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1、粒子物理规划及未来的中微子实验王贻芳南昌,2010 高能物理年会Particle physics: problems and methodsStandard Model: HiggsHigh energy acceleratorsBeyond Standard Model ? SUSY, Extra-dimensions.Compositeness, Neutrino properties: mass, oscillation, magnetic moment ? Majorana ?Cosmology related problems: antimatter(CP) ?Dark matter

2、 ?Relic-neutrinos,Monopoles ? Axions ? Details of SM (EW & QCD) : precision test, Confinement, Glueballs ? spectroscopy of particlesHigh intensity acceleratorsUnderground experimentsSurface experimentsSpaceexperimentsHigh energy acceleratorsHigh intensity acceleratorsUnderground experimentsSurface e

3、xperimentsSpaceexperimentsTevetran:D0CDFLHCATLASCMSILCFlavor phys.:BELLE(II) - bDAFNE sLHCbPANDA High den. phys:ALICEJ-PARCn osc.:T2KMinosProject-Xn osc. : SuperK KamLANDbb decay: EXO Cuore GerdaDark matter: Xmass Xenon COUPP AstronomyMonopoleProton decayCosmic-raysHESSMAGICAUGERCTA mass Katrinn mag

4、. Mom. TEXONOGrav. WaveRelic nAxions, Anti-matter/ dark matter: PAMELAFERMIAMSATICAsrtophysics: IntegralHubbleWMAPPlanckParticipate:ATLAS, CMSFlavor phys.:BESIII - cn osc. :Daya BayCosmic-rays Yang-Ba-JinAsrtophysics:HXMTExperiments in the world and at home高能物理未来发展的基本思路High energy accelerators积极参加国际

5、合作High intensity accelerators充分利用BESIII,取得国际一流的成果寻机建造下一代加速器Underground experiments充分利用大亚湾,取得国际一流的成果准备建造下一代中微子实验寻机建造新的实验:暗物质、bb decay、质子衰变、。Surface experiments充分利用ASg & ARGO,取得国际一流的成果积极准备建设LHAASOSpace experiments尽快完成HXMT,取得国际一流的成果寻机建造新的实验:宇宙线、天体物理、暗物质、。时间安排十二五前期建设的丰收期 取得重大国际影响的成果基础能力建设 达到国际先进水平未来项目的准

6、备与预研 具有国际竞争力十三五 :重要的建设项目下一代中微子实验:大亚湾二期 地下实验:暗物质、bb decay、质子衰变、。空间实验:宇宙线、天体物理、暗物质、。十四五:重大建设项目 下一代加速器5每个新项目必须回答以下问题:1)为什么(与其它可能的项目比较:科学目标、经费。)2)怎么做(概念设计、国际竞争力、科学意义、经费、技术、进度、风 险。)3)R&D(问题、技术、方案、计划。)Neutrino oscillations: What we know and what we dont knowA mixing matrix: Atmospheric Solar Majorana phas

7、e CP phase & q13Unknowns in neutrino oscillation: q13 , mass hierarchy, CP phase d + Majorana phase 下一代中微子实验:大亚湾二期中微子振荡:中微子研究的中心中微子振荡三个未解决的问题:寻找第三种振荡,用q13表示 大亚湾中微子实验质量顺序问题 大亚湾中微子实验二期 CP对称破缺角 未来的加速器实验 n1n2n3q12太阳中微子振荡q23大气中微子振荡q13 ?mi ?为什么反应堆中微子:1)加速器中微子实验:造价昂贵 (探测器+加速器) 2)双实验:造价昂贵,技术困难,风险巨大3)中微子绝对质量

8、测量:造价昂贵,技术困难4)反应堆中微子实验:意义重大、风险小、条件优越、造价低、技术可行测量磁矩:可能的未来,科学风险大精确测量混合参数:大亚湾、大亚湾二期Best neutrino source: reactorA powerful man-made sourceIf not too far, more powerful than solar, atmospheric, and accelerator neutrinosA well understood source(2% 0.1%)Better than solar(5-10%), atmospheric(10%), and accel

9、erator(5-10% 2-3% ?) neutrinosAdjustable baselineOf course, accelerator can do it alsoA free neutrino factoryNeutrino Mass hierarchyMass Hierarchy:Fundamental to the Standard ModelFundamental to models beyond SM Most GUTs predict a normal mass hierarchy a discriminator of different GUTs and/or neutr

10、ino mass modelsFundamental to many issues: Matter-antimatter asymmetry via leptogenesis in specific seesaw models: hierarchy related Supernova neutrinos: collective flavor transitions due to inverted mass hierarchyRadiative corrections to mn and qij are more sensitive to the inverted hierarchyBut ev

11、en more important Dirac or Majorana ? Neutrino oscillation: beyond SM in a way of Dirac or Majorana mode ? bb exp. may never give positive results If mass hierarchy is known, together with next generation bb exp., the neutrino Dirac or Majorana nature can be determined. next gen. bb exp.Measuring ma

12、ss hierarchyLong baseline accelerator neutrinosThrough Matter effectsExpensive, project-X/LBNE in Fermilab/BNLAtmospheric neutrinosVery weak signalHuge detector, Expensive Reactor neutrinosMethod: distortion of energy spectrumEnhance signature: Transform reactor neutrino L/E spectrum to frequency re

13、gime using Fourier formalismneed Sin2(2q13) 0.02Need to know DM223 S.T. Petcov et al., PLB533(2002)94S.Choubey et al., PRD68(2003)113006J. Learned, PRD 78(2008)071302 12Fourier transformation of L/E spectrum Frequency regime is in fact the DM2 regime enhance the visible features in DM2 regime Take D

14、M2 32 as referenceNH: DM2 31 DM2 32 , DM2 31 peak at the right of DM2 32 IH: DM2 31 0 and PV0IH: RL0 and PV 90% CL:Baseline: 58 km, determined by q12Reactor power 24 GWthFlux and detector size: (250-700) ktyearIdeally, sin22q13 0.02 & energy resolution 2%IF sin22q13=0.01, energy resolution 2% & 700

15、ktyearFor sin22q13=0.02 , energy resolution 1000 MWE 60 km from Daya BayA huge ne detector with mass 20ktcurrently the largest on is 1kt (KamLAND & LVD) Scientific goal: a l0-50kt underground LS detector 60km from reactor Neutrino Mass hierarchyPrecision mixing para. measurement: q12, D M212, DM231

16、Unitarity of the mixing matrixSupernova neutrinos =better than SuperKGeo-neutrinos =10 better than KamLANDAtmospheric neutrinos = SuperKSolar neutrinos ? High energy neutrinosPoint source: GRB, AGN, BH, Diffused neutrinosHigh energy cosmic-muonsPoint source: GRB, AGN, BH, Dark matterExotics Sterile

17、neutrinosMonopoles, Fractional charged particles, .LVD+MACRO+KamLAND+SuperKPrecision measurement of mixing parameter Fundamental to the Standard Model and beyondSimilarities point to a Grand unification of leptons and quarksConstrain all PMNS matrix elements to 1% ! Probing Unitarity of UPMNS to 1%

18、level !If we can spend (0.1-0.5)B$ for each B/C/superB factories to understand UCKM ( 1-2 elements for each factory), why not a super-reactor neutrino experiment( 3 elements) to understand UPMNS ? Current BESIII Vub25%5%Vcd7%1%Vcs16%1%Vcb5%3%Vtd36%5%Vts39%5%Current Daya Bay II Dm2125% 1% Dm22312% 1%

19、sin2q1210% 1%Sin2q2320%-sin2q13-Supernova neutrinosLess than 20 events observed so far (2001 Noble prize)Assumptions:Distance: 10 kpc (our Galaxy center) Energy: 31053 ergLn the same for all typesTem. & energyMany types of events:ne + p n + e+, 3000 correlated eventsne + 12C 13B* + e+, 10-100 correl

20、ated eventsne + 12C 11N* + e-, 10-100 correlated eventsnx + 12C n+ 12C*, 600 correlated eventsnx + p n+ p, single eventsne + e- ne + e-, single eventsnx + e- n+ e-, single eventsT(ne) = 3.5 MeV, = 11 MeVT(ne) = 5 MeV, = 16 MeVT(nx) = 8 MeV, = 25 MeV SuperK can not see these correlated eventsWhat to

21、do with Supernova neutrinosEnergy spectra & fluxes of all types of neutrinos tem. and average energy of neutrinos Understand Supernovae neutrino properties: mass, mixing, Earth tomographyNeutrino modelsArrival time of all types of neutrinos absolute neutrino massGeo-neutrinos 238U, 232Th and 40K dec

22、ays account for 40% of earths power, which is related to earthquakes, volcanoes, geomagnetism, plate tectonics, They are mainly from mantle and crust, but not the coreSouth-china and Japan are differentGeo-neutrinos can tell 238U: 232Th good for geo-modelsOnly way looking inside the earth ?Already s

23、een by KamLANDGeo-neutrinos at Daya Bay IIA factor of 10 larger than KamLAND3 years KamLAND探测器的概念设计Neutrino target: 20kt LS, LAB based 30m(D)30m(H)Oil buffer: 6ktWater buffer: 10kt PMT: 15000 20”Cost: 1.5 B RMB可能的地点:惠州或海上据大亚湾/海丰60公里热功率 40 GWTechnical challengesRequirements: Large detector: 10 kt LSE

24、nergy resolution: 2%/E 2500 p.e./MeVOngoing R&D:Low cost, high QE “PMT”A new design exist, patent pending, R&D contract to be signed with manufacturetransparent LS: 15m 25mFind out traces which absorb light, remove it from production R&D program: 3 yearsUseful for many future projectsSupport already from IHEPNow: 1kt250 p.e./MeV基于LAB的液体闪烁体研究测量LAB成分:4.5% 杂质利用量子化学的计算,估计、寻找吸收可见光的杂质初步测量杂质在L


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