四年级英语下册教案-Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday(4)-外研版(三起)_第1页
四年级英语下册教案-Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday(4)-外研版(三起)_第2页
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四年级英语下册教案-Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday(4)-外研版(三起)_第4页
四年级英语下册教案-Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday(4)-外研版(三起)_第5页
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1、Module 9 Unit Did you have a nice holiday?课型:阅读课 课时:第二课时教材分析本课选取自小学新标准英语(三年级起点)四年级下册第九模块第二单元的内容, Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? 本模块的话题为holiday,本单元内容主要讲述Ms Smart 和Sam 询问Xiaoyong的假期过得如何,其功能在于询问他人过去的行为,语言结构为Did you have a nice holiday? Yes I did. / No, I didnt. 这是一节四年级绘本阅读课, 活动一与活动二的对话内容均

2、与holiday有关,我将两个活动内容进行大胆的整合, 将阅读策略贯穿在文本活动之中,学生在学习语言知识的同时,也掌握了相关阅读技巧。本课题材较为生活化,是学生感兴趣的话题之一,使他们学以致用。二、学情分析四年级学生依旧还处在英语学习的初级阶段,对于英语的学习兴致颇高。他们已经有过一年的英语学习,同时也接触了一般过去时态的句子,基本掌握了动词过去式的规则与不规则变化的知识点,因此, 本节课主要在学生已有的学习基础上更注重培养他们的阅读能力和思维品质。在活动中渗透阅读的方法, 让学生静心阅读,并提升到思维层面的阅读,从而提高他们的核心素养,提炼出其质疑能力,创新能力并具备一种批判性思维。三、教学

3、目标1. 语言知识目标1) 全体学生能够在所给的语境中理解本课的新词earth的含义。2) 全体学生能理解并运用Did you?这一句型。3)能够阅读和理解课文大意。2. 语言技能目标1)全体学生能认读earth生词。2)全体学生听懂并进行Did you?的问答。3)大部分学生能通过阅读技巧,抓关键信息,读懂文本。3. 学习策略目标1) 主动学习,初步感知和运用阅读方法。2) 积极思考,并与他人交流合作,共同完成学习任务。4. 情感态度目标敢于开口,乐于接触外国文化,能与他人分享。5. 文化意识目标了解不同地域的主要城市。四、教学重点1学生掌握阅读方法,理解课文大意。2在活动中渗透阅读技巧,提

4、取Who,Where,What,How,Why的关键信息。五、教学难点1. 掌握阅读技巧。2. 培养学生的质疑能力,提升学生的思维品质。六、教具准备词卡、多媒体课件等。七、教学过程Step 1: Pre-reading Greeting.Sing a song.We love holidays.3. Watch a video about teachers holiday.T:Do you love holiday? I love holiday too. I like travelling on my holiday. Please enjoy my holiday. (设计意图: 教师通过

5、与假期有关的歌曲和视频, 激活本单元关于holiday的内容,真实的互动,产生真实的语言,从而激发学生兴趣, 引入holiday的话题。)4. Lead-inTalk about ET.T: Look! My friends are coming. They love holidays too. Who are they? (板书Who)S: Yes, they are ETs. What do you think about ETs?(设计意图: 借助主题图,请学生关注文中主人公ET,引发学生思考, 培养学生思维的灵活性和创造性,为后面的课文学习做铺垫。)Step 2: While-read

6、ingFast-reading Read Activity1 and find the answers:Where, What T: ETs had a nice holiday. Q1: Where did they go? Q: What did they see? Lets read and answer. Try to find the answers. If you find the answer, please underline them. Read again and answer: How T: Lets find out more answers. How did they

7、 think about the people? Please read again. (设计意图: 通过阅读第一部分文本, 获取相关信息, 渗透阅读方法,帮助学生找到关键信息。)Careful-reading Look at the pictures and guess: Xiaoyong, Did you? T:I am Xiaoyong. Here are some photos of my holiday. What do you want to know about my holiday? You can ask me like this: Did you? Read Activit

8、y2 and think: Where, How. (pair work)T: You had so many questions. Lets find out the answers one by one. Q1: Where did he go? Q2: How did he go? 3) Read again and answer:What. T: Can you tell me more about the West Lake? S: The West Lake is clean/big/beautiful.T: There is the West Lake in Hangzhou.

9、There is the Nanhu Lake in Naning. Which one do you like? Why?T: Did xiaoyong see his friend Lili? Why? (板书Why)S: No, he didnt. Because Lili was on holiday in Shanghai, not in Hangzhou.T:That was Xiaoyongs nice holiday.(设计意图:运用前面学到的阅读技巧,阅读第二部分文本, 通过问题的呈现,逐层深入,帮助学生更深层的理解阅读材料,关注材料中的细节信息,发散学生的思维,培养学生阅读

10、的能力, 为学生复述课文和拓展练习做好准备。)Step 3: Post-readingListen and repeat.Read together.Retell Xiaoyongs holiday. (Group work.)T: I like your voice very much. Do you remember Xiaoyongs holiday? Let s try to talk about it. (设计意图: 阅读课文后, 在文本脉络图片的帮助下复述课文, 锻炼学生综合运用语言的能力。)4. Read the story and answer.T: With the help

11、 of these words: Who, Where, How, What, Why. You can talk about Xiaoyongs holiday. Do you want to read more stories? Look, What happened about the tiger? There is an interesting story for you. Pair works. Read and find the answer together.For example: Q1:Who was ill?A: Tiger.Q2:Where was the tiger?Q

12、3: How was the tiger?Q4:What did the animals do?Q5: Why didnt the cat see the tiger?Q6:Why did the animals not coimg out?Check the answers.Think and answer more questions.T: How do you think about the cat? Which animals do you like? If you are the cat, what did you do? (请五组同学一问一答,老师板书关键信息,通过问答深入挖掘文本

13、信息后,根据关键信息讲述故事。)(设计意图: 学生运用阅读技巧再次阅读一篇新的故事,由对话阅读上升到语篇的阅读,通过各组解答不同的问题,不同小组之间同一主题下的信息差,促使学生积极学习,主动参与,发挥学生的主体作用,同时检测本节课的学习效果。 )Summary.Step 4: HomeworkShare your holiday with your friends by We Chats voice. Send it to your friends and me.八、板书设计Module 9Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? Who Where HowHoliday Why What九、学生拓展阅读文本 Yesterday the tiger was ill in his house. Many animals wanted to see him. But the cat didnt. A dog asked the cat: Why dont you go to see him? The cat answered: Because I saw many animals going into the tigers hous


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