高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 手机礼仪_第1页
高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 手机礼仪_第2页
高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 手机礼仪_第3页




1、2013年高考英语阅读理解与完型填空:手机礼仪Beople are using cell phones in a Manhattan subway. Most Americans believe there areunspoken 1 about mobile phone etiquette(7).It may not seem nlike it when commutersC- #上 are shouting down their cell phonesto the upset of other 2, but most Americans believe there are unspoken

2、rules about mobilephone 3 .Checking emails, 4 text messages and making telephane calls while in the _5 Of othersare definite breeches(目中无人)of mobile manners.But most people questioned said they would not be 6 if they received an electronic thankyou, instead of a(n) 7 note and 75 percent had no objec

3、tions tO 8 using laptops, netbooks andcell phones in the ;bathroom.“Etiquette is a(n) 9 Of awareness,,z said author and etiquette expert Anna Post.But she10 . th.e results .of the H. arris Interactive polL commissioned byIntel-11 other theIntel-11 other theas prettysurprising statistCs Sixty-two per

4、cent of the 2,625 adultstook part electronic13Oftaking alaptop on aBut 16in the survey agreedthat cell phones, laptops, netbooks and12 are part of daily life. Fifty-fivepercent also thoughtbusiness mean people must stay14, even if it involvesholiday o.r15a cell phone during a meal.the need to be con

5、stantly connected and the general acceptance ofthe technology, people were more sensitive about _17 abus,the technology, people were more sensitive about _17 abus,ing holidayand religiousand religiousactivities.Nearly 90 percent of Americans thi. k c 潞religious offended (rserviceand30t3)19percent ad

6、mitteduse , s they18 during a would beth.ey received an online gift wish.But more than half revealed that .they intended to send an electronic greeting card, insteadof a traditional one.“These are issues about common: sense,said pr Genevieve Bell, an ethnographer anddirector of InteT s User Experien

7、ce Group, adding that the social rules of whenand howand howit is_201.to useA.the tec,gy arestll be.1 fl ed.waysrules timesD. places2.A.B.C.customers youthsadultsC.passengersB.D.3.A.etiquetteusageB.C.manner4.A.puttingsendingD. function makingC. arrangingB.D.5.A.placeB.knowledge:, C. companyD. honour

8、6.A.happyB.anxiousC. upset.D.unhappy7.A.writtenB.formalC.answerD. strange8.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD. everybody9.A.offerB.accessC. method .D.question10.A,madeB.imaginedC. describedD. found11.A.whichB.what*C.who .D. as12.A.instrumentsB.devices*C.toolsD. means13.A.requestsB.ordersC.suppliesD. deman

9、ds14. A. connectedB. familiar .C.aloneD. independent15.A.recognizingB.seeingC. answering .D.taking16.A. atB.despite,C.beyondD. for17. A. connectionB. science rC.communicationI), technology18. A. unacceptableB. unbelievableC.understandableD. reasonable19.A.whileB.whetherC. ifD. though20. A. convenien

10、tB. appropriateC.roughD. wise“文芝一篇说明文价饵丁&欧n使用多机的一 些相美礼仪.LB本文讨论的上题就是一第4机使用的*加N. 且后文第二段 but most Americans believe there arr unspoken rules 也给出 了睹示.unspoken rv表潜规射,C上文的conwnulrn.一伺承了在率上的工.京 客.所以2C:A文#&第一段最后一句就哈示了这里是对论使 用手机的礼仪.D此处是考受send text messages这一思攵格仪. 表”发短信工C这里说的老与刚人在一起时.只履着受邙件、友 版位及打 等有口中无人的也设4

11、 in the conipanv(/泉和在一起,D后文的noubjectioru崎示了这里说的是收到电 手感谢馆自己也不会不高兴.能修福爱所以选 D,A与电子感*信对应的。然是我们零用的书面体 件,所以选A& B彳面的ncobachoru及装我说的是75%的植东 访青的脱,.崎示了他的对任何人使用4t正本或 牙上网泰彳不反时.9.D这一段未达的是“礼仪是一个奇识储题工11 qumtioa of A*的向 QC必丈的仙次定了此M M gribrd.构成 ciribcribr. .的办构ILC这,是定语从句.who A此化杓允竹网Mdulu. 女从句中修上讲.12B上北我我的手机.金北太电、上网Aitif 十于it* &vicrAF4、D F - HL 的!hr need to be cr nerd tn br cunM1aally rcmnetlrd 的 connectCMi修出了畸示.1SC根据方珑分析可如这又是说点电区期同冷电 话:16.BIT后鬲个”分是让步关系.所以用令犯“斗而 人“尽管”之余。17


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