2023年高考英语复习讲练测第16讲 完形填空记叙文(20空)(讲)(全国通用学案)_第1页
2023年高考英语复习讲练测第16讲 完形填空记叙文(20空)(讲)(全国通用学案)_第2页
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2023年高考英语复习讲练测第16讲 完形填空记叙文(20空)(讲)(全国通用学案)_第5页
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1、2023年高考英语复习讲练测第16讲完形填空记叙文(20空)(讲)【考纲考情】记叙文是高考完形填空中出现频率最高的一类文体。该体裁以记人、叙事为主;多以人物思想和行为 为中心;以时间或空间的变化为线索,按事件的发生、开展和结束来展开表达;时态上多以一般过去时为 主,其他时态为辅;在词性上仍会以实词为主,其中动词会占半壁江山,虚词几乎不会考查,并且完形填 空题注重对文章语境的理解;适当会有间接引语。选材上会源于真实生活,平淡表达中流露人间真情,体 现理性思维,人文情怀、参与社会的人文素养。难易上,句内层次题(答案由设空所在句子决定,多凭语 感可知答案)和句组层次题(答案由设空临近句子决定,需前后

2、寻找信息或暗示)较容易且所占比重较大, 语篇层次题(答案由整篇文章的内涵决定,需统揽全局)考查较少但难度较大。【考点梳理】针对高考表达性的完形填空题,解答技巧如下:.抓住文章中心。中心思想是文章的灵魂和统帅,其他的写作要素都紧紧围绕这一中心进行。抓住中心有助于明确做题 方向,提高针对性。.明确表达角度。通常记叙文有两大表达角度:第一人称和第三人称。第一人称就是从“自我参与”的角度进行表达,从 字里行间读出作者对人物、事件或景色的情感态度。第三人称就是从“旁观者”的角度客观地记人、叙事、 状物。在做题时可采用“角色渗透法”,即假设自己就是文中的角色会有什么感受、做出怎样的选择等,这 样有助于走进

3、作者的思维,深入理解文章的含义。.理清写作顺序。根据写作的需要作者往往采用顺叙、倒叙或插叙等方法进行表达。理清这些线索有助于了解事情开展 的来龙去脉,从而更迅速、准确地理解文意。.明确写作要素。包括事情发生的时间(when)、地点(where)、事件的内容(what)、人物(who)、原因(why)等。弄清了这些 要素也就基本上抓住了文章的主体,理解了整篇文章。.洞悉写作目的。就事论事绝不是记叙文的最终目的,而最终目的是借助叙事来说明一个道理,给人以启迪或教益。因 此,只有在分析具体情节的基础上认真体会文字背后的东西,才能洞悉作者的写作目的,抓住文章的主题。解答完形填空题需具备“题文齐读”的技

4、能,也即是一边读文,一边用眼睛的余光扫一下题目。这项 技能要求较高,运用此法要保证注意力高度集中,要具备较强的聚合思维。在平时的训练中要多尝试应用 才能默化成规,内化于心。通常,在具体的解题中,需掌握以下解题方法:.利用语义复现解题语义复现不仅是同一个词,同义词、反义词、近义词都可能成为这类题目的解题关键点,但是这些词 可能隐藏得比拟深。上下文之间可能互相暗示答案,但有时上下文相隔较远,因此要注意寻找。(2020全国卷 H )It was signed (签名)Bonnato or so he thought, but when he 51 .researched it, he only fo

5、und Bonnard, “ a French 52.painter he had never heard of. He bought a book and was 53.surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same 54.garden as his fathers painting. They 57 the other painting and learned that it was .A. collectedB. cleanedC. framedD

6、. studied【答案】D【解析】collect “收集;clean清扫;frame制定;study研究。根据上文的“but when he51 it”可知,此处用“研究”符合语境,research和study是同义词复现。应选:D。(2019全国卷ni)But that 45.changed when a system of high-tech 46 was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks (山峰)into the valley below. Wednesday, residents (居民)of Rjukan 4

7、7.received their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to 48.use. The mirrors are controlled by a computer that 49.directs them to turn along with the sun .A. computersB. telescopesC. mirrorsD. cameras【答案】c【解析】根据下文中的“The mirrors are controlle

8、d”可知,此处应填mirrors(镜子)。应选:Co2.利用习惯搭配或固定结构解题完形填空中经常会考查一些习惯搭配或固定结构,此类试题相对容易,平时注意积累总结是关键。(2020全国卷 H )His son, age 15, who had 49 an art appreciation class, thought that there was something 50.unusual about the one with a young girl sitting on a garden chair.A. missedB. failedC. takenD. led【答案】c【解析】句意:他15

9、岁的儿子在上一门艺术欣赏课,他认为那幅有一个年轻女孩坐在花园椅子上的 画是不寻常的。固定短语take classes “上课”。应选:Co3.利用逻辑关系解题此种方法是通过分析设空前后文的逻辑关系来确定答案,主要应用于完形填空的两类题型:一是考查 连词和起连词作用的短语;二是考查上下文的逻辑关系。无论是句内层次题还是句组层次题,利用逻辑关 系去解答都是一种重要的方法。(2021 天津高考 3 月)In addition to 31 .practical skills, Pruitfs lessons teach teamwork, encourage self- worth, and prom

10、ote feelings of community. 32 , the kids have gained a sense of accomplishment.B. HoweverA. OtherwiseC. SomehowD. Meanwhile【答案】D【解析】句意:同时,孩子们也有了一种成就感。otherwise “否那么;however“然而”;somehow“不知 怎么、meanwhile “同时L根据前后文逻辑关系可知,孩子们通过参加Pruitt(普鲁伊特)的课程,学到实用 技能,与获得成就感是同步的,meanwhile符合题意。应选:Do【题型剖析】A(2022全国高考真题)You

11、 can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay. Nearly. Last year, I started dating, but with 2, When I first dated Steve, I 3 hehad a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I wa

12、s 4 that he was an animal lover, I 5 that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 6. the cat.The next week we 7 our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we paused to catch our 8, Stevegot down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚)? I liked him too, but so 9? He poured water from a b

13、ottleinto his hand and offered it to my dogs.10, I began to fall for him.We 11 to date, though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late November, Tillyhad an operation on her 12. I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly13 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.

14、 Then Steve 14 his house. All workedL5. The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching,16 Floras space; Steve and Iformed a good team 17 for Tilly. We made good housemates.A year later, much to my 18, this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He didnot kneel (跪)down, nor did I

15、 19 him to. Thats only for giving 20 to the dogs thatbrought us together.1. A. ownershipB. membershipC. companionshipD. leadership2. A. reservationsB. expectationsC. confidenceD. prejudice3. A. fearedB. doubtedC. hopedD. learned4. A. unsatisfiedB. amusedC. terrifiedD. thrilled5. A. predictedB. worri

16、edC , regrettedD. insisted6. A. FloraB. ChanceC. MollyD. Tilly7. A. tiedB. walkedC. bathedD. fed8. A. breathB. balanceC. attentionD. imagination9. A. calmB. sureC. soonD. real10. A. By the wayB. In that caseC. By all meansD. In that moment11. A. continuedB. decidedC. intendedD. pretended12. A. eyeB.

17、 tailC. earD. leg13. A.secretlyB. constantlyC. eventuallyD. unwillingly14. A.leftB. soldC. suggestedD. searched15. A.lateB. hardC. fineD. free16. A.emptiedB , respectedC. occupiedD. discovered17. A.lookingB. caringC. waitingD. calling18. A.delightB , creditC. interestD. disadvantage19. A.begB. trust

18、C. needD. aid20. A.toysB , awardsC. foodD. water(2022浙江高考真题)When Beverley Burdeyney turned seventy four last year, she started having problems with her 21, notably dryness and discomfort.nI was simply 22 a terrible experience, n Ms. Burdeyney said at her home in Toronto. nI felt so helpless and inse

19、cure because the quality of my 23 was affected.Ms. Burdeyney talked to some friends who had 24 problems and discovered that they were largely suffering in 25. ” Nobody chooses to talk about it because it seems so 26 she said. n But more andmore are suffering and lives are being 27.Eventually, Ms. Bu

20、rdeyney learned about plans for an eye research, 28 at Tel Aviv University in Israel. The research team 29 Canadian doctor Allan Slomovic, who has done 30 work on eye careusing stem cells. Seeing a ray of hope, Ms. Burdeyney began raising 3j for the project with a friend,Toronto businessman Meyer Ze

21、ifman.32 she has raised $110, 000 with another $40, 00033nIm trying to get more and more people to 34 that there are solutions (解决方法)said Ms.Burdeyney, a trained nurse who is still working as a personal trainer after 35. nl say there is no old36, theres only neglect (忽视).Dont stand 37, do something

22、about it. nMs. Burdeyney 38 that she is hoping to do more for the research project. nI just want to bring39 into people eyes and this is just the 40. There is still a long way to gon21. A.throatB. skinC. lungsD. eyes22. A.getting overB. going throughC. holding onD. passing down23. A.storyB. treatmentC. lifeD. relationship24. A.similarB , variousC. p


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