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1、M4U3 Reading(I): Not just watching a film 教案 (A business presentation) 课堂设计指导思想:本课是一节阅读课,文体是(business presentation)商业演示。阅读课是训练学生阅 读理解能力的主要途径,因此在阅读课中要用快速阅读和精读相结合、细节阅读和结构分析 相结合,以及小结、讨论或辩论等方式,全方位地训练学生的阅读理解能力。同时,耍使学 生迅速地融入课堂活动,也必须创设真实的情境,使学生能在真实的情境中完成各项阅读任 务的同时,完成自身内在意义的建构。教学目标By the end of this section

2、, students will be able to:know a new type of essay - business presentation ;understand RealCine and Virtual Reality (VR);master the main idea of the passage;get the structure of the reading.教学步骤Teaching ProceduresStudents9 ActivitiesPurposeStep 1 Lead-in (3 min)Greeting!Watch a short video about 3-

3、D film.Before reading, we talk about the relationship between RealCine and Visual Reality (VR). Lefs learn the passage.Arouse students* interest and lead in the topic for this lesson.由于课文中的RealCii 在现实生活中还不存 在,因此学生较难对1 一概念产生直观感受。 从学生熟悉的电影片E 出发,用问题层层递 进,激发学生的学习3 趣。LMind Map Drawing (思维导图绘制).自由发挥Presen

4、tation (individual work before class)1. Serve as a warm-up for the following tasks.Step 2. Fast- readingII.Answer the following questions (回答以下问题)(1)A business presentation is an introduction of(2)Features of a good presentation are(3)What is the name of the product?2. Develop students ability to sc

5、an and skim.(lOmin)(4)What information about RealCine is provided in the article?1.2.3.IILAnalyze the structure of the textPara1 The introduction of RealCinePara3. Help students learnParaParathe structure of a neIV.Choose the best answer.(选择)genre.通过快速阅读,使学lWhat is the main idea of the text ?(主旨大意)A

6、.To advise us to see a VR film.B.To show us a presentation about RealCine.C.To tell us something about a real film.D.To tell us something about the authors real dream.What might people use RealCine for? Which one is wrong?(细节理解)Making filmsTreating people with healthy problemsTraining and educationU

7、rban planning.了解文章的大意和结构, 有助于培养学生的速度。Step 3 Detailed- reading (20 min)Why it is better than a film (para2)FilmAaudience watches and hears what is happening on a screen.RealCineRealCine puts you into the action and connects with your senses ofin anway.Convincing fact or example (para2)Feel-Experience

8、-,EnjoyHow it works (para3)Please find the specific information about RealCine.(fill the blanks)How it can be used in other ways (para4-7)Para 4. In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.Para 5. With VR we are able to do things that

9、could never be achieved in real life.Para 6. VR can be used to practise skills in secure environment that otherwise would be quite dangerous.Para 7. RealCine provides fantastic technology for urban planning.Are there any convincing examples?Para4 :Para5:Para6:Para7:Enable students to have a basic un

10、derstanding of th story by applying th newly learnt reading skills.“Task-based” teaching method is used here to develo the Ss communication skil 本练习旨在检测和培养 学生在文中找到指定1 息的能力。Step 4 Post-reading (10 min)SummaryPara 1:A brief introductionPara 2:Para 3:Para 4-7:The city are interested in RealCine and hav

11、e written a reply to the presentation. Please flnish the task.语法填空Thank you for your presentation about virtual reality. We were amazed by RealCines achievement in allowing 1.(user) to experience theHimalayas, without ever having to go there. Certainly, no one using it for funThis part is a step fur

12、ther into the understanding of th short story. In doing so, students can hav a better understanding of what makes for a good family.用辩论的形式可以使, 生再次认真审视RealCine的优缺点, 更深入地理解文章内 容,檄活课堂气氛, 使全班学生都积极地, 考,全身心地参与到: 学活动中。and games will be2.(disappoint). However, in many ways virtual reality seems more like a

13、toy rather than 3.useful technology. We would like you to further explain 4.we can use this in urban planning. We are not very 5.(confidence) as to whether an operator will be able to use RealCine 6.(easy).We are concerned about the price, as well. You put 7.the idea that we will save money if we us

14、e Realine. This may be true in the long term. However, the cost of building a VR studio is quite high, and this8.(seem) like a real disadvantage. Please send 9.(we) more information on the daily costs and on how much time a design usually takes using RC. Otherwise, we cannot go forward.While we are very interested in RC, we will need much more information 10.we can make a decision.Best regardsCheng YigeDiscussion(Group work)If you are the presenter, how wi


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