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1、Module 1 StoriesUnit 1 Slow and steady wins the racePeriod 1 1. Do you know this story? The Tortoise and the Hare课堂导入 2. What can you learn from the story? Slow and steady wins the race. 例句 Why is he in such a hurry? 他为什么如此匆忙?单元新词such 短语 in such a hurry 如此匆忙 如此 例句 The hare is too silly. 这只野兔太愚蠢了。单元新

2、词 联想 foolish 愚蠢的 silly 愚蠢的 例句 He won the game. 他赢得了比赛。单元新词 注意 过去式:won win 赢,赢得 例句 He is carrying four boxes. 他搬着四个盒子。单元新词巧记 car(小汽车)+ry=carry(携带;扛) carry 携带;扛 例句 What does the red light mean? 红灯是什么意思?单元新词 注意 过去式:meant mean 意思是 例句 I am so proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲。单元新词短语 be proud of 以为傲 proud 骄傲的 例句 He i

3、s such a careless boy. 他就是这样一个粗心的男孩。单元新词联想 careful 细心的 careless 不小心的 例句 She is very patient with her students. 她对她的学生很有耐心。单元新词 短语 be patient with 对有耐心 patient 耐心的 例句 I cant remember your name. 我记不住你的名字。单元新词 联想 forget 忘记 remember 记住例句 She looks very sad. 她看起来很难过。单元新词联想 happy 高兴的 sad 难过的例句 You must st

4、udy harder. 你必须更努力地学习。单元新词联想 hard 努力地 harder 更努力地Play a game点击下列数字,根据出现的图片说出单词。2345678 1单词练习选词填空。1. You should be _ and patient when you use the knife.2. The hare was too_ so it couldnt win the race.3. Tom was too careless _ he had to draw the picture again.4. If you want to swim _, you should ask t

5、he coach(教练) for help.carefulpround so wellwell so carefulpround重点短语 try to do sth. 努力做某事 他努力搬起了这个箱子。He _ _ _ the box. tried to carry want to do sth. 想要做某事我想成为一名英语老师。I _ _ _ an English teacher. want to beLets readListen and follow the tapeRead in groupsThe hare was sure he would win so he took a res

6、t. 兔子确信他会赢所以他就休息了。句型“主语+be动词+sure(+that)+宾语从句.”用于表示某人确信某事会发生,宾语从句中引导词 that 可以省略。句中 would 为 will 的过去式,用在过去的时间里表示将来。 知识讲解 例 Im sure that youre right. 我确信你是对的。If I want to do something well, I should be careful and patient. 如果我想把某件事情做好,我应该既细心又耐心。 if 意为 “如果” ,在句中引导条件状语从句。句型“ If I want to., I should.”用来表

7、示“如果我想,我应该”。在表示将来可能出现的情况时,if 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主语用一般将来时。主句中的谓语也可以由 “情态动词+动词原形” 构成。 知识讲解 例 If it doesnt rain tomorrow, I will go shopping. 如果明天不下雨,我会去购物。 Don t be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。 句型“Dont+动词原形(+其他)是 Do 型祈使句的否定形式,用来提醒 或警告对方不要做某事。 知识讲解 例 Dont play beside the river. 不要在河边玩耍。 3肯定祈使句的类型类型 Do 型Be型Let

8、 型结构动词原形+其他Be+形容词(+其他)Let+宾语+动词原形(+其他)随堂练习单项选择。1. Jiamin tried to _ all the books. A. carry B. carries C. carried 2. Hey, boys. I want to tell you _. A. important something B. something important形容词修饰不定代词时要放在代词后面。随堂练习3. The hare was sure he _ win the race. A. can B. will C. would5. If you study hard

9、, your parents _ very happy. A. is B. are C. will beif条件句不一般,几个要点记心间;条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。条件句表可能,主句多用将来时; 条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。4. I dont understand! _ do you mean? A. Why B. When C. What Janet: Jiamin, are you OK?Jiamin: I _ all the books. I didnt want to _the classroom again. Xiaoling: Why are you _?You _ tha

10、t _ hare. Jiamin: Hare?What do you _? Lets recitetried to carry go back to in such a hurry are like silly meanXiaoling: You know.the old story about the tortoise and the hare. Janet: Yes. One day a tortoise and a hare _. The hare was sure he would _ so he _. He was too _ and _. The slow but _ tortoise won the race. had a race win took a rest pround carelesscareful


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