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1、Task1 English Abbreviations for Automobiles常用汽车英文缩略词Safety Tips常用汽车英文缩略词学习目标:1. 了解常用的英文汽车专业缩略词;2. 熟悉英文汽车专业缩略词的拼写规律及中文意思。下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词1. A/C Air Conditioning空调2. A/F Air Fuel Ratio 空燃比3. A/T Automatic Transaxle自动驱动桥4. A/T Automatic Transmission自动变速器5. AB Air Bag气囊6. AB Air Bleed放气7. ABS AntiLock Bra

2、ke System 防抱死制动系统8. ABS AntiSkid Brake System 防滑制动系统9. ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀10. ABV AntiBackfire Valve防回火阀上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词11. AC Air Compressor 空气压缩机12. AC Automatic Clutch自动离合器13. AC Automatic Control 自动控制14. ACC Accessory附属设备15. ACC Air Conditioning Clutch空调离合器16. ACG Alternating Current Gen

3、erator 交流电发电机17. ACL Air Cleaner空气滤清器18. ACTS Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器19. ADM Advance Module 点火提前角控制模块20. AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排放控制Abbreviations English Meaning Chinese Meaning上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词21. AFS Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器22. AIS Air Injection System空气喷射系统23. ALC Automati

4、c Level Control车身自动调平控制24. ALT Alternator交流发电机25. ANT Antenna 天线26. AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板27. APP Accelerator Pedal Position 加速器踏板位置28. APS Absolute Pressure Sensor绝对压力传感器29. ASR Automatic Slip Regulation 侧滑自动控制30. ASSY Assembly 总成上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词31. ATA AntiTheft Alarm 防盗报警32. ATF Automatic Tra

5、nsmission Fluid 自动变速器油液33. ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器34. AWD All Wheel Drive全轮驱动35. AWS All Wheel Steering 全轮转向36. B+ Battery Positive Voltage 蓄电池正极电压37. BAS Brake Assisted System 制动助力系统38. BAT Battery 蓄电池39. BCM Body Control Module 车身控制模块40. BLS Backup Light Switch 倒车灯开关上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词41.

6、 BV ByPass Valve旁通阀42. CB Circuit Breaker断路器43. CCM Cruise Control Module 巡航控制模块44. CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块45. CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点火46. CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央燃油喷射47. CFI Continuous Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射48. CI Circuit Ignition 线圈式点火49. CID Cylinder Identification

7、气缸识别50. CIL Clear Indicating Light 消除(其故障码)指示灯上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词51. CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器52. CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器53. CPP Clutch Pedal Position离合器踏板位置54. CPS Camshaft Position Sensor凸轮轴位置传感器55. CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Abbreviations English Meaning Chin

8、ese Meaning56. CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元57. CRS Child Restraint System 儿童安全保护系统58. CSI Cold Start Injector 冷启动喷油器59. CTP Closed Throttle Position 节气门关闭位置60. CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor冷却液温度传感器上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词61. DEF Defogger 除雾器62. DFI Direct Fuel Injection直接燃油喷射63. DID Direct Injection

9、 Diesel 柴油直接喷射64. DI Distributor Ignition 分电器点火65. DIM Dash Integrated Module 仪表板集成模块66. DLC Data Link Connector 诊断传输接头67. DMM Digital Multimeter数字式万用表68. DOHC Double Overhead Camshaft 顶置双凸轮轴69. DS Detonation Sensor 爆震传感器70. DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 诊断故障代码上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词71. DTM Diagnostic Test

10、Mode 诊断测试模式72. ECA Electronic Control Assembly 电子控制总成73. ECM Engine Control Module 发动机控制模块74. ECT Electronic Control Transmission 电控变速器75. ECU Electronic Control Unit电子控制单元76. EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable 电子可擦除可编程只读存储器Read Only Memory77. EFI Electronic Fuel Injection 电子燃油喷射78. EGR Exhau

11、st Gas Recirculation废气再循环79. EI Electronic Ignition电子点火80. EIN Engine Identification Number 发动机识别号码上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词81. EPA Environmental Protection Agency美国环保署82. ESAC Electronic Spark Advance Control电子点火提前控制83. FL Fusible Link熔断器84. FR Front Right 右前85. FWD Front Wheel Drive前轮驱动86. GND Ground 搭铁87

12、. GPS Global Position System全球定位系统88. HARN Harness 线束,配线89. HHT HandHeld Tester手持式检测仪Abbreviations English Meaning Chinese Meaning90. IACV Idle Air Control Valve 怠速空气控制阀上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词91. IATS Intake Air Temperature Sensor进气温度传感器92. ID Identification 辨认,识别93. IMPS Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor 进

13、气歧管压力传感器94. ISC Idle Speed Control怠速速度控制95. ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准组织96. KS Knock Sensor 爆震传感器97. L4 In Line Four Cylinder(Engine) 直列式4气缸(发动机)98. LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管99. LEV Low Emission Vehicle 低排放汽车100. M/S Manual Steering 手(机械式)转向上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词101. M/T Manual Tra

14、nsmission 手动变速箱102. MAFS Mass Air Flow Sensor质量型空气流量传感器103. MAPS Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor歧管绝对压力传感器104. MAT Manifold Air Temperature 歧管空气温度105. MCS Mixture Control Solenoid 混合气控制电磁线圈106. MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp 故障指示灯107. MPI MultiPoint Fuel Injection 多点燃油喷射108. OBD OnBoard Diagnostic

15、第二代车载诊断系统109. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer原装设备生产厂110. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act职业安全与卫生条例上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词111. P/W Power Window电动车窗112. PCM Power Control Module 动力控制模块113. PCM Power Train Control Module 动力系统控制模块114. PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风115. PFI Port Fuel Inj

16、ection 进气口燃油喷射116. PMR Pump Motor Relay 油泵马达继电器117. P Park 停车118. RABS Rear AntiLock Brake System 后防抱死制动系统119. RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器120. RAR Repair as Required视情修理上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词121. RHD Right Handle Drive右侧驾驶122. RM Relay Module 继电器模块123. RR Rear Right 右后124. RWD Rear Wheel Drive 后轮驱动125

17、. S/R Sun Roof 遮阳板Abbreviations English Meaning Chinese Meaning126. SAE Society of Automotive Engineers 美国汽车工程师学会127. SPEC Specification 规格128. SPI Single Point Injection单点喷射129. SRS Supplemental Restraint System 安全气囊130. 4S Sale, Spare, Service, Survey汽车销售、配件供应、维修服务、技术信息反馈(4S店)上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词131.

18、 T/N Tool Number工具编号132. TB Throttle Body 节气门体133. TBI Throttle Body Injection 节气门体喷射134. TC Turbocharger 涡轮增压器135. TCC Torque Converter Clutch 液力变矩器离合器136. TDCL Test Diagnostic Communication Link 自诊接头137. TPS Throttle Position Sensor 节气门位置传感器138. TSB Technical Service Bulletin技术维修通报上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略

19、词139. VIN Vehicle Identification Number 车辆识别号码140. VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor 车速传感器141. VSV Vacuum Solenoid Valve 真空电磁阀142. WHIPS Whole Head Impact Protect System 头部碰撞防护系统143. WOT Wide Open Throttle 节气门全开144. WSS Wheel Speed Sensor车轮速度传感器145. ZEV Zero Emission Vehicle 零排放汽车上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词Notes1. ACT

20、S进气温度传感器,用于监测发动机进气温度。2. CKPS曲轴位置传感器, 用于监测曲轴的旋转,给PCM传输信息,PCM使用这些信息计算点火正时和喷油脉冲。在有些车型上,CKPS也用于判断失火。3. CTS冷却液温度传感器, 用于监测发动机冷却液温度, 给PCM传输信息。4. DLC原称为数据传输接头,现称为诊断传输接头。与总成线数据链路(或车辆数据诊断接头)ALDL是相同元件,是阅读故障码和发动机数据的接头。装配车辆时,也可以用于标定控制系统。法规要求DLC位于车辆仪表板左下侧,但也有厂商使用非标准位置。上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词5. DMM数字式万用表,用于测量电路和元件电压、电流和

21、电阻的高阻抗测试仪表。6. DTC诊断故障代码。储存在PCM记忆中的故障码号表示故障或数据读数异常,而故障码的存在可能表示一个故障会引起发动机运转不经济。燃油输送和点火提前模式需要预编程。7. EEPROM电子可擦除可编程只读存储器。制造厂使用DLC可以擦除和电子再编程电脑指令。用于标定每辆车的PCM和BCM,以便它们各自的程序与发动机、变速箱以及附加设备相匹配。8. LED发光二极管。在加载特定的电压时,可以长时间照明的电子装置。经常用于指示灯,有些亚洲和欧洲进口车的发动机电脑侧面有发光二极管,用于显示故障码。9. MAFS质量型空气流量传感器。用于测量进气量和进气密度,并将进气量信息变换成

22、电信号输入给ECU,供其确定喷油时间和点火时间。上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词10. MAPS歧管绝对压力传感器,用于测量进气歧管真空,感知发动机负荷。11. MIL故障指示灯,由PCM控制。MIL灯点亮时提示驾驶员一个或多个监测信号已经发现故障。MIL灯显示诸如Check Engine(检查发动机)、Power Loss(动力损失)、Service Engine Soon(尽快维护发动机)或者一个小的发动机图像等信息。根据车辆制造厂和车型的不同,灯的颜色可能是红色或黄色。MIL灯点亮时,表明发动机没有处在最佳运转状态。12. PCM动力控制模块,控制发动机和变速箱的电脑,还包括车载诊断软

23、件,例如OBD。上一页下一页返回常用汽车英文缩略词13. TPS节气门位置传感器。驾驶员踩下加速踏板时,将采集的信息传递给PCM,该信息表明节气门已经打开的角度。14. TCC液力变矩器离合器,设计用来将泵轮与涡轮连接起来,即将发动机与机械变速器直接连接起来,以减少液力变矩器在高速行驶时的能量损耗,提高传动效率,提高燃油经济性,并防止ATF油过热。15. PCV曲轴箱强制通风。此阀是今天仍然沿用在许多新车型上的第一个排放控制装置。PCV系统收集从活塞环漏出的未燃烧的空燃混合气,并且将其送回进气系统,再进入燃烧室燃烧,不允许它直接排入大气。上一页返回Safety Tips使用手动工具的安全提示:

24、(1) 为了更好地控制和安全起见,拉动扳手的方向要始终朝向自己,切勿推动扳手。(2) 所有扳手和手动工具应保持清洁,防止生锈,以便更好地使用。(3) 要始终使用六角套筒或套筒扳手拧紧或松开螺栓或螺母。(4) 当需要较大的紧固力矩时使用套筒扳手,需要提高速度时使用开口扳手。(5) 在扳手或棘轮手柄上切勿使用加长套筒或其他类型的“加长手柄”。若需要更大的紧固力矩,则需使用更大的工具。可使用加注润滑油或给紧固件加热的方法进行拆卸,通过加热方式拆下的螺栓或螺母必须报废更换。(6) 在需要使用专用工具的场合,务必使用合适的专用工具。(7) 切勿将工具暴露在过热环境中,高温会降低金属强度。返回Task2

25、Vehicle Information Displaying System and Services汽车信息显示系统及检修Safety Tips电器实训实习工作单(一)汽车信息显示系统及检修学习目标:1. 掌握汽车仪表板的组成、作用等的英文术语、词汇;2. 掌握汽车信息显示屏中用英语标识的术语、词汇;3. 能读懂汽车信息显示系统相关的英文资料并能进行中英文互译;4. 能根据汽车信息显示系统维修的英文指示进行维修操作;5. 能读懂汽车信息显示屏中用英语标识的报警状态。下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修The vehicle information displaying system is one

26、of the important systems of the automobile. The driver can know whether the cars, especially the various operating parameters of the engine are normal or not in order to take timely measures to prevent the occurrence of physical and mechanical accidents.Traditional instruments widely use the combina

27、tion analog displaying instruments, and various measuring instruments are fixed on the dashboard in front of the drivers seat. The instrumentations in different vehicle instrument panels are not the same. As is shown in Figure 2-1, it is a typical combination car instrument panel. 上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检

28、修The instruments commonly used include speedometer, engine tachometer, oil pressure gauge, water temperature gauge, fuel gauge, ammeter, etc. Changes of the monitored objects status are directly shown in most instruments through the sensors. With the development of automotive electronic technology,

29、multifunctional, highprecision instruments with intuitive readings, which are shown by electronic digital and image, have been used in vehicles continuously. Lets know relevant knowledge about the instrument panel of Citroen C5 (Figure 2-2).上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Using the aviation digital combined dash

30、board on Citroen C5, the displayed information of the operating parameters is clear and accurate; the innovative model is quite trendy and has a hightech feeling. The dashboard uses a threetable shows style, integrates the selfluminous system. Three LCD screens with a red background are located in t

31、he center of each meter. On the left is the water temperature gauge, and on the right is the fuel temperature gauge and gear position display. The speedometer and car computer are on the middle screen which is the largest in the three screens.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Toyota Corolla Repair Manual1. Speedom

32、etersThe speedometer shows your speed in kilometers per hour (km/h) and/or miles per hour (mph) depending on type.Inspect Speedometer(1) Using a speedometer tester, inspect the speedometer for allowable indication error and check the operation of the odometer. 上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修(2) Check the deflec

33、tion width of the speed meter indicator: Below 0.5km/h.Standard Indication (km/h) Allowable Range (km/h) 20 21-25 40 41.5-46 160 166-173上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Note Tire wear and tire over or under inflation will increase the indication error.Inspect the Output Signal of Vehicle Speed (As Is Shown in Fig

34、ure 2-3.)While driving the vehicle at the speed of 10 km/h, check the voltage between the terminals C11-9 and C11-1 of the combination meter assy. Fluctuation from 10 to 14V or less is repeated 7 times within 1 sec.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Note Check it with the ignition switch ON and the connector connec

35、ted.2. TachometerThe tachometer shows the engine speed in revolutions per minute (rpm). To protect the engine from damage, never drive with the tachometer needle in the red zone.Inspect Tachometer(1) Connect a tuneup test tachometer, and start the engine.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修(2) Compare the test with

36、tachometer indications: DC 13.5V, 25.Standard Indication (r/min) Allowable Range (r/min) 700 630-770 1000 900-1100 7000 6700-7300If normal, replace the combination instrument panel; otherwise, repair or replace the wirings and connectors.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修3. Fuel GaugeThe fuel gauge displays approx

37、imately how much fuel you have in the fuel tank.Note For proper fuel gauge operation, the ignition switch must be in the OFF position before you add fuel to the fuel tank. The fuel gauge indicator may vary slightly while the vehicle is in motion. This is the result of fuel movement within the tank.

38、An accurate reading may be obtained with the vehicle on the smooth, level ground.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Inspect the Fuel Gauge (As Is Shown in Figure 2-4.)(1) Disconnect the connector from the sender gauge.(2) While turning the ignition switch ON, check the position of the receiver gauge needle which sh

39、ould be in “empty” status.(3) Connect terminals 2 and 3 on the wire harness side connector and turn the ignition switch ON, then check the position of the receiver gauge needle which should be in “full” status. 上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Inspect Fuel Level Warning(1) Disconnect the connector from the sender

40、 gauge.(2) Turn the ignition switch ON. Check the fuel level needle indicates EMPTY and fuel level warning lights light on.4. Temperature GaugeThis shows the temperature of the engines coolant. During normal operation, the pointer should rise from the bottom blue mark to about the middle of the gaug

41、e. In severe driving conditions, such as very hot weather or a long period of uphill driving the pointer may rise to the upper white mark. If it reaches the red (Hot) mark, the engine is overheated and may be damaged.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修If your engine overheats:(1) Pull off the road as soon as it is

42、safely possible.(2) Turn off the engine.(3) Let the engine cool.(4) Check the coolant level following the instructions on checking and adding coolant to your engine, and see the Engine Coolant in the Index. 上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Inspect the Water Temperature Receiver Gauge Warning Light(1) Disconnect t

43、he connector from the sender gauge.(2) Turn the ignition switch ON, and check the position of the water temperature receiver gauge needle which should indicate “cool.”(3) While ground terminal 2 is on the wire harness side, check the water temperature receiver gauge needle which should indicate “hot

44、.”上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修5. Engine Oil Pressure Warning LightThis light indicates the engine oil pressure, not the oil level. However, if your engine oil level is low, it could affect the oil pressure. The light should come on every time your ignition key is turned to ON or START and go out when the eng

45、ine starts. If the light stays on or turns on while the engine is running, you have lost oil pressure and continued operation will cause severe engine damage.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修If you lose oil pressure:(1) Pull off the road as soon as it is safely possible.(2) Shut off the engine immediately. If you

46、 do not stop the engine as soon as possible, severe engine damage could occur.(3) Check the engine oil level, following the instructions under Checking and Adding Engine Oil in the Owner Guide. To ensure an accurate reading, your car should be on level ground.(4) If the level is low, add only as muc

47、h oil as necessary before you start the engine again. Do not overfill. Do not operate the engine again, if the light is on, regardless of the oil level.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Inspect the Oil Pressure Warning Light(1) Disconnect the connector from the low oil pressure switch.(2) Turn the ignition switch

48、ON.(3) While connecting the terminal of wire harness side connector and ground, check the low oil pressure warning light.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修6. Inspect the Brake Warning LightInspect the Parking Brake Warning LightDisconnect the connector from the parking brake switch and ground terminal on the wire

49、harness side connector. Turn the ignition switch ON and check that the warning light lights up.Inspect the Brake Fluid Level Warning LightDisconnect the connector from the brake fluid level warning switch and connect terminals on the wire harness side connector. Turn the ignition switch ON and check

50、 that the warning light lights up.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修7. Inspect the Key Unlock Warning Buzzer(As Is Shown in Figure 2-5.)Check the OperationWhile the driver side door is open, insert the ignition key, set the ignition switch to OFF and check for the buzzer sound whether it is intermittent.Check the

51、FunctionRemove the combination meter. Connect the positive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 5 and the negative (-) lead to terminals 1 and 2. Connect the negative (-) lead to terminals 16 and 17, and check whether the buzzer sound is intermittent. While the buzzer is sounding, connect the batte

52、ry positive terminal to terminal 4 and check that the buzzer sound is stopped.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修NOTE When the key unlock warning and light auto turn off warning are output simultaneously, the key unlock warning precedes the other.8. Inspect the Light Auto Turn off Buzzer(As Is Shown in Figure 2-6.)

53、 Check the OperationRemove the ignition key with the tail light switch ON and the driver side door open and check whether the buzzer sound is continuous. While the buzzer is sounding, perform any of the following:(1) Turn the tail light switch OFF;(2) Close the driver side door;(3) Insert the igniti

54、on key into the key cylinder.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修If the buzzer sound is stopped, replace the combination instrument panel.Check the FunctionRemove the combination meter. Connect the positive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 5 and the negative (-) lead to terminals 1 and 2. Connect the positive (

55、+) lead from the battery to terminal 18 and the negative (-) lead to terminals 16 and 17. Check that the buzzer sound is continuous. While the buzzer is sounding, connect the battery positive terminal to terminal 4 and check that the buzzer sound is stopped.上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修Text Notes1. The driver

56、 can know whether the cars, especially the various operating parameters of the engine are normal or not in order to take timely measures to prevent the occurrence of physical and mechanical accidents.驾驶员能随时了解汽车的状况,特别是发动机的各种工作参数是否正常,以便及时采取措施,防止发生人身和机械事故。上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修2. Traditional instruments w

57、idely use the combination analog displaying instruments, and various measuring instruments are fixed on the dashboard in front of the drivers seat.传统仪表广泛使用组合式模拟显示仪表,各种测量仪表集中在驾驶员座位前方的仪表板上。3. The instruments commonly used include speedometer, engine tachometer, oil pressure gauge, the water temperatur

58、e gauge, fuel gauge, ammeter, etc.常用的仪表有车速里程表、发动机转速表、机油压力表、水温表、燃油表、电流表等。上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修4. Changes of the monitored objects status are directly shown in most instruments through the sensors. 被监测对象的状态变化通过各种传感器获得,在大部分仪表中直接显示出来。5. Using a speedometer tester, inspect the speedometer for allowable ind

59、ication error and check the operation of the odometer.用车速表测试仪检查车速表的允许指示误差,并检查里程表的工作情况。上一页下一页返回汽车信息显示系统及检修6. While driving the vehicle at the speed of 10 km/h, check the voltage between the terminals C11-9 and C11-1 of the combination meter assy.以10 km/h的车速驾驶车辆,检测组合仪表总成端子C11-9与C11-1之间的电压。7. During no

60、rmal operation, the pointer should rise from the bottom blue mark to about the middle of the gauge.正常驾驶时,表的长针应从表的下端蓝色标记指到大约中间的位置上。8. Disconnect the connector from the parking brake switch and ground terminal on the wire harness side connector.脱开停车制动开关连接器,并将配线侧的连接器端子接地。上一页返回Safety Tips用电安全:(1) 操作电力工具


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