1、第 PAGE34 页 共 NUMPAGES34 页2023年最新的飞屋环游记4篇飞屋环游记(1) 再次在课堂上重温飞屋环游记这部影片,我的内心依然充满了感动。纽约时报评论它为:“会有无数的小孩喜欢这部电影,而大人们也能从中获得属于自己的感动。而我也确确实实被这部电影深深感动了。” 影片有两个主角,一个是78岁的退休气球零售商老卡尔,另一个是10岁的亚裔小男孩罗素。老卡尔在妻子艾莉去世后,变得孤僻起来,还当起了最牛钉子户,因为他不肯把地卖给开发商。开发商每天软磨硬泡,让他烦躁不已。就在这时候,胖小子罗素找上门来,为了得到一枚帮助老人徽章跟他纠缠不休。老卡尔为了实现艾莉到南美胜地仙境瀑布一游的梦想
2、,用上万个气球打造了飞屋,可是上天之后,才发现罗素居然搭了他的顺风屋。最初,老卡尔并不喜欢罗素,他自己没有孩子,所以也不太了解孩子,而且这个胖小孩要求太多,一会儿要收养巨鸟,一会儿又喊累。但逐渐地,两人成了好朋友。老卡尔和小罗素之间化学反应是这部影片的情感发动机,两人之间真挚动人的忘年交给这部影片注入了强大的情感力量。只有极少数影片能够让人在会心一笑之后,深深地感动,而飞屋就是其中之一。 影片开始,卡尔与艾莉,男孩和女孩的相识、男人和女人的相爱、老头和老太的相依,感谢皮克斯,在不到十分钟的篇幅里讲述了一个平凡温馨又不失曲折的故事。用迪斯尼的套路来说,这已经可以结束,下面就是happy fore
3、ver的字幕了。可惜上帝收走了卡尔的肋骨,那个携手走过多年的人变成了回忆。卡尔和艾莉本是互补的两块,前者木讷少言,后者活泼多语,少了艾莉的调和,卡尔愈发的少言寡语,性格也变的古怪,假如没有一场意外变故,他会像蜗牛一样在自己的屋子里慢慢化为时间的尘埃。相比卡尔,那个和唐僧有的一拼的红领巾小胖子更招人喜欢一点。但是随着剧情的慢慢展开,观众发现这个表面光鲜的鸡蛋下面也有着无数拼接留下的伤痕,缺少父爱的少年渴望用各种行为来吸引父亲的注意。罗素一直挂在胸口的荣誉勋章让人感到一阵心酸,一排沉甸甸的勋章不是为了五讲四美,不是为了十佳杰出,仅仅是为了能见到父亲一面。 飞,是人类自古的理想。从最早的将鸟的羽毛沾
4、到身上期望得到飞行的力量,到用爆竹绑在椅子上的奇想,再到莱特兄弟那永载史册的十二秒。影片中的飞,是通过无数气球来实现的,这多多少少也和我们童年时候的奇思妙想有关,相信很多观众在看到气球拉起房子的一刻都会会心的一笑“这种事情,我也幻想过啊”。气球不但拉起了房子,也带走了始作俑者卡尔,带走了躲在屋檐下的罗素,离开城市的喧嚣和人世的羁绊,飞向了梦想中的“香格里拉”。阳光透过气球洒下五彩斑斓的影子,编织出一副如梦又似幻的情景。这一刻,无论是为将要实现梦想而激动无比的卡尔,还是为抓沙锥鸟而莫名其妙被带上天空的罗素,都获得了新生。 云的彼端,约定的地方。“Adventure is out there”贯穿
5、了整部影片。查尔斯曼茨是充满幻想的少年们的偶像,他的座右铭也自然成为少年的格言。正是这句话,引导着卡尔结识了艾莉,引导着两人的生活,引导了后来的飞屋历险 每个人都曾有过一些远大的不切实际的理想,在成长中,这些理想在现实的冲击下逐渐淡化,最后只留下一个名字,成为唏嘘往事的代名词。前往并居住在天堂瀑布是卡尔夫妇一生的梦想,虽然事情多有曲折,前往天堂瀑布的时间也一拖再拖,可贵的是他们从来都没有放弃过这个梦想,哪怕是在艾莉去世后卡尔仍能在千辛万险后到达目的地。飞屋环游记没有好莱坞大片里拯救世界的魄力场面,没有国产主旋律影片的高大全形象,没有韩剧里分分和和拖拖拉拉的爱情催泪弹,就像班得瑞的音乐一样,云淡
6、风轻,分外迷人与清新。影片之所以能吸引人,是因为它已经超出了动画的一般印象,不是仅仅是做给儿童的喜剧,而是成年人亦能欣赏和理解的童话,没有什么比一个坚定的信念和坚贞的承诺更能打动在钢筋水泥的压抑下显得麻木的人性。 画画讲究画龙点睛的一笔,而电影后半部的一系列变故就是这点睛之笔。假如卡尔只是简单的飞到了天堂瀑布边定居下来,那么电影充其量只能算是创意不错,并没有值得升华的地方。 飞屋环游记中有两个主要配角,都是动物。一个是巨鸟凯文,另一个是黄金猎犬道格。凯文是南美洲的一种不会飞的神秘大鸟,它乐观又调皮,最喜欢吃巧克力,跟罗素第一次见面就成了好朋友,更重要的是,如果没有它,就不会有老卡尔和罗素在南美
7、的那一大段冒险故事。而黄金猎犬道格,是冒险家蒙茨为捕获巨鸟而训练的狗部队中的一员,因为佩戴了发声项圈,所以能口吐人言,比起当蒙茨的忠仆来,道格更喜欢的是跟老卡尔和罗素交朋友。这两个动物角色,都非常的惹人喜爱,尤其是道格,开始的时候有点胆小,后来就变得勇敢起来,尤其是它给恶狗阿尔法装上耻辱圈那一段,令人感到异常的畅快。其实,在凯文和道格之外,飞屋还有个重要配角,也就是老卡尔和妻子艾莉的梦想之地,南美委内瑞拉境内的独特地貌大峡谷上的仙境瀑布。 一直隐居在天堂瀑布附近的查尔斯曼茨则为了抓到凯文不惜一切代价,在崇拜他的卡尔面前摇身一变为大反派。在曼茨要烧毁飞屋时,卡尔放弃了凯文选择了保护凝聚亡妻思念的
8、屋子。冥冥之中自有天意,在千辛万苦到达天堂瀑布后,卡尔翻看亡妻留给自己的冒险相册,他意外的发现了艾莉在这本冒险日志上贴满了他们幸福的婚后生活照片,以及一段遗言“感谢你带给我最美好的一生,现在开始你自己的旅程吧,爱你的艾丽”。蓦然回首,卡尔和艾莉的梦想虽然一直激励着他们的生活,但是也逐渐成为生命中的一个包袱,为了这个包袱卡尔甚至放弃了一些本应享受的美好,况且少年时的探险愿望本就包含着一丝“仁者无敌,勇者无畏”的意思,犹如顿悟一般,卡尔不再局限于常年的理想,动身前往曼茨的飞艇救助凯文和罗素。一番决斗后,失去浮力的飞屋缓缓的没入云层消失不见。虽然带有一丝留恋,但是卡尔仍旧和罗素说道:“you kno
9、w,it just a house”此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。多多少少的,卡尔已经实现了当年的诺言,下面就是重新开始属于自己的生活了。 皮克斯电影的一大王牌是,总能设计出一些出人意料,令人拍案叫绝的细节。在这部飞屋里,这样的细节就比比皆是,比如影片开头部分的储钱罐,代表着卡尔和妻子艾莉的梦想,可是每次储钱罐快要装满的时候,就会出现意外事件让其清零,这就为老卡尔后来的飞屋冒险埋下了伏笔。还有老卡尔的飞屋升到天上不久,他就迷失了方向,这时胖小孩罗素便拿出GPS献宝,可是他刚炫耀完这宝贝的用处,就失手将它扔到了窗外,也就是说,他们不可能用它导航了,这一细节胜在喜剧效果十足。此外还有那些狗脖子上
10、的高科技项圈,既是定位通讯装置,又能让狗说人话,一举解决了狗不能与人类沟通的一大难题。甚至就连老卡尔手杖上的四个网球,本来毫不起眼,却也在关键时刻发挥了奇妙的作用。 老卡尔失去了飞屋得到了飞艇,小罗素赢得了亦父亦友的感情,本应坠毁的飞屋奇迹般的降落在了天堂瀑布旁。这是剧中人物的涅盘,也是皮克斯式的happy ending。 飞屋环游记经典台词: 1、Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in ones hand. Its about having each tiny wish come true, or
11、having something to eat when you are hungry or having someones love when you need love. 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 2、Adventure is out there! 冒险就在那里。 3、Well, Im saving these pages for all the adventures Im gonna I just dont know how Im gonna get to Paradise Falls.
12、 我要把我所探险的地方记录下来填满这本书。只是我还不知道怎么到达天堂瀑布 4、I wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. 我想和老房子最后道个别。 5、So long, boys!Ill send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! 让你们久等了,伙计们!我会从天堂瀑布寄信给你们的 6、Her babies need her. We gotta make sure theyre together. 她的宝宝需要她 咱们要护送她去团聚。 7、He used to come to all my squad lod
13、ge afterwards, we go get icecream that always get chocolate and he gets butter we sit on this one curb, right outsideThen we sit on this one curb, right Ill count all the blue cars and he counts all the red ones,And whoever gets the most like that might sound boring,But I think the boring stuff is t
14、he stuff I remember the most. 凡是我的小组会议他都会出席。开完会以后,我们会去吃雪糕。我吃巧克力味,他吃脆心香草味。然后我们一起坐在马路边。我数蓝色的车,他数红色的车。谁数的最多就算赢。我喜欢那个路边,虽然听着无聊,但这些事我记得最深刻。 8、I was hiding under your porch because I love you. 我躲在你的门廊下面 因为我敬爱你。 9、Thank you for the adventure with me. This is now over and start your new one . Love Eile. 谢谢你
15、带给我的(精彩)冒险(人生),但现在你可以继续自己新的冒险了。 爱你的艾丽。 10、-Sorry about your house, Mr. Fredricksen. -You know, its just a house. -弗雷德里克森先生,对不起,你的房子没了。 -算了,只是一栋房子而已。 飞屋环游记(2) 飞屋环游记精讲之一 本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客小探险家拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋
16、能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗 本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客小探险家拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗 影片对白: Fredricksen: Good morning, gentlemen. Man: Good morning, mr. Fredricksen. Youre ready to go Fredricksen: Ready as Ill ever be.
17、 Would you do me the favour and take this Ill meet you in the van in just a minute. I. wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. Man: Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. Thats typical. Hes probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time. Youd think hed take better care of his house. Fredricks
18、en: So long, boys! Ill send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! We are on our way, Ellie. Russell: Hi, mr. Fredricksen. Its me, Russell. Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid Russell: I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch. But this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a
19、large mouse. Please, let me in. Fredricksen: No. Aw, all right. You e. in. Russell: Ive never been in a floating house before. Goggles. Look at this stuff! Are you going on a trip Paradise Falls, a land lost in time. Are you going to South America, mr. Fredricksen Fredricksen: Dont touch that! Youll
20、 soil it. Russell: You know, most people take a plane. But youre smart, because you have your TV, clocks and stuff. Ooo, is this how you steer your house Does it really work This makes it turn right and that way is left. Hey, look! Buildings! That buildings so close, I can almost touch it! Wow, this
21、 is great! You should try this, mr. Fredricksen. Look, theres a bus that could take me home two blocks away! Hey, I can see your house from here! Fredricksen: Dont jerk around so much, kid! Well, thats not gonna work. Russell: I know that cloud, its a cumulonimbus. Did you know that a cumulonimbus.
22、Fredricksen: Aaa, I stayed up all night blowing up ballons. for what Thats nice, kid. What are you doing over there Russell: Look! See Cumulonimbus. 精讲之二 本片段剧情:对面就是天堂瀑布了,弗雷德里克森激动不已,但爷俩必须翻山绕路才能抵达,而糟糕的是,飞屋却在这时漂不起来了。于是拉塞尔建议拖着飞屋往前走。再过三天,给飞屋做动力的气球就要泄气了,而且这时,一群不友好的猎狗也循声而至,想打败爷俩。爷俩能顺利抵达天堂瀑布吗 本片段剧情:对面就是天堂瀑布
23、了,弗雷德里克森激动不已,但爷俩必须翻山绕路才能抵达,而糟糕的是,飞屋却在这时漂不起来了。于是拉塞尔建议拖着飞屋往前走。再过三天,给飞屋做动力的气球就要泄气了,而且这时,一群不友好的猎狗也循声而至,想打败爷俩。爷俩能顺利抵达天堂瀑布吗 精彩对白 Fredricksen: There it is! Ellie, its so beautiful! We made it! Russell, we can float right over there. Climb up, climb up! Russell: Do you mean. assist you Fredricksen: Yeah, wh
24、atever. Russell: Ok, Ill climb up! Fredricksen: Watch it! Russell: Sorry. Fredricksen: Now when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up. Got it Are you on the porch yet What Thats it I came all this way here to get stuck on the wrong end of this rock pile Russell: Ah. great. Hey, if I could assis
25、t you over there.would you sign up for my badge Fredricksen: What are you talking about Russell: We could walk your house to the fall. Fredricksen: Walk it Russell: Yeah. After all we weigh it down, we could walk it right over there. Like a parade balloon. Fredricksen: Now, well walk to the falls qu
26、ickly and quietly, with no rap music or flash dancing. We have three days at best till the helium leaks out of those balloons. And if we are not at the falls when that happens, were not getting to the falls. Russell: There. I found sand! Fredricksen: Dont you worry, Ellie. Well get our house over th
27、ere. Russell: It is fun already, isnt it By the time we get there, youre gonna feel so assisted. Oh, mr. Fredricksen, if we happen to get separated, use the wilderness explorer call. Wait, why are we going to Paradise Falls, again Fredricksen: Hey, lets play a game. Its called: See who can be quiet
28、the longest. Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game! Fredricksen: Darn thing. Come on, Russell, hurry it up. Russell: Ah, Im tired. My knee hurts. Fredricksen: Which knee Russell: My elbow hurts and I have to go to the bathroom. Fredricksen: I asked you about that five minutes ago. Russell: I didnt h
29、ave to go then! I dont wanna walk anymore. Please, stop. Fredricksen: Russell, if you dont hurry up, the tigers will eat you. Russell: There are no tigers in South America. Zoology. Fredricksen: Ah, for the love of Pete. Go on into the bushes and do your business. Russell: Ok. Here! Hold my stuff! 精
30、讲之三 本片段剧情:拉塞尔路遇小狗Dug和南美鸟Kevin,一再坚持带它们一起上路,但没想到狗群领队Alfa却带着手下Beta和Delta寻踪而至,小狗Dug到底是敌是友呢爷俩能摆脱狗群的追击吗 本片段剧情:拉塞尔路遇小狗Dug和南美鸟Kevin,一再坚持带它们一起上路,但没想到狗群领队Alfa却带着手下Beta和Delta寻踪而至,小狗Dug到底是敌是友呢爷俩能摆脱狗群的追击吗 精彩对白 Beta: Oh, here it is! I picked up the birds scent! Delta: Wait a minute, wait a minute. What is this Ch
31、ocolate. I smell chocolate. Beta: Im getting prunes and ginger cream. Who are they Delta: Oh, man, the master will not be pleased. Wed better tell him someone took the bird, right, Alfa Beta: No. Alfa: Soon enough the bird will be ours again. Find the scent, my compadres, and you, too, shall have mu
32、ch rewarding from the master for the toil that you did. Delta: Hey, Alfa, I think theres something wrong with your collar. You must have broken it. Beta:Yeah. Your voice sounds funny. Alfa: Beta, Delta! Perhaps you desire. Squirrel! Perhaps you desire to challenge the right that I have been assigned
33、 by my strength and cunning. Delta: No, no. No. But maybe Dug would. You might wanna ask him. Beta: I wonder if hes found the bird on his very special mission. Alfa: Do not mention Dug to me at this time. His fools errand will keep him most occupied.Most occupied, indeed. Do you not agree with that
34、which Im saying to you now Beta: Sure. Delta: But the second the master finds out that you sent Dug out by himself, none of us will get a treat. Alfa: Youre unwise, my trusted lieutenant. This is Alfa. Calling Dug. Come in, Dug. Dug: Hi, Alfa. Your voice sounds funny. Alfa: I know, I know! Have you
35、seen the bird Dug: Oh, yes. The bird is my prisoner now. Beta: Yeah, right. Alfa: Impossible. Where are you Dug: I am here with the bird and I will bring it back, and then you like me. Oh, gotta go. Russel: Dug, who are you talking to Delta: Wait, wait! - What is Dug doing Beta: Why is he with the s
36、mall mailman Where are they Alfa: There he is. Come on! 精讲之四 本片段剧情:拉塞尔执意带着的小狗Dug和大鸟Kevin拖慢了行程,还导致飞屋被撞坏了。弗雷德里克森为了甩掉它们,想出了很多办法,但一不留神,它俩又出现在了爷俩面前。晚上,爷俩搭帐篷时的闲谈,才让弗雷德里克明白,拉塞尔是个爹不疼娘不爱的可怜孩儿,他参加探险队、得勋章都是为了有机会让爸爸来参加自己的授勋仪式 本片段剧情:拉塞尔执意带着的小狗Dug和大鸟Kevin拖慢了行程,还导致飞屋被撞坏了。弗雷德里克森为了甩掉它们,想出了很多办法,但一不留神,它俩又出现在了爷俩面前。晚上,爷
37、俩搭帐篷时的闲谈,才让弗雷德里克明白,拉塞尔是个爹不疼娘不爱的可怜孩儿,他参加探险队、得勋章都是为了有机会让爸爸来参加自己的授勋仪式 精彩对白 Dug: Please, oh, please, be my prisoner. Russel: Dug, stop bothering Kevin! Dug: That man over there says I can take the bird. And I love that man there like he is my master. Fredricksen: I am not your master! Dug: I am warning
38、you once again, bird! Russel: Hey, quit it! Dug: I am jumping on you now, bird! Fredricksen: At this rate we will never get to the falls! I am nobodys master, got it I dont want you here and I dont want you here! Im stuck with you! If you two dont clear out of here by the time I count to three. Dug:
39、 A ball! Oh, boy, oh, boy, a ball! Fredricksen: Ball You want a ball Dug: Yes, I do! I ever so want the ball! Fredricksen: Go get it! Dug: Oh, boy, I will get it and then bring it back! Fredricksen: Quick, Russell, give me some chocolate. Russell: Why Fredricksen: Just give to me! Bird! Bird! Come o
40、n, Russell. Russell: Wait! Wait, mr. Fredricksen! What are you doing Hey, were pretty far now. Kevins gonna miss. Fredricksen: I think that did the trick. Dug: Hi, master. Fredricksen: Afternoon. Well, thanks for keeping us dry, anyway, Ellie. Russell: Which one is the front Fredricksen: Well, boy.
41、Russell: Is this step three or step five There. All done. Thats for you. Well, tents are hard. Fredricksen: Wait, arent you super wilderness guy with the GPS and the badges Russell: Yeah, but.Can I tell you a secret Fredricksen: No. Russell: All right. Here it goes. I never actually built a tent bef
42、ore. There! I said it. Fredricksen: Youve been camping before, havent you Russell: Well, never outside. Fredricksen: Well, why didnt you ask your dad how to build a tent Russell: I dont think he wants to talk about this stuff. Fredricksen: Try him sometime, maybe hell surprise you. Russell: Hes away
43、 a lot, I dont see him much. Fredricksen: Hes gotta be home sometime. Russell: I call, but Phyllis told me I bug him too much. Fredricksen: Phyllis You call your own mother by her first name Russell: Phyllis isnt my mom. Fredricksen: Oh! Russell: But he promised hed come to my Explorers Ceremony to
44、pin on my Assisting the elderly badge. So he can show me how about the tent then, right Fredricksen: Hey, why dont you get some sleep We dont want to wake the travelling flea circus. Russell: Dle Fredricksen, Dug says he wants to take Kevin prisoner. We have to protect him. Can Kevin go with us Fred
45、ricksen: All right, he can come. Russell: Promise you wont leave him Fredricksen: Yeah. Russell: Cross your heart Fredricksen: Cross my heart. What have I got myself into, Ellie 精讲之五 本片段剧情:穆兹摆下鸿门宴,明为宴请爷俩,实则打听大鸟Kevin的下落,想捉住它。饭桌上,不谙世事的小家伙拉塞尔说漏了嘴,暴露了Kevin的行踪。穆兹发现了Kevin,还放狗出去追爷俩。爷俩和Kevin最终能够摆脱穆兹的魔爪吗 本片段
46、剧情:穆兹摆下鸿门宴,明为宴请爷俩,实则打听大鸟Kevin的下落,想捉住它。饭桌上,不谙世事的小家伙拉塞尔说漏了嘴,暴露了Kevin的行踪。穆兹发现了Kevin,还放狗出去追爷俩。爷俩和Kevin最终能够摆脱穆兹的魔爪吗 精彩对白: Muntz: Epsilon, youve done it again! Russell: Yeah! Hey! Hey! Mr. Fredricksen: My Ellie would have loved all these. You know, because of you she had this dream to come down here and l
47、ive by the fall. Muntz: Im honored. And now youve made it. Mr. Fredricksen: You sure were not a bother Id hate to impose. Muntz: No, no, its a pleasure to have guests. A real treat. Dogs: Treat Wheres my treat I want my treat! Muntz: I shouldnt have used that word. Having guests is a delight! More o
48、ften I get thieves trying to steal what is rightfully mine. Mr. Fredricksen: No. Muntz: They called me a fraud, those.But once I bring back this creature, my name will be cleared. Beautiful, isnt it Oh, Ive spent a lifetime tracking it. Sometimes, years go by between seeings. Ive tried to smoke it o
49、ut of that death land where it lives. Cant go in after it. Once in, theres no way out. I lost so many dogs. Here they come those bandits who think the bird is theirs to take! But they soon found that this mountain is a very dangerous place. Russell: Hey, that looks like Kevin! Muntz: Kevin Russell:
50、Yeah, thats my new giant pet bird! I trained it to follow us. Muntz: Follow you Impossible. How Russell: She likes chocolate. Muntz: Chocolate Russell: Yeah. I gave her some of my chocolate. She goes wild about it. Mr. Fredricksen: But it ran off. Lets go now. Muntz: You know, Carl. these people who
51、 pass through here they all tell pretty good stories. A surveyor making a map.a botanist cataloguing plants.an old man taking his house to Paradise Falls. Thats the best one yet, I cant wait to hear how it ends. Mr. Fredricksen: Well, its been a wonderful evening, but wed better be going. Muntz: You
52、re not leaving. Mr. Fredricksen: We dont want to take advantage of your hospitality. Come on, Russell. Russell: But we havent even had dessert yet. Muntz: Oh, the boy is right. You havent had dessert. Epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee. You really must stay! I insist! We have so much mo
53、re to talk about! Russell: Kevin Muntz: Its near. Get them! 精讲之六 片段剧情:弗雷德里克森和小拉塞尔联手与穆兹展开激战,小狗Dug也帮了不小的忙。就在爷俩准备带着Dug和Kevin乘飞屋离开时,阴险狡猾的穆兹一枪打爆了飞屋升起用的气球。他们能成功逃脱穆兹的魔爪,平安离开吗 本片段剧情:弗雷德里克森和小拉塞尔联手与穆兹展开激战,小狗Dug也帮了不小的忙。就在爷俩准备带着Dug和Kevin乘飞屋离开时,阴险狡猾的穆兹一枪打爆了飞屋升起用的气球。他们能成功逃脱穆兹的魔爪,平安离开吗 精彩对白 Muntz: Does anybody kno
54、w where they are Raid leaders! Take down that house! Dogs: Raid leader! Checking in! Raid two, checking in. Raid three, checking in. Target sighted. Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin. Dug: Hi. Muntz: Any last words, Fredricksen Come on, spit it out! Mr. Fredricksen Come on! Muntz: Enough! You cannot l
55、eave this place alive! Youre dead! Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin. Alfa: Ill have plenty of enjoyment for what Im about to do to you. Dogs: He wears the cone of shame! Alfa: Not just continue sitting! Attack! No! No! Stop your laughing! Dug: Listen, you, dog, sit! Dogs: Yes, Alfa. Dug: Alfa I am no
56、t Alfa, he is. Russell: Oh! I cant do it. Mr. Fredricksen: Russell.Run! Russell.Run! Russell: You leave mr. Fredricksen alone! Hey! Squirrel! Dogs: Squrrel Where I hate squirrels! Mr. Fredricksen: Dug! Dug: Master! Mr. Fredricksen: Russell, over here! Lets go! Russell: Mr. Fredricksen! Mr. Fredricks
57、en: Come on, Kevin. No! Russell, get out of there! Leave them alone! Russell, hang on to Kevin! Dont let go! Grab on to him! Kevin! Cihcolate! Russell: That was cool! Dont jerk around so much, kid. Easy, Russell. Dug: Oh, I am ready to not be up high. Russell: Sorry about your house, Mr. Fredricksen
58、. Mr. Fredricksen: You know. Its just a house. 飞屋环游记(3) 每个笑声都应该是有泪水的 飞屋环游记赏析 基本资料: 英文片名:up 导演:彼得道科特、鲍勃彼得森 出品:沃特迪斯尼影业 制作:皮克斯动画工厂 出品年份:2023年 它是戛纳电影节60年来第一部动画开幕影片,它是极为罕见的在大银幕上以老人为主角的动画片,它是皮克斯四年磨一剑的第一部3D动画片,它是2023年奥斯卡最佳动画长片,它就是up(飞屋环游记)。这部影片在今天的好莱坞动画节令人耳目一新,卓尔不群,但是出自皮克斯之手又让这一切都在情理之中。皮克斯的一贯追求就是除了用轻松幽默的故事
59、来娱乐观众外,要用真挚的情感去感动观众。皮克斯总喜欢选择生活中熟悉的人、物、事来讲述故事,他们可能渺小如如一只小老鼠(料理鼠王、小玩具(玩具总动员)、小丑鱼(海底总动员)小机器人(机器人瓦力),就算曾经无限风光,也只能是普通上班族(超人特工队),但是就是这些小人物却迸发出了生命的奇迹,这也无怪乎他们有勇气选择一个70岁得老人作为第一部3D影片的主人公了。 1 变化中的观众定位 飞屋环游记的制作成本是1.75亿美元,虽然比皮克斯上一部作品机器人瓦力的1.8亿少了一点,但也足以说得上是一部大制作,而技术上的3D突破也意味着这将是皮克斯精心打造的品牌之作,绝不能有半点疏忽。如果综合以上种种因素,就不
60、能不佩服皮克斯的勇气。一个老人通过飞翔再度燃烧生命,这放在电影中或许可以,但是动画片?且别说作为动画片观众主体的儿童,青少年观众也未必感兴趣,如果将这部分观众排除在外,票房损失自不用说,也会降低皮克斯在这部分观众中的品牌号召力。但如果我们回顾皮克斯以往的作品,就会发现他们的选择还是有理有据的。 皮克斯的上一部作品是2023年的机器人瓦力,这部影片赢得了票房口碑的双赢,并获得了奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。这部被评论者称为“卓别林和库布里克相会于皮克斯”的影片获奖一点都不奇怪,独特讨巧的形象设计、感人至深的情感内涵、思考人类命运的人文 图12.1.-1 机器人瓦力显示了皮克斯对人文内涵的追求 关怀精神,
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