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1、 第十三章猪的营养需要(Nutritional needs of swine)Nutrition of the Breeding SwineFeature?How?Amount?Breeding SwineGiltSowBoar Chapter 13-2 Nutrition of the breeding swinelearning goals:Be master of the physiological characteristics and the nutritional requirements of swine during mating , pregnancy and lactati

2、on. Reproductive cycle (繁殖周期): Mating(配种期)Pregnancy(妊娠期)Lactation(哺乳期)In contrast to the requirements for growing pigs, relatively little is known about the requirements of breeding pigsNutritional requirementsRequirements for reproductionRequirements for the development of ovaRequirements for pregn

3、ancyRequirements for milks synthesisM1P2MP3MP4MP5MP6MP1001502000M: mate (配种), P: parturition (分娩)Birth orderBody weight (kg)Change of the body weight of sow with birth order60 kg60 100 kg100 kg MatingPregnancyLactationNo special requirementsReplacementgiltsBred giltsAvoid underfeedingAvoid overfeedi

4、ngSupplementation at two weeks before mating (短期优饲)At the optimal weight and ageForepartAnaphase(0-83 d)(84- d)Avoid overfeedingAvoid underfeeding(intake at 1.5-2 kg)(intake at 2.5-3 kg)Avoid underfeeding WeaningReplacement gilts/sowsBody condition (膘情)Conception rate(受胎率)Oestrus (发情)The best:7-8成膘s

5、owsPermitted:6成膘PerformanceResultsLean脊椎和肋骨显露low fertility, silent estrus, or failure to establish or maintain pregnancyObesity“夹裆肉”或“下颌肉”usually more detrimental to fertility than underfeedingThe effects of body condition on fertilityReplacement gilts should be fedBefore 90 kgin the same manner as

6、the market pigsAfter 90 kgapproximately 75 percent of ad libitum intakeAgeBody weightRation of fat to muscleSupplementation before mating (短期优饲)Reflecting parameters of puberty:LH FSH at nightFullfed (饱饲)Short-term restriction (短期限饲) insulin IGF-ILHOvum (number and size)Weight of uterusLH concentrat

7、ion High energy low energy no insulin Insulin for long timefor short time ?The optimal time for supplementationSowsTen days before matingGiltsFifteen days before matingMatingBred gilts/sowsBody weight: Local Introduced Hybridized PurebredFirst mating age: Local (50 kg) Introduced (100 kg)Hybridized

8、PurebredExample: Body weight FertilityTaihu sowBody weight(kg)Conception rate (%)Farrowing rate(bady number/litter)110-14095145 140 or 2.5 kg/day) during the first three days after mating reduced embryo survival in gilts by about 5 percent in one study (Aherne and Williams, 1992) and by 15 percent i

9、n another (Dyck et al., 1980), but the reduction in survival does not consistently result in reduced litter size.Stage of pregnancy, daysEnergy gain, kJ/dFetusPlacenta +fluidsUterusPartition of daily uterine energy deposition between uterine tissuesPregnancyFeed intake should be regulated to maintai

10、n the animals in good body condition without excessive fat accumulation.孕期合成代谢挤死了福利?!Nutritional levelBody weight at matingBody weight at parturitionWeight gain during pregnancyBody weight at weaningWeight loss during lactationNet weight gainHigh230.2284.153.9235.848.35.6low229.7249.820.1242.27.412.

11、7The effect of nutritional level on body weight of sow during pregnancyThe greater the weight gain during pregnancy,The greater the weight loss during lactation (ARC, 1981).若妊娠期间能量供应较多,会发生能量二次转化现象,降低饲料能量利用效率,即母猪在妊娠期中沉积较多体脂,然后在哺乳期中被调用,这样能量在体内经过两次转化:饲料能量85%75%体脂肪乳 能量总效率为64%, 而饲料能量直接供给母猪产乳的效率为70%,因此,两次

12、转化能量约损耗10%。Pregnant sows will consume far more feed voluntarily than required and will become obese if intake is not restricted to ca. 1.8-2.3 kg of a high-concentrate diet/day (6.600 kcal of DE). The amount of restriction needed is dependent upon the size and condition of the animal, of course.The

13、optimal feeding strategy for pregnant sowThe gestation diet may contain 10 to 30 percent alfalfa meal or other low energy ingredient to reduce the energy level.8 to 10 percent crude fiberNutritionists suggested that sows should be fed and managed so that they gain 25 kg of maternal tissues throughou

14、t pregnancy for at least the first three or four parities. The weight of the placenta and other products of conception should be approximately 20 kg, for a total of 45 kg of gestational weight gain of the sowVoluntary feed intake changes in late gestationHigh levels of circulating estrogensreduce en

15、ergy requirementThe increasing size of the fetustakes up an increasing volume of the abdominal cavityIn general, an increase in the energy intake of the pregnant sow above 6.0 Mcal of ME/day will increase maternal weight gain but will not significantly affect litter size at parturitionLactationThe e

16、nergy requirements:for maintenance, milk productionRequirementContributionfrom the mobilization of tissueinevitable loss of body weightParturitionLactationFeed intake at 1 kg 245714WeaningFeed intake at 2.5 kg Increase step by step Feed intake at normal (2.5 kg + 0.25-0.3 kg no.pig born)The optimal

17、feeding strategy for lactating sowTo maximize nutrient intake during lactation to attenuate the difference between the extremely high nutrient requirements and voluntary feed intake The long-term reproductive efficiency of the sow is best served by minimizing weight loss during lactation.The inclusi

18、on of added fat in the diet prior to farrowing may increase the energy stores of the baby pigs at birth and improve neonatal survival.In general, the lysine requirements of pregnant sows are slightly higher, and the lysine requirements of lactating sows are considerably higher, than those listed in

19、the previous edition of this publicationLactating sows nursing large litters produce more milk (as reflected by increased weaning weights of nursing pigs) and lose less maternal body weight when fed 0.75 to 0.90 % dietary lysine (45 to 55 g/day) than fed 0.60 %(35 g/day)亮氨酸、异亮氮酸和缬氨酸产前3-4d给母猪每大饲喂2g亮氨酸代谢产物, 使乳汁产量在泌乳第三天增加了4l% ; 当母猪日采食4g缬氨酸并增加异亮氨酸的采食量直至7g/d,可使断奶窝重呈线性增加;在0.5% 异亮氨酸浓度下, 将缬氨酸从0.72% 增至1.42%,乳脂含量显著增加,乳糖含量显著降低(张晶等,2004)维生素E:主要作用于垂体前叶,促进分泌性激素,调节性腺的发育和功能,有利


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