1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET. HYPERLINK http:/www.mmanarren.ccom 海量免免费资料尽尽在此Outliine oof buusineess ffuncttionaal reequirremenntsThiss outtlinee summmariises our undeerstaandinng off thee bannk抯 posssiblle buusineess ffuncttionaal reequirremennts.seq level0 h
2、r0 seq level1 h r0 seq level2 h r0 seq level3 h r0 seq level4 h r0 seq level5 h r0 seq level6 h r0 seq level7 h r0 seq level0 r1 *ROMANI.Ovveralll apppliccatioon syystemms arrchittectuureseq level0 h r0 seq level1 h r0 seq level2 h r0 seq level3 h r0 seq level4 h r0 seq level5 h r0 seq level6 h r0 s
3、eq level7 h r0 tc l 0 002seq level0 h r0 seq level1 h r0 seq level2 h r0 seq level3 h r0 seq level4 h r0 seq level5 h r0 seq level6 h r0 seq level7 h r0 seq level0 r1 *ROMANI.Overrall appllicattion systtems archhitecctureeThe systtem wwill coveer thhe foollowwing:单独独标识出客客户、帐户户、产品、公司客户户数据族sseparratel
4、ly iddentiify CCustoomer, Acccountt, Prroducct annd Coorporrate Unitt记录录和维护客客户、帐户户和产品关关系reccord and mainntainn Cusstomeer, AAccouunt aand PProduuct rrelattionsshipss.对多多分行的支支持mullti-bbrancch.对多多币种的支支持mullti-ccurreency.apppliccatioon prrograams iinterractiive aand sselfprommptinng.seecondd useer auut
5、horrisattion for speccificc traansacctionns orr eveents.在安安全日志文文件中,保保存完整的的审计跟踪踪信息fuull aauditt traail iinforrmatiion iin seecuree jouurnall fillescuustommer aadvicces pproduuced to lletteer quualitty. coopiess of adviices and repoorts retaainedd in docuumentt arcchivees annd reetrieevablle onn-linne
6、.seq level0 r2 *ROMANII.统统一的会计计、报表和和风险管理理Conssoliddatedd acccountting, repportiing aand rrisk manaagemeent tc l 0 002seq level0 r2 *ROMANII.Conssoliddatedd acccountting, repportiing aand rrisk manaagemeentseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.会计计和总帐AAccouuntinng annd Geeneraal Leedgerr, inncludding:银行行定义的会会计表baan
7、k-ddefinnablee Chaart oof Acccounnts.baack-ddatedd andd vallue-ddatedd traansacctionns.成本本中心的会会计(首先先取决于业业务模式)对多币币种的支持持costt cenntre accoountiing. Mullti ccurreencyGenerral LLedgeerAbillity to ccreatte paarentt-chiild (nestted) relaationnshipps beetweeen acccounnts. The systtem mmust be aable to aacc
8、ommmodaate mmultiiple layeers oof reelatiionshhips.All ledggers shalll bee tigghtlyy inttegraated suchh thaat a channge tto a sub-ledgger aautommaticcallyy upddatess itss parrent ledgger(ss).The G/L systtem mmust provvide an aauto-recooncilliatiion ffuncttion for the sub-ledggers relaated to aa parr
9、ent ledgger.seq level1 *ALPHABETICB.VAAT annd otther appllicabble ttaxattion actiivitiies , inccludiing ssuppoort ffor CCRT aand MMIRASS callculaationn andd repportiing rrequiiremeentsseq level1 *ALPHABETICC.Buudgetting and finaanciaal reeportting inclludess:baalancce shheetprrofitt andd losss accco
10、unntneet inntereest mmargiin reeporttopperatting expeensess andd revvenuee anaalyseesassset/liabbilitty annalyssestrransaactioon voolumee anaalyseesannalysses oof feees aand ccommiissioonsAbiilityy to repoort aand aalloccate P/L (proofitaabiliity) at aa traansacctionn, cuustommer, accoount, or any c
11、ombbinattion therreof.Abiilityy to trannsferr chaarge backk andd proofit to aany aaccouunt aand/oor coost/pprofiit ceenterr froom anny acctiviity.seq level1 *ALPHABETICD.对人人行和其他他管制机构构的报告PPBOC and otheer reegulaatoryy repportiingseq level1 *ALPHABETICE.Maanageementt repportiing tto inncludde:Assset a
12、nd Liabbilitty Maanageementt repportiing, suchh as:-lliquiidityy (ggap) rissk reeportts-iinterrest ratee sennsitiivityy repportss-RRisk Asseet Raatio (RARR) reequirremenntsLeendinng annd crreditt mannagemment repoortinngCaash-fflow foreecasttingseq level0 r3 *ROMANIII.seq level1 h r0 Prodduct manaag
13、emeent tc l 0 002seq level0 r3 *ROMANIIII.seq level1 h r0 Prodduct manaagemeentseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.Prroduccts sshoulld bee:唯一一标始unniqueely iidenttifieed由参参数和产品品组件来定定义产品ddefinned bby vaariabble pparammeterrs orr prooductt coomponnentss没有有程序员和和操作介入入就能维护护产品maaintaainabble wwithoout pprogrrammeer or
14、r opeeratoor inntervventiion;指定定产品的起起始日、到到期日alllocaated effeectivve sttart and end dateesacccesssiblee onlly too autthoriised userrs (ootherr thaan ennquirry)能够够支持大量量的记息和和收费规则则,变量是是:客户类类型、帐户户组安排、工业门类类、职业代代码、连带带关系abble tto suupporrt a numbber oof diifferrent inteerestt andd chaarginng ruules (seee se
15、cctionn 5. beloow) ddepenndingg on custtomerr typpe, aaccouunt ggroupp arrrangeementts, iindusstry secttor / occcupattion codee or colllaterral rrelattionsshipss.seq level1 *ALPHABETICB.Cuurrennt prroducct poortfoolio inclludess:cuurrennt (cchequue) aaccouuntsdeemandd deppositt acccountts (wwith/wit
16、hhout plasstic cardd acccess)trrust or 慹慹scroow ddepossit aaccouuntsreevolvving creddits and linees off creeditfiixed and variiablee terrm looans (usiing aabsollute or bbase inteerestt rattes)teerm aand nnoticce deeposiit acccounntsseq level1 *ALPHABETICC.Deemandd Deppositt Acccountt (DDDA) pproduuc
17、ts shouuld:bee intteresst beearinng orr nonn-intteresst beearinngatttracct crreditt intteresst annd/orr debbit iinterrest on qqualiifyinng baalanccesatttracct feees aand/oor coommisssionns acccordding to qqualiifyinng crriterria (e.g. ballancees, aactivvitiees, oor tuurnovver)haave llendiing (overrd
18、rafft) llimitts, iif apppliccableeseq level2 *arabic1.Cuurrennt acccounnts aare DDDA pproduucts for whicch thhe prrinciipal trannsacttion mechhanissm iss a cchequue boook, withh BACCS-sttandaard MMICR or OOCR ccode linee.seq level1 *ALPHABETICD.seq level2 h r0 Tiime DDepossit pproduucts shouuld bbe
19、fiixed termm, vaariabble oor caallabble ssubjeect tto a notiificaationn perriod.seq level1 *ALPHABETICE.Leendinng prroduccts sshoulld sppeciffy:fiixed termm, vaariabble oor caallabble ssubjeect tto a notiificaationn perriodreepaymment basiis foor atttachhed lloanss (i.e. iinterrest onlyy, prrinciipa
20、l and inteerestt, prrinciipal onlyy, diiscouuntedd, inntereest / chaargess addded-oon, RRule of 778thss)thhe naaturee of the repaaymennt sccheduule rrequiiredsttandaard ccriteeria for exceess, defaault and pastt-dueecoollatterall seccuritty reequirremenntscaalcullatioon annd quuotattion of AAPRsseq
21、level0 r4 *ROMANIV.seq level1 h r0 PProduuct-iindeppendeent pparammeterrs annd ruules tc l 0 002seq level0 r4 *ROMANIV.seq level1 h r0 Prodduct-indeependdent paraameteers aand rrulessseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.中心心参数和规规则表,用用以建立产产品、客户户、帐户信信息Cenntrall parrametter aand rrule tablles eestabblishhed iindeppe
22、ndeentlyy of prodduct, cusstomeer annd acccounnt innformmatioon, ssuch as:inntereest rrate struucturresfeee annd coommisssionn strructuures (chaarginng ruules), iincluudingg reppeataable charrgessooft ccommiissioon rrulessdaata cclasssificcatioon paarameeterss (e.g. iindusstry classsifiicatiions, oc
23、ccupattion codees, ccurreenciees, lloan riskk or provvisioon grradess, waarninng annd sttatuss coddes eetc.)seq level1 *ALPHABETICB.Inntereest aand cchargging rulees annd vaaluess, allthouugh ddefinned ccentrrallyy andd alllocatted aas deefaullt prroducct coomponnentss, vaariabble aat thhe acccounnt
24、 leevel by aauthooriseed ussers.seq level1 *ALPHABETICC.利率率规则应该该包括:IInterrest ratee rulles sshoulld inncludde:whhetheer crreditt or debiit inntereest oor boothacccruaal annd chhargiing ffrequuenciiesacccruaal caalcullatioon baasis (acttual caleendarr dayys, 360-day yearr, 300-dayy monnthlyy perriods
25、s, caalenddar mmonthhly pperioods).thhe baasis on wwhichh thee quaalifyying balaance for inteerestt acccruall willl bee dettermiined or ccalcuulateed, ii.e. actuual, averrage or mmaximmum/mminimmum bbalanncesiinglee or multtiplee intteresst raates (deebit or ccrediit) aappliicabllemuultipple rratess
26、 apppliedd on eithher tierred or bandded basiis, wwith threesholldsinntereest rratess as absoolutee perrcenttage or bbase ratee pluus/miinus margginsAbiilityy to set prodduct feess witth sppeciffic bbusinness rulees, ee.g., addditioonal feess chaargedd forr difffereent ccliennts, overrdrawwn acccoun
27、nts, etc.seq level1 *ALPHABETICD.Chhargiing rruless shoould incllude:whhetheer baased on tthe vvaluee or typee of evennt orr faccilittycaalcullatioon baasis i.e. fixxed cchargge (oor sccale of ffixedd chaargess); pperceentagge (oor sccale of pperceentagges) of tthe vvaluee of the trannsacttion or ee
28、ventt.sccaledd chaargess apppliedd on 憈iereed oor bbandeed bbasiss, appplieed too thhreshholdss inn thee chaarginng sttructturewhhetheer chhargees arre onn reggularr perriodiic baasis, eveent-kkeyedd or ad-hhocmiinimuum/maaximuum vaaluess seq level1 *ALPHABETICE. RRecorrd opperatting manddate and si
29、gnnaturre deetaills, iincluudinggsuupporrt foor teelephhone and otheer reemotee cusstomeer innstruuctioonsseq level1 *ALPHABETICF.Maaintaain uuser proffiless forr alll autthoriised userrs, wwhethher bbank抯抯 empployeees oor auuthorrisedd cusstomeers wwith exteernall acccess faciilitiiesseq level0 r5
30、*ROMANV.seq level1 h r0 Cuustommer aand aaccouunt aadminnistrratioon tc l 0 002seq level0 r5 *ROMANV.seq level1 h r0 Custtomerr andd acccountt admminisstrattionseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.标准准的客户数数据的定义义Custtomerr staandinng (oor sttaticc) daata dderivved ffrom and mainntainned bby COOIN.acccounnts aattac
31、ch too a CCOIN Custtomerr reccord and use thatt cusstomeer sttandiing ddata.Custoomer Infoormattion Proccessiing aand QQueryyAbiliity tto viiew 3360-ddegreee reelatiionshhip wwith NCDSSTs custtomerr acrross the entiire ccustoomer posiitionn andd/or trannsacttion histtory, inccludiing aall ccustoomer
32、ss in relaationnshipp, acccounnts, prodductss, agggreggate balaancess andd limmits.Abiliity tto seegmennt annd agggreggate all infoormattion by ccustoomer typee, baalancces, datee rannge, typee of accoount, typpe off cusstomeer, ttype of ttranssactiion, etc.Suppoort ffor eexistting accoount numbber
33、oor aggreedd-upoon acccounnt nuumberr staandarrd. AAccouunt nnumbeer shhouldd suppportt cheeck ddigitt proocesssing. Exaamplee: y-xxx-xxx wherre “yy” reepressentss cheeck ddigitt usiing mmode 10 cconveentioon.Flexiible abillity to ssearcch foor annd iddentiify ccliennt innformmatioon byy anyy acccou
34、ntt parrametter.Imagee of custtomerr siggnatuure sshoulld bee parrt off cliient recoord.seq level1 *ALPHABETICBC.AAccouunt aadminnistrratioon reequirremennts iincluude:alll acccounnts aattacch too a pproduuct tto esstabllish defaault rulees (wwhichh aree oveerriddeablle) ffor iits ooperaationns.Abii
35、lityy to assoociatte a flexxiblee lisst off manndatoory iinforrmatiion wwith accoount numbber (corrrespoondennt deeposiitoryy, cuustommer IID, ccheckk diggit).suupporrt foor clleareed, uuncleearedd, annd acccrueed clleareed baalancces.Hieerarcchicaal sttructture for accoount limiit seettinng (ee.g.,
36、 by clieent, accoount typee, prroducct, bbrancch, bbusinness unitt, ettc.).Abiilityy to storre reefereence namee subbssaame ccustoomer namee, buut diifferrent sub-accoountss.trrust accoountss andd othher beneeficiiary acccounttsbllock or sstop speccificc acccounttsreecordd acccountt-speecifiic waarn
37、inng coodesiddentiify dormmant or inopperattive accoountssiddentiify 慳慳ccouunt oofficcer or 憆憆elattionsship manaagerseq level1 *ALPHABETICC.Onn-linne acccounnt ennquirries, inccludiing:acccounnt sttatuss repportss trransaactioon liistssttop ppaymeent iinstrructiionscoompleete bbreakkdownn of inteere
38、stt andd chaargessauutomaated accoount clossing proccesseesseq level1 *ALPHABETICD.Acccounnt sttatemmentss shoould:bee prooduceed-pperioodicaally,-aad-hooc,-wwhen a sppeciffied actiivityy occcurs,or-aafterr a ggivenn nummber of ttranssactiionsallso rreporrt baalancces oof otther accoountss forr thee
39、 cusstomeerprroducce duupliccate or mmultiiple copiiesinncludde teextuaal deescriiptioons oof trransaactioon deetaillsprrovidde otther messsagess to custtomerrsseq level2 *arabic1.Deetailled nnotifficattionss of inteerestt andd chaargess acccruedd forr an accoount (or accoount grouupingg) annd too b
40、e charrged at aa futture datee, inncludding a coompleete bbreakkdownn of the calcculattion basiis foor eaach aamounnt acccrueed.seq level2 *arabic2.Usser-ddefinned, pre-formmatteed acccounnt addvicees prroducced aautommaticcallyy or on rrequeest, inclludinng:sttandaard lletteers (e.g. intteresst raa
41、te cchangges)unnauthhorissed oor exxcesss oveerdraaft aadviccesprrior notiificaationn of inteerestt/chaargess comming due/payaablecoonfirrmatiion oof reeceippt off funndsdeeliveery oof paaymennt doocumeentattionotther ad-hhoc aadviccesseq level1 *ALPHABETICE.seq level2 h r0 Suupporrt thhe grroupiing
42、 oof twwo orr morre off a ccustoomer抯抯 acccountts foor inntereest, charrgingg andd repportiing ppurpooses:憇ooft charrgingg arrrangeementts baased uponn grooupedd acccountt possitioons aand aactivvityprroducce sttatuss, acccruaal annd acctiviity iinforrmatiion ffor aan acccounnt grroupiingseq level1
43、*ALPHABETICF.Reecordd a 慸慸omiccile or repoortinng coorporrate unitt forr cusstomeer acccounnts.seq level1 *ALPHABETICG.Suupporrt chhequee acccountt admminisstrattion proccessees, iincluudingg:geeneraatingg cheeque and depoosit bookk priintinng innstruuctioons;reecordding cheqque aand ddepossit bbook
44、ss ordderedd andd isssued;trrackiing aand vveriffyingg serrial numbbers of iitemss preesentted aagainnst iissueed deetaills;reecordding custtomerrs sstop paymment insttructtionss andd monnitorring accoount trannsacttionss to locaate stopp susspecttsmoonitoor annd reeportt on accoount actiivityy andd
45、 higghligght uunusuual ssituaationnsseq level0 r6 *ROMANVI.seq level1 h r0 CCustoomer lendding tc l 0 002seq level0 r6 *ROMANVI.seq level1 h r0 Custtomerr lenndinggseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.Suupporrt thhe foollowwing lendding typees:固定定期限的回回款贷款ffixedd terrm reepaymment loanns;fuully flucctuatting (deb
46、bit/ccrediit) ccurreent aaccouunt llendiing;reevolvving linees off creedit;分期期负款信贷贷insttalmeent ccrediit;固定定还款结构构的贷款lloanss witth irrreguular repaaymennt cyycless or amouunts (e.gg. looans withh reppaymeent hholiddays or sseasoonallly vaariabble rrepayymentt cyccles).seq level1 *ALPHABETICB.Reecordd
47、 andd monnitorr expposurre liimitss andd speecifiic leendinng liimitss at eachh levvel wwithiin thhe baank/ccustoomer relaationnshipp, i.e. ccustoomer, acccountt grooupinng annd sppeciffic aaccouunt.seq level1 *ALPHABETICC.Looan aappliicatiion pproceessinng, tto inncludde:捕捉捉所有贷款款细节caapturre looan a
48、appliicatiion ddetaiils计算算贷款利率率和贷款回回复callculaate iinterrest ratees apppliccablee andd loaan reepaymmentsscrreditt scooringg faccilitties for perssonall cusstomeer leendinng; aandcaalcullate key lendding ratiios ffor nnon-ppersoonal custtomerrsdeerivee a bbank-defiined gradde foor thhe looan aappliic
49、atiionreecordd proogresss annd sttatuss of loann appplicaationns inn proocesssingprroducce sttandaard ccustoomer loann doccumenntatiionreecordd colllateeral secuuritiies oofferred aand ttakenn in resppect of lloan appllicattionss recceiveed annd grranteed looansprroducce innstruuctioons aand aadvicc
50、es ffor ccollaateraal seecuriity ddocummentaationnseq level1 *ALPHABETICD.Looan AAdminnistrratioon Prrocesssingg to coveer:auutomaaticaally recaalcullate loann amoortissatioon taabless aftter rrate channges etc.iddentiify aand mmonittor ppast-due situutatiionsreecordd Loaan Prrovission or RRisk Grad
51、de (ffor lloan losss proovisiion ccalcuulatiions)seq level1 *ALPHABETICE.Cuustommer ssafe-keepping regiisterr faccilittiesseq level0 r7 *ROMANVII.seq level1 h r0 Trannsacttion manaagemeent tc l 0 002seq level0 r7 *ROMANVVII.seq level1 h r0 Trannsacttion manaagemeentseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.Suupporrt
52、thhe foollowwing geneeric typees off cusstomeer trransaactioons:deeposiits/wwithddrawaals (inclludinng caash)trransffers betwween accoountsstrransffers to / froom acccounnts aat otther bankks (vvia inteerfacce)diirectt debbit iinstrructiions (iniitiatted / recceiveed)sttandiing oorderrstraansacction
53、n revversaalsssweepp faaciliitiess to perfform autoomatiic trransffers to/ffrom accoountssbaank cchequue / drafft isssuinnglooan ddraw-downns orr matturittieslooan rrepayymentts (sschedduledd / uunschhedulled)tiime ddepossit pplaceementts annd maaturiitiesstiime ddepossit bbreakks (ffull / paartiaal
54、)buureauu de channge aactivvitieesgeeneraated trannsacttionss (inntereest cchargged / paiid, ffees and commmissiions)seq level1 *ALPHABETICB.Trransaactioon prrocesssingg reqquireementts inncludde:crreatee andd maiintaiin trransaactioon tyypes as pparammeterrisedd deffinittionssussers amennd deefaull
55、t trransaactioon deescriiptioons oor addd addditiionall dettailss, inn memmoranndum formm, whhen iinputttingg traansacctionns onn-linne too a ccustoomer抯抯 acccountt (too apppear on ccustoomer抯抯 staatemeent).onn-linne trransaactioon auuthorrisattionreecordd stoop paaymennt deetaillsAbiilityy to procc
56、ess trannsacttionss, vaalidaate aaccouunt sstatuus, sstop paymmentss wheen coommunnicattion linkks beetweeen brranchh andd Heaad Offficee havve beeen ddisruuptedd. Offflinne moode sshoulld bee traanspaarentt andd resstartt shoould be sseamlless.Abiilityy to refeer alll neecesssary elemmentss of larg
57、ge ennoughh andd higgh-riisk ttranssactiions to ssuperrvisoor orr oriiginaal maaker for reviiew aand ppotenntiall ediitingg, wiith aabiliity tto ennforcce muulti-leveel auuthorrizattion conttrol in tthis conttext.seq level1 *ALPHABETICC.Isssuinng, mmonittorinng annd innventtory conttrol of ttraveell
58、errs cchequuesseq level0 r8 *ROMANVIII.seq level1 h r0 Custtomerrs ccash manaagemeent ffacillitiees tc l 0 002seq level0 r8 *ROMANVIIII.seq level1 h r0 Custtomerrs ccash manaagemeent ffacillitieesseq level1 *ALPHABETICA.Onn-linne orr offf-linne exxternnal ccash manaagemeent ttermiinalss loccatedd in
59、 custtomerrs oofficces, whicch haave llimitted aaccesss too thee bannk抯 hosst syystemms:acccesss strrictlly liimiteed byy acccess conttrol faciilitiies tto onnly ccustoomer抯抯 ownn andd onlly sppeciffied accoountss or accoount grouups wwithiin ann oveeralll cusstomeer reelatiionshhipcoompleete aaccou
60、unt sstatuus annd trransaactioon ennquirries;innitiaatingg intter-aaccouunt ttranssferss;suubmitttingg traansacctionn battchess forr bullk prrocesssingg;acccesss to treaasuryy andd monney mmarkeet raates and pricces;Abiilityy to sweeep baank bbalannces intoo nonn-bannk mooney accoountss (e.g., overr
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