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1、 三、产品的全生命周期评估(LCA) ISO的定义是:对某产品系统全生命周期的输入、输出和潜在环境、能源、经济影响进行评估的过程。 An evaluation process of input/output and environment, energy and economy impact within total product life cycle. 1、生命周期评估内容与标准 生命周期评价起源于企业内部 LCA的最初应用可追溯到1969年美国可口可乐公司对不同饮料容器的资源消耗和环境释放所作的特征分析。 一些国际著名的跨国企业,如HP、IBM、AT&T、德国西门子公司等,一方面开展生命

2、周期评价方法的研究,另一方面积极对其产品进行生命周期评价。1990年由“国际环境毒理学与化学学会 (SETAC)”首次主持召开了有关生命周期评价的国际研讨会。在该会议上首次提出了“生命周期评价”的概念。生命周期概念的正式提出LCA的工作内容与程序定义目标与边界条件建立系统模型编制清单作系统总量计算三方面(3E)进行影响评估环境(Environmental)能源(Energy)经济(Economic)分析与决策敏感度分析3E综合分析决策ISO14000管理性标准ISO14000是ISO推出的第二个管理性系列标准环境管理系列标准,目前有成员国80个。中国也是成员国之一。 ISO14000系列标准主

3、要组成The Main Components of ISO14000 Series ISO14000系列标准的基本组成 ISO14000是一个环境管理系列标准,共有100个标准号,其主要组成如下: ISO1400, the mail component of ISO1400 series, is the series standard of environmental management, including 100 standards, and the main ones are: ISO14001ISO14009 环境管理体系 EMS (Environmental Management

4、System ) SO14010ISO14019 环境审核 EA (Environmental Auditing) ISO14020ISO14029 环境标志 EL (Environmental Label) ISO14030ISO14039 环境行为评价 EPE (Environmental Practice Evaluation) ISO14040ISO14049 生命周期评估 LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) ISO14050ISO14059 术语和定义 T&D (Term & Definition) ISO14060 产品标准中的环境因素 EAPS (Enviro

5、nmental factor of Product Standard) ISO14061ISO14100 预留号 (For Reserving)ISO14000在中国的推行 The Development of ISO14000 In China1996 初 成立国家环保局环境管理体系审核中心Early 1996 Established the Auditing Center of Environmental Management System in State Environmental Protection Administration1997.5.27 国务院批准成立“中国环境管理体系认

6、证指导 委员会”。由国家环保局任主任 May 27th 1997 the State Department authorized “Chinese environmental management system authentication instruction committee”, which is in the change of the State Environmental Protection Administration.1997.8.28 中国环境管理体系认证机构认可委员会(认可委)28/08/1997 Chinese environmental management sys

7、tem authentication instruction committee (AC)1997.8.29 中国认证人员国家注册委员会环境管理专业委员会(注册委)29/08/1997 Chinese national registration committee special for the environmental management (RC)国家环保局环境管理体系审核中心(认证机构)the Auditing Center of Environmental Management System in State Environmental Protection Administrati

8、on (AC)北京环环境管理与工程咨询中心(咨询机构)Beijing environmental management and engineering consulting center (CC)标准号 Standard中文名称 Chinese Name (Environmental management system-EMS)采用的国际标准 Adopted International StandardGB/T 24001-1996环境管理体系 规范及使用指南 Guide to the using of EMSISO 14001:1996GB/T 24004-1996环境管理体系 原则、体系和

9、支持技术通用指南 Current guide to the principle, technique supporting of EMSISO 14004:1996GB/T 24020-2000环境管理 环境标注和声明 通用原则 Current principle of EMS, Environmental Label and technique supporting ISO 14020:1998(第1版)GB/T 24021-2001环境管理 环境标注和声明 自我环境声明(II型环境标志)Self-declaration of environment, EMS and Environment

10、al Label II ISO 14021:1999GB/T 24024-2001环境管理 环境标注和声明 I型环境标志 原则和程序 Principle and procedure of EMS, Environmental Label I and Declaration GB/T 24031-2001环境管理 环境表现评价 指南 Guide to the evaluation of EMS and Environment BehaviorISO 14031:1999GB/T 24040-1999环境管理 环境表现评价 原则与框架 Principle and frame of evaluati

11、on to EMS and Environment BehaviorISO 14040:1997GB/T 24041-2000环境管理 环境表现评价 目的与范围的确定和清单分析 Objective, range and list analysis to EMS and Environment BehaviorISO 14041:1998(第1版)GB/T 24042-2002环境管理 环境表现评价 生命周期影响评价 Life Cycle Estimation of EMS and Environment BehaviorISO 14042:2000GB/T 24043-2002环境管理 环境表

12、现评价 生命周期解释 Life Cycle Explanation of EMS and Environment BehaviorISO 14043:2000GB/T 24050-2000环境管理 术语 Terms of EMSISO 14050:1998(第1版)中国发布的环境管理国家标准及对应的国际标准The Chinese National Environmental Management Standard and the Corresponding International Standard 中国全生命周期的标准Chinese Standard of Life Cycle 国际标准组

13、织颁布的ISO14040标准系列对LCA方法的原则、框架和实施方法作出了规定。 The International Standard Organization issued ISO14040 to regulate the principle, frame and implement method of LCA GB/T 24040-1999ISO14040环境管理-生命周期评估-原则与框架;ISO14040 Environmental Management-LCA-Principle and frameISO 14040:1997GB/T 24041-2000ISO14041环境管理-生命周

14、期评估-目标和范围界定;ISO14041 Environmental Management-LCA-Objective and range definitionISO 14041:1998(第1版)GB/T 24042-2002ISO14042环境管理-生命周期评估-影响评价;ISO14042 Environmental-Management-LCA-Evaluation of the influenceISO 14042:2000GB/T 24043-2002ISO14043环境管理-生命周期评估-解释;ISO1404 Environmental Management-LCA-Explana

15、tionISO 14043:20002、中国生命周期评估应用现状the present application status of LCA in China 目前中国在以下几个领域开展全生命周期的研究: the LCA research is mainly conducted in the following areas 1、 钢铁领域 the Steel Industry 2、 汽车领域 the Automobile Industry 3、 化工领域 the Chemical Industry 4、 机电设备领域 the Electromechanical Industry 评估内容包括环境

16、影响、能源和资源消耗。 the content of assessment includes the environmental factor, consumption of energy and resource. 广西木薯乙醇车用燃料发展计划全生命周期评估案例the case of LCA to a research plan in Guangxi, which is aimed to get ethanol from distilling the cassava and then develop a fuel for automobile substitute for gasoline

17、上海交通大学与广西壮族自治区政府合作为广西地方政府所作的产业计划决策分析 Decision-making Analysis of the Industrial Plan via the cooperation of SJTU and the Government of Guangxi Chuang Autonomy 案例一Project one生物质乙醇车用燃料发展的背景The development background of ethanol as vehicle fuel化石能源枯竭 Exhaustion of Fossil Energy 全球石油储量仅够人类继续使用40年, 急需发展可再

18、生能源 The global oil reservation will be exhausted in 40 years, so it is a urgent mission to develop the renewable energy MTBE将禁止使用,乙醇是最好的替代品Since MTBE will be forbidden, ethanol becomes the best renewable energy E10将是下一步标准车用汽油 E10 will be tomorrows standard automobile fuel 国家开始了E10的区域性试点 the state go

19、vernment has put the new fuel into practice in some regions: 最初是河南、黑龙江; 现已推广到黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河南、安徽5省以及湖北、山东、江苏、河北四个省的部分城市 firstly in Henan and Heilongjiang province, now the practice region has developed into a great area including: Jilin, Liaoning, Henan, Heilongjiang and Anhui province and other cities

20、in Hubei, Shandong, Jiangsu province.GuangXI locates in south China全区属喀斯特地形Beautiful sceneryPoor soil广西壮族自治区Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionNear 1/5 land is karst landform in Guangxi广西位于中国南方Case study 1: Life Cycle Assessment of Cassava Ethanol Fuel Automobile案例1:木薯乙醇燃料汽车生命周期评估土地贫瘠风景优美大部分土地不宜种粮食,但适宜

21、种木薯Most of the soil is not suitable for rice plant, however it is wonderful for the growing of cassava广西木薯种植区域The cassava areas in Guangxi territory 木薯:一种生长在浅表土壤层的块茎植物 Cassava: one kind of tuber plant which grows in the surface soil木薯:过去苦难的象征; 今后致富的财源。木薯富含淀粉,是制造乙醇的好原料;cassava is rich in starch, whic

22、h is good material to produce ethanol 过去制造酒精为了医用,市场很小,农民无法以此为生;ethanol is only for medical use in the past, the market is very limited, the farmer are not able make living from cassava.酒精进入车用燃料市场,提供了巨大的市场空间;Since ethanol was treated as a fuel, a huge market had appeared. 木薯不与人、畜争夺粮食和饲料,与小麦、玉米为原料的酒精相

23、比,具有强大的竞争力。Since cassava has no common needs with human or domestic animal for living, it is a better choice to produce ethanol than wheat and maize .Cassava: the symbolization of poor in the past; the cash tree in the future.发展木薯乙醇车用燃料,使广西农民脱贫致富Making money from developing the cassava ethanol indus

24、try 广西政府的战略项目Guangxi government stratagem program估计:Estimation使400万亩土地得到应用,促进GDP的增长,增加地方政府的财政收入;Make use of 26.666 million hectare poor soil, promote the GDP, and increase the local government revenue;使约150万农民有物可种,脱贫致富 Make sure 150 million farmers have suitable crop to plant, and help them eliminat

25、e poverty.解决约5000人的就业问题 Providing jobs to 5000 unemployed citizens.木薯的种植与收获 growing and harvest of cassava木薯的运输 transportation of cassava木薯酒精生产 producing of cassava ethanol 酒精的运输 transportation of ethanol 酒精与汽油或柴油的混合 mixture of ethanol, gasoline and diesel 酒精燃料的分配 allocation of ethanol fuel 木薯酒精燃料全生

26、命周期评估LCA of cassava-ethanol fuel资源需求Resource demanding能源消耗 energy consumption环境污染 environment pollution3ELCA的第一步 定义、建模the first step of LCA: Definition, modeling 1)定义目标 Set Objective 以广西生产的木薯为原料,生产车用燃料乙醇(99.5),混配成E10汽油,供中国汽车使用。 Produce the ethanol fuel (99.5%) for vehicle from the cassava, then mix

27、it with traditional fuel to provide energy for automobile.2 )建立模型 modeling method肥料、除草剂、杀虫剂的生产produce of fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide肥料、除草剂、杀虫剂的运输transportation of fertilizer, herbicide. insecticide木薯的种植Cassava grow 木薯的运输 cassava transport 酒精的生产 ethanol produce酒精的运输、储存 transport and storage of

28、 ethanol酒精和汽油的混合 mixture of ethanol and gasoline酒精和汽油的燃烧 burning of ethanol and gasoline石油的运输、储存 transport and storage of oil石油的开采 oil exploit石油的精炼 distill of oil汽油的运输、储存 transport and storage of gasoline燃料准备Fuel preparation manufacture of car 汽车制造汽 车 行 驶 car driving汽车维修 car repair 汽车报废 car discard

29、环境模型的主要假设The mail assumptions of environment model忽略混合过程的排放 ignore the discharge during the mixing process只计算木薯皮中的氢氰酸和丹宁酸 only count the hydrocyanic and tannin乙醇生产中的固体废物完全处理为DDGS和肥料 the solid wastes are completely turned into DDGS and fertilizer火车机车和卡车的燃料为柴油 the fuel of locomotives and trucks is die

30、sel 能量模型的主要假设The mail assumptions of energy model包含从种植地到车辆使用燃料周期的能量消耗 including the whole cycle from land plant to the vehicle fuel忽略原料阶段的能量消耗 ignoring the energy waste during the raw material period 包含后处理阶段产生的沼气 including the marsh gas in the post-processing stage成本模型的主要假设The mail assumptions of co

31、st model包含发酵阶段产生的CO2 和后处理阶段产生的DDGS饲料和肥料。Including the CO2, the DDGS and fertilizer which is produced in the post-processing period和杂醇油及后处理阶段产生的沼气,尽管它们有利润收益。Although we can make profit from the fusel oil and marsh gas, we mix them together3)定义边界条件 definition of boundary condition以年产10万吨燃料乙醇厂为评估单元;set

32、 the factory whose output is more than 100 thousand tons as an evaluation unit从木薯种植起,到E10燃料在车辆发动机中燃烧后从尾气中排出为该产品全生命周期;the product life cycle is from land plant to E10 vehicle fuel to the after burning discharge所有输入均考虑附带的环境、能源与经济因素,即间接排放污染与间接能耗;all inputs are taken into account with environmental, ene

33、rgy and financial factors, which are indirect pollution and consumption 车辆工况:100,000公里,达到欧I标准。Working condition of vehicle: 1000,000 Km, reach European I standard以合理的技术环境为依据。 reasonable basis of the technical environmentLCA的第二步 清单设计与总量计算the second step of LCA: List designing and gross calculation生物质

34、E10燃料的LCA-3E清单设计 The LCA-3E list designing of E10“Fishbone” Sketch1)建立环境影响计算清单Design the calculating list of environmental impacts2 )建立能源影响计算清单Design the calculating list of energy influence3 )建立成本计算清单 Design the calculation list of cost4 )进行总量计算 total calculation本项目数据来源:the source of this project直接

35、采集:实地调查的单位包括黑龙江华润金玉公司、黑龙江省发改委;河南天冠集团、河南省农业厅;广西天昌投资公司、广西桂孚科技投资公司、广西三西农场、广西农业科学研究院、广西热带植物研究所。 Directly collection: the investigation objects including: Huarun Gold Jade company, Heilongjiang development and innovation committee, Henan Tianguang Group, Henan agriculture office, Guangxi Tianchang Invest

36、 Company, Guangxi Guifu Technical Invest Company, Guangxi Sanxi farm, Guangxi Agricultural Institute of Technology and Guangxi Tropic Plant Research Center. 相关数据库:如美国阿岗实验室GREET模型,欧盟Biofit 模型等; Related database: e.g. the U.S. GREET model in AGAN Laboratory, EU Biofit model公开发表的研究成果:如论文、会议报告等; Publish

37、ed Research Achievement: papers, conference reports etc.公开出版物:如年鉴、专业书刊等 Published books: such as annuals and professional booksLCA的第三步 3E评估the third step of LCA: 3E evaluation1 )环境影响评估 evaluation environment impacts结论:多数指标与汽油的排放持平,CO, SOx, 与GHGs排放优于汽油。Result: most of the discharging index are simila

38、r to gasoline, while CO, SOx and GHGs are less than those of gasoline燃料乙醇生命周期排放Life cycle discharge of ethanol fuel 与同能量汽油相比,燃料乙醇的NOx与SOx两项排放明显高于汽油。从清单中发现,它们来自种植过程化肥生产与发酵过程煤的燃烧。 When getting the equivalent energy, ethanol will discharge more NOx and SOx than gasoline. From the list we get to know th

39、at those waste gas come from the fertilizer producing and cassava ferment which need plenty of coal to sustain a high temperature. 2 )能源影响评估 evaluation of energy impact燃料乙醇的能量输入/输出比:生产出具有1千焦耳能量的乙醇,需要X千焦耳的能量Energy input/output of ethanol: demanding of energy (X J) for 1,000 J ethanol energy 木薯乙醇(广西)C

40、assava ethanol (Guangxi)小麦乙醇(河南)Wheat ethanol (Henan)玉米乙醇(美国)Maize ethanol (US)蔗糖乙醇(巴西)Cane sugarEthanol(Brazil)汽油GasolineX0.630.结论:Result从木薯乙醇中得到1千焦耳的能量必须消耗0.63千焦耳的能量。 0.63 KJ energy should be consumed to produce 1KJ energy from cassava ethanol木薯乙醇是燃料但不是能源。 the cassava ethanol is just fue

41、l not energy source每吨乙醇的净能量YThe net output energy for 1 ton ethanol YY=吨乙醇所含能量生产一吨乙醇所消耗能量Y=the energy of 1 ton ethanol-the energy cost乙醇在我国不是能与汽油相比的能源In China, there is no possible for ethanol to share the fuel market with gasoline.木薯乙醇Cassava ethanol小麦乙醇Wheat ethanol玉米乙醇Maize ethanol汽油gasolineY=(MJ

42、/吨乙醇)13,11210,29912,54328,3243 )经济影响评估evaluation of economy influence 一个10万吨乙醇生产项目:a 100,000 tons ethanol production project 可以将30万亩土地得到使用; Make use of 1.999 million hectare poor soil农民可收入9473万元,取代原扶贫款8578万元;farmers get 94,730,000 RMB income, replace the former 85,780,000 RMB which is fund for pover

43、ty alleviation by the government可安置300个工业就业岗位; bring about 300 industrial working position 乙醇厂,运输分配系统均具明显的经济效益;ethanol factory and transportation distribution system gain obvious financial benefit 政府在全过程可得税收8,362 万元 ;increase government revenue by 8,362,000 RMB广西地方GDP增长 19,023万元; enhance the regiona

44、l GDP by 19,023,000 RMB 但是,由于乙醇价格高于汽油,热能低于汽油,车主又不愿支付E10与汽油间的差价,政府必须补贴16,667万元,抵去税收,政府地方财政实际补贴8,035万元 。However, the price of ethanol is higher than gasoline, energy release is less than gasoline, and vehicle holder are not willing to pay for the price difference, so the government has to give 16,667,

45、000 RMB subsidies, subtract 8,362,000 the government actually give out 8,035,000 RMB结论:Result木薯乙醇项目可以推动广西GDP的增长。Cassava could stimulate the GDP progress of Guangxi.但是政府必须给予补贴。However, the government should give subsidies. LCA的第四步 分析、决策the forth step of LCA: analysis and decision-making 1)敏感度分析 sensi

46、tivity analysis 研究可变因素对结论的影响程度,为综合分析准备依据 analyze the variable factors influence degree to the result, as the basis for comprehensive analysis将一些不敏感的可变因素从思维中剔除 eliminate the insensitive variable factors from mind 对评估结果造成重要影响的因素不一定是敏感因素 insensitive factor may cause deep influence 找出重要、又敏感的因素 find out

47、the important (deep influence) and sensitive factor环境敏感因素分析 analysis of environment sensitivity factor煤是影响VOC, CO, NOX, PM10和SOX排放的关键因素 Coal is the main source of VOC, CO, NOX, PM10 and SOX木薯种植是影响温室气体排放的关键因素 cassava grow is the main influence factor of green-house gas emission 化学品是影响所有排放的另一个主要因素 che

48、mical is another main factor of all emissions 结论:result主要排放来自于煤的燃烧和木薯的种植。The main gas emission comes from the coal combustion and cassava growX:石油价格(美元/桶)X: price of oil (buck/bucket) P(x):汽油价格(元/升) gasoline price (RMB/L)C1,2,3(x): 小麦、玉米、木薯乙醇价格(元/升) price of wheat, maize and cassava ethanol (RMB/L)结

49、论:补偿的主要原因是石油价格的影响Result: the main reason of subsidies is the impact current price of gasoline木薯原料成本过高 the price of cassava is too high乙醇价格高于同热能汽油Ethanol is more expensive than gasoline providing the same energy经济敏感因素分析 analysis of economic sensitivity factor木薯种植过程 the process of cassava grow1.383101

50、4J木薯处理过程 the process of cassava treatment 6.7841011J生产乙醇过程 the process of ethanol producing1.3991015J乙醇变性过程 the properties changing process of ethanol 8.2451012J加油过程 refuel process9.4251011J运输过程 transport process4.2391013J 总计 total1.5901015J能量消耗总计表 total energy consumption Table能量敏感因素分析 analysis of

51、the energy sensitivity factor 结论:主要能量消耗是生产乙醇过程。Result: the ethanol producing process consumes the most energy2 )结论 RESULT乙醇是燃料,不是能源;ethanol is fuel, not energy source;按现有技术水平广西的木薯资源如果全部用来发展燃料乙醇,最大潜力每年约为500万吨;the greatest potential cassava ethanol production is about 5,000,000 tons, according to toda

52、ys technological level 乙醇燃料带有很大的地域性,其最大范围取决于原料运输成本的极限半径; the ethanol is a regional fuel, which depends on the maximum radius of material transport cost E10燃料的使用,可降低汽车对城市环境污染,但对整个人类环境带来NOx及SO2的严重污染;E10 will reduce vehicle from polluting the city area, while cause drastic pollution of NOxSO2 to the gl

53、obal environment广西发展乙醇燃料工业,能为地区的社会经济发展带来明显的效益;Guangxi province could galvanize the cassava ethanol to enhance the citizens living condition and stimulate the regional economy 为推行乙醇燃料的应用,政府必须在E10燃料与汽油差价上,给予补贴;to encourage the application of ethanol fuel, government should give subsidies to meat the p

54、rice differences between ethanol and gasoline和玉米、陈化粮相比,木薯乙醇具有最好的综合效益。Cassava has the best overall efficiency comparing to maize and old rice结论:发展乙醇燃料对广西政府来说是可行的。Result: Develop the cassava ethanol is feasible to Guangxi government 3)决策 decision making建议走农工一体化道路,降低木薯原料的成本,从而减少政府计划的风险性;encourage farme

55、rs to follow the agro-industrial road, cut the cost of cassava material, thus reducing the risk of the governments plan 建议充分发挥广西水电资源丰富的优势,采用电热锅炉生产蒸汽用于发酵;同时增加复合肥、减少氮肥的使用,从而减少全生命周期的排放污染;Guangxi has rich hydropower resources, using electric boilers for steam production fermentation at the same time inc

56、reasing composite fertilizer and reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer, thus reducing the total life cycle emissions pollution 世界石油价格在相当长的时间里,将保持上涨的态势,因此,是发展乙醇燃料的良好时机; in a long future, the world oil prices will maintain a rising trend, therefore, is a good time to develop fuel ethanol制定新的木薯收购、乙醇生产、

57、E10燃料税收政策,大力扶持木薯乙醇燃料的生产;enact a new cassava purchase, the production of ethanol, E10 fuel tax policy, and vigorously support cassava ethanol fuel production;加大科技投入,开发木薯高产良种与低温发酵技术。Put more technological skill in to cassava ethanol production, research a new high yielding variety of cassava and low t

58、emperature fermentation technology研究目标:objective 对电动助动车系统进行环境影响分析,并和燃油助动车系统进行比较。 Conduct an environmental impact analysis of the electric bicycle system, compare it with the motorcycle power system燃油助动车 motorcycle 电动助动车 electric bicycle案例二 project 2福特中国电动助动车计划全生命周期评估LCA of Ford electric bicycle plan

59、 in china 随着人民生活水平的提高,自行车已不能满足人们出行的要求,但轿车一时还不能进入家庭,因此助动车是人们最好的选择。With the improvement of living standards, a bike has been unable to meet the requirements of the people, but its too early for car entering the family, electric bicycle is the best choice for people. 上海市有600,000辆燃油摩托车,造成城市大量的空气污染,上海市政府

60、计划用电动自行车替代燃油摩托车。There are 600,000 motorcycles in Shanghai which cause a lot of urban air pollution, to change this condition, the metropolis government decide to replace motorcycle with electric bicycle which is clean.两轮动力车辆是发展中国家重要的私人交通工具,福特有意进入这一市场。Two wheel transport tools play the main role in p


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