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1、认 证 类 型Type of Certification请在以下中打勾“”选择 Please tick in the proper box below ISO9001认证 ISO 9001 Certification 国内证书 Domestic Certificates UKAS证书 UKAS Certificates 初次认证 Initial Assessment 复评 Re-Assessment 其他 Others ISO14001认证 ISO 14001 Certification 国内证书 Domestic Certificates UKAS证书 UKAS Certificates 初

2、次认证 Initial Assessment 复评 Re-Assessment 其他 Others职业安全健康治理体系认证 OHSMS Certification 初次认证 Initial Assessment 复评 Re-Assessment 其他 Others托付方受审核方(甲方)Auditee (Party A) 全称: 认证方(乙方)Certification Body (Party B) 全称:华夏认证中心有限公司 China Certification Center Inc. 甲方签订日期Date of Signing of Party A: 乙方签订日期Date of Signi

3、ng of Party B: 有效日期:自签定之日起至获证后三年有效期满(This Contract will be valid upon execution and shall remain effective for three years from the date when the applicant obtains the certification as defined in this Contract.)一、合同范围Contract Scope1、乙方依据Party B shall conduct assessment to Party A against GB/T19001-2

4、000 idt ISO9001:2000 GB/T24001-1996 idt ISO14001:1996GB/T28001-2001 Standards for Occupational Health and Safety Management System对甲方实施审核,决定是否同意甲方取得或保持认证注册资格。Party B shall decide whether Party A could obtain / maintain certification qualification.2、甲方质量治理体系覆盖的产品范围及要紧过程,活动范围和地域场所(属异地经营或生产者请讲明情况) Prod

5、uct scope, main process, activities scope and sites covered by quality management system of Party A (Please specify if have multi-site for activities or production): (要紧过程指:设计开发、生产施工、安装等活动)(the main process refers to design/development, production and installation, etc.).3、甲方环境治理体系和职业安全健康治理体系覆盖的产品范围

6、及地域场所Product scope and sites covered by the EMS and OHSMS of Party A: 4、甲方治理体系覆盖的总人数为 The total number of employees covered by the management system of Party A is _人,项目部分公司固定现场共the number of project departments/branches/fixed sites is 个,其中不在同一地点的有the number of project department/branches/fixed sites

7、 in other places is _处,请分不列出地点名称(可附表)please specify (additional pages could be attached) ,甲方(指施工建设或勘测、设计、监理、 物业治理、房地产开发等多现场单位)正在实施的全部临时现场共The total number of temporary sites of Party A (organizations engaged in construiction, exploration, design, supervision and management, property management and r

8、eal estate development industries) 处,附项目清单 Please provide project list.(特不声明:请如实填报职工人数、不在同一市、县的工地现场数,如现场审核时发觉与实际不符,乙方为保证审核的公正性、有效性,将保留适当增加审核人日数及审核费用的权利。)(Note: Party A shall fill in the numbers faithfully and accurately. If the information is found to be in unconformity with the actual situation dur

9、ing on-site audits, CCCI reserves the right to increase audit days and audit fees to ensure the impartiality and effectiveness of audits) 5、甲方质量治理体系标准删减的内容The clauses that have been excluded from QMS standards of Party A:ISO9001:2000:无None、7.3、7.4、7.5、7.6。如只删减了某章的部分内容,请注明删减的小节序号if the clause has bee

10、n partially excluded, please specify the section number( )。二、审核时刻 Audit Date1、甲方希望质量治理体系认证审核时刻为The expected audit date for QMS assessment of Party A is: ;甲方希望环境治理体系第一时期审核时刻为the expected audit date for the first stage audit of EMS is : 第二时期审核时刻为the expected audit date for the second stage audit of EM

11、S is: ;甲方希望职业安全健康治理体系第一时期审核时刻为the expected audit date for the first stage audit of OHSMS is: 第二时期审核时刻为the expected audit date for the second stage audit of OHSMS is: ;(讲明:环境治理体系和职业安全健康治理体系的认证审核均分为两个时期进行,其中第二时期审核时刻要依照第一时期审核的结果最终确定)。(Note: The audit for EMS and OHSMS include two stages. The audit time

12、 for the second stage audit depends on the result of the first stage audits.) 2、如需预审核,预审核的时刻至少比正式认证审核时刻提早一个月。If pre-assessment is required, the date for pre-assessment shall be at least one month ahead of the initial assessment3、甲方取得认证注册资格后,在三年有效期内,将同意乙方3次定期监督审核及必要的不定期审查。其中,初审或复评审核结束之日起10个月内安排首次监督审核

13、,其后的监督审核间隔不得超过12个月,有异常情况时酌情增加监督审核的频次。Party B shall, after Party A has been granted the certification qualification, conduct three regular surveillance assessments and necessary random inspections to Party A within the three year validity period of certification. The first surveillance assessment sha

14、ll be conducted within ten months after the initial assessment or re-assessment. The time interval between the following surveillances shall not exceed 12 months. The frequency for surveillance assessment could be increased under unusual circumstances.三、认证费用 Certification Fee 1、认证申请费Application Fee:

15、 元Yuan ;2、审定与注册费Evaluation and Registration Fee: 元Yuan;(以上两项费用按本合同第九条的要求填写Item 1 and 2 shall be filled in according to Clause 9 of this Contract)3、审核费Assessment Fee: 元Yuan。(备注Remarks: )上述1、2、3项费用合计The total amount of Item 1, 2 and 3 is:_拾 万 仟 佰_拾_元( 元Yuan),请甲方在接到审核通知书后20日之内一次性支付给乙方(如组织未取得证书,则退还审定与注册

16、费),假如甲方未能及时足额向乙方交纳上述费用,则乙方有权临时中止审核,待甲方交齐费用后再进行审核,所需时刻相应顺延。Party A shall pay the above amount of fee in one-time to Party B within 20 days upon receiving the Notice for Audit (Evaluation and Registration Fee will be refunded to Party A if certification could not be granted to Party A). Party B reserv

17、es the right to suspend assessment if Party A fails to pay the full amount of fee in time and could resume the assessment upon the receipt of the full payment of certification fee.4、如需预审核,费用为When pre-assessment is required, the pre-assessment fee is:_元Yuan,请甲方在接到预审核通知书后20日之内一次性支付,假如甲方未能及时足额向乙方交纳上述费用

18、,则乙方有权临时中止预审核,待甲方交齐费用后再进行预审核,所需时刻相应顺延。Party A shall pay the pre-assessment fee in one-time to Party B within 20 days upon receiving the Notice for Pre-Assessment. Party B reserves the right to suspend pre-assessment if Party A fails to pay the full amount in time and could resume the pre-assessment

19、upon the receipt of full payment of pre-assessment fee. 5、每年监督审核费支付形式分两种, 请在以下中打勾“”选择There are two ways to pay the surveillance assessment fee. Please tick the proper box below: 三次监督审核, 每年监督审核费There are three surveillance assessments, the fee for each surveillance assessment is: 元Yuan;年金Annual Fee i

20、s: 元(年金按本合同第九条的要求填写The Annual Fee shall be filled in according to Clauses 9 in this Contract),共计the total amount is: 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元( 元Yuan) 三次监督审核,前两年每年监督审核费There are three surveillance assessments, the fee for the first two surveillance assessments is: 元Yuan;年金Annual Fee: 元Yuan(年金按本合同第九条的要求填写The Annua

21、l Fee shall be filled in according to Clause 9 in this Contract),共计the total amount is: 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元, ( 元Yuan)第三次监督审核费免收,只收取年金The assessment fee for the third surveillance assessment will be exempted and only the Annual Fee will be charged, which is: 元Yuan(年金按本合同第九条的要求填写The Annual Fee shall be filled

22、 in according to Clause 9 in this Contract),共计the total amount is : 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元( 元Yuan);请甲方在接到每次监督审核通知书后20日之内一次性支付给乙方,乙方收到费用后安排监督审核,假如甲方未能及时足额向乙方交纳上述费用,则乙方有权不进行监督审核,待甲方交齐费用后再进行审核,所需时刻相应顺延;假如超过12个月甲方仍未能交足费用,则乙方有权视甲方不符合审核标准,按照有关规定暂停或撤销对甲方的相关认证注册资格。Party A shall pay the surveillance fee to Party B in o

23、ne-time within 20 days upon receiving the Notice for Surveillance Assessment. Party B shall arrange the surveillance assessment upon the receipt of surveillance fees. Party B reserves the right to suspend surveillance assessment if Party A fails to pay the full amount in time and could resume the as

24、sessment upon the receipt of full payment. If Party A fails to pay the full amount of relevant fee within 12 months, Party A could be regarded as to be incompliance with assessment criterion and Party B could suspend or withdraw the certification qualification of Party A according to relevant regula

25、tions.6、审核员的食、宿、交通费用由甲方按实际发生数承担。The accommodation, meals and travel expenses of auditors shall be borne by Party A四、风险 Risks1、甲方建立的质量环境职业安全健康治理体系,如达不到或不能持续满足标准要求和乙方的规定要求,将承担不能取得或暂停或被撤销认证注册资格的风险。If the QMS/EMS/OHSMS established by Party A fails to meet or could not continuously meet the requirements

26、of the standards and the regulations set up by Party B, Party A shall bear the risks that certification qualification could not be granted or could be suspended or withdrawn.2、乙方要承担甲方获证后质量环境职业安全健康治理体系失效,发生重大质量环境职业安全事故而引起托付方的顾客不中意被投诉,乃至被国家认可委暂停、撤销实施认证、注册资格的风险。Party B shall bear the risks that unsatis

27、fied customers might make appeals against Party B due to the ineffectiveness of the certified QMS/EMS/OHSMS and major quality/environment/occupational safety accidents of Party A, and even the risks that the qualification to conduct certification activities might be suspended or withdrawn by CNAB3、在

28、认证过程中甲方因乙方责任的任何损失,其索赔的赔偿费将不得超过甲方的认证审核费;乙方将不承担超出认证审核费以外的任何损失赔偿。For the losses of Party A caused by the failure of Party B, the compensations claimed by Party A shall not exceed the assessment fee paid by Party A. Party B does not bear any compensations that exceed the assessment fee.4、甲方应承担因证书误用或认证标志

29、使用不当而引起的乙方损失。The losses of Party B caused by the misuse of certificates and logos of Party A shall be borne by Party A5、甲方、乙方因各自的缘故不能在合同规定的期限内如期认证审核,责任方要向对方支付认证费用的20%作为违约金。甲方提出终止合同时应支付审核费的20作为乙方预备工作的费用;乙方由于非甲方的缘故而提出终止合同时应支付审核费的20作为甲方的赔偿。If assessments could not be conducted during the time prescribe

30、d in the Contract due to Party A or Party Bs reason, the responsible party shall pay 20% of the assessment fee as penalty. If Party A proposes the termination of assessment, Party A shall pay 20% of assessment fee to Party B for the preparation work that Party B has fulfilled. If Party B proposes th

31、e termination of assessment due to the reasons not related to Party A, Party B shall pay 20% of assessment fee to Party A as compensation.五、双方的责任和义务 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties甲方责任 Obligations of Party A甲方应至少在认证审核的两个月之前提供治理体系文件由乙方进行文件审核。Party A shall submit the management system documents

32、 to Party B for document review at least two months prior to the assessment. 甲方在认证审核时应提供至少三个月的体系运行的有效证据。Party A shall provide effective evidence that the system has been in operation for at least three months. 甲方应为乙方提供审核所需的全部文件和资料(施工、勘测、设计、监理、物业治理、房地产开发企业还要提供近两年完成和在建的所有工程项目名单以及工程项目业主的通讯联络电话和传真)。Part

33、y A shall provide the full set of documents and material required by the assessment (organizations engaged in construction, exploration, design, supervision and management, property management and real estate development industries shall also provide the list of all the completed projects and projec

34、ts sites under construction within the last two years, and the contact details of the owners of the projects). 甲方应为乙方提供审核必需的工作条件和食、宿、行方便,并积极配合审核工作,确保其顺利进行。Party A shall provide necessary working conditions including meals, accommodations and transportation for Party B for the implementation of the a

35、ssessment甲方应按期向乙方交付合同确定的费用。Party A shall pay the certification fee as defined in the Contract to Party B within the defined time. 甲方因故被暂停或撤消认证注册资格时,应暂停使用证书和认证标志或向乙方交回全部认证证书和销毁全部认证标志。If the certification qualification of Party A has been suspended or withdrawn, Party A shall cease the use of certific

36、ates and logos, or return all the certificates to CCCI and destroy all the certification logos.2、乙方责任 Obligations of Party B 乙方应按时组织实施治理体系审核工作,并提早将审核打算通知甲方。Party B shall implement the assessment of management system in defined time and shall issue the audit plan to Party A in advance. 乙方的审核组成员应按有关规定

37、配备,并征得甲方同意。The members in the audit team of Party B shall be appointed according to relevant regulations and shall be agreed by Party A. 乙方应公正、科学、客观、实事求是地提出问题和处理问题。Party B shall carry out the assessments in an impartial, scientific and objective manner乙方作出审核结论后,应及时办理是否批准甲方取得或保持认证注册资格的手续。Party B shal

38、l decide and fulfill the procedures, in a timely manner, whether the certification qualification of Party A shall be granted or maintained once the audit conclusion has been drawn. 六、甲方获证后的权利和义务 Rights and Obligations of Party A after Being Certified1、甲方具有按规定正确使用其质量环境职业安全健康治理体系认证证书和标记的合法权益。Party A h

39、as the right to use the certificates and logos of QMS/EMS/OHSMS according to relevant regulations2、甲方具有对外正确宣传其获得质量环境职业安全健康治理体系认证注册资格的权利。Party A has the right to advertise and publicize the certification qualification of its QMS/EMS/OHSMS.3、在认证证书有效期内,甲方的质量治理环境职业安全健康治理体系有重大变更时,须向乙方通报。Party A shall inf

40、orm Party B about major changes of Party As QMS/EMS/OHSMS during the validity period of the certificates4、甲方要求变更其认证证书的范围时,必须向乙方提出申请,由乙方按规定决定是否进行重新审核。When Party A intends to change the certification scope, Party A shall make applications to Party B, who shall decide, according to relevant regulations

41、, whether re-assessment is required5、甲方如持有乙方所颁发的带有CNAB(即中国认证机构国家认可委员会)认可标志的认证证书,应同意CNAB安排的见证评审;如甲方拒绝同意CNAB见证评审的安排,乙方将视甲方违反认可规范并暂停其认证资格。If the certificates held by Party A have the accreditation mark of CNAB (China National Accreditation Board for Certifiers), Party A shall receive the witness assess

42、ments arranged by CNAB. If Party A fails to accept such arranges of CNAB, Party A shall be regarded as violating accreditation criterion and Party B could suspend Party As certification qualification.七、保密原则 Confidentiality乙方不得将甲方经营、生产状况及技术信息以任何方式泄漏给第三方,但下列情况除外Party B shall not release any informatio

43、n regarding the management, production and techniques of Party A to a third party by any means, with the following exceptions::1、合同签署前乙方得到的消息。Information acquired by Party B prior to the signing of Contract. 2、甲方企业已公开的资料。Public information of Party A. 3、法律另有要求时。Requirements of the Law.4、 国家主管部门或有管辖权

44、的司法机构和仲裁机关做出判决、裁定、裁决等司法文书要求时。Requirements by the national authorized departments and the decisions made by arbitration committee. 八、适用法律和争议解决 Governing Law and Disputes Resolution1、本合同的签署、解释和履行适用中华人民共和国法律。The execution, explanation and implementation of this Contract shall be subject to and governed

45、 by the aw of Peoples Republic of China.2、因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的争议,双方应当协商解决,如达不成协议,按以下第3项进行处理。 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through negotiation and co-ordination between both parties. If such negotiation fails, bosh party shall resolve the dispute in acco

46、rdance with Clause 2 below.3、因本合同所发生的任何争议,均应提交北京仲裁委员会,按该会届时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract should be submitted to the Beijing Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration in effect at the time of apply

47、ing for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. 九、固定费用讲明 Explanations of Fixed Fees1、每张国内证书:申请费(元)1000 审定与注册费(元)2000 年金(元)2000Domestic Certificates: Application Fee: 1000Yuan; Evaluation and Registration Fee: 2000Yuan; Annual Fee: 2000Yuan. 2、每张国际证书:申请费(元)1000 审定与注册费(

48、元)4000 International Certificates: Application Fee: 1000Yuan; Evaluation and Registration Fee: 4000Yuan. 3、复评审核不收取申请费,审定与注册费、年金按照以上1、2所述收取 No Application Fee will be charged for re-assessment, Evaluation and Registration Fee and Annual Fee will be charged according to Item 1 and 2 above. 4、本合同以中英文书写

49、,两种文本不一致时,以中文本的规定为准。This Contract is written in Chinese version and English version. In case there is any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version should prevail.十、其他 Others1、合同于双方签字盖章后生效,双方签订时刻不一致的以乙方签字时刻为生效时刻。The Contract will be effective upon signed and stamped by both parties.

50、When the signing times of each party are different, the Contract will be effective upon the signing time of Party B.2、本合同不得随意涂改,如有更改需得到双方认可,并由更改方盖章确认。The Contract shall not be altered. Both party shall sign and stamp the contract for confirmation of any change. 3、单一体系认证时本合同一式三份,甲方一份,乙方两份;The Certification Contract for one single management system shall be produced in three copies, one of which shall be kept by Party A and two of which shall be kept by Party B. 两种体系认证时本合同一式四份,甲方一份,乙方三份;The Certification Contract for two management systems shall


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