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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Unit 3Could you please clean your room? Section A(3a-4c)知识目标单词in surprise, as soon as, come over, in front of, as. . . as句型 Neither of us did any housework for a week. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.技能目标读懂“做家务活动”话题的文章。情感目标主动地去帮助家人做杂务, 分担家务活; 爱家庭, 爱劳动,

2、 爱父母。1. How to use “make” and “do”.2. Make polite requests and ask for permission with “could”. Make polite requests and ask for permission with “could”.教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up1. Free talk:Let students ask and answer in pairs.Do you help your parents do housework in your family?What do you do?

3、2. Guessing game:What chores does Sally do on weekends?Ss look at the picture. Discuss what happened and then what they should do.通过图片, 学生回顾上节课的重点短语和重点句型; 通过图片和题目引导学生设想本文的大意, 为本文做好铺垫和过渡。Step 2Reading(3a)1. Let Ss look at the picture and discuss the questions. What does the picture show? What househo

4、ld chores need to be done in this house? Who do you think will do these chores?2. Read the story and answer the questions.1. Ss discuss the questions.2. Ss read the story and answer the questions.通过完成任务, 练习学生的阅读技巧。Step 3Reading(3b)1. Let Ss discuss the questions. What will you do if your mother asks

5、 you to do some housework? Do you think it is right for kids to help out with housework? Why or why not?2. Let Ss read the sentences below and underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.1. Ss discuss the questions.2. Ss read the sentences below and underline the sentences from

6、 the reading that mean the same thing.通过讨论, 使学生进一步理解文章, 并对其进行思想教育, 同时可锻炼学生的口语表达能力。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 4(3c)Let Ss decide whether the underlined words in the sentences are verbs or nouns. Then write another sentence using the underlined word in the other form.1. Could you take the dog for a walk? (n

7、oun)2. Could I watch one show first?3. I cant work all day.4. You watch TV all the time.5. “What happened? ” she asked in surprise.Ss decide whether the underlined words in the sentences are verbs or nouns. Then write another sentence using the underlined word in the other form.在句子中体会词性的转换。Step 5Gra

8、mmarFocus1. Let Ss read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2. Let Ss recite the sentences.Ss read and recite the sentences in Grammar Focus.通过背诵重点句型, 学生进一步理解本单元重点。Step 6Exercise(4a&4b&4c)4a. Write R for requests and P for permission. Then match each one with the correct response.1. Could I hang out with

9、 my friends after the movies?2. Could you please pass me the salt?3. Could I borrow that book?4. Could you help me do the dishes?5. Could you lend me some money?a. Yes, here you are.b. Hmm. How much do you need?c. Yes, sure. No problem. I finished reading it last night.d. Yes, but dont come back too

10、 late.e. No, I cant. I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet.4b. Fill in the blanks in the conversation.A: I hate to chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Great! I ask you to me with some chores then?B: What do you need help with?A: you please my clothes

11、for me?B: I dont want to do that! Its boring!A: OK. Then you do the dishes for me?B: Sure, no problem. But we go to the movies after that?A: Sure. Ill finish my homework while you help me with the dishes. Then we can go to the movies.4c. Make a list of things your group needs to do for a camping tri

12、p. Then discuss who will do them and complete the chart.Ss do the exercises and then check the answers.通过做练习, 巩固重点句型。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 7Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习:. 用make 或do 填空。1. I dont hate all my chores. I like to do the dishes at home.2. Well, I like to make breakfast on Saturday morning.3. Do

13、you have to make your bed every day?4. What other chores do you have to do?5. I have to do my laundry every day.6. We are going to do some shopping at the mall on Sunday. 用括号内所给词的反义词填空。1. I dislike (like) some chores, too.2. Lets go outside (inside) to have a walk.3. Doing the dishes is boring (interesting).4. I hate (enjoy) some chores, but I like other chores.5. They usually clean the classroom in the morning before school, but sometimes forget to do it.独立完


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