1、 研究生英译汉练习1. The most common characteristic of outstandingsuccess is “an extensive knowledge of the exactmeaning of English words.” The extent of yourvocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence.Your brain power will increase as you learn toknow more words. The study of words is not merelysom
2、ething that has to do with literature. Words areyour tools of thought. You cant even think at allwithout words. Without words you could make nodecisions and form no judgments whatsoever. Andthe more words you have at your command thedeeper, clearer and more accurate will be yourthinking. A command o
3、f vocabulary will give youassurance; build your self-confidence; lend color toyour personality; increase your popularity. Yourwords are your personality. Your vocabulary is you.(Wilfred Funk)2. Words are explosive. Phrases are packed with TNT.A simple word can destroy a friendship, land a largeorder
4、. The proper phrases in the mouths of clerkshave quadrupled the sales of a department store.The wrong words used by a campaign orator havelost an election. Words have changed the directionof history. Words can also change the direction ofyour life. They have often raised a man frommediocrity to succ
5、ess. If you consciously increaseyour vocabulary you will unconsciously raiseyourself to a more important station in life, and thenew and higher position you have won will, in turn,give you a better opportunity for further enrichingyour vocabulary. It is a beautiful and successfulcycle. (Wilfred Funk
6、)3. Mastering a large number of words is essential toachieving fluency in a foreign language. There areno short-cuts to a large vocabulary in English: youjust have to rely on diligence and dedication. Ofcourse you can figure out from the context themeanings of some new words you come across inyour r
7、eading, but more often than not you have tolook them up in a dictionary in order to be clearabout their accurate meanings. A practicable way topick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot,preferably stories that you find interesting orexciting. It often pays to read the same book overand over again:
8、 each time you read it you will learndifferent new words, and the familiar context helpsto fix them in your mind.4. A successful argument gives evidence of some sortfor every important point. Evidence may includestatistics, observations or testimony of experts,personal narratives, or other supportin
9、g proof. A1 writer needs to convince readers by taking themfrom some initial position on an issue to the writersposition, which readers will share if the argumentsucceeds. The only way to do this is to provideevidence that convinces readers that the position isa right or true one. (from Perspectives
10、 onContemporary Issues, 2003)5. Examples and illustrations are crucial to writing, nomatter what the primary purpose. Without examples,writing stays at the general or abstract level andleaves readers only vaguely understanding what awriter means. Examples make meaning clear andhelp make writing more
11、 interesting, livelier, andmore engaging than in an essay without details.Examples may be brief and numerous or extendedand limited in number, and they may take the formof narratives. It would be difficult to find aneffective piece of writing that does not useexamples of some sort. (Ibid.)6. English
12、 is generally acknowledged to be the worldsmost important language. First, the number ofnative speaker of English is more than 300 million.Second, the spread of English over most of theworld as an international language is a uniquephenomenon in the worlds history: about 1500million peopleover a thir
13、d of the worldspopulationlive in countries where English hassome official status. Third, English leads as theprimary medium for 20 century science andthtechnology. Finally, English is the language of theUnited States, whose gross domestic product in1980 was more than double that of its nearestcompet
14、itor, Japan.7. The statistics of English are astonishing. Of all theworlds languages (which now number some 2700),it is arguably the richest in vocabulary. The OxfordEnglish Dictionary lists about 500,000 words; and afurther half million technical and scientific termsremain uncatalogued.Three-quarte
15、rs of theworlds mail, and its telexes and cables, are inEnglish. So are more than half the worlds technicaland scientific periodicals. English is the medium for80 percent of the information stored in the worldscomputers. Nearly half of all business deals inEurope are conducted in English. It is the
16、languageof sport and glamour: the official language of theOlympics and the Miss Universe competition.English is the official voice of the air, of the sea,and of Christianity. (from The Story of English byRobert McCrum et al, 1986)8. For the post-intermediate and advanced English2 learners, it is adv
17、isable to use more of amonolingual dictionary. There are a number ofadvantages. Apart from the increase of exposure ofEnglish and avoidance of misunderstanding bytranslation, users have to think in English,understand meanings in terms of other Englishwords, thus enlarging vocabulary and learn thepre
18、cise meanings of words and usages throughdefinitions and examples. Moreover, the effectiveuse of a monolingual dictionary will give learners asense of satisfaction and self-sufficiency and greaterconfidence in their ability to solve languageproblems.9. The human being may be called the animal withla
19、nguage. Upon a little reflection, we can see thatonly by means of language can mankind create andtransmit the body of concepts, attitudes, values, andskills that constitute civilization. Only by languagecan we carry the past with us, understand thepresent, and project the future. Only by languagecan
20、 we have a clear notion of ourselves asindividuals. “I think, therefore I am,” as thephilosopher Descartes put it. And only by languagecan we forge the bonds of a societya society asdistinguished from some sort of instinctual hero orswarm.10.All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that havedelig
21、hted mankind for centuries, are easily andcheaply available to all of us within the covers ofbooksbut we must know how to avail ourselvesof this treasure and how to get the most from it. Themost unfortunate people in the world are those whohave never discovered how satisfying it is to readgood books
22、Reading is a pleasure of the mind,which means that it is a little like a sport: youreagerness and knowledge and quickness make you agood reader. Reading is fun, not because the writeris telling you something, but because it makes yourmind work. (Bennett Cerf)11.Most wedding customs are very old and
23、come frommany different lands. Throwing old shoes or tyingthem to the bridal car goes back to ancient Egypt.There the father handed the brides sandal to thegroom, symbolizing a transfer of authority.Throwing rice carries the wish that the couple willbe blessed with children. Another widespreadcustom
24、 is for the bride to wear “something old,something new, something borrowed, andsomething blue.” In ancient Israel the brides robehad a blue border signifying purity, fidelity, andlove. Centuries ago in France the bride threw hergarter, and the girl who caught it was believed to be3 the next bride. T
25、oday the bride throws her bouquet.12.Coffee is a universal beverage that is served indifferent ways around the world. In London, forexample, some Englishmen dip mustard into theircoffee, while in Denver, a person might add a dashof ketchup. Strips of orange and lemon peel, clovesand cinnamon sticks
26、are not unusual additions to thebrew in Europe. An Asian delight consists of coffeebrewed in boiling sugar. Perhaps the richest cup ofcoffee can be enjoyed in Ireland where whiskey andwhipped cream are important ingredients. InAustralia a waitress will ask, “Do you want black orwhite?” Black is plai
27、n black coffee, but white ishalf coffee and half warm milk. If an Australianorders iced coffee, he will be served a cup ofsteaming coffee with a scoop of ice cream. Itsounds like the Australian version of “a snowball inhell”.13.Although Einstein (1879-1955) felt no need forreligious ritual and belon
28、ged to no formal religiousgroup, he was the most religious man I have known.He once said to me, “Ideas come from God,” andone could hear the reverence with which hepronounced the word. On the marble fireplace in themathematics building at Princeton University iscarved, in the original German, what o
29、ne might callhis scientific credo: “God is subtle, but he is notmalicious.” By this Einstein meant that scientistscould expect to find their task difficult, but nothopeless.14.We often hear that computers are cold and inhuman,but in fact many people are more comfortable witha computer than with anot
30、her person. Computersare patient and do not judge the people who usethem. Many students who would be embarrassed toshow a teacher that they do not understandsomething are happy to ask a computer questions.Some patients would rather explain their healthproblems to a computer than to a doctor. There i
31、seven a computer program which deals withpsychological problems. The program has becomepopular because many people feel uncomfortablediscussing such problems with another person.15.Today it can be said that wheels run America. Thefour rubber tires of the automobile move Americathrough work and play. Wheels spin, and peopledrive off to their jobs. Tires turn, and people shopfor the weeks food at the big supermarket down thehighway. Hubcaps whirl, and the wh
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