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1、探索尚未知道的东西Module 7I .单词拼写He writes novels. He is a n.My best friend is very popular with her pupils. They enjoy her p.Shes very c about her daughter.The place is very attractive. It a huge numbers of tourists.She looks like her mother. That is to say, she r her mother.Please try not to be so c when y

2、ou do your homework.There are many h people because of the earthquake.She is a very s person. She is always doing things for others.He is familiar with English. That is to say, he has a good k of English.Mayan society is made up of many independent city states. That is to say, Mayan society c of man

3、y independent city states.答案:1.novelist 2.popularity 3.concerned 4.attracts 5.resembles 6.careless 7.homeless 8.selfless 9.knowledge 10.consistsn.短语翻译an outstanding sportsmanfall in loveget awaybe concerned aboutbe concerned with深受的欢迎由组成有人口被用作在历史的同一时期答案:1.一位杰出的运动员突然开始)爱上离;离开心于;涉及be popular with.cons

4、ist of.have a population of.be used as.at the same period in historym .完成句子.她不但拒绝了礼物,而且严厉批评了送礼者。she refuse the gift, but also severely criticized the sender.玛丽是在公园里丢了书。in the park Mary lost her book.战争结束他才能回家。the war ended he able to return home.他俩一见钟情。Theyeach other instantly.抱歉来晚了。我刚才开会无法离开二Im sor

5、ry Im late. I was in a meeting and couldnt.答案:1.Not only didIt was, thatOnly when, wasfell in love withget awayIV.单项填空My brother is an actor. He in several films so far.A. appearsB . appearedC. has appearedD. is appearing答案:C解析:句中so far多与现在完成时连用。The book just published is very students.A . welcome b

6、yB . popular toC. welcome withD . popular with答案:D解析:be popular with意为“受欢迎”。You can come and talk to me you feel lonely.A . whereverB . whateverC. howeverD . whenever答案:D解析:whenever引导状语从句,意为“每当的时候”。(2010辽宁鞍山13中学高二 3月份考)He is taller than he.A. used B. used to beC. used to D. used to do答案:B解析:学生在做该题时,

7、极易选择C,原因是为了避免重复已经出现的动词,以不定式to来代替整个不定式结构,而正确的答案是 B。如果在省略的动词不定式结构中含有be, have或have been, 通常保留 be, have been。The final examination is coming up soon. Its time for us to our studies.A . get down toB . get outC. get back toD . get over答案:A解析:get down to意为“开始着手干”。In that case, there is nothing you can do t

8、han wait.A . moreB . otherC. betterD . any答案:B解析:other than = but意为“除之外。Show cheerfulness even when you dont feel it, ?A . will youB . do youC. may youD . cant you答案:A解析:祈使句后反意疑问句应用will you。. There is a new problem in the popularity of private cars road conditionsneed.A . that; to be improvedwhich;

9、to be improvedwhere; improvingwhen; improving答案:A解析:that 弓 I导同位语从句,need doing = need to be done。Sarah, hurry up, Im afraid you wouldnt have time to before the party.A. get changedB . get changeC. get changingD . get to change答案:A解析:get changed意为“换衣服”。We were in when we left that we forgot the airlin

10、e tickets.A . a rush so anxiousB . a such anxious rushC. so an anxious rushD . such an anxious rush答案:D解析:考查suchthat句式,such后跟名词。V .完形填空The Depression(萧条)didnt make much change in my grandparents lives. But it did bring an unending flow of men out of_1_ , drifting(being carried)from job to job, to th

11、e farm. The_2 _to show up at the door of the kitchen was a man in rags. He quietly 3 that he hadnt eaten for a while. Grandpa stood watching him a_4_ , then said, “ Theres a pile of firewood against the fence behind the barn. I _5_to get it moved to the other side of the fence. You have just about_6

12、_time to finish the job before lunch.”Grandma said a_7_thing happened. The man got a_8_in his eyes and he hurried to the barn at once. She 9 another place at the table and made an apple pie. During lunch, the stranger didnt_10_ much, but when he left, his_11_straightened. Nothing ruins a man like_12

13、_hisselfrespect, “ Grandpa later told me.Soon after, another man_13_up asking for a meal. This one was dressed _14_a suit and carried a small suitcase. Grandpa came out, looked at the man and offered a_15.“ There is a pileof firewood along the fence down the barn. Ive been meaning to get it moved. Y

14、ou should be a_16_to me. And wed be pleased to have you_17; for lunch. ”The fellow set his suitcase_18_and neatly laid his coat on top. Then he set_19_to work. Grandma says she doesnt remember how many strangers they 20 meals with during those Depression daysor how many times that pile of firewood g

15、ot moved.文章大意:本文主要讲的是在经济萧条时期,失业的人很多,爷爷为了不伤行乞者的自 尊而让他们“干活”、“吃饭”的故事。A.life B. businessC. farming D. work答案:D解析:因为是经济萧条时期,所以失业的人很多,故选 DoA.guestB . firstC. secondD. next答案:B解析:从文章所叙述的两个乞丐可知这是第一个(first),后面是另一个(another man)。A.explainedB . spokeC. describedD . talked答案:A解析:从后面的宾语从句that he hadneaten for a w

16、hile.来说明(explain)他行乞的原因。A.glanceB . timeC. minuteD . look答案:C解析:此处的a minute意为一会儿。注意不能选A、D,因为它们与动词 watch重复。A.dreamB . wantC. likeD. decide答案:B解析:比较4个选项,只有B最合适。A.someB . fullC. muchD . enough答案:D解析:从后面的午饭前这个时间来判断,有足够的(enough)时间来完成这项工作,其余选项均不符合语境。A.fearingB . funnyC. seriousD . surprising答案:D解析:根据常识,给乞

17、丐一点吃的,打发走就行了,但是爷爷让他搬柴火,他还欣然同 意了,所以奶奶说这是一件令人惊奇的(surprising)事。A.lightB . flameC. shineD . fire答案:C解析:爷爷的善意安排使这个乞丐的自尊未受到伤害,所以他的眼睛为之一亮。A.putB . tookC. setD . sat答案:C解析:根据后面的place一词来判断,是在桌子旁“安排 (set)” 了一个地方。A.sayB . drinkC. eatD . have答案:A解析:因为是乞丐,所以在吃饭时不可能多说话,也不可能多喝酒。A.shouldersB . armsC. feetD . hands答

18、案:A解析:根据常理判断,乞丐是挺直了肩膀。A.throwingB . losingC. hurtingD . protecting答案:B解析:因为他觉得让他干些活而给他吃顿饭,没有让他失去(losing)自尊。A.wentB . appearedC. cameD . showed答案:D解析:从上文第2空后的show up可得出答案。A.upB . inC. withD . by答案:B解析:be dressed in意为穿着;是固定短语。A.smileB . waveC. nodD. handshake答案:D解析:因为第二个乞丐衣帽整齐,又带着一个小箱子,所以他爷爷客气地跟他“握握手”

19、。A.favourB . offerC. helpD . wonder答案:C解析:help在此意为“帮手”。A.stayB . remainC. honourD. wait答案:A解析:从上文判断让他帮忙搬柴火,他们乐意“留”他吃午饭。stay表示“短暂的停留”。A.awayB. asideC. alongD . around答案:B解析:根据常识和语境:他把箱子“放到一边 (set aside),然后整齐地把衣服放在箱子 上面。A.inB. outC. upD. upon答案:B解析:set out是“开始着手做某事”的意思。A.sparedB . suppliedC. supported

20、D . shared答案:D解析:因为是一起吃饭,所以是共同分享(share with)。VI .阅读理解Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. There are other people who can only remember things when they have said them over and over.Charles Dickens, the famous English author, said that he could walk dow

21、n any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many great men of the world have had wondeful memories.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child. Some childrenlike

22、boys and girls who liveabroad with their parents seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects as well.The human mind is rather like a camera, but it takes

23、photographs not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photograph with a camera, there is much to do before the photograph is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can make a picture remain fore

24、ver in the mind.How do most people remember things according to the text?A . Most people remember things as soon as they come across them.Most people remember things through repeating them over and over.Most people remember things by accident.Most people remember things with others reminding.答案:B解析:

25、该题属于事实细节题。第一段提到少数人有非凡的记忆力,其他人(多数人)靠机械地重复进行记忆。因此,正确选项为Bo C、D两项文中没有提到。A person, like Charles Dickens,.A . likes remembering the names of the shopscan write language very quicklycan learn language very quicklycan learn things easily by heart答案:D解析:该题属于推理判断题。著名作家狄更斯能记住一条街道中的所有商店名,像他这 样的人必然有很好的记忆力,能很容易记住事物。因此,正确选项为D。What should we do with the photo


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