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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Section B (1a-1d)知识目标单词travel, agent句型1.If you become a Lion, youll travel around the world.2.What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice?I think you should go to college.3.But if I go to college, Ill never

2、become a great soccer player.技能目标听:能听懂谈论事情的结果的对话材料。说:能运用if引导的条件状语从句来谈论事情的结果以及决定是否该做某事。读:能读懂关于遇到问题应该向谁倾诉的文章。写:能运用目标语言写一篇关于朋友遇到的问题以及如何解决的短文。1.进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力 2.学会熟练运用if引导的条件状语从句。通过听力教学,提高学生听力技巧, 并让其学会在实际情境中运用目标语言。Step 1通过视频导入新课,引发学生的学习兴趣。Warming upShow a video about a person who has lots of money, and

3、 talk about it.Step 2了解与话题相关的词汇,并通过讨论的形式对词汇加以巩固。Work on 1aGet Ss to look at the things in 1a, and think about the question: Which of the things below are the most important to you?Ask Ss to discuss in pairs and circle three things.Let Ss share their answers in class.Step 3指导学生带着问题听材料,培养学生在听的同时抓重点词汇的

4、能力,练习听力技巧。在听力活动中,除了完成听力练习外,还要着重向学生介绍听力技巧。在听的过程中,培养学生速记的能力。1.Work on 1bAsk Ss to look at the list in 1a again.Tell Ss to listen to the recording and write A before each thing the soccer agent talks about and P before each thing Michaels parents talk about. Check the answers together.【Keys: Pbe happy

5、Atravel around the world Pgo to college Pmake a lot of money Abe famous Pget an education】2.Work on 1cGet Ss to look at the sentences in 1c and listen to the recording again.Play the recording and ask Ss to complete the sentences. Check the answers together.【Keys: e; a; d; b】Step 4将听力练习与口语练习相结合,提高学生的听说能力。Work on 1dTell Ss to work in pairs. Student A is Michael. Student B is his friend. Student B gives Student A advice.Show Ss the sample conversation and ask them to make their own conversations.Let some pairs come to the fr


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