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1、成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试复习指导建议一、学位考试应注意的基本事项进入考场做到四心: 一是保持静心,二是增强信心,三是做题专心,四是考试细心。答题时,认真审题,明确要求,一定要高度集中注意力快速、准确地认真读题。一、应注意的基本事项尽量做完试题,分秒必争 要做到会多少答多少,即使是没有把握也要敢于写,碰碰运气也无妨。先易后难,增强自信心,千万不能在一类题、或一道题上费时太多。在标准化考试中,敢于猜测的考生有时也会取得较好的分数。考试时间分配9:0010:30 试卷一Part. Dialogue Completion (15%)Part II. Reading Comprehension

2、(40%)Part III. Vocabulary and Structure(20%)Part .Cloze Test (10%)10:30-11:00 试卷二Part: Writing (15%)二、各部分试题的应对(一)会话技能根据大纲对会话技能的要求,考生应能使用英语进行日常会话交流,根据对话的情景、场合、人物关系、身份和讲话人的意图及话语含义能够作出正确判断和用语选择。该部分共有15段不完整的简短对话,每段对话后设有四个选择项。考生须在理解每段对话的基础上从所提供的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。该部分满分为15分,每题1分。会话技能就考题中的会话技能而论,测试形式只有一种,即完成对话。

3、现就会话技能部分题目做一分析。如:Simon: Howre things?Jack: Fine, thanks. How are you doing?Simon: _ . Just finishing off a few things before the holiday.A. Im doing well.B. Oh, not too bad. C. Pretty good.D. Not too well.会话技能【解析】本题属于日常见面问候性对话。Simon问:Howre things?直译为“事情怎么样?”相当于“你最近怎么样?”或“你情况还好吧?”回答为:Fine, thanks. Ho

4、w are you doing?意为:“很好,你怎么样?”对于这样的反问,选项D明显不对。Not too well不是英语中典型的大话句型。对于这种马路上的随意问候,通常是应付了事,不去认真作答。即使认真作答,Not too well也不对。而该说:Im afraid not so well.因此选项B是正确答案。会话技能再如:Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith?Secretary: _ A. Hello. Thanks for calling.B. Speaking, please.C. Hello. Whore you, please?D. Im

5、 sorry. Hes at a meeting now.会话技能【解析】本题中的对话是在顾客和某单位秘书之间进行的。根据对话中的问题,弄清接电话者的身份很重要。这里是秘书接电话。选项B (Speaking, please.)不对,因为接电话者不是史密斯先生本人。选项A (Hello. Thanks for calling.)自然也不对。接电话的秘书无权一张口就替人表示感谢。选项C (Whore you, please?)也不对。Who are you, please?是汉语文化方式“请问你是哪一位”的翻版。英语中不能将Please和Who are you一起作为问题句出现。只有选项D ( I

6、m sorry. He is at a meeting now.)合乎英语的问话习惯。会话技能考生还可以从英语对话中常用的一些“招呼语”(Greetings)中判断问话人和回答者的身份和关系,如判断是陌生人,还是同事、朋友、家人等。对话人的情绪、情感(惊讶、愤怒、高兴等)、态度(责备、称赞等)如何,也可以用来推断回答者最可能说的话语。会话技能常用的这类招呼语如:Hello! / Hi! /Oh, yes! (你好!/嗨!/太棒了!)Oh! No! (哎哟!可别啦!)Why!(哎呀!/嘿!(表示吃惊)Glad to meet you!(很高兴看到你!)Well, let me see. (好吧,

7、让我看看怎么办。)What? (什么?/怎么了?)Ok! /Thats OK. (行了! /对!)Oh, all right. /Oh, never mind. Thats all right. (噢,没关系。)会话技能Oh, really? (噢,真的吗?)Oh, lovely! (噢,真漂亮!)Thats all right. (那行。)It doesnt matter. (没关系。)Dont mention it. (不用客气.)Youre welcome. (不用谢。)会话技能测试会话技能的目的是考查考生的基本口语水平和理解别人话语的能力。英语听说能力包括考生自己的口语表达能力和说话时

8、的信息捕捉能力,掌握口语招呼用语、请求帮助、提出建议和意见常用词语以及对方做出反应的常用手段等。为了增强迅速捕捉信息和英语即席表达能力,强化词汇和惯用法的记忆极为必要。考试中典型的语气词组与含义1. how about “怎么样? 行吗?”表示提议、建议:How about another piece of pie?How about coming with us to the club?考试中典型的语气词组与含义2. how come “ 是怎么回事?为什么?”How come you are late?How come they left you in the dark?3. why“为什

9、么要?干吗要?”用语肯定句中,后接不带to的不定式。Why run the risk?Why go there?Why risk breaking the law?4. what if “(要是)如何,怎么样?”后接从句。What if she finds out that youve lost her book?What if we move the picture over there? Do you think itll look better?易错常考的日常交际用语1. 问候和应答 A: How are you doing? B: Fine, thank you. / Just so-

10、so.A: Please remember me to your parents. B: Sure, I will.2. 介绍和应答A: This is Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms Brown. B: Hello!/ How do you do ?/ Nice to meet you!3. 告别 See you (later)! / Good night!( cf. Good evening!)/ Nice seeing you.易错常考的日常交际用语4. 感谢和应答 A: Many thanks!/ Thanks for your help!/ I appreciate your

11、 help! B: Thats all right (OK). / You are welcome./ Dont mention it./ Its a pleasure./ My pleasure. (cf. With pleasure. 用于回答对方的求助、邀请)5. 道歉和应答 A: I m sorry. B: Thats all right (OK.). / It doesnt matter./ Never mind./ Thats nothing./ Forget it. 易错常考的日常交际用语6. 邀请和应答 A: Would you like to.? B: Yes, Id lov

12、e to. / Yes, with pleasure./ Yes, its very kind ( nice )of you. / Id love to, but I have other plans.易错常考的日常交际用语7. 请求允许和应答 A: Could I smoke here? / I wonder if I could smoke here. B: Yes (Certainly). / Yes, do please. / Of course you may. / Thats OK (all right). / Im sorry, but it is not allowed / Y

13、oud better not. A: Do you mind if I open the window? B: Not at all./ Of course not./ Certainly not./ Im sorry, but youd better not.易错常考的日常交际用语8. 祝愿、祝贺和应答 A: Good luck! / Best wishes to you. / Have a nice / good time. / Congratulations! / Have a good journey.! B: Thank you. A: Happy New Year! / Merry

14、 Christmas! / Happy birthday to you. B: The same to you. 易错常考的日常交际用语9. 提供帮助和应答 A: Can I help you? / Would you like some help? B: Thanks. That would be nice / Yes, please. / No, thank you all (just) the same. / No, thank you anyway./ Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself. A: What can I d

15、o for you? B: Id like to go to the No. 3 Middle School.10. 约会 A: Shall we meet at 4:30 ? / Lets make it 4:00. B: All right. See you then. 易错常考的日常交际用语11. 打电话A: Hello! May I speak to Tom? B: Hold on, please. A: Is that Mary speaking? B: She isnt here right now. Can I take a message for you? 12.就餐 A: W

16、ould you like some more meat? / Help yourself to some more meat. B: Thank you. Ive had enough. / Just a little, please.易错常考的日常交际用语13. -_ -Thank you. I certainly will. A. I wish you success B. Will you help me with my work C. Please remember me to your family D. May I help you?易错常考的日常交际用语14. -_at the

17、 new school? -Fine. Ive got used to the life there and Ive made some friend.How are you B. How are you doing C. Are you getting on well D. How do you do15. -Cliff, I lost your bike at school. I suppose I should pay for it. -Oh, _. It was an old bike anyway.A. Forget it B. Take it easy C. OK D. Dont

18、say so易错常考的日常交际用语16. -Mum, Ive cut my finger. Its bleeding. -Oh, dear. _.Let me see B. Dont worry C. Nothing wrong D. Take it easy17.Im going to travel to America. Would you tell me something about your experiences there ? -_. Lets discuss it over dinner.A. Thats all right B. By all means C. Go ahea

19、d D. It just depends易错常考的日常交际用语18.-Shall I help you with the suitcase? -_. Its all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead pleaseC. I dont want to trouble you too much D. No, please dont do it易错常考的日常交际用语19. You cant finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose? -_.Yes, Im sure I can B. No, hardly C. Sorry

20、, I cant D. I dont think I can20. How are things going with you? -_. A. Quite well, thank you B. Good. And you? C. Good. Why not? D. No, just so-so.二、各部分试题的应对(二)阅读理解(40%)本部分共有4篇长度为300-400词的文章。每篇文章后设5个问题,共20道题,每题两分。考生须在理解文章的基础上从为每道题提供的四个备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。考生应能够综合运用英语语言知识和基本阅读技能,读懂难度适中的一般性题材的英语文章。能够基本掌握文章大

21、意并领会作者的意图和态度。阅读速度达到每分钟80个词。二、各部分试题的应对阅读理解部分应对技巧:通常该部分的应对策略为先速读短文,然后可采用“对号入座”的办法,带着问题找句子(这常常被认为是非常有效的方法)。再看一下文章后面的测试题,记住关键的词语,如人物、时间、事件等,确定每道题的发问中心,也就是说,某个问题是针对什么提问的。这样我们就可以带着问题去阅读文章, 做到有的放矢。二、各部分试题的应对每做一篇阅读理解短文,首先要看懂文章的首段、段落的首句。通常第一段第一句或第二句是文章的主题句,它点出了文章的主旨。然后浏览每段的第一句及文章的最末一句,以便于了解全文的梗概与主旨。同时还要注意段落结

22、构的五大特点:完整性,连贯性,结构严谨,重点突出,转承自然。典型的说明文一般由三部分组成:主体段,或叫点题段;发展段,可由一段或几段组成;结论段,通常由一段组成。一个段落通常又由主题句、扩展句和结束句组成。二、各部分试题的应对(三)词汇与短语(20%)考试中对词汇的考查采用选择填空方式,要求选择的是同义词、近义词、固定搭配、习惯用语等,做这类题时,首先要弄懂原句的意思,然后再通过选择项中的词或词组来确定词义。这需要从语法结构、常识、逻辑推理等方面入手,进行逐一排除,然后对剩下的选项进行恰当的判断,知道得出最合理的答案。词汇与短语1. 固定搭配考点:这是词汇考试中的最为核心 的考点,也是近几次命

23、题密度最高的知识 点。比如说名词与动词搭配,形容词与名 词搭配,动词与副词的修饰关系,名词与介词搭配更为重要的是常见的固定词组 以及固定表达,这些都可能成为考试的命题重点。 例1:By contrast, American mothers were more likely ( 把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. (大纲样题)。【考点剖析】这个题目就非常典型。有两个固定搭配考点: 1)be likely to do sth ; 2) oweto /attributeto (把归功、因于)二、各部分试题的应对2. 核心语法考点:这部分语法考点大多数 为核心语法考点核心语 法考点最

24、重要的是虚拟语气,其次是倒装结构、从句知识、非谓语动词等。例: Not only (他向我收费过高), but he didnt do a good repair job either (大纲样题) 【考点剖析】本题同样为典型的语法考点。考查了考生对倒装结构这个特殊语 法现象的掌握情况。句首的Not only决定了倒装连接,下文用了过去时态,因此这里需在he之前加did。所以答案应该为did he overcharge me。二、各部分试题的应对3. 核心动词以及动词短语的考查例1:Though a skilled worker, (他被公司解雇了) last week because of

25、the economic crisis . 【考点剖析】本题的重要考点就是考生对“解雇”这个核心动词的翻译。可以表示解雇的有dismiss, discharge, fire等。二、各部分试题的应对 该部分在复习准备时应该多背搭配,利用经典搭配多造句子,完善语法结构。同时可以提高自己的写作水平 一举两得。强化重点语法知识。如倒装结构、 虚拟语气、比较结构、定语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词等。二、各部分试题的应对重点语法现象虚拟语气复习归纳历考试中涉及到虚拟语气的考点可以归 纳如下: (1) (should)+动词原形的情形; (2)if或but for等引导的条件句; (3)wish, if on

26、ly, would rather, It is (high) time that的用法。几种常用(should)+动词原形表示虚拟语气结构的要点提示:1)某些表示建议、命令等主观倾向性概念的动词带宾语从句或表示主观判断、推测或表示命令、决定、要求、建议之类的词的相关从句中;在使用“It is / was +此类动词的过去分词+that从句结构中”,或者相关的名词形式后的从句中,谓语动词需用(should)+动词原形的情形;此类动词有:二、各部分试题的应对a. 表示愿望的:desire, preferb. 表示建议的:advise, move, propose, suggest, recomme

27、ndc. 表示要求、请求的: ask, beg, insist, maintain, oblige, request, require, urged. 表示命令的: command, decree, dictate, direct, ordere. 表示决定的: decide, determine, resolvef. 其它: arrange, deserve, intend, motion, promise2. 用在” It is a pity / a shame / no wonder /ones wish+ that从句”结构中3. 用在以lest / in case / for fea

28、r that引导的目的状语从句中英语常考习惯用法【要点点拨】1. Its the first time that.(从句中用现在完成时)It was for the first time that(强调句,对状语for the first time进行强调)Its (high) time that.(从句中用过去时或should do)2. Its the same with sb. / So it is with sb.表示某人也如此(用于前句中既有肯定又有否定或两个不同类的谓语动词)英语常考习惯用法3.be about to do / be doingwhen.正要做/正在做就在那时.4

29、A is twice / three times as +原级+as BA is twice / three times the n. of B. A is twice / three times +比较级+than B英语常考习惯用法5. I ts a waste of time / money doing / to doIts no use / good doingIts possible / probable / (un) likely that.It makes great / no sense to do做某事很有/没意义英语常考习惯用法6. Theres no use / good

30、 doing.Theres no sense / point (in) doingThere is no need for sth. / to do.There is (no) possibility that(同位语从句)7.The+比较级., the+比较级越., 越.注意:前半句为从句,用一般现在时代替将来时;英语常考习惯用法8. It seems / appears ( to sb. ) that sb.在某人看来某人.= Sb. seems / appears to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.It seems / looks as

31、 if.好象/似乎.9.It (so) happened that sb. .某人碰巧.= Sb. happened to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.英语常考习惯用法10.It is said / thought / believed / hoped / supposed .that sb=Sb. is said to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.(注意:这种句型里如带动词hope则不能变成简单句,因为无hope sb. to do结构)11 .such.that.如此.以致于(引导结果状

32、语从句) .such.as像.的这种(as为关系代词,引导定语从句,在从句里充当主、宾、表)英语常考习惯用法12. Do you mind if I do sth.? / Would you mind if I did sth.?13. The chance is that./ (The )Chances are that.很可能.14.Check / Make sure / See to it / See that.(从句中常用一般现在时) 确信/务必.15. depend on it that.取决于 see to it that.负责/设法做到.注意:除了except / but / i

33、n等介词可以直接接that从句,其它介词后必须用it做形式宾语;英语常考习惯用法16 It is / was +介词短语/ 从句/ 名词/代词等+that How / When / Where / Why is / was it that.?注意:此句型为强调句,当被强调的为表示人的词时,还可用who连接;强调主语时,从句后的谓语动词应与前面的主语保持一致;注意与定语从句的区别)17 .How is it that.(这几个句型都表示“怎么会.?” “怎么发生的?”) How come+从句? How does / did sth. come about? ( How did it come

34、about that.?)如:How come you are late again?英语常考习惯用法18. There seems / appears / happens to be / must be / cant be / is (are, was, were) said to be / is (are, was, were) thought to be.表示 “.似乎有/碰巧有/一定有/不可能有/ 据说有/认为有.” 介词(如of )there being want / wish / expect there to be要/希望/期待有. adj. / adv. enough for

35、there to be.足够.会有.英语常考习惯用法注意:there being / there to be为there be的非谓语形式;It is said / thought that there is / are=There is / was / are / were said (thought) to be. 如:I have never dream of there being such a good chance for me.It wont be cold enough for there to be a frost tonight.英语常考习惯用法19. 疑问词+插入语+陈述

36、语序?Who do you think hell have attend the meeting?20. But for+n. / pron., sb. / sth. would (not) have done.要不是., 某人早就(表示虚拟语气)=If it had not been for.,./ If there had not been ., .英语常考习惯用法21. It won(t) be long be fore +从句(从句中用一般现在时)不久/很久就要. It was (not) long before+从句(从句中用一般过去时)不久/很久才.22. Those who.(从

37、句及主句中谓语动词用复数形式). Anyone who= Whoever.(从句及主句中谓语动词用单数形式)英语常考习惯用法23.主句(一般现在时或过去时).when从句.(might / should do 或might / should have done) 表示”对比”,意思为 “本该(可)而却”,主句中为陈述语气,从句里为虚拟语气,如:Why are you here when you should be in school?你本该上学的怎么在这儿?He stopped trying when he might have succeeded .本该已成功了他却停止努力了.英语常考习惯用

38、法24. There is ./ Sb. have no doubt that(同位语从句,that不可省略)There is / Sb. have some doubt whether.(同位语从句不可用if) Sb. doubt if / whether. Sb. dont doubt that英语常考习惯用法25 . immediately / directly / instantly / the moment +从句 on / upon + n. / doing No sooner had sb. done than .(过去时) Hardly had sb. done when.(过

39、去时)注意:这几个结构都表示“一.就” 英语常考习惯用法26. every time / each time / the last time / the first time / next time +从句(名词性短语引导一个时间状语句)anywhere / everywhere +从句(相当于wherever引导的地点状语从句)You can go anywhere you like.Next time you come, please bring your son along.28.If only / I wish +从句(用过去类时态) 表示虚拟语气, “要是.就好了” “但愿就好了!”

40、英语常考习惯用法28 .Considering + n. 或 pron. 或 that从句 / Seeing that.考虑到/鉴于.Given + n. / pron作状语,表示 “在有的情况下” “如果有” “假定”,有时也表示”考虑到”Seeing (that) he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should help him now.Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.Given their inexperience / that they are

41、inexperienced, theyve done a good job.英语常考习惯用法29.There was a time when.曾经有那么一度.30.other than与no, not, none等否定词连用,表示肯定意思,如:It was none other than Mr. Smith.这正是Smith先生.31. Not until.did / do/ does / will sb. doIt was / is not until that sb英语常考习惯用法32.Its (un) like sb. to do / to have done做某事很像某人/ 做某事可不

42、像某人33.It remains to be seen Wh-words .是否.还有待于看.(不用that, if作连接词)34.It only remains for sb. to do剩下的只是要某人做某事.Weve got everything ready. It only remains for you to come to dinner.35.One moment., and now刚才一会儿还在做而现在却.英语常考习惯用法36.Not all / both / everyone表示部分否定37. Such is / are.这(些)就是.(谓语动词单复数由后面名词决定)38. I

43、d rather (not) do / have done我宁愿. Id rather +从句(从句中用过去时或过去完成时)39. Its important / necessary / strange / surprising.+that(用陈述语气或should do)英语常考习惯用法40. I like / hate / appreciate it that / when等从句 (it表示后面从句的这种情况)I appreciate it if you will give me a hand.41. By the time +从句(一般现在时/过去时),主句(将来完成时/过去完成时)42

44、., as is often the case with sb. / as is usual with sb. (as引导非限制性定语从句)43 in case / lest / for fear that.(从句中用陈述语气或should do)英语常考习惯用法44.While置于句首可表示As long as 或 AlthoughWhile there is life there is hope.While I admit his good points, I can see his bad ones.45. can not ( never) too +adj. (adv. ) / adj

45、. (adv.) + enough “越越好”“非常” too + adj. ( anxious / eager / willing / ready / glad等)+to do.表示肯定意思I cant thank you enough.我非常感激你.He was too glad to see his father.=He was very glad to see his father.英语常考习惯用法46. not / never等表示否定的词与比较级连用表示最高级,如:-Do you agree with his suggestion? -I cant agree more.47. W

46、hat if.要是.怎么办?What if he doesnt come tomorrow?48. more.than与其.不如.He is more nervous than frightened. 49. It is / has been +一段时间+since从句(从句中如为延续性动词,则实际表示的意思相反)It is two years since he drank.他不喝酒已两年了.二、各部分试题的应对(四)完形填空根据大纲对“完形填空”考项的要求,就内容而论,应当能够运用英语语言知识,在语篇的水平上理解一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文,并完成短文中的选择填空。短文中的完形填空内容一般涉

47、及英语的基本句型结构、语法规则及词组搭配等。完形填空是一篇200个词左右的一般性短文。短文中由10个空白,每个空白为一题。考生须在理解短文意思的基础上从每个空白提供的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结果恢复完整。本部分满分为10分,每题1分。二、各部分试题的应对完形填空题解题三种策略 1. 要认真阅读原文。 2. 注意句与句,段与段之间的内在联系,以免前后“撞车”。 3. 短语词组搭配完形填空做题技巧一、通读全文,了解文章大意这是做完形填空的第一步,以快速阅读的方式浏览全文,了解文章大意,抓住主题和关键词,为解题做好准备。通过全文,了解文章大意的好处在于对语篇有一个整体的了解,可以避



50、120词左右。同时,也提醒大家,不能写得太多,写得多容易跑题。第一句主题句,第二句从正面论述,第三句从反面论述,第四句为结论句。 写作保证不跑题是写作当中第一重要任务,第二个重要任务就是条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚。对于说明文来说,1、2、3条要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。为了使文章更具有条理性,我们可以用first(ly),second(ly),third(ly)等副词,使文章的条理性十分突出写作语法错误,尤其是较为严重的错误,是阅卷人员的主要“照顾点”,有时甚至是惟一的点;当然那样处理是有道理的,大家可以设想一下,一篇语法上漏洞百出、严重影响表达的作文又会有什么样的好内

51、容呢?如果因为语言上的错误而导致失分,那将得不偿失。因此,认清各种各样的语法错误,尽可能地避免少犯,对于提高作文分是有极大的帮助的。写作范例 Good Health (1) Importance of good health(2) Ways to keep fit (3) My own practice 第一段保持正反面要清楚就应这样写:主题句(It is very important to have good health.,正面(With good health, we can.),反面(Without good health, we can do nothing. We cant do.

52、) 写作范例 Good Health (1) Importance of good health(2) Ways to keep fit (3) My own practice 第二段应当这样写:主题句(There are four ways to keep fit.) 从几方面说明: Firstly, we should have our breakfast in the morning. Second, we should have a nap at noon. Third, sports exercises are necessary in the afternoon. And four

53、th, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to the music.) 写作范例 Good Health (1) Importance of good health(2) Ways to keep fit (3) My own practice 第三段应当这样写:主题句(My own practices are the following.)具体情况(主语为第一人称代词I,与第二段呼应) In the morning, I have my breakfast . At noon, I have a nap.

54、 And in the afternoon, I always play football. In the evening, I usually listen to the classic music. 综上所述,如果按以上几节的方法去做,就可以保证及格以上分数。写作中常见的语法错误分析1句子成分残缺不全We should read books may be useful to us. We should read books which may be useful to us. (正) We always working till late at night before taking ex

55、ams.(误) We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正)写作中常见的语法错误分析2句子成分多余This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误)One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正)The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误)The driver of the red car

56、died on the spot. (正)写作中常见的语法错误分析3主谓不一致My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误)My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)写作中常见的语法错误分析4动词时态、语态的误用I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误I was walking along the road and there were not so man

57、y vehicles on the street. (正)写作中常见的语法错误分析5词类混淆It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误)In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正) The old man was hit by a car when he across the street. (误) The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street. (正)I am a student who has studying

58、 in the college for two years. (误)I have been studying in the college for two years(正)写作中常见的语法错误分析6名词可数与不可数的误用Too much tests are disadvantage for students study. (误)Too many tests are disadvantageous to students. (正)写作中常见的语法错误分析 In modern society, people are under various pressures(误)In modern society, people are under various kinds of pressure. (正)写作中常见语法错误分析 7动词及物与不及物的误用Because of his excellent performance, the boss rose his salary. (误)Because of his excellent performance, the boss raised his salary. (正)写作中常


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