



1、吴忠市裕民小学“数字化”备课教案学科: 英语 年级:五年级主备教师:唐艺玲复备教师吴健课 题Module7教学内容分析本课是的授课内容是外研社版小学英语(三起)第六 册 Module? Unitl My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.按照课时安排为本模块第一课时,为新授 课型。课程内容有生词教学、句型教学、课文学习和简 单的拓展对话等,所以又是一节新授课的听说教学。教学目标.知识目标:让学生基本掌握时间的英语表达方式 以及一些普通职业的英语表达方式。.能力目标:通过学习,学生可以用完整的句子表达 父母的职业及上班时间。.情感

2、目标:使学生能够了解,体谅父母的辛苦,在 家能够多帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务活。教学重点结合实际学情,我把重点放在本课的单词和句型教学上。教学难点本培养学生对语己的综合运用能力,为了突出重点, 简化难点,我主要通过电工展示图片和对话来让英语比较 更简单、直观教学准备图片单词卡片PPt课件课时安排4教学策略依据新课标的教学理念,遵循以学生为中心,以兴趣为 支点,以交际为目的的原则,主要运用任务驱使、合作互 动、情感体验、交流评价等教学策略,把单词、句型和会 话的教学,学生的操练、交流和合作,以及师生评价、小 组互评和自我评价,融为一体。1预习学案1)创设情境及运用单词卡片依次教授学习生词(wo

3、rker, factory, evening, late, early, taxi) 通过上一个猜 职业的游戏,学生触摸到安全帽,引出worker这个单词, 教学与练习,然后再展开一个自编的故事情节,在故事情 境中学习 factory, evening, late, early, taxi.T: Boys and girls, Do you know what does he do?SI:T: Yes, he is a worker (出示 worker 单词卡片教读)T: His name is Jack, he works in a factory (出示单词卡 片 factory 教读)

4、factory, factory, a worker in a factory.(请学 生单个读单词进行操练)Ss:T: He goes to work at seven oclock in the evening.(出示 单词 evening 卡片,教读并板书)evening, evening, in the evening.(开火车游戏操练单词)T: Look at the sky, its dark, its late(教读单词 late)T: He works very hard, then he goes home at 5 oclock in the morning, its ve

5、ry, very early(教读单词 early).T: At this time, a taxi comes, the taxi takes him tohome.(教读单词taxi)教学过程个人复备Module 7Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight o/clock every morning.Warming upGreetings .T: Hello , boys and girls!Hello, Miss Li.T: How are you today?Km fine. Thank you, and how are you?T: Im fine

6、, too. Thank you.Guess: Whafs it?(播放时钟走动的声音,让学生猜猜是 什么,拿出时钟,挪动时针和分针的位置,让学生表述时 间,时间表述以整点和半点为主)T: Boys and girls, Listen! Whats it?Ss:.T: Yes, its a clock. Please look at the clock, and then tell us23“Whats the time now?” Ss: Its.Review:(复习职业类单词,老师准备小袋子,袋子里 放着关于职业的道具,分别有粉笔、手枪、听诊器、注射 器、玩具小汽车、安全帽,学生通过触摸袋

7、子里的道具来 猜职业)T: Look at here, children. There are lots of bags, please touch the thing in the bag and then guess what does she or he do?Lead in and learn new words(1)创设情境及运用单词卡片依次教授学习生词(worker, factory, evening, late, early, taxi)通过上一个猜职业的游戏, 学生触摸到安全帽,引出worker这个单词,教学与练习, 然后再展开一个自编的故事情节,在故事情境中学习 factor

8、y, evening, late, early, taxi.T: Boys and girls, Do you know what does he do?SI:T: Yes, he is a worker (出示 worker 单词卡片教读)T: His name is Jack, he works in a factory (出示单词卡片 factory 教读)factory, factory, a worker in a factory.(请学生单 个读单词进行操练)Ss:T: He goes to work at seven oclock in the evening.(出示单 词 ev

9、ening 卡片,教读并板书)evening, evening, in the evening.(开火车游戏操练单词)T: Look at the sky, its dark, its late(教读单词 late)T: He works very hard, then he goes home at 5 oclock in the morning, its very, very early(教读单词 early).T: At this time, a taxi comes, the taxi takes him to home.(教读单词taxi)(2)单词操练。Learn the text

10、Learn the text.Listen to the CD-ROM. And then fill the table.(填表格)What dose he/she do?What time d he/she go tooes work?Darnings fatherFangfang/s fatherDarnings motherFangfang/s motherT: Well done, this time please read after the CD-ROM sentence by sentence.T: Read the text in roles.(分角色朗读)T: Read th

11、e text together.(评价语:Good, excellent, well done, Super.)PracticeLook and say.Free talk in groups.Make a passage.SummaryT: Boys and girls, all of you did a good job. Lets review what we have learned today. The new wordszzevening/late/worker/factory/early/taxi, Target sentences: Z/My.goes to work at.e

12、very morning/evening/night. “What does he/she do? She/He is a .HomeworkTry to retell the text.Talking about your familys jobs,and talking about when they go to work .T: here is your homework. So much for this class. Thank you, boys and girls. Goodbye.Module 7 Unit 2 I will be home at seven oclock.教学

13、活动:Part 1 Warming-upPresentation TextPracticeHomework: GreetingNice to meet you.How are you today?Part 2. Revise the times. Show the big clock.Read your Email.Read the text. Show the Email. Play the tape. Play the tape again. Play the tape. Listen and say, then singDo the EX 1.Write down the new wor

14、ds and sentences.Write the Email to your family or friends.Listen to the tape and read the text Nice to meet you too.am fine, thank you. And you.Say the time.Read your EmailRead the text.Get the students listen and find the new words.Listen and repeat.Get the students listen and repeat.Divide the class into boys and girls .Put the boys on one side of the class and the girls on the other.Go through the words of the song.56Play the song to the students.Part5 homeworkNew words板书设计V. Homework【作业超市】lTry to retell the text.2Talking about your familys jobs,and talking about when they go to


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