



1、详细描述时一般用于邮件回复Q:How you plan on promoting our offers on your website in detail?(如何推广 offers)会制作 landing page 吗?/Where do you get your traffic from(details)?A:Usually I will put banners on my website prominently. When people browsethrough the website,it will be very easy to see. Now 80% of my website

2、traffic is fromsearch engine,others from the sol. Because I have 5 years experienin PPCwillfield,so I can use some other ways to get some high understand the general content of advertisers and then running.The following site will be used to promote your offers:quality traffic. Iselect the appropriat

3、e siteIm a programmer. Create a landing page is so easy for me. Well, if I think your offersare good enough worth buying ano doubt.and creating a landing page, I willt withQ:你的流量来源主要是用直链还是用 landing page?A:Basically,I think I shall buy traffic from anysible sour, test and win, be itppc, ppv, media bu

4、ying, sol networks or sth. else. I can either build direct link toyour offthem.age or creaanding pages up to the offers, and how Id like to promoteQ:你以往最成功的项目是什么?A:I promoted lots of offers before with other CPA networks, from/zip submit tosubmit.dating offers. The most sucI earned $500+ per day!sfu

5、l one is philishave free trial, payout onQ:How did you hear about our network?/How did you find out aboutBLAMADs?A:I heard your network from/.Q:How long have you been running affiliatens?/How long have youbeen an affiliate for?A:Ive done cpa for about 3 years.Q:What type of offers are you looking to

6、 run?/What type of offers work well foryou, and how do you generate traffic for them?/What vertical do you perform best in?(根据自己的情况回答,想做那样就写那样)A:Id like to run loans and gaming offers,because my most sucare these ones.sful type of offersQ:How will you be generating traffic to our offers?/How do you

7、plan toincentivize our offers?A:SEO/Search PPC/Search PPV/随便选择/Sol media/ggadwords/Site-banner displayQ:What other networks are you currently in, and who are your account managers there?A:Im currently in .,andand the account managers are(直接到找靠前一点的及经理)附:每次从下面选两个,注意不要在申请某个时把这个报上去了AdWork Media: Dennis

8、WeissCashFire: RockyCpaLead: Justin LambQ:What do you expect to make our network your primary network?A:To make your network as my primary network,Id like your admanager to send top offers to me.Q:Have you read and understand the network terms of service?A:Yeah,I will be your faithful affiliate and

9、agree to your terms and conditions,hope we can get the ball rolling together.Q:How many uniques a month do you get?A: 30,000-100,000. It depends on my advertise budget and the click price of keywords.Q:What vertical/category/kind of offer you want to promote, or have promotedhe past?A:Anythingetc.t

10、converts, Ive done gaming, freebies, health, ringtones,submit,Q: Do you offer incentives?A: NOQ: How much do you spend on advertising?A: 100$ per day. I have total $20k budget. (And if I get paid, Ill increase the budget.)Q:Why are you coming toyou?/What do we have to offert is oferest toA:because of good repuion, bett两个回答即可)ayment terms/methods,exclusive offers(选择一Q:What is your traffic type?A:Search engines mainly.Q:How many/what other Networks are you currently working with?


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