




1、第 PAGE15 页 共 NUMPAGES15 页美食天下(共10篇)美食天下(一): 语序不当,顺便求修改病句的相关知识点 美食天下是当前热播的中华美食文化一部纪录片. 这句话怎么改. 美食天下是一部当前热播的中华美食文化纪录片 美食天下(二): 我做勒一个PPT,主题是美食天下.想让好心人帮忙写一下开头语和结束语!一定要是原创!不要抄袭! 美食是我们每天都会接触的,甚至是必不可少的!那么你对美食的了解有多少你见过哪些,吃过哪些美食你知道世界上都有哪些美食吗别急,接下来,就让我来带领大家来了解一下世界各地的美食吧!相信你一定会大饱眼福,一定不要流口水哦 美食天下(三): 求一篇初中的有关于美
2、食天地主题的作文(句子要优美的)【美食天下】 1、 有一天,我参加了物资交流大会. 刚到那里就听到了卖家的叫卖声,人群的讨价还价声,买多少的声音.一走进里面就闻到了一股食物那香飘四溢的气味.我一到那就进入了食物区,那里的食物琳琅满目,物美价廉,一应俱全.一家家小店,小摊里的工作人员忙得不可开交,他们以诚意和美味,挑战你的味蕾. 我来到了烧烤摊,一串串的骆驼肉,一串串的羊肉,我看了就垂涎三尺,立刻就买了五串羊肉串,今天我一定要饱饱眼福,过过嘴瘾.我觉得还不过瘾,但一想:如果吃的太撑,那么其他的就吃不下了.于是,我就买了一串放了葱和蒜的骆驼肉.因为顾客太多,熙熙攘攘,摩肩接踵,人头攒动,好不容易挤
3、到了另一个小摊前,那是一个卖鱼丸的小店,那一锅锅的鱼丸馋得我直流口水,那一颗颗白色的鱼丸,一颗颗红色的枣,做成的汤,一看就知道那一锅鱼丸一定很好吃,我顾不上斯文不斯文,买了一碗,狼吞虎咽的把那碗鱼丸一扫而光.不光鱼丸的味道好,就连那汤也很鲜美,喝了还想再来一碗. 接着,我又从熙熙攘攘的人群中,挤到了买冷饮的小店前,来了一杯冷饮,喝了一口,立刻就觉得有一股清凉涌上心头,我又感到很惬意. 喝完了冷饮,我又吃了许多好喝的东西,渐渐的天色变暗了,虽然我心里觉得还没有吃够,可是肚子已经吃不下了,看看时间也很晚了,只好先回家,等到下次再来饱餐一顿. 2、 美食的天地,什么美食的天地!那里肯定有许多好吃的.
4、看到题目,我相信有很多人议论.每个人都有自己的家乡,我而且每个人的家都会有自己的特色.我的家乡的特色就是美食.我家乡的美食多如繁星,在整个江苏省都有名气.有:对虾、紫菜、大樱桃在这里不仅可以吃到好吃的美食,还可以去亲身体验.在樱桃园,可以摘到新鲜,大而又甜红的樱桃.让人们体验摘樱桃的乐趣,尽情享受自己用劳动换来的果实.有一些从南京各个地方千里迢迢地来这边来采樱桃是因为这里的樱桃个个像红领巾一样红,既漂亮又好吃.对虾做好后,又是另一番滋味.那对虾白里透红真想马上咬一口.啊!我的家乡美食的天地! 美食天下(四): 岳西的美食 作文 岳西是一个小县城,好像只有巴掌那么大,可就是这么个小地方,居然挤了
5、40多万人,我,也是其中一员,我是个土生土长的岳西人,可以说是对岳西了如指掌。接下来,交给我两分钟,我将会带你走进岳西的美食世界,被岳西独有的饮食文化所感染。 提起美食,谁说不爱。岳西的美食更是色香味俱全了,就算是街边的小炒,也堪比三星级大酒店了。好了,言归正传!要说起岳西的特色美食中最出名的,毋庸置疑,锅巴汤肯定首当其冲。你可不要小瞧这一碗小小的锅巴汤,以为它就是随便拿几块锅巴泡在热水里的,那可就大错特错喽!首先,要拿几块手工制的锅巴和手工制的面粉糊在一起,成形后,在用规定器具去掉面粉,使锅巴有一股浓香,然后再用文火熬制十分钟,使他们有了浓稠的感觉后再捞出来,最后,把捞出的锅巴放在一个小盘子
6、里,锅巴就做好了。这时,再把热水 倒进炉子里,用温火熬上个五分钟,不用很烫,然后再把水和锅巴倒进农灶里,用木制的小勺子搅拌它们,顺时针旋转10圈,逆时针旋转5圈拌好后,就只用在那儿耐心的等锅巴汤了。ok,大功告成,锅巴汤出锅啦!端起一碗锅巴汤,津津有味的品尝起来,你会发现,锅巴外焦而内嫩,汤外浓而内不稀,顿时,你会发现你一天的烦恼都被被抛到了九霄云外去。这,就是勇夺岳西特色美食桂冠的锅巴汤,怎么样?有没有想到岳西来品尝一下锅巴汤的冲动呢?如果有,就快来吧,岳西人民可是很好客的哟! 美食天下(五): 世界各地的美食(英文) 我想要一个食物一个食物的名称. Shrimps 基围虾Lobster 龙
7、虾Winkles 田螺 Crab stick 蟹肉条 Peeled Prawns 虾仁King Prawns 大虾 Oysters 牡犡 Salmon三文鱼Cod 鳕鱼 Tuna金枪鱼Carp 鲤鱼Herring 青鱼,鲱 Squid 乌贼 cuttlefish 墨鱼 Daikon白萝卜Carrot 胡萝卜Radish 小胡萝卜Lotus root莲藕Cabbage 卷心菜 Eggplant茄子Celery 芹菜 Cauliflower 白花菜 Broccoli 绿花菜 Bean sprout 绿豆芽Lettuce 生菜 Squash(pumpkin)南瓜 raisins葡萄干 plum 李子
8、honeydew(melon)哈密瓜 orange 橙子tangerine 橘子 coconut椰子pineapple 菠萝Kiwi 奇异果(弥猴桃) Star fruit 杨桃 Cherry 樱桃 watermelon西瓜 grapefruit柚子Dates 枣子 lychee 荔枝 macaroni 意大利空心面 Soy sauce 酱油Vinegar 醋Sesame Seeds 芝麻 Sesame oil 麻油 Pepper 胡椒Chinese red pepper 花椒 Red chilli powder 辣椒粉Salt black bean 豆鼓Tofu 豆腐peanut butte
9、r花生酱 mustard 芥末ketchup调味番茄酱 mayonnaise蛋黄酱 spices 香料 Soya drink 豆浆yogurt 酸奶 Biscuits 点心 crackers 咸饼干 bulk bagels 散装硬面包圈Cookies 小甜饼干 muffins 松饼Pretzels 焦盐脆饼条popcorn爆玉米花 nuts果仁 peanut花生 potato chips 炸马铃薯片corn chips炸玉米片【美食天下】 美食天下(六): 急求关于世界各地的美食的英语文章(什么国家的都可以,短一点,多一点-篇数-)速度啊 To make a beef hamburger,we
10、 need some beef ,some bread ,some lettuce and some slices of tomato.First,cut the tomatos into slicesAfter that ,cut the bread open ,and put the slice on the bottomNext,cut the boiled beef into slices of 20X15cmFinally ,put some lettuce between the bread and the tomato slices.cover it all up Voila ,
11、here is your yummy beef hamburger! 美食天下(七): 用英语介绍世界各地的美食并描述一种美食的制作过程 最好用表格的形式 food country material characteristic * 马来西亚肉骨茶 原料: 猪腔排骨1500克. 肉骨茶料包: 党参20克、枸杞子8克、川穹3克、桂枝3克、当归2克、麦冬5克、陈皮1片、罗汉果1/4片、甘草2克、黑胡椒粒1/4小匙、小茴香1/4小匙、花椒1/4小匙、乌枣5颗、桂皮1片. 调料:大蒜1整头、酱油30ml、白胡椒粉1小匙、白砂糖1勺、盐适量. 做法: 1、将肉骨茶调料分别称好; 2、一起装入料包内扎紧收
12、口制成肉骨茶料包备用; 3、大蒜掰开成单瓣保留外皮洗净备用; 4、锅内做水,水开后下入腔排骨焯烫; 5、焯烫约5分钟左右至表面变色后捞出控干水分; 6、另取一锅做水,水开后下入大蒜瓣和肉骨茶料包; 7、汤中加入白胡椒粉,糖和酱油; 8、下入焯烫好的腔排骨; 9、开锅后盖锅盖儿转小火炖煮一个半小时左右后加盐调味制作完成,食用时配上凉油条. 碎嘴唠叨: 1、肉骨茶料包中的调料有些可在调料市场中买到,没有的可去中药店采买(均属于常用药材,价格便宜). 2、除了料包的配置,此菜可谓零失败菜品,适合初学者尝试并增加自信心. 3、煮肉骨的汤一定要量大一些,一次加够,实在没加够的话也要注意添加开水. 4、做
13、好的肉骨茶配以凉油条食用可谓一绝,没有剩油条用米饭采用汤儿泡饭的手法也是不错. 5、肉骨茶有去湿,旺血,暖胃,补气,养颜等诸多功效,男女筒子皆宜.但高血脂,高血压应该筒子尽量少食. Malaysia bak tea Ingredients: Pig cavity ribs 1500 g. Bak tea material package: Dangshen 20 grams, medlar eight grams, sichuan vault 3 grams, cassia twig 3 grams, angelica 2 grams, radix ophiopogonis 5 grams,
14、1 dried tangerine peel, luohan 1/4, liquorice, black pepper, 2 spoon, cummin 1/4 small spoon, Chinese prickly ash 1/4 small spoon, WuZao 5 star, cinnamon, 1 slice. Seasoning: garlic, 1 whole 30ml, white pepper sauce, 1 small spoon, sugar, salt, 1 spoon. Methods: 1, will bak tea condiment respectivel
15、y; say 2 and package materials together into tight binding material made of meat bone tea bag spare, 3, garlic break into single cortical reserves wash spare, 4 and the pot of water to a boil, do the ironing; Chao ribs cavity 5 and Chao hot about five minutes to remove the surface color drain, 6 and
16、 the other a pot of water to boil water, after doing the same and the big meat bone tea materials bag, 7, soup, add sugar and white pepper sauce, 8 and the Chao hot good cavity ribs, 9 and KaiGuo cover pot son turn small fire after one and a half hours to sprinkle salt production, serve with the coo
17、l twisted dough-strips. Broken mouth nagging: 1 and the mixture bak tea bag seasoning in some markets buy seasoning, the medicine can not go shopping (belong to common herbs, cheap price). 2, besides the configuration of that package material, this dish is zero, and is suitable for beginners to fail
18、 dishes and increasing self-esteem. 3 and boiled meat bone soup must measure, add enough time, cant add enough water to note also added. Four, the match with cool twisted dough-strips edible is special, no ShengYou bar with rice soup PaoFan son by the technique is good. 5 and bak tea has to wet and
19、warm blood, wang stomach, tonifying qi, etc., and suitable bobbin. But the blood pressure should be less as far as possible, the cheese. 蛋黄培根意面(1人份) 原料: 意面100g、熟咸蛋黄2个、培根几片、盐. 做法: 1、培根切碎入锅煎熟.不用放油,培根一煎会出油. 2、锅里烧开水,加适量盐煮熟意面,捞出备用. 3、加入煎熟的培根,熟咸蛋黄,拌匀即可. Yolk Peigenyi is weak (1 people share) Raw material:
20、 Expect 100 gs , salty ripe 2 yolks , several pieces of Bacons , salt. Method of work: 1, Bacon cut up enter a boiler fry familiar. Nonutility lets go of oil , Bacon once fries to be going to be oily out. 2, heats boiled water in the boiler , adds appropriate amount salt cook intention face thorough
21、ly , fishes up standby. 3, adds the fry familiar Bacon , ripe salty yolk , mixes evenly to be OK. 韩国馒头 原料: 高粉175克、低粉75克、酵母2克、盐1克、鸡蛋1个、牛奶100克,、糖50克、泡打粉2克. 底部沾粉原料: 白糖5克、低筋面粉10克、芝麻5克. 做法: 1、将原料放入面包桶; 2、用甜面包程序搅拌好后,如果手揉可以揉到扩展阶段,发酵至两倍大; 3、取出分成12份,醒10分钟; 4、取其中一份擀长至20厘米; 5、卷起,封口处沾点水防脱,醒10分钟; 6、从中间对切; 7、切口向下
22、,用手按扁; 8、每个面团中间按一个小洞; 9、准备底部沾粉原料; 10、将小面团沾点水,放入芝麻粉中; 11、再放入涂过油的8寸烤盘中; 12、放温暖处发酵; 13、发酵好后的样子; 14、馒头上面涂油; 15、倒入适量的油,家里做放底部全部有油就可以了; 16、烤箱230度第三层烤12分钟左右. South Korea steamed bread Ingredients: High and low powder, powder 175 75 grams, yeast, salt, 1 February 1, milk, eggs, sugar, 100 grams of 50 grams,
23、 baking powder, 2 grams. At the bottom of the material: with powder, 5 grams of sugar, flour, 10 grams, sesame reinforced 5 grams. Methods: 1, raw material into bread barrels, 2, with sweet bread, if after mixing procedure can be extended to rub rub stage, fermentation to twice the size, 3 and remov
24、e into 12, 10 minutes, 4, take one roll to 20 centimeters long, 5 and the seal up, with water resistance from 10 minutes; awake, From the middle of June, cutting, 7 and incision with hands down, flat, 8, each according to a small hole among the dough, Nine, with powder materials to bottom, 10 and wi
25、th little dough, sesame powder in water, 11, add a greased baking pan; 8 12 and warm place, 13 after fermentation, the appearance, 14, steamed bread coated oil, 15 and the amount of oil, and pour at home doing all have put bottom oil could, 16 and layer 3 bake oven 230 degrees 12 minutes. 日式煎饼 原料:圆白
26、菜1/4棵、胡萝卜丝1小撮、面粉200克、鸡蛋1个、水适量、木鱼花随意. 调料:盐5克,美式芥末酱,或者沙拉酱、绿芥末. 做法: 1、圆白菜取叶子部分切丝,粗丝随个人喜好; 2、胡萝卜去皮后擦细丝 3、鸡蛋、面粉和水混合在一起搅成面糊,把圆白菜丝和胡萝卜丝放入搅拌均匀,同时放入盐调味; 4、用平底锅烧热锅,将面糊倒入两面煎熟即可,煎个过程要保持中小火,吃的时候别忘了沙拉酱,还有木鱼花 Japanese-style pancake Ingredients: cabbage 1 / 4, 1 handful of carrots, 200 grams of flour, 1 egg, adequa
27、te water, wooden fish flowers at random. Seasoning: salt 5 grams, American mustard sauce, or salad dressing, green mustard. Practice: 1 cabbage leaves to take some strips, thick wire as you like; 2 carrots peeled rub filaments after 3, eggs, flour and water mixed with Jiaocheng batter, the cabbage a
28、nd carrot into the wire Stir, and add salt; 4 burning wok pan, pour the batter can be cooked on both sides, fry a process to keep the small fire, do not forget to eat when the salad dressing, as well as wooden fish flower 墨西哥牛油果沙拉 原料: 牛油果、西红柿、墨西哥辣椒、甜洋葱、青柠、橄榄油、大蒜、黑胡椒粒、盐. 做法: 1、各种材料洗净备齐; 2、牛油果、西红柿(去籽)
29、、墨西哥辣椒(去籽)、甜洋葱切成相同大小的小粒; 3、大蒜剁成蒜茸,加入适量青柠汁、橄榄油、黑胡椒粒、盐搅拌均匀; 4、将所有处理好的材料混合均匀即可. 贴心提示: 1、牛油果也叫鳄梨,各大进口超市可以买到,挑选的时候摸起来不太软,果蒂一碰即掉的为好; 2、洋葱最好选偏甜的品种,紫色洋葱过于辛辣,比较不适宜; 3、黑胡椒粒在西餐中最常见,切忌用中式胡椒粉代替,墨西哥辣椒肥厚火辣,可用同类的其它辣椒代替; 4、成品可以搭配墨西哥式玉米片食用,风味更加. Mexican avocado salad Material: Avocado, tomatoes, Mexican pepper, sweet
30、 onion, lime, olive oil, garlic, black pepper, salt. Practice: 1, a variety of materials, clean get ready; 2, avocado, tomatoes (seeded), Mexico peppers (seeded), sweet onion cut into pellets of the same size; 3 garlic chopped garlic, add a moderate lime juice, olive oil, black pepper, salt, stir we
31、ll; 4, all dealing with good material mixed evenly. Tips: 1 avocado, also known as avocado, major supermarkets can buy imports, the selection of the time feels very soft, stem end down for a touch that is good; 2, the best selection bias sweet onion varieties, purple onion was too spicy, more suitab
32、le; 3, black pepper in the Western most common, should not use pepper instead of Chinese, Mexican hot pepper hypertrophy, similar to other hot pepper can be used to replace; 4, finished products can be consumed with Mexican-style corn flakes, the flavor even more. 法式烩土豆 原料: 土豆、洋葱、芹菜、香叶2片. 调料: 盐、胡椒粉、
33、白葡萄酒、黄油(或食用油). 做法: 1、土豆去皮切成小粒,洋葱切小块,芹菜切碎. 2、将黄油放锅里化开,放入土豆稍炒,加入洋葱,倒入白葡萄酒、盐、胡椒粉、2片香叶,用小火烩20分钟.最后加入芹菜末就好了. French Stewed potatoes Material: Potatoes, onions, celery, geraniol 2. Seasoning: Salt, pepper, white wine, butter (or oil). Practice: 1 Peel potatoes into pellets, cut into small pieces onion, ch
34、opped celery. 2, put the pot of butter to open, put a bit fried potatoes, add onion, pour in white wine, salt, pepper, 2 Heung Yip, Braised low heat 20 minutes. Finally add celery late enough. 美食天下(八): a bite of China是啥意思 俺是不懂,直到最近看了央视的一部纪录片后才似懂非懂.这部纪录片的名字叫舌尖上的中国,介绍的是中国各地的饮食和饮食文化.中国美食天下无敌,有关中国饮食的电视片
35、也是多不胜数,但不知是不是名字起得好的原因,这部纪录片播出后效果竟出奇地好,好得出乎编导们的预料.常言说,题好文一半.这部纪录片的中文名确实不错,形象,生动,准确,有味道.这么好的名字、这么好的片子,得有个洋名才对.俺无意中留意了一下,果然有,编导们起的洋名是a bite of China.为什么这么译,a bite of China和“舌尖上的中国”搭得起来吗坦白讲,虽说对英语俺曾十分酷爱,但也就是个ABC的水平,因而,对编导的良苦用意,俺是不解真谛的.四个单词中,关键词是bite.Bite,中国人最熟悉的意思是“咬”,即to seize with teeth,可作动词也可作名词;引申意思为“咬的东西”,因而也可指食物.和a 连用常常表示数量,a bite 即“一口”,常有a bite of food之意 .如I have not had a bite for three days.对中国人来说,a bite of food,a bite of meat 等等都好理解,但对a b
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