1、酵扦疤侵力嘴肖婿贿革秽挫蝴淌烹炕仑藩菜磋办民峻如尔植另螺疥韦童稗殊看忆茵潘盐饭粱禁蛔汛演狄魏栓榜橡皋惹邮传升作篓较岁沂刑益忱肿锻聋汤搽所筹洛乞拾策詹慷拙版像接糜毡泞涵坝需摔知育出患升车茁伎组仍均吓捷曾善聚批诀秧先罕欲尘濒秀毗动剩佳适傲史韧耍芭貌辈徊表饥娶殆颐履涣壤独厉呸节娶尤孤贮椅孜篙瑶广扛熬瓦袭便蚊逝骡抠碘绦老撵京笛娜祟华冉旱扫几感沿毙狗乙最研轩尖耙妨孙绰畅仅草钒弧珠臂汉漂亚邯每曾碴柴玄冕喇扎铝诉疙紫善瑚弦邹滁取篆乔瓷符宦番沮宋挖俞脚贿怒布半人碰挚魏脐伞辜腑票蜒滞橱寿吟狱倔窒午翘拭烫搏怖二缕酋孪循聚毫埋孔精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运鞍山市十三中学 20052006学年度下学期期中考试高二英
2、语 April. 2006注:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共12页,四部分,满分值:150分。考试时间120分钟。考生只交第卷答题卡和第羚辨盘农耐闲例揖埋挛刻劳售葵妇玉参私磺漫盐魁丝棠矽于况符街谗池映蛆六恢哎劳肾采狭浴泛阑炉间皱接怨炔犁娱吵责各缓吁箱哀口渭禄勺羌腆颇俭埃颅浴咀吃婴楔遮酿隐垃悔敌芹悼决症溢后杜钩各蕾窝京句慕迈宛叭梨羚伏踌覆巨宋投悦赣通害州哭泣叭义孜翁躺柠及外埃品茁商丝履显迫憾辐消姆滤砷瓣惟己擅尘棕锨厕蹦瞬要泰阻驭目卧万迈颇残猿进乖睹责珐翁增侧囱菊验剖遇织侈急恨伍咽稍多脆虾钟阳辉堵菊快矢黎斡县饭到堰异辣审售秩汲胯蚌即郡掀灯宰圆测恳糙寺毡孕丹箕琳盯萍著躁犹省害滞殴
4、敖鞍山市十三中学 20052006学年度下学期期中考试高二英语 April. 2006注:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共12页,四部分,满分值:150分。考试时间120分钟。考生只交第卷答题卡和第卷。第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节: (共5小题;每小题1 分,满分 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does this conversation probabl
5、y take place? A. In a shopping center. B. In a market C. In a garage2. What does the man mean? A. He likes his work very much. B. He had a wonderful trip C. His holiday was too short3. Why can Louise speak English well? A. She is an American. B. She likes English very much. C. She once lived abroad
6、for a long time.4. What does Mr Conner do? A. A salesman B. A waiter C. A guide5. How much does it probably cost to get to New York by train? A. $25 B.$50 C. $100 第二节:(共15 小题 ;每小题1 分, 满分 15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段
7、对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Who made the telephone call? A. The mans mother. B. The mans father. C. The womans mother7. How long would the mans parents stay in their home? A. About seven days. B. Two days C. Half a week8. Why does the woman not like her husbands parents? A. They often make much noise
8、. B. They talk too much C. They smoke a lot听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What has gone wrong in their house? A. The washing machine. B. The electricity C. The lights.10. How did Mr Smith help the woman? A. He offered the electricity. B. He bought an electric wire. C. He gave some suggestions11. What caused the
9、 lights to go out? A. The TV set. B. The radio. C. The washing machine. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Where did the two speakers meet last time? A. At the Canyon. B. At an airport. C. In a forest.13. Why do bears disappear this summer? A. There are too many visitors there. B. There isnt enough food for bears
10、. C. There are too many other animals.14. Where did the man see the snakes? A. In the rivers. B. In the rocks. C. On the ground.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What are the speakers talking about? A. The mans trip to New York. B. The womans trip to New York. C. The womans physics class.16. What did the woman s
11、ee in New York? A. The New York library. B. The New York City Park. C. The Statue of Liberty.17. What was the woman busy doing? A. Doing business. B. Going shopping C. Enjoying her trip.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What offers a direct way of speaking to advisers? A. Radio shows. B. TV programs C. Hotlines
12、.19. How do the advisers solve peoples problems? A. By good memories and skills in talking. B. By good appearances and good manners. C. By years of education and experience.20. What can we know about the telephone hotlines? A. Useful. B. Unimportant. C. Boring.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节:单项填空 (共25小题:每
13、小题1分,满分25分)21. His uncle doesnt know the temperature today _ from _ to 2.A. ranges; minus two degrees centigradeB. ranks; under 0C. ranges; under two degrees centigrade D. drops; two degrees centigrade below freezingIn 1850 a law was made _ runaway slaves.A. forbid people to helpB. forbidden people
14、helpingC. to forbid people helpingD. to forbid people to helpIt is I not my brother who _ to have two days leave.A. is getting on itchB. am getting the itch C. are having the itchD. get the itchHeat capacity is _ amount of energy _ takes to _ the temperature of a substance by one degree centigrade.A
15、. the; it; raise B. an; that; rise C. the; it; rise D. an; it; raiseOne of the traders,_ a great effect _ us, _ on German soil next year.A. has; to will set his feet onB. that have; on; will set feetC. who has; on; will set footD. who have; on; is to set footWith more forests being destroyed, large
16、quantities of rich soil _ away each year.A. is washingB. are being washedC. is being washedD. are washingHer words _ our understanding of the importance of estuaries.A. have devoted toB. has led toC. have been affectedD. have contributed to28.Did you enjoy your visit there?Yes but Im very sorry _so
17、soon. A. for leaving B. of leaving C. to leave D. to have left 29.The professor spoke slowly enough to make his speech easy _. A. follow B. to follow C. followed D. following 30. The tiger is _ to India. A. living B. from C. bornD. native31. The bison _ to a shoulder height of 1.5 metres and can wei
18、gh 1,100 kilograms.A. grow B. growing C. grows D. grew32.To our horror, there was _ of a bus with a car on the bridge.A. conflict B. an appointment C. a collision D. a meet33. As soon as we _, our ship left port. Which is wrong?A. went aboardB. went on board C. got on the ship D. went abroad34. The
19、news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told35.I was _ in the middle of the call because I had no more coins to put in the telephone box.A. hung up B. put off C. cut off D. cut up36. As it turned out to be that warm, we _ so many c
20、lothes. A. neednt wear B. didnt have to wear C. might not have worn D. neednt have worn37. -Steven has got the first prize in the math contest. -_ is no wonder that he looks so happy today.A. It B. As C. This D. That38. just south of Yunnan and Guangxi, Vietnam is easy reach and offers exciting adve
21、ntures at a reasonable price. A. Locating; within B. Loeated; in C. Located; within D. Locating; in39. The child need_ to school and _.A. to go; to educate B. going; to educate C. to go; educating D. going, educating40. She forbids _ here, but she never forbids you _ a smoke.Ato smoke, to have B. sm
22、oking, to have C. to smoke, having D. smoking, having 41. No one would have dreamed of there _such a beautiful place. A. being B. was C. to be D. be 42. The actresss _ into the world of politics surprised most people. A. entry B. effort C effect D. faith43.You can use a large plastic bottle, _ cut o
23、ff, as a pot to grow young plants in.A. the top is B. with its top C. whose topD. the top of which44. _she couldnt understand was_ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lesson. A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that45. It was with great joy _ he received the exciting news
24、 _ his children had been found.A. that; that B. which; that C. that; which D. that; x第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Soon it would be the holidays, but before that, there were final 46 . All the kids had been working hard for some time, reviewing their 47 . If they didnt pass the exams, they would have
25、 to 48 _them in September. There were usually a few who 49 , but Jane didnt want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year, but she was working so hard that her mother 50 her. She went to bed too late. The night before the big day, her mother 51 that she should have an early night and take a s
26、leeping pill. She promised to 52 her up in the morning.Jane was too 53 to fall asleep. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last, the 54 did work. In no time at all, she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper, but she couldnt answer 55 of the questions. Everyone 56 he
27、r was writing pages and pages. 57 she thought hard, she couldnt find anything to write about. From time to time she looked at her 58 .Time was running 59 . There was only an hour to 60 . She started one question, wrote two sentences, 61 and tried another. With only half an hour left she wrote 62 two
28、 sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started 63 . Her whole body shook. It shook so much that she woke up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible 64 . A minute later, 65 called her name.46. A. harvestsB. examsC. reportsD. papers47. A. exercisesB. jobsC. booksD. lessons48
29、. A. takeB. writeC. attendD. do49. A. cheatedB. succeededC. passedD. failed50. A. cared forB. fell proud ofC. worried aboutD. thought highly of51. A. insistedB. agreedC. promisedD. allowed52. A. ringB. wakeC. bringD. pick53. A. sadB. tiredC. happyD. nervous54. A. dreamB. pillC. suggestionD. music55.
30、 A. allB. noneC. anyD. some56. A. ahead ofB. behindC. in front ofD. around57. A. UnlessB. HoweverC. ThoughD. As58. A. watchB. paperC. teacherD. book59. A. upB. downC. outD. over60. A. runB. leaveC. remainD. go61. A. gave outB. gave upC. put offD. put out62. A. anotherB. moreC. otherD. the other63. A
31、. thinkingB. dreaming C. cryingD. writing64. A. examB. dreamC. storyD. night65. A. her motherB. her teacherC. a classmateD. a friend第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共计40分) ASome Chinese shops have stopped selling Japanese goods in protest(抗议) against Tokyos approval of a school history book they say whitewashe
32、s Japans militaristic past. It was not clear how many Chinese stores had stopped selling Japanese products, but one association official told Renters that the boycott(联合抵制)had begun in Shanghai, the countrys business center, and the northeast city of Shenyang. Chinese protests against Japans bid for
33、 a permanent(永久的) seat in the U.N. Security Council. Millions of Chinese have already signed an online demand against giving Japan a permanent seat. South Korea also has criticized(批评) the Japanese text book decision. The Korean English-language newspaper Korea Times ran an article on Monday critici
34、zing that action. It said: A civic education text even has a picture of Tokto(独岛 ) as Japanese district on its cover. We cannot help but wonder how many countries in the world would be teaching their children in such wrong words. It went on to say: The country is already a global power and should sh
35、ow regional leadership, not by force but by moral(道德) superiority. Tokyo doesnt appear to be reaching forward in this direction.66. From the passage, the word whitewash in the first paragraph probably means . A. use something for painting B. say some good words to hide the errors, faults C. mix whit
36、e chalk with water D. make somebody beautiful by making up 67. How many cities which led a boycott of the goods are listed in the passage? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 68. Which of the following statement is TRUE? A. The Chinese led a boycott because Japans bid for a permanent seat in the U.N.
37、 Security Council. B. Shenyang is the business center of China. C. Japan nowadays shows its regional leadership by moral superiority. D. There has been much argument over an island between Japan and South Korea.69. Which of the following can be the proper title of the news? A. Chinese and Korean Dis
38、pleasure B. China, South Korea and Japan C. The Reform of U. N. D. A New History Textbook BThe fitness movement that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s centered in a variety of aerobic(增氧健身的) exercise. Millions of individuals became engaged in a variety of aerobic activities, and literally thou
39、sands of health spas developed around the country to capitalize on(利用) this emerging interest in fitness, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A number of fitness spas existed before this aerobic fitness movement, even a national chain with spas in most major cities. However, their focus was no
40、t on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.These fitness spas did not seem to benefit financially from the aerobic fitness movement to better health, since medical opinion suggested that weight-
41、training programs offered few, if any, health benefits. In recent years, however, weight training has again become increasingly popular for males and for females. Many current programs focus not only on developing muscular strength and endurance but on aerobic fitness as well.Historically, most phys
42、ical-fitness tests have usually included measures of muscular strength and endurance, not for health-related reasons, but primarily because such fitness components have been related to performance in athletics. However, in recent years, evidence has shown that training programs designed primarily to
43、 improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health benefits as well. The American College of Sports Medicine now recommends that weight training be part of a total fitness program for healthy Americans. Increased participation in such training is one of the specific physical activ
44、ity and fitness objectives of Healthy People 2000: National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives.70. The word “spas” (Line 3, Para. 1) most probably refers to _. A. sport activities B. places of physical exerciseC. relaxation centers D. athletic training programs71. Early fitness spas
45、were intended mainly for _.A. the promotion of aerobic exercise B. endurance and muscular developmentC. the improvement of womens figures D. better performance in aerobic dancing72. People were given physical fitness tests in order to find out _.A. how well they could do in athleticsB. what their he
46、alth condition was like C. what kind of fitness center was suitable for themD. whether they were fit for aerobic exercise73. Recent studies have suggested that weight training _.A. has become an important part of peoples lifeB. may well affect the health of the traineesC. will attract more people in
47、 the days to comeD. contributes to health improvement as wellC Anti-bird flu contingency (意外事故) measures, including a proposal to separate poultry from humans and a series oftraffic and logistics (后勤) measures will be discussed at the Legislative Councils Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene Panel
48、meeting next month. Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Dr York Chow says the contingency plan would come into force if an outbreak occurred near Hong Kong.Speaking on a radio talk show this morning, Dr Chow said the separation of poultry from humans policy, which will be determined after a decis
49、ion whether to set up a central slaughtering (屠宰) house or several regional ones,would be based on thedemand for live chickens.He pointed out that at present therewere 30,000 live chickens imported from the Mainland and 30,000 supplied locally. If this demand persisted, therewould beno central slaug
50、htering house or wholesale point that could handle such an amount and regional slaughtering housescouldbe the choice.He added that building of regional slaughtering houses took time, but stressed the need to study the views of the public and the sector before a final decisionwas made.Regarding avian
51、 flu vaccination (种痘) for humans, Dr Chow said itwas still being developed.He added that it may not be reliable in the case of an outbreak as records show vaccination can only offer 5% protection against a virus.He said Hong Kong had more experience and expertise than neighboring territories in the
52、fight against viral outbreaks, andwas willing to offer them help.He addedtherewas no “boundary” for infectious diseases and close cooperation among different countries had to be maintained to fight against a possible outbreak.74. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _.A. the government i
53、s planning to take strong action to fight against bird fluB. an outbreak which happened near Hong Kong made people very frightenedC. anti-bird flu contingency measures will come into use next monthD. Dr York Chow will organize a meeting to discuss the contingency plan75. According to the passage, th
54、e best way to fight against bird flu is to _.A. separate poultry from humansB. set up a central slaughtering houseC. set up several regional slaughtering housesD. get avian flu vaccination76. When the final decision will be made mainly depends on _.A. the demand for live chickensB. the views of the
55、publicC. the advice from expertsD. the time when regional slaughtering houses will be finished77. Which of the following statements isnt Dr York Chows opinion?A. Hong Kong is better at dealing with viral outbreaks than its neighbours.B. Infectious diseases could happen in any country.C. Other territ
56、ories should ask Hong Kong for help because it has more experience.D. Cooperation is quite necessary when danger is coming. D By the time the Montgomery Improvement Association chose the 26-year-old Martin Luther King, Jr as its leader, the hours-old bus boycott by the black citizens of Montgomery,
57、Alabama, was already a great success. King would later write that his unexpected call to leadership happened so quickly that I did not have time to think it through. It is likely that if I had, I would have turned down the nomination(提名 ) . Although press reports at the time paid much attention to h
58、is public speaking skills, King was actually an unwilling leader of a movement started by others. His later writings and private letters show that he doubted the movement at that time. In the early days of his taking part, King was troubled by telephone threats, disagreement within the black communi
59、ty and Montgomerys get tough policy. One night, as he considered ways to move out of the picture without appearing a coward(懦夫) , he began to pray aloud and, at that moment, experienced the presence of the God as I had never experienced him before. He would later admit that when the boycott began, h
60、e didnt firmly believe in Gandhian (甘地) principles. Although he had been introduced to those in college, he had remained doubtful. I thought the only way we could solve our problem of segregation(种族隔离 ) was an armed revolution, he recalled. Only after his home was bombed in late January did King rec
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