Unit 5 (LESSON 2)词汇课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册_第1页
Unit 5 (LESSON 2)词汇课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册_第2页
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Unit 5 (LESSON 2)词汇课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册_第4页
Unit 5 (LESSON 2)词汇课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册_第5页
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1、单词课堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness. Vygotsky版本:新北师单元:选择性必修二 Unit 5 (LESSON 2)本单元词汇梳理1.objectiveobject (物体) + -ive (的) 物体的,即不带个人情感的、就事论事的 客观的objective (adj 客观的) 反义词:subjectiveobjective (n 目标) 近义词:goal词块:set / achieve / pursue an objective2.gain一词多义:基本义“获得”词块:gain from, gain knowledge /

2、weight, weight gain, no pain no gain3.well-roundedwell + round (v 使成圆形) + -ed4.pursuepur- (forward 向前) + sue (to follow 跟随) 向前跟随 追赶 (基本义) 词块:pursue sbs dream5.criticalcrit (to judge 判断) + -ic (名词后缀) + -al (形容词后缀) 爱作判断的 批判的;挑剔的;词块:be critical to, critical thinking6.cognitionco- (表示强调) + gn (to know 知

3、道) + -ition (名词后缀) 知道的过程 认知7.core词块:core value8. insightin + sight 眼睛看进去、用心灵的眼睛去看 深入了解词块:give sb insights / an insight into sth派生词:insightful9.civilcivil与city同源,词源义为“市民的、公民的”,西方人认为,古代人类历史的初级阶段,人类都是散居的,从事农业活动,发展到一定程度后才出现了城市,才分化出非农业人口,因此,他们认为城市生活是人类历史比较高级的发展阶段,是比较高级的文明阶段,所以生活在城市里的市民要比生活在农村的人口更加文明、更加文雅

4、,因而civil衍生出“文明的”“有礼貌的”意思。派生词:civilise, catee- (向外) + duc (to lead 引导) + -ate (动词后缀) 把学生内在的天资引导出来 教育词块:educate sb on sth;派生词:educated, education, educator11. moral词块:moral standards;派生词:morally, immoral 12.contributecon- (together 一起) + tribute (贡品) 一起把贡品献给 贡献 (基本义)词块:contribute to,

5、 contribute (sth) to sth 词族:contribute, contributor, contribution 13.finance派生词:financial14.economics构词:economic economics15.exposeex- (out 向外) + pose (to place 放置) 向外放置 使显露;使暴露 一词多义:词源义和基本义是“使显露、使暴露”词块:expose (oneself) to sth;派生词:exposure16.surroundingsurround (v 包围) + -ing词族:surround, surrounding,

6、 surroundings 17.uncriticallyun- + critical (adj 批评的) + -ly18.judgementjudge (v 判断) + -ment (名词后缀)词块:make a judgement on / about sth19.regardlessregard (n 注意、关心) + -less (没有、无) ;词块:regardless of20.behave词块:behave oneself;派生词:behaviour21.circumstancecircum (around 环绕) + st (to stand 站) + -ance (名词后缀)

7、 环绕着站的事物 周边情形 情况 词块:in / under . circumstances, in / under no circumstances22.citizen来自古法语citeien,由拉丁语civis (市民) 变化而来。古法语citeien的字面意思是“居住在cite里的人”。法语中的cite后来演变为英语单词 city。古希腊和古罗马时代只有市民才有政治权利,所以citizen既是“市民”,也是“公民”。23.conclusionconclude conclusion词块:in conclusion (= finally) , arrive at / come to / dr

8、aw / reach a conclusion24.definition构词:define definition25.respectivelyrespective (adj 各自的) + -ly26. responsibilityresponsible (adj 负责的) + -ity (名词后缀)词块:take / have responsibility for = be responsible for, accept / shoulder responsibility, its sbs responsibility to do sth27.priority来自prior (adj 优先的)

9、;词块:a top priority28.stimulatestimul (to prick 刺) + -ate (动词后缀) 刺(激)某物 刺激(基本义)词块:stimulate ones interest派生词:stimulating, stimulation29.initiative词块:take the initiative to do sth, the Belt and Road Initiative30.autonomousauto- (self 自己) + nomous (law 法律)31.brilliant词块:a brilliant idea, a brilliant mu

10、sician派生词:brilliantly32.demonstratede- (entirely 完全) + monstr (to show 显示) + -ate (动词后缀) 使完全显示出来 证明派生词:demonstration33.assess精准的汉语释义: “评”价,强调定性 估“算”,强调定量派生词:assessment重难点词精讲gain一词多义pursueobjective辨析义一词多义contribute一词多义finance英语释义expose一词多义英语释义behave英语释义搭配义circumstance搭配义辨析义stimulate一词多义demonstrate一词多

11、义responsibility搭配义词根词缀objective温故知新根据所给汉语,完成句子。If wed all work together, I think we could _(实现我们的目标).achieve / reach our goalobjective比goal更正式achieve / reach our objective adj 客观的 反 subjective:an objective assessment / analysis objectively adv 客观地 n C 目的;目标 (goal):set / achieve an objectiveThe objec

12、tive of most speeches is to benefit the audience. 2020 山东A way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives. 2019 全国objective 词源解读:object(物体)+ -ive(的) 物体的,即不带个人情感的、就事论事的 客观的【词汇拓展】object n C 物体:Signs in the zoo warn people not to feed the animals or throw objects. 对象:a

13、n object of study 目标;目的:The object of the game is to improve childrens language skills. 语法宾语 v vi 反对;不赞成:If nobody objects, well put off the meeting till next week. object to (doing) sth:Why do some people strongly object to human cloning?We object to leaving him alone. vt 提出作为反对的理由:object + that 从句

14、:They objected that the schedule was too tight. objection n C & U 反对;反对的理由:Grey decided to move to the countryside and his wife made no objections to it. 这四个词都含有“目标”之意。objective最正式;表示想要达到的目标时可用objective, goal, target,不用object。I will try to reach my objective / goal / target because I want to live an

15、 exciting life. target后可接area, audience, group等词,表示“目标范围 / 观众 / 群体”。Its a clear advantage if you can identify with your target audience.goal及target的目标可以是数字,如销量、考试分数、日期等。They achieved their goal / target of increasing sales by five percent.objective, target, goal, object析辨 No pain, no gain.gain v vt(

16、使)获得;赢得 to get or win sth, especially sth that is wanted or needed:gain a degreeHer honesty gained her the trust of her teacher. vt & vi 获(益)to get an advantage from (doing) sth:gain advantages from Theres nothing to be gained by losing your temper.We gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much

17、more than we will benefit. 2009 安徽gain较为正式 vt 增加 to gradually get more of sth 反 lose:I have gained a lot of weight recently.The young people gradually gain confidence in their abilities. vt & vi(钟、表等走得)快 反 lose:My watch gains (by) several minutes a day.gain ground 变得更强大 / 更成功 / 更有效;逼近 n C 好处;利益;U 利润

18、:The officials illegal gains will be turned in to national treasury.He will do anything for gain. 增加 反 loss:a gain in earnings Regular exercise is the best way of preventing weight gain.gain 语义网络图“获得”某物钟表等“获得”时间“获得”益处“获得”体重、信心等(使)获得;赢得获(益)增加(钟、表等走得)快 获得 gain(基本义)好处;利益;利润增加vn写作高级用词,经常与抽象名词搭配使用:1. We

19、all gained a lot from the experience.2. The plane rapidly gained height.3. We managed to gain entry through a back window.4. “Sense of gain”, which means the public share the fruits of reform with happiness, gains popularity rapidly.5. No pain, no gain.behave妈妈经常会跟孩子说“要乖乖的哦!” “乖乖的哦!” 这句话用英语怎么表达呢?Beh

20、ave yourself! vi 表现 to act in a particular way (act): He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was / were an adult. vi & vt(使)举止规矩;(使)表现得体 to act in a correct or appropriate way: badly- / well-behaved children behave oneself: Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave

21、 themselves. 2011 浙江behave v基本语义语义缩小behavio(u)r U 行为;举止: I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. 2012 福建书面表达 C & U(物体等)反应;性能;行为方式;习性: Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.【温故】选必一U1人物珍妮古道尔(Jane Goodall),是世界上拥有极高声誉的动物学家,致力于野生动物的研究和保护。她在二十多岁时前往非洲的原始森林,为了观察黑猩猩,度过了三十八年

22、的野外生活。她奔走于世界各地,呼吁人们保护野生动物、保护地球的环境。circumstance根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1. We dont usually accept late applications, but _(在这种情况下)we will make an exception.2. _(在任何情况下都不)should you leave this house.in this case / in / under the circumstancesIn no case / In / Under no circumstancescircumstance n C常用复数情况;情形

23、 the conditions that affect a situation, an event, etc.:Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive. 复数正式用语境况;状况(尤指经济状况)the conditions of a persons life, especially the money they have:financial / social / personal circumstances in / under . circumstance

24、s 在情况下:Under the circumstances, it seems better not to tell him about the accident. Its an experimental model, so dont touch it under any circumstances. 2012 江西改circumstance词源解读:circum(around 环绕)+ st(to stand 站)+ -ance(名词后缀) 环绕着站的事物 周边情形 情况;情形in / under no circumstances 决不;无论如何不:Under no circumstanc

25、es should we do terrible things to other people. 注:in / under no circumstances 置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。辨析:circumstance, environmentcircumstance 和 environment 都含有“环境”“状况”之意。 circumstance 指“情况”“情形”(the conditions that affect a situation, an event, etc.)”,常用复数,表明与某事件或某人有关的环境,情形,情况等,也可指“境况”“状况”(尤指经济状况)(how muc

26、h money sb has)”。We cant judge what he did until we know all the circumstances. environment 指“生活环境”“周围状况(the conditions of the place where you are)”,尤其指作用和影响生物体的生长,发展和生存的外界物质条件的总和。The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different environment.友谊是一种甜蜜的责任,绝不是一种机会。 纪伯伦纪哈纪伯伦(Kahlil Gibran, 1883 1931)黎巴嫩作家、诗人、画家,阿拉伯文学的主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路的开拓者之一,被称为艺术天才、黎巴嫩文坛骄子。其主要作品有泪与笑(A Tear and a Smile),先知(The Prophet)


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