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1、 Reading and Thinking【版本:新人教册别:选择性必修一】UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE目录页contentsPre-readingLanguage PointsWhile-readingHomeworkPost-readingPre-readingPre-reading: Lead-inPre-reading: Lead-inHow do the actors in the video communicate?Pre-reading: Lead-infacial expressionsgesturesposturesBody languagePre-reading

2、: Lead-inBody language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words. Deborah BullPre-reading: Lead-inWhat is body language? Body Language is a form of non-verbal communication.

3、 It includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, body movements, physical distance and other non-verbal signals.While-readingWhile-reading1. Look at the picture on Page 38. What do you think the young lady might want to convey with her body language?2. Look at the title of the text. What do you t

4、hink will be talked about in the text?While-readingWe are enjoyable readersBody language / GestureMeaningCountry / RegionEye contact between men and womenNot politeMiddle EastLooking down when talking to someoneOK signKissing on the cheekPlacing your hands together and resting them on the side of yo

5、ur head while closing your eyesMoving your hand in circles over your stomach after a mealWhile-reading: Reading for tasks A sign of respectMoneyZeroFranceNot politeFrance and RussiaMost placesJapanJapanBrazil and GermanyIm sleepy.A greetingIm full.Read the text and finish the form.While-reading: Rea

6、ding for tasksPara.Main idea12 456Introduction to body languageBody language with different meanings in different culturesBody language with the same meaning everywhereBody language with different usesPost-readingPost-reading1. How is the body language mentioned in the text interpreted in China?Read

7、 the text again, and then discuss the questions.Some are the same in China. For example, the gesture for putting hands together and resting them on the side of your head means sleeping. 2. Can you think of an example of body language that is appropriate in China but might be misunderstood in another

8、 culture?Avoiding eye contact and lowering ones head may mean respect and being shy in China, whereas in some other countries this body language may be interpreted as being rude.Post-reading3. What advice on body language can you give a foreign friend on his / her first trip to China?Post-readingPle

9、ase pay attention to the social distance, which is different in China and in the West.Post-readingWhat I hide by my language, my body utters. Roland Barthes罗兰 巴特(Roland Barthes,1915年11月12日 1980年3月26日),法国作家、思想家、社会学家、社会评论家和文学评论家 。Language Points1vary from . to .2be appropriate to3make eye contact4by c

10、ontrast5by comparison6make inferences7get through对恰当的目光接触对比起来;相比之下 相比较起来(使)通过;到达;(使)熬过;(打电话时)打通Language Points: Important phrases (P38 P40)从变化到推论;推断8break down 9feel down10apart from11refer to12display interest in13in favour of14make assessments15be likely to参考;查阅;提到对表现出兴趣支持;赞成Language Points: Impor

11、tant phrases (P38 P40)除了评估可能感到沮丧(机器等)出故障;打破 / 消除;把分成若干部分;使分解1. We can learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their body language. (P38) 通过观察人们的肢体语言,我们可以洞察他们的想法。【句式分析】 what people are thinking 用来做介词 about 的 _。 what 引导 _ 从句,并在从句中作 think 的 _。 by watching . 中,by 是介词,用来表示方法、手段、方式,意思是“_ 、_

12、、 _”。如: After _ seemed hours, he came out with a bitter smile. I improve my English _ listening to English songs.Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)凭借通过靠宾语宾语宾语what by即学即练翻译句子:你是否成功将主要取决于你做什么和怎么做。Your success will largely depend on what you do and how you do it.2. Words are important, but

13、the way people stand, hold their arms, and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings. (P38) 话语十分重要,但是人们站立、双手抱臂和移动双手的姿势,也能为我们提供有关他们情感的信息。3. The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in. (P38) 使用肢体语言时,最重要的是要符合你所处的文化。 句2中,the w

14、ay作先行词,people stand .是_; 句3中,a way 作先行词,that is .是_。 两个从句的引导词一样吗?句2中省略的引导词是_。Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)定语从句定语从句that / in whichObserve and Find1. I dont like the way _ he speaks to me.2. I want to know the way _ he told you yesterday.3. He has given you the way _ is best to solve

15、the problem.Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)that / in which / 省略that / which / 省略that / which即学即练4. In France, a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero. (P38) 在法国,看到同一个手势的人可能会将其解读为“零”。5. However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germ

16、any, as it is not considered polite. (P38) 然而,在巴西和德国,你应该避免作出这一手势,因为这是一个被视为不礼貌的手势。 短语在句中作_,与前面被修饰名词person是_关系; 短语在句中作介词as的_; 短语在句中作avoid的_。Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)定语主谓 / 主动宾语宾语Observe and Find一、尝试翻译。1. 坐在我旁边的那个女孩是我表妹。2. 现场会教授画脸谱的方法,因此你可以尝试一下。Language Points: Important sentences

17、(P38 P40)The girl sitting / seated beside me is my cousin.Methods of drawing facial makeup will be taught on the spot, so you can try your hand.即学即练二、填空。1. We admired him for the way _ he faces difficulties.2. Can you tell me the way _ you use to solve the problem?3. They live in a room _(面朝街).三、翻译句

18、子。1. 1942 年哥伦布到达了今天称作美洲大陆的地方。_2. 通过使用微信我能与朋友和家人保持联系。_3. 我期待收到你的来信。_Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)I can keep in touch with friends and family by using WeChat.In 1942, Columbus reached what is now called America.Im looking forward to hearing from you.that / in which / 省略that / which /

19、省略facing the street即学即练6. In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on the cheek when they meet. (P38) 在法国、俄罗斯等国,朋友见面时会相互亲吻脸颊。 He hit me _ the face. The mother kissed her daughter _ the forehead. The man beat the boy _ the back. The man caught / seized the thief _ the arm.La

20、nguage Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)inononby“主语 + 谓语动词 + sb + 介词 + the + 身体部位”在这个句型中,常用的动词有 pat, hit, strike, beat, touch, take, catch, bite 等;常用的介词有 on, in, by 等。介词后面所跟的名词前面用 the 而不是 his, her 等物主代词。Observe and Find7. And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing

21、the smiling face of a good friend. (P39) 当我们感到沮丧或孤单时,最美好的事情莫过于看到好友的笑脸。 feel down = _ nothing better than 的含义是:_ Nothing is better than a loyal friend. For me, nothing is better than a glass of orange after meals.Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)没有什么比更好的了be down / feel blueObserve and Fi

22、nd翻译句子:没有什么东西会比通过自己的努力获得成功更好的了。即学即练There is nothing better than you achieving success with your own efforts. Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)8. Can you describe a situation where you might smile when you dont mean it? (P39 Ex. 4) 你能描述一个你不是真心微笑的情形吗? Those successful deaf dancers think t

23、hat dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing. Today, well discuss a number of cases _ beginners of English fail to use the language properly. After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she had to decide what to do.Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)定语从句中常见的先行词为抽象

24、地点名词有:case, point, stage, situation, condition, position, occasion, activity, relationship, scene等wherewherewhereObserve and Find1. An apple fell from the tree and _(砸到他头上).2. 没有比喝一大杯热咖啡更惬意的事情了。_3. 当你疲劳的时候,没有什么比好好休息一下更好的了。_ when you are very tired.4. Some pre-school children go to a day-care centre,

25、 _ they learn simple games and songs. 5. 她想找一份能将她的管理技能派上用场的工作。She wants a job _Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40)hit him on the headTheres nothing better than a good cup of hot coffee. There is nothing better than a good rest where where her management skills can be put to good use. 即学即练

26、9. His lack of eye contact when talking with people shows that he lacks confidence. (P40 Ex. 2) 他与人交谈时缺乏眼神交流,说明他缺乏自信。Language Points: Important sentences (P38 P40) The project failed _(由于缺钱). He was later criticised _(因缺乏远见). She _(缺乏)the experience to get the job. She seemed to_(缺乏)frankness.即学即练Th

27、ink: “when talking with people” 是什么语法现象? “that he lacks confidence” 是什么从句?for / due to lack of moneyfor his lack of foresightlackedbe lacking in 10. By contrast, when we feel powerless, we tend to slump, making ourselves smaller. (P40 Ex. 3) 相比之下,当我们感到无力时,我们往往会瘫软下来,身形随之缩小。 Many highways have been built in China, making it easier for people to travel from one place to another. A small plane crashed into a hill, killing all five people in it. George returned home after the war


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