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1、 介绍茶文化英语作文介绍茶文化得英语作文 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢得量大了累积仅不国中,来年千几茶叶种植,生产得物质文化,而且还积累了丰富得茶文化,这就是独特得中国茶文化,文化研究领域得精神。下面就是小编精心为您整理得关于茶文化得英语作文,一起来瞧瞧。关于茶文化得英语作文T fo yrotsH ae eenihCa Accordig to u Yu, write he b Tea Classics durn the Tag Dynay, Chinse tea ha noye a hioy mor than 400 yers。Ta was us a fengegev

2、 ,uohZ te in e ping nd Autumn perod, an edii in th Warring perd。ae in the Ws Han dyasy, t ecame a majorthe 300 ear betwen he Three Kidom riod and he ohrn ad outhern ntis, esecall in he atter ra, Buddhm as extemly popuar. he dhs applie ea to eiee sleep in Za-n, so tea tres spead ao valleys an around

3、udhist mples. Tha s wh people say tea and uddhism cpaied each othr dung teir deelome in China、 Till th Tang Dynat, tea bce pul wit e cmon opl。n the ing Dynast, t trade en t pla an impotat r in h government” ecomic plans and the Ta an Hre urau wa e up to suevise he ea trad、 In h 6th entr, a Buddhist

4、mon roh ea t Jaan and in the 16h cuy a Prtuguse missinar nroduced ea towas the tht tea trl bcam an nteraonal dink、 resently in hna, the tea famil not onl onsits of tdtnal t, but als ta beerage, a food, ta medicine and ther tea proucts、:译翻带中国茶茶得历史根据得鲁豫,这本书得作者茶经典在唐代,中国茶享有 4000多年得历史。茶作为产品,方西在蔬菜在春秋时期,春秋

5、战国与医学。后来在西方汉代,它成为一个主要得商品。三国之间得300年期间,南北朝时期,尤其就是在后者得时代,佛教就是非常受欢迎得、佛教徒茶适用于缓解睡在打坐,所以茶叶树沿着山谷与传播佛教寺庙。这就就是为什么人们说茶与佛教在中国陪着对方在她们得发展。直到唐朝,茶成为受老百姓得欢迎。明代,茶叶贸易开始发挥重要作用在政府得经济计划与茶与马局成立监督茶叶贸易。在公元 6 世纪,一个与尚带了茶在日本与欧洲16世纪葡萄牙传教士介绍了茶、就在那时,真正成为了一个国际饮料茶。目前在中国,茶得家庭不仅包括传统茶、茶饮料、茶食品、茶药与其她茶产品、关于茶文化得英语作文 2 he ulture of Tea Whe

6、n a guest es to my om fom afar o a cod niht, igt bamboo to boil te o ofr him、 Anint Chinei te home cuntry f tea、 Befoe te Tan Dynasty, Chinse te a expor y ld an e, firt t Japn and Kora, thn to Inda ad Cntral Asa and, in the Mig and g dste, t the Abin Pennla. n te early peiod of the 17th entury, Ces

7、tea s epred t Epe, hee t uppe class adoed te fasion o rnking tea。hiese te ike Cise sil an cn ha beme snonymos rlwide wth re ultur。At har of h cultur of tea th stuy and practe f tea i al is apects is t sipe esture of oerig cu o tea to a gues tht r Chnese pe tay a undamn socal cstom, as it hs been frt

8、raes h evelpmet o tea s a rt form o Lu Yu, now the at of Tea n Chiese hstory, who lved during e ang Dynst nd ho wrot Te Bok f T, te irs ever treti n ta nd ta ltu、 The spirt of e permeates Chinese utr, nd hoghout t countr there e any kins of teas, taouss, ta egeds, te arfacts and tea utoms、 Bee-known

9、 places t enjy a god cup o te n Chin incue Beijin note for its vriety of eahoe; jin and Guangdg province and other places n h sueast of Chia tat erve gonu ta, a form ering of t in iy us; the Wt Lke in Hangzo, aso te hoe f h Tea onnoseus Asociatio, td for is ecellent green te; n povies i sothwe hn lk

10、e Yunn hre te etni group less afeced by frign cuturs retin e cremnis and custom in gial eagroing aeas。:译翻带 茶得文化 当一个客人从远方来我得家在一个寒冷得晚上,我光吃煮茶给她。中国古代诗歌、中国就是茶得故乡。在唐代之前,中国茶就是由陆地与海洋出口,日本与韩国,然后到印度与中亚,在明清时期,阿拉伯半岛。在 17 世纪早期,中国茶叶出口到欧洲,喝茶得上层阶级采用了时尚。中国茶喜欢中国丝绸与中国已成为全世界得精致文化。得核心文化茶茶得研究与实践在其所有方面得简单手势向客人提供一杯茶,今天中国人民

11、就是一个基本得社会风俗,它已经持续了数百年。中国茶作为一种艺术形式得发展痕迹得鲁豫,称为圣茶在中国历史上,住在唐代与谁写得这本书得茶,首次论述茶与茶文化。茶得精神渗透到中国文化,在全国有很多种类得茶,茶馆,茶得传说,茶工件与茶习俗。知名得地方享受一杯好茶在中国包括北京出名各种茶馆;福建与广东东南部省份与其她地方得中国工夫茶,正式得小杯茶,西湖在杭州,也茶叶鉴赏家得家协会,指出因其优秀得绿茶;与在中国西南省份云南得少数民族不受外国文化影响保留在原始产茶地区茶仪式与习俗。关于茶文化得英语作文化文茶国中 It i 4000 yars since h Ciese bega to gr and dri

12、ea. The are mn kind of a in China, o whch Longjig ea is famous ll ove the ord、 Tea i sually drun in ta sets、 A ta s is mae up of a tea pot and some teacs, wich e bt ade of chn。Mst hnee are fond o rinng ta. T is seved ot ly a te hue an restauants u as a e、 People aso dik tea drig eaks t offices or facoris.ird aht derevocsid neeb sh tIking ea dos a lot o good to peoples halth。A up of a an ke ou reaed and efshed。An ts said th geen cn prvnt ncer。That hy ta is eng oe nd or poplar with epl。ojne na uoy eh I, ts t hines ea、04 茶喝与植种始开人国中从自年了。是就茶井龙中其,茶种多许有国中在世界


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