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1、冰河世纪英文读后感第一篇:冰河世纪读后感冰河世纪读后感随着人类生活质素的不断提高人类的贪念也越来越大人类经 常过分地捕杀动物从而破坏了自然环境。就拿我最近看的电影 冰河世纪来说吧这里面讲述了长毛象一曼尼的爸爸妈妈被人 类给捕杀后曼尼离开了同类而过着孤独的生活。后来曼尼在往北 的路途中为树敕一希德解散决了困难于是希德为了让曼尼继续保 护自己便和曼尼一同前往北方。同时一群剑齿虎为了报复人类捕 杀了它们的同类剑齿虎群便派了剑齿虎一迭弋去抓猎人的儿子为 了让迭弋更地完成任务其它的剑齿虎便引开了猎人。小孩的妈妈 发现迭弋的企图后便连忙抱着孩子逃跑。可是迭弋穷追不舍眼看 就要被抓到了小孩的妈妈冒着生命的危

2、险跳下了瀑布随着河流意 外地漂到了长毛象一曼尼和树敕一希德的面前小孩的妈妈奋力把 小孩放到岸上后因体力不支沉河里去。曼尼和希德商量后决定带 着小孩去寻找人类把小孩还给他们。这一切被藏在暗地里的迭弋 看见了于是它向曼尼和希德推荐自己当它们的向导。曼尼正为不 知人类在哪便而烦脑因此一口便答应了迭弋的请求。一路上它们 遇到了很多的危险。有一次迭弋差点被岩浆吞没而曼尼不顾生命 危险拯救了迭弋迭弋被感动了最后和曼尼它们成为了朋友。经过漫长艰辛的旅程后最终找到了人类把 小孩还给了他们。虽然这部电影有很多情节非常地惹人发笑可是有些地方却值 得我们去深思。比如说毛象都是过着群体生活的可是电影中的毛 象一曼尼却

3、独自生活这是为什么呢?就是因为人类的贪念把曼尼 的爸爸妈妈给捕杀了从而使曼尼从小变成了孤儿失去父母的爱护 和关怀。在生活中还有很多例子比如:在20世纪初期漂亮的旅 鸽经常以数以亿计的数量飞过北美州然而当地人们却经常拿着棍 子在旅鸽群中来回敲打一打就有几千只旅鸽成了人们的棍下冤 魂。就这样旅鸽的数量逐渐减少到了 20世纪末期旅鸽的数量已经 所剩无几了。到了 21世纪早期最后一只旅鸽在动物园中孤独地死 去。旅鸽曾是鸽类家族中数量最多的种类最后却因为人们的贪念 而灭亡。看完这部电影后我要呼吁大家要保护环境才能让下一代有更 的生存环境。第二篇:冰河世纪英影评,简介ice age 2简介:while s

4、krat the saber toothed squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn, the misfit trio of manny the mammoth, sid the sloth and diego the sabretooth tiger have settled down in an isolated valley with numerous other animals, however, the trio discover that the ice wall surrounding

5、 the valley is barely holding back a massive body of water behind it and it“s melting state threatens to break and flood the valley, with their one chance of survival being a boat at the other end of the valley, the trio follow the desperate e_odus there. along the way, they meet ellie, a female mam

6、moth who is convinced she11 s a opossum like her brothers. while the strange group continues the trek, they must learn to get along even as manny struggles to find someconnection to this strange female who may be the only other one of his kind.演员:无影评:watch this films, one movie to laugh section clev

7、er, even if the movie has a very strong laughter section irony means that analysis to our clinics to save what the whole story, just happy. mammoth, sid the tree re_ and saber-toothed tiger diego three animal kingdom is still a leader in “ice age 2 in gag, following the upper part of the convoy afte

8、r the human child, in this department are continuing their well - care for their own actions, in a relatively human salvation in animals, and animals should live in harmony and goodwill request, in uice age 2 in question has no longer a moderate, acute to the situation of the global environment we a

9、re now into the film, a wild and widespread fear, and can be seen in the movie doomsday religions of the various totem depicts, however, the earthHs environment has been desperate film director is still good, and the tender, because of the film to face the major groups are children.第三篇:ice age4英观后感(

10、冰河世纪四)i read in the “ ice age 4: continental drift ” this movie is my deep feeling.ice age 4: continental drift “ by mike thurmeier directed the animated film, the concentration of mammoth manny, sid the sloth, saber-toothed tiger diego and others were flood apart, they put a block of ice as the lif

11、eboat, in the sea began their epic journey.“ ice age 4 story, from rat barquette and the crazy chase, day in and day out, from sun up, down, until the moon rose, endless, and, in the process, affect the body, the earth because of oquetrrs madness, by the small chain stimulation later, originally con

12、nected surface was divided into seven continents four ocean, led manny, sid diego and opened a new adventure, sid ”s eccentric grandmotherinadvertently and three people drifted out to sea, all the way to meet her all kinds of strange requirements, more particularly, this group offellow sufferers wer

13、e a pirate give up, make their journey home, add more beat all the crazy afteralthough funny, but it,rs also verythought-provoking, as the song says im good, better already, iFrve got what i was looking for the light, we have stood together, i,rm fine, had better, the sky that i was reborn, we final

14、ly got together, this is just the beginning, we are addicted to the beat of the drum, till forever es, you,Fll find out we are chasing the light, they said this day will never e, and then stopped, and this is just thebeginning ”第四篇:冰河世纪冰河世纪观后感我看了冰河世纪它真是一部(来自.hwo.)动画!冰河世纪主要讲述了一群老虎追杀人类想吃人类的孩子于是 母亲就带着孩

15、子跑跑的过程中遇到了瀑布前面是瀑布无路后面是 老虎追杀在这种情况下母亲带着孩子跳下瀑布。在洪水中母亲把 孩子交给了一头毛象和一只树懒自己却被水冲走了。于是毛象和 树懒带着孩子去找人类再找人类的路上一只老虎混了进来想把孩 子抓走经历了种种风雨后老虎改变了变得善良了也时时刻刻保护 着孩子这几个动物同心协力历经艰难险阻终于把孩子送回人类。看了这部电影我明白了母爱是最伟大的为了孩子能够放弃自 己的生命另外电影还反映了团结就是力量就是因为大家的团结才 顺利的把孩子送回家同时此部电影还体现了人与动物要和谐相处 保护大自然就是保护人类。第五篇:冰河世纪安阳工学院课题:英语流行化元素视听学院:艺术设计学院班级

16、: 装潢2班姓名:王怀振学 号:202U0050056指导老师:许珂学 期:2021.92021.2ice age (冰河世纪)and my friends attended an early press screening for the third ice age installment two weeks ago and had a wonderful time, the film easily tops the second outing of the series, and is right on par with the first - with just the right mi

17、_ture of new characters and settings vs. the older ones we,fve all grown to love (especially scat, i can watch a whole movie with this guy).this time around, manny and ellie are e_pecting a baby mammoth, something that leads to une_pected responds from diego and sid. when sid decides to bee a parent

18、 himself in return, he steals three giant eggs he accidentally bumps into, only to later realize theynre dinosaur eggs that belong to a pretty angry mother, when mother-dinosaur kidnaps sid, it“s up to manny and friends to return him home safely, adventures ensue as they find out that underneath the

19、ir icy world lives a land filled with enormous and sometimes menacing dinosaurs, one which our friends would need to cross in order to rescue sid.the animation is terrific, judging from the end credits, apparently the astor beaver trade, long that to be e_tinct has e_perienced a renaissance in the a

20、nimated- fur factories of California. dino babies and mammal kids are ridiculously endearing, this film is better than the 2nd which i didn”tparticularly like and if you can go and see it in 3-d. the 3-d is likewise terrific, well used where appropriate(especially in conveying a sense of scale for t

21、he underworld) but notoverdone, the one carp i have is that 3-d simply does not lend itself to dissolves between scenes; i“m guessing the filmmakers figured this out themselves, as most of the time they used cuts.ice age 3: dawn of the dinosaurs is cute but not insulting, the visuals are stunning and if you fo


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