1、j|ggj!ORDggSME实用手册SME Manual本手册指在帮助中小企业所有人在自己企业内建立操作手册。The manual is designed to assist SME owners to implement an operations amnaul within their business.目录TABLE OF CONTENTS概 述 OVERVIEW经营手册Operations Manual 企业概述Business Overview 人力资源管理HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGE. M.E.N.T雇佣政策 Employment Policies 员工记录 Team
2、 Member Records招聘和选拔Recruitment and Selection业绩管理 Performance Management 培训 Training 沟通和激励 Communication and Motivation职业健康和安全Occupational Health and Safety 客户服务 CUSTOMER SERVI.C.E服务标准 Service Standards 顾客选择 Customer Selection 顾客反馈 Customer Feedback 市场营销 MARKETIN.G企业识别 Corporate Identity 战略营销 Strate
3、gic Marketing 公共关系 Public Relations 采购和存货管理PURCHASING AND STOCK MANAGEMENT 采购 Purchasing 存货管理 Stock Management 行政管理 ADMINISTRATIO.N电话、信息和电子邮件 Telephone, Messages and Email 邮件和重要信函 Mail and Couriers 计算机和互联网 Computers and the Internet 安全 Security 会 计 ACCOUNTIN. G应付账款 Creditors 应收账款 Debtors 银行往来账Bank A
4、ccounts 固定资产 Fixed Assets 领导能力 LEADERSHI.P概述OVERVIEW经营手册Operations Manual经营手册的目的Purpose of the Operations Manual本经营手册旨在提供必要的资源, 以帮助员工改进工作表现, 并帮助企业达成目标。The purpose of the Operations Manual is to provide all team memberswith a resource to assist them in performing the roles and to assist the business
5、to meet its objectives.最重要的是, 所有员工都应熟悉本手册, 并遵守手册中列出的政策和程序以及相关联的制度和程序文件。 这样做使企业上下得到统一, 并 强化了我们在市场中的地位。It is essential that all team members are familiar with the manual and follow the policies and procedures outlined in this document and the associated systems and procedures documentation. This creat
6、es uniformity throughout our business and strengthens our position within the marketplace.经营手册的保密性Security of Operations Manual在经营手册中包含的信息及相关的政策、 程序都属企业的机密。 为了 从企业的安全保护着想, 对手册的内容保密是十分必要的。 这些手册 是企业的知识产权,并集企业知识积累之大成。The information contained within the Operations Manual and associated policies and pro
7、cedures is confidential. It is essential for the protection of the business that the contents are kept confidential. These manuals are our intellectual property and bring together the cumulative learning of our business.严禁将手册或相关文件从企业中拿走。 任何交给员工用于履行职责的 手册都属企业财产。No manuals or associated documentation
8、are to be removed from the business. Any manuals given to you in order for you to fulfil your role obligations remain the property of the business.除了常规工作的需要, 你不能拷贝手册中的任何部分。 不遵守此条约 的员工将受到纪律的处理。You are not permitted to copy any part of the manual other than for genuine business use. Team memberswho do
9、 not comply with this will be subject to disciplinary procedures.手册更新Manual Updates手册或相关文件将定期更新。From time to time it may be necessary to update the manual or associated documents.每个员工都有责任保有最新的与其任务相关的文档。 如果员工认为需要增加一个新系统, 或修改一个现在的系统, 他需要先向直属经理咨询。所有系统应该利用标准的系统模板进行归档。Every team member has a responsibili
10、ty to keep up to date the documentation that relates to their role. If a team member believes that a new system needs to be documented or an existing system amended, they should consult their manager. All systems are to be documented using the standard systems template.请参阅:Please refer to:“系统模板”“Sys
11、tems Template企业概述Business Overview我们的企业Our Business 请详述企业背景,内容应包括:Please detail a background to the business. You should include the following:企业成立日期、建立方式When and how the business was first established当前企业的股东分别是谁Who the current owners of the business are企业是做什么的?生产商、零售商、批发商等Whatyou do i.e. are you a
12、manufacturer, retailer, wholesaler etc企业做得如何How you do it企业提供什么产品和服务What products and services you provide企业地址,包括所有商店的地址、办公室、工厂等Where you are located including the address of all shops,offices, factories etc远景宣言Vision Statement我们有一个企业远景宣言,它清晰地确定了企业正在做的事情以及做 完这些事情之后的样子。该远景宣言应该作为我们的工作指南和基 准,来衡量我们的业绩。W
13、ehave a corporate vision statement that clearly defines what the business does and what the business will look like when it is finally done. This vision statement should act as a guide for our work and benchmark for us to measure our performance.请参阅:Please refer to:H d 士 力“Vision Statement企业宗旨Missio
14、n Statement我们有一个企业宗旨We have a corporate mission statement请参阅:Please refer to:“企业宗旨”“Mission Statement ”组织结构图Organisational Chart企业应让所有员工了解组织结构以及企业内部的报告关系So that all team members are aware of the structure and reporting relationships within the business a current organisational chart is available.请参阅
15、:Please refer to:“组织结构图”“ Organisational Chart.内部和外部关系标准Internal and External Relationship Standards以下关系标准适用于企业内的所有员工:The following relationship standards apply to all team members within the organisation.所有员工都应公开地、诚实地和专业地与所有顾客沟通一一在内部和 外部都是如此。All team members will communicate openly, honestly and pr
16、ofessionally with all customers- Both internal andexternal.在说“请”和“谢谢”时,冠上别人的名字。Always say “please” and“thank -you” using theperson s name.决不挖苦嘲讽。Never use sarcasm.始终要象当事人在场时一样地谈论一个人Always talk about a person as if they were in the room.私下讨论私人问题Discuss personal problems in private.如果你惹某人不满,马上道歉并改正。If
17、 you upset someone, immediately apologise and make right the situation.在问候和告别时, 冠上别人的名字。Greet and farewell people using their name.如果有事不对劲,决不要责备某人去责备系统吧。Never blame a person if something goes wrong - blame the system.在任何时候要对你的行为、态度和回应负责。Take responsibility for your actions, attitude and responses at
18、 all times.始终要讲真话。Always tell the truth.始终要象你希望被对待的样子来对待他人。Always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.人力资源管理HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT人力资源管理概述Human Resource Management Overview此模块为企业人力资源的实践提供指导方针。 它提出了与员工相联系 的概念、原则和程序的概要。This module provides guidelines to the HumanResource practices
19、 of our business. It provides an outline to the concepts, principles and procedures relating to our people.人力资源管理是管理企业员工的流程。 我们的员工才是我们拥有的动态资源只有通过员工, 才能让事情发生。 员工按照政策和程序履行职责 , 以达成企业的目标。HumanResource Managementis the process of managing the people who work for this business. Our team are the only dynam
20、ic resource that we have - it is only through our team that things happen. People enact the policies and procedures and achieve our business goals.雇佣政策Employment Policies个人着装和仪表Personal Dress And Appearance员工的个人着装和仪表。需要员工对自己的仪表有信心,特别是对仪表所持的态度。记住,一个良好仪表能够使顾客对你留下良好印象。Personal dress and the appearance
21、of team members. Being confident at work and looking and feeling good comes from taking pride in your appearance and most importantly your attitude to your appearance. Remember that a good appearance creates a good impression to our customers.经理必须作好表率。经理也可以凭借其判断力在工作开始之前让某个 员工回家,去修正自己的仪表。在这种情形下,在该员工以
22、合适的穿 着出现在工作中之前的这段时间,是不予支付工资的。Managers must lead by example. Managers may also at their discretion send a team member home to improve upon personal appearance before permitting a team member to start work. In such instances, a team member will not be paid until they present themselves for work proper
23、ly dressed.请参阅:Please refer to:“着装标准”Dress Standards个人卫生Personal Hygiene个人卫生是非常重要的, 因为它不仅仅影响你自己, 还会影响到其他员工。以下是必须坚持的原则:Personal Hygiene is considered to be very important because not only does it affect you but it affects your fellow team members. The following must be adhered to:员工不应使用太浓的香水和须后水。Team
24、 members should always use deodorant, however over-powering perfumes and after-shaves should not be worn.员工必须保持双手干净。对某种特定工作,应该戴上手套。Team members must have clean hands. For some tasks gloves should be worn.平等的雇佣机会和歧视Equal Employment Opportunity and Discrimination平等的雇佣机会是一套法律, 用来保护让每个雇员都享有被公平对待 的权利的原则。
25、Equal Employment Opportunities is a set of laws protecting the principle that every employee has the right to be treated fairly.防止和消除任何工作场所内的歧视是十分重要的。 企业相信, 所有员 工不分种族、肤色、信仰或性别,都是平等的。企业提供平等的雇佣机会给所有人。企业支持并保护每个人的权利。It is important that the business prevents and eliminates any discrimination within the
26、workplace. The business believes in the equality of all people irrespective of their race, colour, creed or gender. The business provides equal employment opportunities for all based on individual merit. The businesssupports and will protect the rights of each individual.病假Sick Leave如果员工感到身体不适而无法上班,
27、 他应该在上班时间开始之前给他 的经理打电话。If a team memberis not well enough to attend the workplace they should phone their Manager prior to their work commencement time.员工依照其雇佣合同, 有资格享有带薪病假。 为了得到休带薪病假的资格,员工须在重返工作岗位时,立即完成一份病假申请表。在完成的病假申请表后应该附上一份医生证明,两者需交给你的经 理等待正式批准。Teammembersare entitled to paid sick leave in accor
28、dance with their employment contract. In order to qualify for paid sick leave team members must complete a Leave Request Form immediately upon their return to the workplace. A doctor scertificate should be attached to the completed Leave Form and both should be given to your Manager for approval.一年内
29、未用完的病假 (开始日期以员工开始上班的周年计) 不能累计。Sick Leave that is not used within the year (the commencement date being the team member s commencement anniversary) does not accrue.未使用的病假在与企业雇佣关系终止时,是不会支付金钱的。Unused sick leave entitlements are not payable upon the cessation of employment with the business.一旦经理批准后,应该将经
30、审定的病假申请表转到薪资部进行处Oncethe Manager has approved the Sick Leave the authorised form should be forwarded to the Payroll Department for processing.请参阅:Please refer to:“如何申请病假”“How To Apply For Sick Leave ”“病假申请单”“Leave Request Form ”年假Annual Leave所有员工根据其雇佣合同,年假会递增。All team members accrue annual leave in a
31、ccordance with their employment contract.年假申请必须在休假前14天提交。在企业配合员工年假的要求,采 取一切努力满足的同时,所有请假必须在不影响工作的前提下提出申 请。请假申请会遵循“先到先得”原则。经理拥有年假的审批权。员 工应填写“年假申请表”,并交送给经理审批。经审批后的申请表应 交送给薪资部备案。Applications for annual leave must be made at least 14 days before the commencement of the leave period. Whilst every effort w
32、ill be made to accommodate team member requests for annual leave, all leave must be taken at a time that is considered appropriate to the business. Leave requests will be considered on a “first come, first served “ basis.Approval of leave requests is at the discretion of the Manager. Teammembers sho
33、uld complete a “Leave Request Form and then give it to their Manager for approval. All approved forms should be forwarded to the Payroll Department for processing.请参阅:Please refer to:“如何申请年假”How To Apply For Annual Leave“年假申请单”“Leave Request Form申诉政策Grievance Policy员工的申诉和建议无论其性质如何,对企业而言都极为重要。Team Me
34、mber grievances and suggestions are considered to be extremely important to the business, regardless of their nature.我们的政策是对每个观点、建议或意见都给予充分关注。企业完全支持员工提出的改进观点一一请参阅“我们的美妙创意计划”。It is our policy that full consideration will be given to every idea, suggestion or opinion. The business fully supports team
35、member s putting for their ideas for improvement- pleaserefer to “Our Great Ideas Program. ”如果因任何理由使某位员工受到委屈,他应该遵循申诉制度提出申 诉。If for any reason, a team member has a grievance they should follow the grievance system.请参阅:Please refer to:“申诉系统”“Grievance System ”员工记录Team Member Records员工人事档案Team Member P
36、ersonnel Files每个员工都在人事部保留有一份机密的人事档案。Each team memberhas a confidential personnel file that is kept in the Human Resource Department.在这些档案中保留的信息包括:Information that is kept within these files includes:初始雇佣申请材料;Original employment application;个人详细资料表格;Personal Details Form;面试记录和参考证明;Interview notes and
37、 reference checks;签署的雇佣合同副本;Copy of signed Offer of Employment and Conditions of Employment;业绩评估;Performance Appraisals;职责描述;Role Description;申诉表格;Grievance Forms;员工纪律记录(包括任何会议细节和任何警告信的副本);Team Member Discipline Record (including details of any meetings and copies of any letters of warning);培训记录表(包括
38、任何证书副本);Training Record Form (including copies of any certificates);培训评估表格;Training Evaluation Forms;请假单;Leave Forms; and任何其他关于员工的信息。Any other information regarding the team member.所有员工在雇佣期一开始,必须完成一份个人详细资料表。在员工人事档案中应该保留一份该表的副本。Upon commencement of employment all team members must have a“ Personal De
39、tails Form” completed. A copy of this form must be kept on the team member s personnel file.请参阅:Please refer to:“个人详细资料表”“Personal Details Form ”员工可通过与人事部联系,安排查阅其人事档案。Team members can arrange to inspect their personnel file by contacting the Human Resource Department.招聘与选拔Recruitment and Selection招聘
40、Recruitment雇佣合适的员工是企业取得更好业绩的关键。 雇佣错误的员工或不得 不替换一个员工的成本是一个员工年薪的 50-150%。员工招聘和选拔 对企业的长期运行至关重要。Employing the right team members is the key to a better business. Employing the wrong team memberor having to replace a team member can cost between 50-150% of a team member sannual salary. Team memberrecruitm
41、ent and selection is vital to our long-term performance.企业对新员工的招聘和筛选有一个正规的系统。企业支持内部和外部的人员对所有职位空缺提出申请。所有申请人都将按照成交的制度进 行筛选。The business has a formal system for recruitment and selection of new team members. The business supports both internal and external applications for all positions vacant. All app
42、licants will be processed according to the documented system.请参阅:Please refer to:“招聘流程”Recruitment Process.职责描述Role Profile所有员工有一个详细列出职责、责任、任务和主要业绩指标的职责描述。All team members have a role description that details the roles, responsibilities, tasks and key performance indicators.所有职责描述必须保持更新。职责描述被用于招聘和绩效
43、评估。All role descriptions must be kept up-to date. Role descriptions are used for recruitment and performance appraisals.“职责描述模板”Role Profile Template.广告空缺职位Advertising Vacant Positions企业完全支持员工的发展,因此所有职位空缺信息不仅会在外部,也会在内部进行公开。The business fully supports team member development and therefore all vacanci
44、es will be advertised internally as well as externally.选拔过程Selection Process所有申请人都会得到评估,面试前企业将准备一份简短的清单。可能的情况下,成功的候选人要参加两次面试。All applicants are reviewed and a short-list is prepared for interviews. Where possible, successful candidates will attend at 2 interviews.请参阅:Please refer to:“招聘与选拔流程”Recruit
45、ment and Selection Process:“第一印象表格”First Impression Table面试Interviewing面试过程是选拔过程中最至关重要的环节之一。因此,采用一个一致的和系统化的方法是十分重要的。面试往往由经理主持,然而成功的候选人一般会有两次面试,且其中至少有一次应该和他未来的同事在 一起面谈。The interviewing process is one of the most vital parts of the selection process. Therefore it is important that we use a consistent
46、and systemised approach. Interviews are normally carried out by Managers however successful applicants will generally have 2 interviews and at least one of these should be with their future team member colleagues.请参阅:Please refer to:“如何准备面试”How To Prepare For An Interview“如何进行面试”How To Conduct An In
47、terview“面试问题”Interview Questions证明人核实Reference Checking在发出雇佣通知之前,必须对所有候选人进行证明人核实。 证明人核 实总的来说通过电话访问进行, 然而在某种情况下,寄发一封信函会 更合适些。Prior to being extended an Offer of Employment all candidates must be reference checked. Reference checks are generally conducted by telephone however in someinstances it maybe
48、 more appropriate to send a letter.请参阅:Please refer to:“如何做证明人核实工作”How To Do A Reference Check“证明人核实信函”Reference Check Letter发出聘用信Offer of Employment所有成功候选人将会接到一份书面的聘用信。该信函包含了雇佣的期限和条件。All successful candidates will be given a written Letter of Offer. The letter of offer includes the terms and condit
49、ions of employment.只有完成了满意的证明人核实工作后,才应该发出聘用信。应该向候选人寄出两份聘用信。其中一份必须签署后寄回公司。A Letter of Offer should only be sent after satisfactory reference checks have been undertaken. Two copies of the letter should be sent to the candidate. One copy must be signed and returned.请参阅:Please refer to:“如何发出雇佣邀请”How To
50、 Do An Offer of Employment“聘用信”“Offer of Employment ”落选者Unsuccessful Candidates一旦候选人收到了正式的聘用信,就必须以一种职业的和客气的方式 通知所有落选申请人。Once a formal offer of employment has been accepted by a candidate all unsuccessful applicants must be notified in a professional and courteous manner.你认为可能会对企业作出积极贡献的落选者,应该将其申请材料保
51、留下来。The applications of candidates who are unsuccessful but whom you think could make a positive contribution to the business should be kept.请参阅:Please refer to“致落选者信函”“Unsuccessful Applicant Letter试用期Probation所有新员工都要接受一个三个月的试用期,在此期间,如果一方希望终止雇佣关系,应该提前 7天通知对方。All new team members are subject to a 3-m
52、onth probationary period during which time employment can be terminated by either party with 7 days notice.试用期对双方都是有利的,它可以确保只有那些享受工作职责以及能施展能力完成职责要求的员工才能获得永久的聘任。该政策确保企业聘到最好的人才和那些能完成任务的人才。The probationary period is beneficial to both parties and ensures that only those team members who enjoy their rol
53、e and who can demonstrate their capacity to fulfil their role requirements are offered permanent employment. This policy ensures that the business employs only the best people and that those people are fulfilled in their roles.在三个月的试用期结束时,该员工会与他的直接上司做一个业绩评估。此时会讨论到所有事宜。 成功的员工会在企业内得到一个永久的 职位并得到一份正式的雇佣
54、合同。At the end of the 3-month probationary period, the team member will have a performance appraisal with their direct manager.At this time any issues can be discussed. Successful team members will then be offered a permanent position within the business and extended a formal employment contract.请参阅:
55、Please refer to:“如何进行试用期评估”How To Undertake A Probationary Review,“永久聘任信”“ Permanent Offer of Employment ” 入 Induction所有新员工必须完成入职程序。这是一个有价值的企业介绍,旨在使新员工尽快地上手。每位经理对确保他们的新员工完成入职计划负有 责任。必须填写完成一份入职过程检查单,并保留在该员工的人事档 案中。All new team members must go through the Induction Program. This is a valuable introduc
56、tion to the business that aims to make the new team members as effective as soon as possible. Each Manager is responsible for ensuring that their new team memberscomplete the Induction Program. An induction Process Checklist must be completed and then kept on the team member s personnel file.请参阅:Ple
57、ase refer to:“入职计划检查单”“Induction Program Checklist ”“入职过程检查单”Induction Process Checklist绩效管理Performance Management绩效评估Performance Appraisals每年所有员工会经历360度的正式绩效评估。All team members will undergo a formal 360 degree Performance Appraisal every year.绩效评估的目的是认可和奖励员工的成绩,进一步讨论未来目标和制定接下来12月的行动计划。绩效评估也会用于评审报酬的
58、依据。The purpose of the Performance Appraisal is to recognise and reward team member achievements, to discuss future goals and to develop an action plan for the next 12 months. ThePerformance Appraisal will also be used as the basis for review of remuneration.薪酬评审会与绩效评估同时进行。Salary reviews will be unde
59、rtaken at the same time as the performance appraisal.绩效评估在每年的一月进行(或另行要求的时间)。Performance Appraisals are undertaken in January every year (or as required).请参阅:Please refer to:“如何讲行绩效评估”How To Undertake A Performance Appraisal“绩效评估表格”Performance Appraisal Form.处分程序Disciplinary Process不幸的是,有时候对员工需要进行处分。
60、企业有一个适当、公正、公 平的处分程序,该程序与企业目标,与员工最低绩效标准相一致。该 程序的设立是为了保护员工和企业的利益。Unfortunately, from time to time it is necessary for team membersto undergo disciplinary procedures. The business has in place a fair and equitable disciplinary process that supports the objectives of the business and our minimum perform
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