2、usiing ssituaated withhin tthe aadminnistrrativve juurisddictiion oof Shhanghhai, as wwell as tthe lleasee of premmisess whoose rrent is ddeterrmineed byy thee rellatedd parrtiess thrroughh neggotiaationns acccordding to rreasoonablle maarkett priincipples, excclusiive oof thhe leease of aany ppubli
3、icly-owneed reesideence premmisess at the rentt rattio speccifieed byy Shaanghaai Muuniciipal Goveernmeent, of tthe ppubliic noon-reesideence premmisess admminisstrattivelly alllocaated and inveestedd by Shannghaii Munnicippal GGoverrnmennt, aand oof thhe prrivatte prremisses lleaseed att thee rennt
4、 raatio speccifieed byy Shaanghaai Muuniciipal Goveernmeent ppriorr to the impllemenntatiion oof thhe Reegulaationns off Shaanghaai Muuniciipal goveernmeent oon Prremisses LLeasee(herreinaafterr “thhe Reegulaationns”).II. The pre-leasse heereunnder is oonly resttrictted tto suuch ccommeerciaal hoous
5、inngs as buillt byy rellatedd reaal esstatee devveloppers who has obtaainedd thee pree-salle peermitt, exxceptt forr anyy commmerccial houssing whicch haas beeen ppre-ssold by rrelatted rreal estaate ddevelloperrs; aand nno prre-leease may be mmade by aany ppre-bbuyerr of commmerciial hhousiing. Bot
6、h the termms 【For Leasse】 and 【For Pre-Leasse】menttioneed heereinn aree forr inddicattive purpposess, deenotiing tthat relaated provvisioons oor cllausees maarkedd witth suuch ttermss appply tto leease or ppre-lleasee, ass inddicatted rrespeectivvely. Wheen this Conttractt is usedd as a prremisses l
7、leasee agrreemeent, onlyy thoose pproviisionns maarkedd witth thhe woord 【Leasse】 willl be inclludedd andd adooptedd as inteegrall parrt off succh leease agreeemennt; llikewwise, wheen ussed aas a commmerciial hhousiing ppre-lleasee conntracct, oonly thosse prrovissionss marrked withh thee【Pre-leass
8、e】,as welll as the provvisioons eentittled “Pree-leaase RRelatted IIssuees” aas seet ouut inn thee Suppplemmentaal Prrovissionss, andd othher pproviisionns noot maarkedd 【】 may be iincluuded as tthe ggenerral ttermss andd connditiions, reggardlless of ppre-lleasee or leasse. IV.IIn caase tthis Contt
9、ractt is to bbe ussed ffor iintennded pre-leasse off commmerccial houssing, botth paartiees too succh prre-leease shalll, uupon the comppletiion oof thhe coommerrciall houusingg, ennter intoo thee hanndoveer leetterr of commmerciial hhousiing aafterr rellatedd proopertty deevelooper has folllowedd t
10、hee reqquireed inittial regiistraationn of reall esttate and acquuiredd thee reaal esstatee ownnershhip ccertiificaate, for thatt purrposees, tthat conttractt shaall bbecomme thhe prremisses lleasee conntracct, aand tthe oorigiinal termms annd coondittionss conntainned tthereein sshalll havve beeen
11、ffullyy fullfillled. V.Thhis CContrract is thhe teentattive tempplatee preepareed byy Shaanghaai Addminiistraationn of Proppertyy andd Landd Reccoursses iin coollabborattionss witth Shhanghhai MMuniccipall Burreau for Induustryy andd Commmercce, iin acccorddancee witth thhe Reegulaationns off Shaang
12、haai Muuniciipal Goveernmeent oon Prremisses LLeasee, alll teerms and condditioons ccontaainedd herrein are onlyy forr inddicattive purpposess to be mmutuaally agreeed bbetweeen tthe PPartiies hheretto. AAny iissuees noot coovereed orr deffinedd herrein may be rresollved by eenterring intoo suppplem
13、mentaary pproviisionns byy Parrty AA andd Parrty BB thrroughh amiicablle neegotiiatioons.VI.PPriorr to execcutioon off thiis Coontraact, the lesssor iis reequirred tto prresennt too thee proospecctivee lesssee its reall esttate owneershiip annd laand uuse rrightt cerrtifiicatee or otheer reelateed o
14、wwnersship certtificcate, andd appproprriatee proopertty deevelooper shalll shhow tthe ppre-llesseee thhe prre-saales permmit aas duuly oobtaiined. Eacch paarty to aan inntendded lleasee or prelleasee shaall vveriffy thhe iddentiity ccertiificaate oof ottherss andd delliverr to otheers iits oown iid
15、enttity certtificcate. Wheere tthe iintennded lesssee iis ann itiineraant ppersoon frrom ooutsiide SShangghai, thee lesssor is aalso requuiredd to pressent the Permmit oof Prremisses LLeasiing ssecurrity issuued bby reelateed poolicee autthoriity. VII.Relaated partties conccerneed shhall, witthin fi
16、ftteen (15) dayys uppon eexecuutionn of thiss Conntracct, ffolloow reelateed foormallitiees off conntracct reegisttratiion. Speccificcallyy, inn thee eveent oof prremisses lleasee, reegistter, and applly foor thhe ceertifficatte off conntracct reegisttratiion wwith the locaal appproppriatte reeal ee
17、statte exxchannge ccenteer orr farm systtem dduly estaablisshed at thhe pllace wherre suuch lleaseed prremisses aare locaated; in the evennt off pree-leaase oof coommerrciall houusinggs, the pre-leasse off forreignn-oriienteed coommerrciall houusinggs shhall be rregisstereed wiith Shannghaii Munnici
18、ppal RReal Estaate EExchaange Centter; thee pree-leaase oof loocal-orieentedd commmerccial houssing shalll bee reggisteered withh the reall esttate exchhangee cennter dulyy esttabliishedd at the placce whhere suchh pree-leaased premmisess is locaated. The ppropeerty owneershiip ceertifficatte wiill
19、bbe grranteed iff thee commmerccial houssingss undder ppre-lleasee mecchaniism aare ccomplletedd, annd thhe reelateed paartiees shhall regiisterr, annd appply for the certtificcate of ccontrract regiistraationn witth thhe loocal apprropriiate reall esttate exchhangee cennter or ffarm systtem dduly e
20、staablisshed at thhe pllace wherre suuch lleaseed prremisses aare llocatted, uponn thee exeecutiion oof haandovver lletteer off commmerccial houssingss undder ppre-lleasee mecchaniism. Oncee dully reegistterinng wiith tthe aabovee autthoriity, the lesssee hhas tthe rrightt to claiim aggainsst thhe t
21、hhird partty in rrelattion to aany ppurpoortedd reppeateed prre-leeasess, trransffer oor diiscreetionnal ddispoosal of mmortggagedd preemisees duuringg leaase pperiood, eetc. VIII.In thhe evvent one partty reequirres tto reegistter wwhilee thee othher rrefusses tto reenderr neccessaary ccoorddinatti
22、on, formmer may go tthrouugh rrelatted fformaalitiies ffor rregisstrattion by ppreseentinng thhis lleasee conntracct, vvalidd ideentifficattion certtificcate, as welll as otheer suupporrtingg insttrumeents. IX. TThe ssecurrity depoosit servves aas thhe saafeguuard to eensurre thhe duue peerforrmancc
23、e off thee leaase ccontrract. Durring the ccoursse off preemisees leease, the lesssor aand tthe llesseee maay sttipullate the secuurityy deppositt in the leasse coontraact, andd the sppeciffic aamounnt shhall be ddeterrmineed byy botth paartiees. UUpon termminattion of tthe lleasee, thhe seecuriity
24、ddepossit, afteer deeductting the releevantt cossts aand eexpennses payaable by llessoor ass speecifiied iin thhe coontraact, shalll bee reffundeed too thee Lesssee. X. TThis Conttractt is avaiilablle frrom tthe SShangghai reall estatte exchaange centeer orr farm systeem filinng officce orr itss div
25、visioons iin itts diistriict oor, ccountty whhere the relaated premmisess aree loccatedd. Booth ppartiies aare aadvissed tto reead tthorooughlly eaach pproviisionn conntainned hhereiin annd maake aa souund uunderrstanndingg theereoff.XIThhis CContrract servves oonly as aa Moddel TText for refeerencc
26、e byy rellatedd parrtiess. XIIWWheree thee leaasehoold hhereuunderr is estaablisshed undeer thhe heelp oof aggencyy or brokkeragge, rrelatted ppartiies tto a leasse shhall requuire suchh brookeraage oor brrokerr to signn on the lastt siggnatuure ppage hereeof. SHANGGHAIPREMMISESS PREE-LEAASECONTTRAC
27、TT (Conntracct Noo.: )BETWEEEN: Lessoor (hhereiinaftter “Partty A”):【For Leasse】Lesseee (hhereiinaftter “Partty B”)Pre-llessoor (hhereiinaftter “Partty A”):【For Pre-Leasse】Pre-llesseee (hhereiinaftter “Paarty B”):THIS CONTTRACTT is madee andd entteredd intto byy andd bettweenn Parrty AA andd Parrty
28、BB, thhrouggh muutuall friiendlly neegotiiatioon baased on tthe pprincciplees off equualitty, vvolunntariinesss, faairneess, as wwell as ggood faitth, iin reespecct off isssues conccerniing tthe lleasee by Partty A to PPartyy B oof thhe (Premiises/Commmerciial HHousiing )whicch Paarty A iss enttitle
29、ed too (leasse/prre-leease), inn acccordaance withh thee Conntracct Laaw off thee Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina and the Reguulatiion oof Shhanghhai MMuniccipall Govvernmment on PPremiises Leasse (hhereiinaftter “the Reguulatiions”), suubjecct too thee terrms aand ccondiitionns ass herreof: I.Prrofi
30、lle off Leaased/Pre-leassed PPremiises 1-1TThe PPremiises ( Forr Leaase/Pre-lleasee) byy Parrty AA to Partty B hereeundeer iss sittuateed att rooom , flooor, (NNo. /builldingg) (Lanne/Neew Viillagge) Roadd (ddistrrict/counnty), Shaanghaai (hhereiinaftter “the Premmisess”). The meassuredd buiildinng
31、arrea oof suuch PPremiises _ (Forr Leaase/PPre-lleasee) iss ssquarre meeterss, annd thhe Prremisses aare aallowwed ffor , wwith a tyype oof and struucturre off . The plann or layoout oof suuch PPremiises is aas prrovidded iin Apppenddix AA atttacheed heeretoo. Itt is acknnowleedgedd thaat Paarty A h
32、aas prresennted to PPartyy B: (i)【For Leasse】The reall esttate owneershiip annd laand-uuse rrightt cerrtifiicatee/houuse oownerrshipp cerrtifiicatee_, nuumberred aas (ii)【For Pre-Leasse】Pre-salee perrmit, nummbereed ass (Refeer too Artticlee 2.11 andd Artticlee 2.22 of the Suppplemeentall Proovisiio
33、ns for detaails)1-2 Thee leaasehoold iis esstabllisheed beetweeen Paarty A, aas (Reeal EEstatte Owwner/Admiinisttratoor/Otther Righht Hoolderrs unnder the Appllicabble LLaws), annd Paarty B heereunnder. Parrty AA hass infformeed Paarty B thhat tthe PPremiises (havve/haave nnot) beenn morrtgagged, pr
34、ioor too thee exeecutiion oof thhis lleasee conntracct. 1-3SSpacee, Coondittionss andd Reqquireementts foor Usse off Publiic orr Shareed Areass of thiss Preemisees: Thee exiistinng Deecoraationn, anccillaary ffacillitiees, connditiions of eequippmentt, ass welll ass thee infformaationn andd staandar
35、rds oof, thee anciillarry faaciliitiess decoorateed annd addded by PPartyy B, uppon cconseent oof Paarty A, shhall be ddeterrmineed ass perr Apppendiix B, atttacheed heeretoo, reespecctiveely. Bothh Parrtiess agrree tthat thesse twwo Apppenddicess as menttioneed abbove shalll bee thee staandarrds oo
36、r baasis for acceeptannce oof thhe Prremisses wwhen it iis reeturnned bby Paarty B too Parrty AA upoon teerminnatioon heereoff andd wheen itt is by PPartyy A tto Paarty B ass of the effeectivve daate hhereoof. (Refeer too Artticlee 2.33 of the Suppplemeentall Proovisiions for detaails)II.PPurpooses
37、of LLeasee 2-1PPartyy B uunderrtakees wiith PPartyy A tthat the Premmisess aree leaased hereeundeer too be used as , andd willl coomplyy witth anny annd alll reelateed apppliccablee proovisiions conccerniing tthe ppremiises use and proppertyy mannagemment of tthe SStatee andd Shaanghaai. 2-2 Parrty
38、BB warrrantts too Parrty AA thaat duuringg thee leaase tterm hereeof nno chhangee willl bee madde too thee purrposees menntionned iin Arrticlle 2-1 abbove in tthe aabsennce oof prrior writtten conssent of PPartyy A aand aapprooval fromm rellatedd commpeteent aauthooritiies aafterr duee proocesss of
39、examminattion in aaccorrdancce wiith rrelatted pproviisionns. III.Handdoverr Datee andd Leaase TTerm 3-1BBoth Partties hereeto aagreee thaat Paarty A wiill hhand overr Parrty BB thee saiid Prremisses bby yyyyy/mm/dd.【For Leasse】The leasse teerm hhereoof shhall commmencee fromm annd ennd onn 【 For PP
40、re-LLeasee】The leasse teerm sshalll commmencce frrom tthe ddate whenn thee Pree-leaased Commmerciial HHousiing HHandoover Lettter iis siignedd andd endd on the datee of _. (Reefer to AArticcle 33 of the Suppplemeentall Proovisiions for detaails)3-2UUpon expiiry oof thhe aggreedd to leasse teerm, Par
41、tty A shalll haave tthe rrightt to recoover the Premmisess leaased hereeundeer, aand PPartyy B iis reequirred tto reeturnn thee samme ass schhedulled. Partty B shalll deeliveer a writtten notiice tto Paarty A reequesstingg rennewall of this Conttractt sixx (6) monnths prioor too thee exppiry datee,
42、whhich reneewal hereeof sshalll be subjject to eexpreess cconseent oof Paarty A. IV. Rentt, Teerms of PPaymeent aand PPeriood4-1 It is aagreeed byy botth Paartiees heeretoo thaat thhe aggreedd-uponn rennt foor eaach ssquarre meeter of bbuildding areaa/perr dayy is Yuuan (Currrencyy). 【For Leasse】The
43、 montthly rentt in totaal iss_Yuann (Cuurrenncy) (In wordds: THHOUSAAND _ HUNNDREDD _ YUUAN OONLY). 【For PPre-LLeasee】The montthly rentt shaall eexpreesslyy stiipulaated by bboth Partties in tthe HHandoover Lettter oof Commmerciial HHousiing aas peer thhe acctuallly mmeasuured builldingg areea sppac
44、e. (Reefer to AArticcle 44.1 oof thhe Suuppleementtal PProviisionns foor deetaills)The aaforeesaidd ratte off rennt reemainns unnchannged for a peeriodd of (Yeear/MMonthh), wwhichh mayy be subjject to aadjusstmennt frrom ttime to ttime by bboth partties hereeto ffrom (yeear/MMonthh) thhrouggh muutua
45、ll friiendlly neegotiiatioon, mmatteers cconceerninng suuch aadjusstmennt too be conttractted bbetweeen bboth partties in tthe SSuppllemenntal Provvisioons hheretto. 4.2 Thee saiid reent sshalll be payaable by PPartyy B tto Paarty A prrior to tthe dday oof eaach mmonthh. Paarty B is oobligged tto pa
46、ay a penaalty to PPartyy A aat thhe raate oof % off unppaid rentt forr eacch deelayeed daay. (Refeer too Artticlee 4.11 andd Artticlee 14.2 off thee Suppplemmentaal Prrovissionss forr dettailss)4-3 Thee rennt shhall be ppaid by PPartyy B aaccorrdingg to the folllowinng paaymennt sccheduules: (Reefer
47、 to AArticcle 44.1 oof thhe Suuppleementtal PProviisionns foor deetaills)V.Caash DDepossit aand OOtherr Feees5-1 Botth Paartiees heeretoo ackknowlledgee thaat uppon hhandoover by PPartyy A tto Paarty B off thee Preemisees, Parrty BB shaall ppay tto Paarty A seecuriity depoosit in tthe ssum oof reent
48、 ffor moonthss, i.e. Yuuan (RMB). Upon receeivinng thhe saaid ssecurrity depoosit, Parrty AA shaall iissuee to Partty B a reeceippt thhereoof. Upon termminattion or eexpirratioon off thiis Coontraact, the secuurityy deppositt, ass paiid byy Parrty BB herreundder, afteer deeductting relaated feess wh
49、iich aare tto bee paiid byy Parrty BB as stippulatted hhereiin, sshalll be refuundedd to Partty B withhout inteerestt (iff anyy amoount remaaininng). (Reffer tto Arrticlle 5 of tthe SSuppllemenntal Provvisioons ffor ddetaiils)5-2 Anyy andd alll feees andd exppensees inncurrred ddurinng thhe leease t
50、ermm, inn resspectt of the wateer, eelecttriciity, gas, commmuniicatiions, equuipmeent, proppertyy mannagemment, andd othher rrelatted ffees or eexpennses shalll bee borrne bby (Parrty AA/Parrty BB). AAll ootherr feees annd exxpensses sshalll be bornne byy (Parrty AA/Parrty BB). (Refeer too Artticle
51、e 4.22 andd Artticlee 4.33 of the Suppplemeentall Proovisiions for detaails)5-3 Thee meaans ffor ccalcuulatiing oor appporttioniing tthe aaforeesaidd feees annd exxpensses tto bee paiid byy (Paarty A/Paarty B ), thee terrms aas weell aas tiime oof paaymennt thhereoof shhall be aas foollowws: (Refeer
52、 too Artticlee 4.22 andd Artticlee 4.33 of the Suppplemeentall Proovisiions for detaails)VI.RRequiiremeents for Use of PPremiises and Mainntenaance Liabbilitties6-1 Durring the leasse teerm hhereoof, PPartyy B sshalll prommptlyy infform Partty A to rrepaiir orr makke goood aany ddamagge orr faiilure
53、e occcurreed too thee Preemisees orr itss anccillaary faciilitiies wwheneever suchh dammage or ffailuure ccomess to his atteentioon; PPartyy A sshalll, wiithinn fiffteenn (155) daays uupon receeipt of ssuch notiice ffrom Partty B, makke appproppriatte coorrecctionn or repaair, otheerwisse, PPartyy B
54、 mmay mmake suchh neccessaary rrepaiir att thee cosst off Parrty AA.6-2 Durring the leasse teerm, Partty B shalll reeasonnablyy usee andd takke prroperr carre off thee Preemisees annd itts anncilllary faciilitiies. Partty B shalll bee helld liiablee forr makking propper rrepaiir orr corrrecttion of
55、aany ddamagge orr faiiluree to the Premmisess or its anciillarry faaciliitiess as resuult oof miisusee or unreeasonnablee usee by Partty B. In casee Parrty BB reffusess to makee prooper repaair uupon requuest fromm Parrty AA, Paarty A maay maake ssuch repaair aat thhe coost oof Paarty B. 6-3 Parrty
56、AA warrrantts thhat tthe PPremiises and its anciillarry faaciliitiess aree in goodd connditiion aand ssafe mannner, suittablee forr usee, duuringg thee leaase tterm. Parrty AA shaall nnotiffy Paarty B off anyy plaannedd insspecttion and/or mmainttenannce oon thhe Prremisses tthreee (3) dayys inn adv
57、vancee, inn thiis caase, Partty B shalll prrovidde reeasonnablee andd neccessaary ccoopeeratiion ffor tthat purppose, proovideed, hhowevver PPartyy A iis reequirred tto miinimiize tto thhe poossibble eextennt thhe immpactt on the use by PPartyy B oof thhis PPremiises, cauused by ssuch insppectiion a
58、and/oor maainteenancce. (Refeer too Artticlee 7 oof thhe Suuppleementtal PProviisionns foor deetaills)6-4 Exceept ffor AAppenndix hereeto, any inteendedd Deccorattion or aaddittion of aancilllaryy faccilitties and equiipmennts bby Paarty B shhall be ssubjeect tto prrior writtten conssentss of Partty
59、 A and requuiredd appprovaals, for whicch (PPartyy A /Partty B entrrusteed byy Parrty AA )shhall applly, ffrom apprropriiate comppetennt auuthorritiees inn acccordaance withh appplicaable provvisioons, if ssuch apprrovall is requuiredd by appllicabble llaws as nnecesssaryy forr succh inntendded DDec
60、orratioon and addiitionn of anciillarry faaciliitiess andd equuipmeents. Thee ownnershhip oof suuch DDecorratioon annd addditiion oof anncilllary faciilitiies aand eequippmentts, mmade by PPartyy B, as wwell as mmainttenannce rrespoonsibbilitties therreforre shhall be aagreeed byy botth Paarty A ann
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