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1、翻译选词(II)英汉词语对比与翻译选词See Textbook Chapter 1CONTENTS 1.学生课后作业展示 2.英汉语言对比与翻译选词3.课堂作业4.课后作业2Students Presentation学生课后作业展示 Students Presentation (3-6 students, Two for each paraof previous homework)4 Analysis of Presentation 1) 我家的后面有一个很大的园,相传叫作百草园。现在是早已并屋子一起卖给朱文公的子孙了,连那最末次的相见也已经隔了七八年,其中似乎确凿只有一些野草;但那时却是我的

2、乐园。 (鲁迅三味书屋)Behind our house was a great garden commonly known as Hundred-Plant Garden. It has long since been sold with the house to the descendants of Zhu Xi, and the last time I saw it, already seven or eight years ago, I am sure there were only weeds there. But it was my paradise when I was a ch

3、ild. (Translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang)52) “怎么丁医生还不来? 先抬进小客厅罢!”荪甫搓着手自言自语地说,回头对站在那里等候命令的四个当差一摆手。四个当差上前抬起那张长沙发榻,走进大客厅左首的小客厅;竹斋,荪甫,吴少奶奶,二小姐,四小姐,都跟了进去。阿萱自始就站在那里呆呆地出神,此时像觉醒似的,慌慌张张向四面一看,也跑进小客厅去了。砰的一声,小客厅的门就此关上。 (茅盾子夜) “Oh! Whats keeping Dr. Ting? Lets carry father into the other room now,” mutter

4、ed Wu Sun-fu, wringing his hands with impatience. He motioned to the four servants standing by to lift the couch on which the old man was lying and carry it into the small drawing-room. He followed behind with his wife, Tu Chu-chai, Fu-fang and Huei-fang. Ah-hsuan, who had been standing by gaping, c

5、ame to, looked round in alarm, scampered into the parlor, and slammed the door behind him. (Translated by Xu Mengxiong)63) 如今世事发生了变化,这电话也发生了变化。 最初几次是,电话铃响了,我踱着方步走过去,拿起来,里面的声音是:“小韩在家吗?”我以为是哪位老首长忽然想起了我,忙不迭地答应:“是我,是我。”对方不相信,仍要小韩接电话,这才醒悟过来,小韩者,老韩之子也。 The world has changed, so has the telephone. The firs

6、t few times it went like this: The telephone rang and I walked leisurely over and took up the handset. The voice would say, “Hello, is this Young Han home?” Thinking that it was one of my former superiors who had suddenly thought of me, Id hastily answer, “Speaking! Speaking!” The person would refus

7、e to accept the responseand insist on talking to Young Han. Only then did I realize Young Han in this case referred to Old Hans junior. 7 时间久了,接的电话多了,也就摸出点规律。给儿子来电话的,多是女孩子,给女儿来电话的,多是男孩子。女孩子总是客客气气的,纵不是打给我的,也还叫人舒坦。若儿子不在,我会问上句:你叫什么名字呀,有什么事需要不需要我转告呀。结果自然是,不用了,等他回来再打吧,谢谢。 (韩石山接电话) With the passage of tim

8、e and with the experience gathered from having answered many more calls like this, Ive found the calls follows this regular pattern. When my son is wanted, the caller is usually a girl; and it is usually a boy who is calling my daughter.Girls are always sweet and polite. Even though it is not me tha

9、t they want to talk to, their calls may leave a sort of pleasant impression. If my son happens to be out, Ill ask, “Your name, please?” “Any message?” The response is only expected: “No, thank you, Ill call later, bye-bye.” (Translated by Ju Zhuchun)8英汉语言对比与翻译选词Comparison and Diction CONTENTS 英汉语言词汇

10、意义的对应英汉词汇对比与翻译选词英汉思维模式对比与翻译选词10 一般说来,英汉语言词汇意义的对应,可以大致分为完全对等、部分对等、无对等、词对应但语义不对等四种情况。 1) 完全对等是指英语中有些词所表达的意义,在汉语中可以找到完全对应的词来表达,它们的意义在上下文中完全对等。这类词主要是通用的专有名词,如: China (中国), Germany (德国), New York (纽约)等专有名词,日常生活中的事物名称的词,如:table(桌子), watch (手表),sun (太阳)等,以及科技英语的术语等。1.英汉语言词汇意义的对应 对于完全对等的语义翻译,比较简单,一般可以采用直译的方

11、法加以处理。如:112009年1月7日,“纪念中美建交30周年乒乓球友谊赛”在北京国家体育总局大厅举行。中国外交部副部长王光亚与美国副国务卿内格罗蓬特一行观看比赛并合影。两国之间经过多年的疏远与对抗之后,1971年,美国乒乓球队访问中国,打开了民间交流的大门。(中新社)Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte pose for a group photo during the Friendship Ping-pong Match marking

12、 the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China-U.S. diplomatic relations, at the State General Administration of Sport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 7, 2009. In 1971, a U.S. ping-pong team visited China after years of estrangement疏远 and antagonism 对抗 between the two countries, opening

13、the door for the China-U.S. people-to-people contacts. (Xinhua) 完全对等翻译举例122) 部分对等是指英语中的有些词在词义上仅有部分与汉语的词义对应。2.1 有的英语词语词义大于汉语的词义。如:uncle: 叔父、伯父、舅父、姑父、姨夫; sister: 姐姐、妹妹 attend school 上学; attend a meeting 开会; attend a wedding 参加婚礼carry: 搬、运、提、送、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、断、举、 夹、捧cut: 切、割、削、凿、砍、剪、裁、截、刺穿、刺痛、删节、开辟fry

14、: 煎、炒、炸、爆、爆炒send: 送、寄、发送、派遣、打发 132.2 有的英语词语词义小于汉语的词义。如:主人: master, host, owner, housemaster, Goodman下: below, descend, down, give birth to, go to, leave off, lower, next, take拿: fetch, hold, seize, take行:go, walk, travel; circulate; behavior, conduct; capable, competent 如:“神州行,我看行” China Talent, I f

15、ind it competent!14 “收拾”:外研社汉英双语现代汉语词典2002年11月第一版中,翻译为: put in order; tidy; clear away (意思是:整顿、整理)repair; mend (意思是:修理) teach a lesson; settle with; punish (意思是:整治) eliminate (意思是:消灭、杀死);此外,外研社汉英词典1995年修订版中,有“get things ready, pack”的翻译。部分对等翻译举例 如果把“收拾”一词放在上下文中,该如何选词翻译,就需要译者从上下问的搭配关系中去寻找线索,从而正确地表达它在句

16、中的意义。见下页示例。15 如何翻译: 南京的风俗:但凡新媳妇进门,三日就要到厨下收拾一样菜,发个利市。这菜一定是鱼,取“富贵有余”的意思。 (吴敬梓儒林外史) The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish, which stands for fortune. (杨宪益、戴乃迪译) 16 put in order; tidy; clear away (意思是:整顿、整理) repair; mend (意

17、思是:修理) teach a lesson; settle with; punish (意思是:整治) eliminate (意思是:消灭、杀死); 此外,外研社汉英词典1995年修订版中,有: “get things ready, pack”的翻译。 方框中的解释中,很难找到一个适合“收拾一样菜”中“收拾”这两个字的准确翻译,而根据上下文的语义,可以理解,这里“收拾”的意思是“烹制、烧制” 。理解之后,就可以选择“cook”来翻译。从173) 无对等(词义空缺) 无对等是指英语和汉语中分别都有一些各自所特有的词汇。造成这一现象的原因是多方面的。主要是由于宗教信仰、历史文化、生活习俗、生活经历

18、、地理特征等的不同而造成。如汉语中的“阴、阳、三伏、惊蛰、天干、地支、叩头、武术、功夫、馄饨、牌坊、秧歌、炕、亩、斤、两”等在英语中很难找到意义对等的词汇。同样,英语中的某些词在汉语中也很难找到对等的词语,往往需要通过解释来理解,如:bingo 一种赌博游戏, banawa 一种帆船等。18 The meaning of Yin-Yang (阴阳的含义) This Simbol (Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents every

19、-thing, while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the inter-action of two energies, called yin (black) and yang (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist withou

20、t each other. While yin would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, yang would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and y

21、ang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold.无对等翻译举例19 因此,对无对等的翻译选词,一般采用下列方法: 1)采用拼音法。如:叩头(kow tow)、功夫(kongfu)、馄饨 (wonton)、秧歌 (yangko; 扭秧歌 do the yangko)、炕 (kang)、亩 (mu)、斤 (jin)、两 (liang)、阴(yin)、阳(yang)、武术 (wushu, 或 martial ar

22、t) 等。 2) 通过解释的方法。如:三伏 (the three periods of the hot season; 三伏天 dog days; 中伏the second of the three ten-day period of the hot season)、惊蛰 (the Waking of Insects)等。 3) 通过英语词语组合翻译法。如:天干(the heavenly stems)、地支 (the earthly branches)等。204) 词对应但语义不对等 词对应但语义不对等现象指英语中的一些词语在汉语中可以找到对应的词语,但在两种语言中,词义却存在较大差异。如英语

23、 cadre, comrade分别与汉语的“干部”、“同志”对应,但按照美国传统词典的解释,英语cadre所表达的词义是“A nucleus of trained personnel aroundwhich a larger organization can be built and trained”(由经过培训的个人组成的核心,在此基础上可建成或训练成更大一些的组织),因此,用“cadre”表达汉语意义上的“干部”时,就可能造成英美人士的不理解。而Comrade 在英语中表达的含义包括“buddy, partner, chum, companion,friend, pal”等,不同于汉语中所

24、表达的“志同道合”之意。 同样,汉语中所说的“龙”和西方文化中的“dragon”也不同。 21 对于 “词对应但语义不对等”的语言翻译,我个人认为,应当尊重译入语的语言表达习惯。 如汉语中的干部,不一定要翻译成英语的 cadre, 可以翻译成 chief, head, leader 等;汉语中的“同志”,不必翻译成 comrade,可以翻译成Colleague等。 同样,汉语中所说的“龙”和西方文化中的“dragon”不同,我觉得可以采用其他方法翻译,或加大中国文化对外宣传的攻势,让西方人明白中国“龙”的实际含义。譬如,“亚洲四小龙”中的“龙”多翻译成 “ tiger”(虎)。 22关于“亚洲

25、四小龙”的译法“亚洲四小龙”(韩国、中国台湾、新加坡、中国香港)在英文里的翻译是“Newly Industrial Economics”,简称“”,意即“新兴工业国家”,特别是在学术类期刊书籍中一般都译为NIEs,很少用直译。但英文中也有用“East Asian Tigers(东亚老虎)”、“Four Asian Tigers(亚洲四虎)”、“Asias Four Little Dragons(亚洲四小龙)”指代亚洲四小龙的说法。 此外,在亚洲地区特别是中文使用地区,亚洲四小虎却另有所指,指的是泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾和印度尼西亚四个国家,其经济在1990年代都像1980年代的亚洲四小龙一样突飞

26、猛进,因而为名。23 1)汉语词汇量 商朝:甲骨文约35004500字; 汉朝:许慎说文解字收录9353字; 清朝:张玉书等康熙字典收录47035字; 当代:中华大字典收录48000字; 汉语大字典收录56000字; 中华字海收录86000字; 印刷通用汉字字形表收录6196字; 国家标准信息交换用汉字编码字符表收录6763字; 国家语委1988年颁布的现代汉语通用字表共收录7000字。 2. 英汉词汇对比与翻译选词24 2)英语词汇量 韦氏词典前言中的说英语所包含的词汇比其所列的45万个单词要多“ 很多倍”; 牛津字典所列的单词只是韦氏词典的一半那么多; 总部设在得克萨斯州奥斯汀的“全球语言

27、监测公司”(the Global Language Monitor, a company based in Austin, Texas)说:英语的词汇将在2009年4月份达到1百万; 英语词汇是否达到1百万毫无意义,但是几乎可以肯定英语的词汇比任何其它语言的词汇都要多。253)英汉词汇使用的效率 仅仅从英汉语言的词汇量,就可以看出,汉语词汇的使用效率远高于英语的词汇使用效率。中国人掌握 3,000-4,000 汉字,可以读懂许多报纸杂志,而掌握 10,000 个英文单词仍然远远不够用。如: 汉语中的“看”,可以用眼睛看、用心看、用大脑看;而英语的“看”则只能用眼睛看。如: 看电视 watch

28、TV 看孩子 baby-sit/look after a child 看电影 see a film 看医生 see a doctor 看报 read newspaper 看问题 look at an issue 看父母 visit parents 先看看 have a look first 看情况 it depends 看破 see through26翻译举例:(当下流行的一串话) 一个人能走多远,要看他有谁同行;一个人有多优秀,要看他有谁指点;一个人有多成功,要看他有谁相伴。 (09年1月6日彩信) If you want to know how far a person can go, I

29、t depends on with whom he will travel together. If you ask the extent of a persons excellence, It depends on who is his supervisor. If you want to be sure of the level of a person, It certainly depends on who will be his partner. 27 之所以有这样的差异,是因为汉语词语的粘着构词力特别强,词义概括性较高,这样就大大减少了汉语常用词的数量。如:公牛 bull母牛 cow

30、小牛 calf 牛奶 milk奶牛 milch cow牛人 stubborn person牛劲 great strength牛毛 ox hair牦牛 yak绵羊 sheep山羊 goat公羊 ram母羊 ewe羊羔/羔羊 lamb羊倌 shepherd 羊绒 cashmere 羊毛 wool羊肠小道 byway而英语的名词则很具体,一物一词,象汉语中表示抽象意义的名词相对较少。比如说“羊”,在英语中找不到对应的一个表示“羊”的词,因此,中国的羊年就存在选词问题,是用“the year of sheep”,还是用the year of goat” 呢?28 4) 英汉互译文本词汇量 从平均值看,

31、英语译成汉语时,每1000英文词对译成17201790汉字;汉译英时,每1000英文词对应13301410汉字,这大概是英汉语言转换时的对应比例中间值。超过或低于此数过多,就可能是过量的翻译(over-translation)或欠量翻译(under-translation)。 实用英汉语言对比教程张良军等编著29朱生豪翻译“Romeo and Juliet”中,Juliet 的感慨: Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still, should, without eyes, see pathways to his will! Where shall

32、we dine? O me! What fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Heres much to do with hate, but more with love. Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate! O any thing, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, br

33、ight smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this. Dost thou not laugh? (102 words) 唉!想不到爱神蒙着眼睛,却会一直闯进人们的心灵!我们在什么地方吃饭?嗳哟!又是谁在这儿打过架了?可是不必告诉我,我早就知道了。这些都是怨恨造成的后果,可是爱情的力量比它要大过许多。啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨!啊,无中生有的一切!啊,沉重的轻浮,严肃的狂妄,整齐的混乱,铅铸的羽

34、毛,光明的烟雾,寒冷的火焰,憔悴的健康,永远觉醒的睡眠,否定的存在!我感觉到的爱情正是这么一种东西,可是我并不喜爱这一种爱情。你不会笑我吗? (212个字)30 几株老梅竞斗雪开着满树的繁花,仿佛不以深冬为意;倒塌的亭子边还有一株山茶树,从暗绿的密叶里显出十几朵红花来,赫赫的在雪中明得如火,愤怒而且傲慢,如藐视游人的甘心于远行。 (鲁迅在酒楼上) (84个汉字) Several old plum trees in full bloom were braving the snow as if oblivious of the depth of winter; while among the th

35、ick dark green foliage of a camellia beside the crumbing pavilion a dozen crimson blossoms blazed as flame in the snow, indignant and arrogant, as if despising the wanderers wanderlust. (Translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang) (54words)313. 英汉思维模式对比与翻译选词 - 形合与意合 “形合” (hypotaxis和“意合” )与意合(parataxi

36、s)是已故语言学家王力先生所译。形合是指句子之间或句子内部的连接,要通过句法手段(syntactic devices)或词汇手段(lexical devices)完成。意合指 同一个句子内部的连接,或上下文句子之间的连接,要通过语义手段(semantic connection)来完成。 英语重形合,语句各成分的相互结合常用适当的连接词语或各种语言连接手段,以表示其结构关系。汉语重意合,句中各成分之间或句子之间的结合多依靠语义的贯通,少用连接语,所以句法结构形式短小精悍。 看下面的示例: 321. 言辞具有不可思议的力量。能带来最大的幸福,也能带来最深的失望;能把知识从教师传授给学生;言辞能使演

37、说家左右听众,并强行代替他们做出决定。言辞能激起最强烈的情感,鼓动人们的一切行动。 Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; can transfer knowledge from teacher to students; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest

38、emotions and prompting all mans actions. 332. I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. (Abraham Lincoln) 虽然我走路很慢,但我从不后退。 If your riches are yours, why dont you take them with you to the other world? (Benjamin Franklin) 如果财富使你的,那么你为什么不带它们一起到另一个世界去呢?4. He that will not when he may, shall not wh

39、en he will. (R.Mannyng) 可以做时而不想做的人,到了想做时便不能做了。 5. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. (Franklin Roosevelt) 幸福不在于你拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。 34 汉语举例: S君有妻,丑,为此颇感自豪,常于有靓妻之友面前夸口:丑妻是宝,见了恶心,不见省心,出门放心,免得有第三者插足。友听毕,掩口笑道:君

40、言差矣,常言道:以为最安全的却是最危险,岂不闻情人眼里出西施吗? S君听毕,顿悟,叹道:听君一席话,胜读十年书,差一点大意失荆州! (李其祥丑妻) Mr. S had an unprepossessing wife, of whom he was very proud, so much so that to his friend who had a wonderful wife, he often rave about his spouse like this, “A plain wife is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to look at, but

41、out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when the husband is away from home. And there is no fear of another man.” On hearing this, his friend couldnt help a smile and the following comment, “Forgive me, sir, for pointing out that youre wrong there. As the saying goes, the greatest danger re

42、sides in the false sense of security. Havent you heard of love being blind?” Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friends kind warning. Mr. S sighed with feeling, “How true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten years reading! Otherwise I may lose her throug

43、h oversight.” (Translated by Ju Zuchun) 35 由于汉语中缺少逻辑关系表征词,缺乏时态、人称等形态变化, 也没有特别显性的词类特征 (而英语中有-ness, -ly, en- 等词缀可以提供语义信息),因此,人们对语义的理解往往只能凭借语境及语感来完成。如: “近闻夫人健康如常,颇感欣慰。” -1988年5月邓颖超致宋美龄的信译文:It is a supreme comfort to me when I am informed that you are as healthy as ever. 原文是无主句,逻辑关系暗含其中;而译文则充分考虑到英文形合的语言

44、特点,首先选择了可以统率行文的“It is” 的主谓句法结构, 然后以状语从句“when I am informed that you are as healthy as ever”作为“It is a supreme comfort to me”的前提,顺达晓畅,英文含义清晰。36 “ No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” - Martin Luther Ki

45、ng的演讲稿I Have a Dream 译文:不,不,我们没有满足,我们也不会满足,直到公平如大水滚滚,公义如江河滔滔。 原中有两个“and”及一个“until”引导的结构使全句节奏紧凑,气贯长虹、激情澎湃。 但是如果将“and”译为“而且”之类的对应词就会破坏原文的气势,因而译文根据汉语意合的特点,对“and”不做对应词翻译,如此操作反而增加了译文的节奏感,更能再现原文的感染力。 译文中的逗号有五处,而原文中只有三处,这种翻译操作与汉语的意合特点不无关系由于汉语当中短句很多,更容易让读者体会原文的节奏感和内在的逻辑关系。 37“亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。” 译文:It is not too la

46、te to mend the fold even after some sheep have been lost. 汉语句法靠意合,结构的凝聚主要靠语义的贯通。原文虽然没有逻辑关系连接语如“若”、“既然”,但原文的两个四字结构彼此呼应,暗含了前后分句之间的某种关系。翻译时,如果不解决这种关系,就会丧失成语典故本身的寓意,因此需用形合的手段尽可能地反映出原文分句之间可能的逻辑关系。 确定以 “It is not too late” 的主谓关系, 通过 “to mend the fold” 引出真实主语,“even after”作时间状语从句,使英文流畅自然。 38 对形合和意合的把握有益于汉英互

47、译的操作,译者应仔细揣摩源语言和目标语言的“形”、“意”差异,既要忠于原作,又要兼顾读者,令译文取得同原文尽可能相近的效果。傅雷先生说得好,理想的外译中作品让读者感到作者仿佛在用中文写作。 需要注意的是,翻译是一项复杂的再创作活动,虽然我们说汉语重意合,英语重形合,但不是说所有意合的汉语句子都要译为形合的英文,反之亦然。同时,汉语并非绝对意合,英文并非绝对形合,只不过是汉语以意合见长,英语以形合见长而已。 有时英汉语言都用意合,如: Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。 Soon learnt,soon forgotten.学得快,忘得快。 Adversity leads to p

48、rosperity.困苦通向昌盛。 Small gains bring great wealth.积小利,成巨富。 A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 Waste not, want not. 俭以防匮。39Exercises in ClassPut the following paragraphs into English 1.为了维护残障人士的基本权益,政府出台了几项举措确保他们能平等地参与社会,分享社会所提供的一切。2.九月新生进校,我又看见了许多父母的脸。送儿女来上学的以父亲居多,有些是父母同来,父母们本来千差万别的脸,个人化特征在此时得到淡化而呈现出相同的气质:劳碌、疲惫,初到异地的怯懦,和谨慎,以及其情甚殷,唯恐儿女吃亏的心态。那样长而累人的旅途,那样繁琐耗人的手续,太能磨蚀人的锐气了。18岁的孩子,少年得志的喜悦与轻狂,


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