立立即用传真真将有关合合同号、货货物、数量量、发票价价值、毛重重、运输工工具名称、交货日期期、货物预预计抵达日日等资料通通知买方。如果由于于卖方未能能通知买方方而造成的的所有损失失均由卖方方承担。13. GGUARAANTEEE OF QUALLITY:The SSelleers gguaraanteee thaat thhe Coommoddity hereeof iis maade oof thhe beest mmaterrialss witth fiirst classs woorkmaanshiip, bbrandd
14、 neww andd unuused, andd commpliees inn alll resspectts wiith tthe qqualiity aand sspeciificaationn stiipulaated in tthis Conttractt. Thhe guuaranntee periiod sshalll be 12 mmonthhs coountiing ffrom the datee of signning the Acceeptannce RReporrt off thiis maachinne att thee endd-useers sitee.质量保证:卖
15、方保证证合同货物物采用最好好的材料、精湛的做做工、全新新、未使用用过、质量量和技术规规格均符合合合同的要要求。质保保期为最终终用户签定定验收报告告后12个月内内。14. CCLAIMMS:Withiin 900 dayys affter the arriival of tthe ggoodss at desttinattion, shoould the quallity, sppecifficattion, or quanntityy be founnd inn uncconfoormitty wiith tthe sstipuulatiions of tthe CContrract exce
16、ept tthosee claaims for whicch thhe innsuraance comppany or nnot tthe oownerrs off thee vesssel are liabble, the Buyeers sshalll, onn thee strrengtth off thee Insspecttion Certtificcate issuued bby thhe Sttate Admiinisttratiion ffor EEntryy-Exiit Innspecctionn andd Quaaranttine of PP.R.CC. orr thee
17、sitte innspecctionn repport issuued bby thhe seellerrs eenginneer, havve thhe riight to cclaimm forr repplaceementt witth neew gooods, or for comppensaationn, annd alll exxpensses (suchh as insppectiion cchargges, freeightt forr retturniing tthe ggoodss andd forr senndingg thee repplaceementt, innsu
18、raance premmium, stooragee andd loaadingg andd unlloadiing cchargges eetc.) shhall be bbornee by the Selllers. Ass reggardss quaalityy, thhe Seellerrs shhall guarranteee thhat iif wiithinn 12 montths ffrom the datee of signning the acceeptannce rreporrt off thiis maachinne, ddamagges ooccurr in the
19、courrse oof opperattion by rreasoon off infferioor quualitty, bbad wworkmmanshhip oor thhe usse off infferioor maateriials, thee Buyyers shalll immmediiatelly nootifyy thee Selllerss in writting and put forwward a cllaim suppporteed byy Insspecttion Certtificcate issuued bby thhe Sttate Admiinisttra
20、tiion ffor EEntryy-Exiit Innspecctionn andd Quaaranttine of PP.R.CC. .TThe CCertiificaate sso isssuedd shaall bbe accceptted aas thhe baase oof a claiim. TThe SSelleers, in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe BBuyerrs cclaimm shaall bbe reesponnsiblle foor thhe immmediiate elimminattion of tthe ddefecct(s), co
21、ompleete oor paartiaal reeplaccemennt off thee commmodiity oor shhall devaaluatte thhe coommoddity accoordinng too thee staate oof deefectt(s), . Iff thee Selllerss faiil too ansswer the Buyeers wwithiin onne moonth afteer reeceippt off thee afooresaaid cclaimm, thhe cllaim shalll bee recckoneed ass
22、 havving beenn acccepteed byy thee Selllerss. 索赔:货物物抵达目的的地后900天内,如如果质量、技术规格格或数量发发现与合同同的规定不不符(除过保险险公司和运运输公司的的责任所负负),买方应应该依据中中华人民共共和国出入入境检验检检疫局的检检验报告或或者是卖方方的调试人人员在安装装调试时出出具的报告告,有权要要求替换或或补偿,所所有的费用用(包括商检检费、替补补件来回的的运费、保保险费、仓仓储费、货货物装货卸卸货费等)均由卖方方承担。卖卖方的质量量保证为签签定关于此此批货物的的验收报告告后12个月内内;由于货货物内在的的质量、差差的做工、选材不当当
23、而造成操操作中的货货物损坏,买买方应立即即书面通知知卖方,并并同时随附附中国商检检局出具的的检验报告告作为索赔赔依据。卖卖方在接到到买方的索索赔后,有有责任立即即解决相应应的质量问问题、全部部或部分地地替换货物物或根据货货物损坏的的程度进行行折价; 如果卖方方在收到买买方的上述述索赔后一一个月内未未能作出答答复,则视视为索赔已已为卖方所所接受。15. FFORCEE MAJJEUREE:The SSelleers sshalll nott be heldd ressponssiblee forr thee dellay iin shhipmeent oor noon-deeliveery oo
24、f thhe gooods due to FForcee Majjeuree, whhich mighht occcur duriing tthe pproceess oof maanufaacturring or iin thhe cooursee of loadding or ttranssit. The Selllers shalll addvisee thee Buyyers immeediattely of tthe ooccurrrencce meentiooned abovve annd wiithinn fouurteeen daays tthereeafteer, tthe
25、SSelleers sshalll sennd byy airrmaill to the Buyeers ffor ttheirr accceptaance a ceertifficatte off thee acccidennt isssuedd by the Comppetennt Goovernnmentt Autthoriitiess wheere tthe aacciddent occuurs aas evvidennce tthereeof. Undeer suuch ccircuumstaancess thee Selllerss, hooweveer, aare sstilll
26、 undder tthe oobliggatioon too takke alll neecesssary meassuress to hastten tthe ddelivvery of tthe ggoodss. Inn casse thhe acccideent llastss forr morre thhan 110 weeeks, thee Buyyers shalll haave tthe rrightt to canccel tthe CContrract.不可抗力:对于制造造或装船运运输过程中中可能产生生的不可抗抗力而造成成的迟交货货或不能交交货,卖方方可以不承承担责任。卖方应
27、立立即在不可可抗力产生生的十四日日内将有关关情况通知知买方,并并且卖方应应用航空邮邮件将有关关政府当局局部门出具具的证明不不可抗力产产生的文件件寄送给买买方。在此此情况下,卖卖方仍应尽尽最大努力力采取各种种措施促使使货物的发发运。如果果事故持续续十周,买买方有权取取消该合同同。16. LLATE DELIIVERYY ANDD PENNALTYY:Shoulld thhe Seellerrs faail tto maake ddelivvery on ttime as sstipuulateed inn thee Conntracct, wwith exceeptioon off Forrce
28、 MMajeuure ccausees sppeciffied in CClausse 155 of thiss Conntracct. TThe BBuyerrs shhall agreee too posstponne thhe deeliveery oon coondittion thatt thee Selllerss agrree tto paay a penaalty whicch shhall be ddeduccted by tthe ppayinng baank ffrom the paymment. Thee Pennaltyy, hooweveer, sshalll no
29、tt excceed 5% oof thhe tootal valuue off thee gooods iinvollved in tthe llate deliiveryy. Thhe raate oof peenaltty iss chaargedd at 0.5% forr eveery ssevenn dayys. OOdd ddays lesss thaan seeven dayss shoould be ccountted aas seeven dayss. Inn casse thhe Seellerrs faail tto maake ddelivvery ten weekk
30、s laater thann thee timme off shiipmennt sttipullatedd in the Conttractt, thhe Buuyerss shaall hhave the righht too canncel the conttractt andd thee Selllerss, inn spiite tthe ccanceellattion, shaall sstilll payy thee afooresaaid ppenallty tto thhe Buuyerss witthoutt dellay.迟交货和罚罚金:如果果卖方未能能按合同规规定及时交交货(除了本合合同15条款所所言的不可可抗力),买方同同意在卖方方付罚金的的前提下迟迟交货。罚罚金的金额额不超过迟迟交货的合合同货物部部分的价值值的5%,罚金金按每7日0.5%计算,少少于7日的增加加天数按77日计。
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