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1、酒店基础英语1欢迎语:1、Welcome to Yincheng Huatian Hotel. 欢迎光临银城华天大酒店。2、Welcome to our restaurant for dinner. 欢迎来本餐厅用餐。2问候语:1、How do you do? 您好。2、Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上好/中午好/晚上好。3祝愿语:1、Have a good time! 祝您愉快!2、Happy New Year! 新年快乐!3、Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!4、Happy Brithday to you! 祝您生日快乐!4征询语:1、What

2、 can I do for you? 您有事需要我效劳吗?2、May I take you order now? 现在我能为您点菜吗?3、How about? 怎么样?4、May I do the turn-down service for you? 我能为您开夜床吗?5道别语:1、Good Bye! 再见!2、Please come/call again! 欢迎再次光临!3、Have a nice trip! 祝您旅途愉快!4、Have a good holiday! 祝您有个完美的假期!5、Well expect you to come again! 我期待着您下次光临!6道歉语:1、Im

3、 sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. 对不起,让您久等了。2、Im terribly/awfully sorry for this,please accept my apologies on behalf of our hotel. 我对此感到非常抱歉,请您允许我代表我们酒店向您表示歉意。3、I would like to apologies for our carelessness. 我为我们酒店的疏忽向您致歉。4、I assure you it wont happen again! 我向您保证以后不会再发生类似事件。7指路用语:1、Fol

4、low this corridor,then turn right,youll see it on your left. 沿着走廊走,然后向右拐,您将在您的左边看到它。2、Go out of the elevator and turn right ,Huatian Delicacy Restaurant well be in front of you. 走出电梯然后右转,美食街就在您的前面。3、Down the stairs,then pass the Front Desk,there is another stairs on your right,please up the steps,th

5、e Beauty Solon is just opposite to the stair-head. 从这段楼梯下去然后走过前台,在您的右边会出现另一段楼梯,请上楼,美容美发中心就在楼梯口的对面。8电话用语:1、Operator,may I help you ? 我是接线员,能为您效劳吗?2、Hold the line,Ill put you through. 别挂线,我马上为您转接。3、Im sorry ,she/he is not in at the moment,can I take a message for her/him? 对不起,她/他不在房间里,我能为她/他带个口信吗?4、Im

6、 sorry ,nobody answered the phone. 对不起,电话没人接。5、Please dial “2”before the number when you make a outside call and dial “3”before you make a long-distance call. 您拨打外线电话时请先拨“2”,拨打长途电话时请先拨“3”。9婉拒语: Thats very nice of you,but I cant accept it because its against our regulation. 您真好,但是我不能接受它因为这违反了我们的规定。10答谢语:1、Thank you very much. 十分感谢。2、Thank you for your compliment. 谢谢您的夸奖。3、T


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