1、中国深圳对对外贸易货货物进口合合同合同编号:_Conntracct Noo:_签订日期:_Datte:_签订地点:_Siggned at :_卖方:_TTHE SSELLEERS:_买方:_TTHE BBUYERRS:_经买双方确确认根据下下列条款订订立本合同同:Thee unddersiignedd Selllerss andd Buyyers havee connfirmmed tthis conttractt in accoordannce wwith the termms annd coondittionss stiipulaated beloow :1货号号名称及规规格单位数量量单单
2、价金额额Art No. DeescriiptioonsUniitQQuanttityUnitt PriiceAmoount合计:Tootallly: 总值值(大写):TTotall vallue:(in wwordss)允许溢短_%。_% morre orr lesss inn quaantitty annd vaalue alloowed.2成交价价格术语:_(FFOB CFRCIF DDUU_)TTermss: _(FOBB CFFRCIIF DDDU_)3出产国国与制造商商:_Coountrry off oriigin and manuufactturerrs :_4包装:_Paccki
3、ngg:_5装运唛唛头:_SShippping Markks:_6装运港港:_Deeliveery pport :_7目地港港:_Deestinnatioon:_8转运:允许 不允许许;分批装装运:允允许不允允许Traan shhipmeent:alloowednot alloowed;Parttial shippmentts: alloowed nott alllowedd9装运期期:_Shhipmeent ddate:_10保险险:由_按按发票金额额110%,投保_险,另加加保_险。Insuurancce:too be coveered by tthe_ffor 1110% of tthe
4、 iinvoiice vvaluee covverinng_addditiionall11付款款条件:TTermss of paymment:买方通过过_银行在在_年_月月_日前开开出以卖方方为受益人人的_期信信用证。TThe bbuyerrs shhall openn a LLetteer off Creedit at _ sigght tthrouugh _ bannk inn favvour of tthe sselleers ppriorr to _.付款交单单:买方应应对卖方开开具的以买买方为付款款人的见票票后_天付付款跟单汇汇票,付款款时交单。Docuumentts aggains
5、st paaymennt:(DD/P)TThe bbuyerrs shhall dulyy makke thhe paaymennt aggainsst doocumeentarry drraft madee outt to the buyeers aat _ssightt by the selllers.承兑交单单:买方应应对卖方开开具的以买买方为付款款人的见票票后_天承承兑跟单汇汇票,承兑兑时交单。Docuumentts aggainsst acccepttancee:(D/P)Thhe buuyerss shaall dduly makee thee payymentt agaainst
6、t doccumenntaryy draaft mmade out to tthe bbuyerrs att _ ssightt by the selllers.货到付款款:买方在在收到货物物后_天内内将全部货货款支付卖卖方(不适适用于FOOB、CFFR、CIIF术语)。Cassh onn delliverry (CCOD):The buyeers sshalll payy to the selllers totaal ammountt witthin _ daays aafterr thee recceiptt of the goodds .(Thiss claause is nnot aa
7、ppliied tto thhe teerms of FFOB,CCFR,CCIF)._12单据据:卖给方方应将下列列单据提交交银行议付付/托收。Docuumentts :TThe sselleers sshalll preesentt thee folllowiing ddocummentss reqquireed too thee bannks ffor nnegottiatiion/ccolleectioon.(1)运单单Shipppingg Billls :海运:全全套空白抬抬头/指示示抬头、空空白背书/指示背书书注明运费费已付/到到付的已装装船清洁海海运/联运运正本提单单,通知在在目
8、的港_公司Inn casse byy seaa : FFull set of ccleann on boarrd occean Billls off Ladding / coombinned ttranssporttatioon Biills of LLadinng maade oout tto orrder blannk enndorssed / enddorseed inn favvour of _ or madee outt to ordeer off _ ,mmarkeed ffreigght pprepaaid / colllectted nottifyiing _ at the p
9、ortt of desttinattion.陆运:全全套注明运运费已付/到付的装装车的记名名清洁运单单,通知在在目的地_ 公司。In ccase by lland trannsporrtatiion: fulll sett of cleaan onn boaard lland trannsporrtatiion BBillss madde ouut too _ mmarkeed ffreigght pprepaaid / colllectted nottifyiing_ at the desttinattion.空运:全全套注明运运费已付/到付的记记名空运单单,通知在在目的地_公司。IIn c
10、aase bby Aiir : Fulll sett of cleaan onn boaard AAWB mmade out to _markked freiight preppaid/colllecteednootifyying at _the desttinattion ._(2)标有有合同编号号信用证证号及装运运唛头的商商业发票一一式_份。Singged ccommeerciaal innvoicce inn _ ccopieed inndicaatingg conntracct Noo, L/C Noo. Annd shhippiing mmarkss.(3)由_出具的装装箱单或重重量
11、单一式式_份。PPackiing llist / weeightt memmo inn_coppies issuued bby_.(4)由_出具的质质量证明书书一式_份份Certtificcate of QQualiity iin_coopiess isssued by_.(5)由_出具的数数量证明书书一式_份份Certtificcate of QQuanttity in _copiies iissueed byy_.(6)保险险单正本一一式_份。Insuurancce poolicyy / ccertiificaate iin_coopiess .(7)_签签发的产地地证一式_份Cerrti
12、fiicatee of Origgin iin _ copiies iissueed byy_.(8)装运运通知:_shipppingg advvice:_另外,卖方方应在交运运后_小时时内以特快快专递方式式邮寄给买买方第_项项单据副本本一套。IIn addditiion , the selllers shalll, wwithiinhhourss aftter sshipmment effeectedd , ssend eachh coppy off thee aboove-mmentiionedd doccumennts NNo. _direectlyy to the buyeers bb
13、y coourieer seervicce.13装运运条款:FOB卖 方应在在合同规定定的装运日日期前300天,以电电报/电传传/传真通通知买方合合同号、品品名、数量量、金额、包装件、毛重、尺尺码及装运运港可装日日期,以便便买方安排排租船/订订 舱。装装运船只按按期到达装装运港后,如如卖方不能能按时装船船,发生的的空船费或或滞期费由由卖方负担担。在货物物超过船舷舷并脱离吊吊钩以前一一切费用和和风险由卖卖方负担。The selllers shalll , 30 ddays befoore tthe sshipmment datee speecifiied iin thhe coontraact
14、aadvisse thhe buuyerss by CABLLE / TELEEX /FFAX oof thhe coontraact NNo. , commmoditty , quanntityy , aamounnt , packkagess , ggrosss weiight , meeasurremennt , and the datee of shippmentt in ordeer thhat tthe bbuyerrs caan chharteer a vesssel / boook shhippiing sspacee . IIn thhe evvent of tthe sse
15、lleers faillure to eeffecct looadinng whhen tthe vvesseel arrrivees duuly aat thhe looadinng poort , all expeensess inccludiing ddead freiight and / orr demmurraage cchargges tthus incuurredd shaall bbe foor seellerrs aaccouunt.CIF或或CFR卖方须按时时在装运期期限内将货货物由装运运港装船到到目的港。在CFRR术语下,卖卖方应在装装船前2天天电传/传传真/电报报买方合
16、同同号、品名名、发票价价值及开船船日期,以以便买方安安排保险。The selllers shalll shhip tthe ggoodss dully wiithinn thee shiippinng duuratiion ffrom the portt of shippmentt to the portt of desttinattion . Unnder CFR termms , the selllers shalll addvisee thee buyyers by CCABLEE/FAXX/TELLEX oof thhe coontraact NNo. , commmoditty ,
17、invooice valuue annd thhe daate oof deespattch ttwo ddays befoore tthe sshipmment for the buyeers tto arrrangge innsuraance in ttime.DDU卖方须按时时在装运期期限内将货货物由装运运港装运至至目的港。The selllers shalll shhip tthe ggoodss dully wiithinn thee shiippinng duuratiion ffrom the portt of the portt of desttinattion._14装运运通
18、知shhippiing aadvicce :一俟装载完完毕,卖方方应在_小小时内电传传/传真/电报买方方合同编号号、品名、已发运数数量、发票票总金额、毛重、船船名/车/机号及启启程日期等等。Thee selllerss shaall iimmeddiateely uupon the comppletiion oof thhe looadinng off thee gooods , adviise bbuyerrs off thee conntracct Noo., nnamess of commmoditty , loadding quanntityy , iinvoiice vvaluees
19、 , grosss weeightt , nname of vvesseel annd shhipmeent ddate by TTLX/FFAX/CCABLEE witthin_hourrs .15质量量保证:QQualiity gguaraanteee :货物品质规规格必须符符合本合同同及质量保保证书之规规定,品质质保证期为为货到目的的港_个月月内,在保保证期限内内,因制造造厂商在设设计制造过过程中的缺缺陷造成的的货物损害害应由卖方方负责赔偿偿。Thee selllerss shaall gguaraanteee thaat thhe coommoddity mustt be in cco
20、nfoormitty wiith tthe qqualiity aand sspeciificaationns sppeciffied in tthis conttractt andd Lettter of QQualiity GGuaraanteee .Thhe guuaranntee periiod sshalll be_ monnths afteer thhe arrrivaal off thee gooods aat thhe poort oof deestinnatioon , and duriing tthe pperiood thhe seellerrs shhall be rr
21、espoonsibble ffor tthe ddamagge duue too thee deffectss in desiigninng annd maanufaacturring of tthe mmanuffactuurer.16商品品检验:卖卖方须在装装运前_日日委托_检检验机构对对合同之货货物进行检检验并出具具检验证书书,货到目目的港后,由由买方委托托_检验机机构进行复复检。Gooods insppectiion : Thee selllerss shaall hhave the goodds innspeccted by _Insppectiion AAuthoorityy _
22、ddays befoore tthe sshipmment and issuued tthe IInspeectioon Ceertifficatte . The buyeers sshalll havve thhe gooods reinnspeccted by $Innspecctionn Autthoriity aafterr thee gooods aarrivval aat thhe deestinnatioon.17索赔赔Claiims:如 经中国国_检验机机构复检,发发现货物有有损坏、残残缺或品名名、规格、数量及质质量与本合合同及质量量保证书之之规定不符符,买方可可于货到目目的港
23、后 _天内凭凭上述检验验机构出具具的证明书书向卖方要要求索赔。如上述规规定之索赔赔期与质量量保证期不不一致,在在质量保证证期限内买买方仍可向向卖方就质质量保证条条 款之内内容向卖方方提出索赔赔。Thee buyyers shalll loodge claiims aagainnst tthe sselleers bbasedd on the Insppectiion CCertiificaate iissueed byy Chiina _ Insspecttion Authhoritty _ Dayss aftter tthe aarrivval oof thhe gooods at tthe
24、 ddestiinatiion , if tthe ggoodss aree fouund tto bee dammagedd , mmissiing oor thhe sppecifficattionss , qquanttity, and quallity not in cconfoormitty wiith tthosee speecifiied iin thhis ccontrract and Lettter oof Quualitty Guuaranntee . Inn casse thhe cllaim periiod aabovee speecifiied iis noot in
25、n connformmity withh thee quaalityy guaaranttee pperiood, ddurinng thhe quualitty guuaranntee periiod, the buyeers hhave righhts tto loodge claiims aagainnst tthe sselleers cconceerninng thhe quualitty guuaranntee.18延期期交货违约约金Latte deeliveery aand ppenallty除 双方认认可的不可可抗力因素素外,卖方方迟于合同同规定的期期限交货,如如买方同意意迟延
26、交货货,卖方应应同意对信信用证有关关条款进行行个性和同同意银行在在议付货款款时扣除本本条规定的的 违约金金。违约金金总值不超超过货物总总价值的55%,差率率按7天00.5%计计算,不满满7天仍按按7天计算算。在未采采用信用证证支付的情情况下,卖卖方应将前前述方法计计算的违约约金 即付付买方。IIf thhe seellerrs faail tto maake ddelivvery on ttime as sstipuulateed inn thee conntracct , withh excceptiion oof Foorce Majeeure, the buyeers sshalll a
27、grree tto poostpoone tthe ddelivvery on ccondiitionns thhat tthe sselleers aagreee to amennd thhe cllausees off thee L/CC andd payy a ppenallty wwhichh shaall bbe deeductted bby thhe paayingg bannk frrom tthe ppaymeent uunderr neggotiaationn . TThe ppenallty , howeever , shhall not exceeed 55% off t
28、hee tottal vvaluee of the goodds . The ratee of penaalty is cchargged aat 0.5%foor evvery seveen daays , if lless thatt sevven ddays. In casee , tthe ppaymeent iis noot maade tthrouugh LL/C , the selllers shalll paay thhe peenaltty coounteed ass aboove tto thhe buuyerss as soonn as posssiblee.19人力力不
29、可抗拒拒:如因人人力不可抗抗拒的原因因造成本合合同全部或或部分不能能履约,卖卖方概不负负责,但卖卖方应将上上述发生的的情况及时时通知买方方。Forrce MMajeuure : Thee selllerss shaall nnot hhold any respponsiibiliity ffor ppartiial oor tootal non-perfformaance of tthis conttractt duee to Forcce Maajeurre . But the selllers shalll addvisee thee buyyers on ttimess of suchh
30、 occcurreence.20争议议之解决方方式:Diisputtes ssettllemennt : 任何因本本合同而发发生或与本本合同有关关的争议,应应提交中国国国际经济济贸易仲裁裁委员会,按按该会的仲仲裁规则进进行仲裁。仲裁地点点在中国深深圳。仲裁裁裁决是终终局的,对对双方均有有约束力。All dispputess ariisingg outt of the conttractt or in cconneectioon wiith tthe ccontrract , shhall be ssubmiittedd to the Chinna Innternnatioonal Econno
31、micc andd Traade AArbittratiion CCommiissioon foor arrbitrratioon inn acccordaance withh itss Rulles oof Arrbitrratioon inn SheenZheen Chhina . Thhe arrbitrral aawardd is finaal annd biindinng uppon bboth partties._21法律律适用Laaw apppliccatioon :本合同之签签订地、或或发生争议议时货物所所在地在中中华人民共共和国境内内或被诉人人为中国法法人的,适适用中华人人民共和国国法律,除除此规定外外,适用联合国国国际货物销销售公约。It willl be goveernedd by the law of tthe PPeoplles Repuublicc of Chinna unnder the circcumsttancees thhat tthe ccontrract is ssingeed orr thee gooods wwhilee thee dissputees arrisinng arre inn thee P
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