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1、 PAGE 页码 16 / NUMPAGES 总页数 16人教新起点2022年六年级英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习全能练习单班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看图,根据提示写故事。每幅图画写一个句子。你可以使用提示词,也可以根据自己的理解进行写作。Last Sunday, Mingming had a picnic with his parents in the park.1.bring, park2.monkey, Jump3.take away, angry4.2. 根据图片的内容,完成对图片的描述。What did they do yesterday?1. Daming made_.

2、2._.3. 看图片,补全单词。(1)p_ _da (2)er_s_r(3)k_ _e (4)r_c_(5)n_ _e (6)scho_ _ bag(7)k_ _ (8)c_n_y(9)no_e_ook(10)m_th_4. 补全单词,并匹配。1._oo_ A.2._-ray_ B.3_egetables_ C.5. 看图写单词。126. 根据提示完成句子。1.A: Why are you laughing?B: Because2.7. 根据图片写单词。1This is Jerry. He is my friend. He goes to school_.2el_phant3Whats the

3、 matter? My finger h_.8. 看图写单词。1 23 45 67 89 10填空题9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I_(catch) some fish in the river yesterday.2Form then on, they_(become) friends.3He_(see) a parrot show and_(ride) a bike in the park last week.4They will go_(swim) tomorrow.5Miss Li_(teach) us Chinese. She is a good teacher.10. 根据图片提

4、示完成下列句子。1Thegiraffe is_than thedeer.2Thewatermelon is_than theapple.3Themouse is_than the elephant.4Miss Chenis 45 kg. Amyis 38 kg.Miss Chen is_than Amy.5Mypencil is 10cm.Yourpencil is 15 cm.Your pencil is_than mine.11. 选择合适的词填空。1Would you like_(any / some)water?2He likes eating_(potatoes / potatos)

5、.3He has_(a few / a little)bananas in his desk.4In a healthy diet , we should drink_(a little / a lot of)water every day.5We shouldn t eat too_(much/many)sweet food because it is bad for our health.12. 按要求写词。1paint(动名词)_2dream(复数)_3child(复数)_4health(形容词)_5beauty(形容词)_13. 填空题。根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1Sh

6、all we m_at the gate of the zoo?2What are you_(使用)?3Li Shan_last weekend.4I like playing_.5Do you want to be a_(drive)?6Jack_(watch) TV at home last night.7There are_(3) girls in the picture. The_(1) girl on the left is my sister.选择题14. There isnt any lesson at the moment. All the students _ a rest.

7、 ( )A.is having B.are having C.has D.have15. 选择不同类的单词: ( )A.sunny B.snow C.wind16. There were no _ 10 years ago. ( )A.grass B.computers C.dining hall17. Are you ready to learn _ football? ( )A.play B.to play C.plays18. He likes _ science books and fairy tales. ( )A.read B.reads C.reading句型转换19. 按要求改

8、写句子。1Were the boys happy just now?(否定回答)No,_.2Shehas a headache.(对句子主题意思提问)_with her?3He wore a lot of bottles.(改为一般疑问句)_he_a lot of bottles?4Show me your robot, please. (改成同义句)Please_the robot_me.20. 按要求改写句子。1We left Beijingon July 1.(对句子主题意思提问)2Wu Yifan went toZhejiangon his holiday.(对句子主题意思提问)3I

9、ate fresh food last Saturday.(改为否定句)4I study, play and learn a lot.(改为一般过去时)5Did Peter take any photos in China?(作肯定回答)21. 根据要求完成句子。1. school / for / lessons / to / she / her / didnt / go (.) (连词成句)2. They wentto visit Shanghai World Expro. (对句子主题意思提问)3. I bought two storybooks. (改为否定句)4. She took a

10、 trip with her parents. (改为一般疑问句)5. Did you see your grandparents last weekend? (做否定回答)22. 句型转换。1I went toSanyayesterday.(对句子主题意思提问)_you go yesterday?2He was at the library last weekend. (改为否定句)He_at the library last weekend.3Mike went to a park with his parents last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)_Mike_to a park

11、 with his parents last weekend?4Hewent fishinglast Saturday.(对句子主题意思提问)_he_last Saturday?5Did you clean your room? (作否定回答)6I am reading a book.(用yesterday改写句子)I_yesterday.23. 句型变换。1I like grapes. (改为否定句)I_like grapes.2My favourite food isfish.(对句子主题意思提问)_your favourite food?3Li Ming watches TV four

12、times a week.(变一般疑问句)4I swimtwice a month.(对句子主题意思提问)5I eat donuts after lunch and after dinner.(用Danny改写句子)阅读理解24. 根据内容判断,对的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Its Helens birthday today. All her friends are at her home. They brought a lot of things for their party. They are showing their things to each other.Nancy: Whats

13、 in your hand, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: Its a tin of chicken. Do you like it?Nancy: Yes, I like it very much. I have a box of chocolates, too.Yang Ling: Great! Where is Liu Tao?Nancy: He is sitting on the sofa. He has a Walkman and he is listening to music there.Yang Ling: Look! Wang Bing is coming. The

14、re are some fruit in his hand.Nancy: I see. Miss Li is coming, too.Yang Ling: What does she have?Nancy: Lets go and have a look. Wow! A nice birthday cake and a birthday card! Can we have a look?Miss Li: Sure. Its a nice cake and there are some sweets on it. Boys and girls, its time to have the cake

15、. Lets sing the song Happy Birthday together now.All: Good idea.1It is Helens birthday today.(_)2They are singing and dancing.(_)3He is sitting near the sofa.(_)4Liu Tao is listening to music on the sofa.(_)5There are some fruit on the cake.(_)25. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Im Mike. Wu Yifan is my new pen pal.

16、 He lives in Beijing. He is a student. What are his hobbies? He likes doing some kung fu and going hiking. Wu Yifan has a sister. Her name is Amy. She is a student, too. She likes doing word puzzles very much. Every day she goes to school with him. After school, they go home together. In the evening

17、, Wu Yifan reads books. And his sister watches TV. They are very happy!1Mike is Wu Yifans new pen pal.(_)2Mike lives in Beijing.(_)3Wu Yifan is a student.(_)4Amy is Mikes sister.(_)5Amy often watches TV in the evening.(_)26. 根据表格内容完成短文。I have three good friends. Here are their changes:Mike liked sum

18、mer best before. because he could 1._. But now he doesnt like it. He likes 2._very much.Jack liked winter very much before, because he could 3._. But now he doesnt like it. He loves to 4._.Allen couldnt 5._before, but now he can play it well. He often plays it with his friends.27. 阅读理解。There was an

19、owl and three rabbits in the forest. The owl lived in a tree. The rabbits lived under the tree.The owl was a noisy neighbour. Every night, he made a lot of noise. The rabbits could not sleep. They were very tired.One night, the owl made noise again. The rabbits were angry.“ Please stop making noise

20、at night. We can not sleep.”But the owl did not listen.One of the rabbits had an idea.“Lets dig a hole and sleep in it. Its very quiet underground. ”The rabbits dug a hole. They had a good sleep there. Today many rabbits sleep in holes.根据短文内容,选出正确答案。1Where did the rabbits and the owl live? _. ( )A.I

21、n the hole. B.In the forest. C.In the tree.2The owl was a _ neighbour. ( )A.kind B.quiet C.noisy3Was the owl a good neighbour? -_. ( )A.Yes. B.No. C.So so.4Its very _ underground. ( )A.noisy B.lonely C.quiet5Today many rabbits sleep in _. ( )A.trees B.holes C.buildings28. 阅读短文,根据短文内容补全下列句子,每空词。My na

22、me is Linda. Im twelve years old and Im 1.45 metres tall. I like summer and winter very much. Last summer vacation, I went to Hainan with my aunt. We swam in the sea and went boating. We had a great time. We also made a snowman and played in the snow in Harbin last winter holiday. It was very intere

23、sting. Gigi is my best friend. She is one year younger and 3 cm taller than me. She loves winter, too. Because she likes to go skiing. We are going to Canada and see the maple trees. We will be happy!(1)Linda went to Hainan lastvacation.(2)Linda and her aunt wentandin Hainan.(3)Gigi isyears old andm

24、etres tall.(4)Gigi likes going.(5)Linda and Gigi are going toand see the.29. 根据短文选择正确的答案。FatherandsonAwell-dressedmanwentintoarestaurantoneday.Heaskedforalotofnicedishes.Atthattime,aboycameinandsatdownbesidetheman.Themangavehimahamburger.Thenhesaidthathewantedtobuysomedrinksandthenleft(离开)。“Excuseme

25、,yourfatherdidnotpay(付钱)themoneyforhismealandyourhamburger,”thewaitresssaid.“Father?Yourewrong.Idontknowhimatall.Isawhiminthestreet.HesaysthathewillgivemeahamburgerifIcomehereathalfpasttwelve.”1_wentintoarestaurantoneday.()A.Awell-dressedman B.Aboy C.Awell-dressedmanandaboy2Themanaskedfor_.()A.aloto

26、fdrinks B.alotofhamburgers C.alotofdishes3Themangave_.()A.ahamburgertotheboy B.somebreadtotheboy C.theboyacake4Theboycame_.()A.atelevenforty-five B.attwelvethirty C.attwelveoclock.5Thewaitressthought_.()A.theboywasthemansson.B.themanwastheboysfriendC.Themancouldntpayforthemeal30. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Th

27、is is Harry and his brothers bedroom. It is not very big, but its tidy (整洁的). There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk too. There are two chairs beside the desk. On

28、e is for Harry, and the other is for his brother. There is a map of Canada on the wall too. Behind the door is a picture of the famous basketball player, Michael Jordan. Harry and his brother like their bedroom very much.1The bedroom is not very big, but its clean.(_)2There are two desks in the bedr

29、oom.(_)3There are some Chinese books on the desk.(_)4There are two maps on the wall.(_)5There isnt a phone in the bedroom.(_)31. 阅读下面的短文,判断句子的正误。Sallys old grandfather lived with her. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch. But one morning a poli

30、ce car stopped near Sallys house at twelve oclock, and two policemen helped her grand- father to get out. One of them said to Sally, The old man lost his way(迷路) in the park and called us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home. Sally was very surprised (惊讶), but she thanked the policemen and t

31、hey left. But, grandfather, she asked, you go to the park every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way (迷路) ? The old man smiled and said, I didnt lose my way. I was just tired and didnt want to walk home.( )(1)Sallys grandfather didnt go for a walk in the park every morning.( )(2)One morni

32、ng a police car stopped far Sallys house.( )(3)Sallys old grandma lost his way and called the policemen for help.( )(4)Sally thanked the policemen and they left.( )(5)The old man didnt lose his way. He was just tired and didnt want to walk home.写作32. 读写任务。请用英语简单概括所读的故事并以一句话写出你自己的读后感想,字数要求70-90词。要求书写工整、美观。Last year Tom left school. He came toLondonto find a job.


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