高考英语一轮 Unit 1 Women of achievement指导活页作业 新人教版必修4_第1页
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高考英语一轮 Unit 1 Women of achievement指导活页作业 新人教版必修4_第5页
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1、PAGE PAGE 7必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement一、单项填空1In China,_private car is becoming_popular means of transportation.Aa;/Bthe;aCa;the Dthe;the解析:考查冠词。第一个空考查定冠词the用于可数名词的单数前指类别;第二个空表示一类事物中的一个,故用不定冠词a。means表示“方式”单复数同形,此处是单数。答案:B2That she hadnt kept her _ on her work resulted in failure.Ahead BheartCbrai

2、n Dmind解析:考查名词的意义区别。根据后面的resulted in failure可知,她没有专心于工作,而keep ones mind on意思为“专心于”,因此,D项正确。答案:D3Your new dictionary is so nice,Lily?Thank you,Mary.Are you considering buying_for yourself?Ait BoneCthe one Dthat解析:考查代词。句意:Lily,你的新词典这么好啊!谢谢你,Mary,你也想为自己买一本吗?one表示泛指类似的“一本”。答案:B4The conference aims to de

3、velop business and let people think about_they can have a positive influence on the planet.Awhy BthatCwhat Dhow解析:考查名词性从句。句意:这个会议目的是为了发展经济和让人们考虑他们怎样保护地球。how引导的从句作think about的宾语从句,从句中不缺少主语或宾语,由句意可知“让人们如何对地球有积极的影响”,故选D项。答案:D5It rained nonstop for ten days,completely_ our holiday.Ato ruin BruinedChavin

4、g ruined Druining解析:动词的ing形式作结果状语,表示主动关系。句意:雨一连下了10天,把我们的假期完全都破坏了。答案:D6The news today can draw public attention to _ help is actually needed.Athat BwhereCwhich Dwhose解析:考查从句的引导词的选用。where引导的从句作介词to的宾语。句意:今天的新闻把公众的注意力引到确实需要帮助的地方去了。答案:B7Did you finish your project,Marie?No,I was going to type it out bu

5、t I _ visitors.Ahave BhadChave had Dwill have解析:考查动词的时态。由语境可知,回答者没有完成是因为:她打算打出来的时候来了客人。客人来发生在过去,所以应用一般过去时态。答案:B8Lucy looks_ in red while green clothes are nice _Lily.Agood;on Bwell;inCgood;at Dwell;for解析:考查形容词和介词。第一个空look 是系动词,后跟形容词作表语;第二个空表示“穿在某人身上”用介词on。句意:Lucy穿着红色的衣服很美,然而Lily穿着绿色的衣服也很不错。答案:A9Tomo

6、rrow _ my daughters birthday.Id like you and Jane to come.Im not sure if she _ free.Awill be;is Bis going to;isCis;is Dis;will be解析:第一个空是表示“不以人的意志为转移的客观事实”,用一般现在时或一般将来时;第二个空前的if表示“是否”,并且表示“将来的情况”,因此用一般将来时。答案:D10What makes you so upset?_.AI lost my new laptopBThat I lost my new laptopCLost my new lap

7、topDI lost my new laptop does解析:考查特殊疑问句的答语。此处是省略答语,用了一个主语从句针对what进行了回答,主语从句前的关联词that不可省略,其完整答语是:That I lost my new laptop makes me so upset.。答案:B11Ill thank you _me with my English.I will.With pleasure.Ahelping Bto helpCto helping Dnot to help解析:Ill thank you to do sth.为固定句型“请你好不好,请你做某事”是较随便的请托说法。句意

8、:请你帮我学英语好不好。我会的。我很愿意。答案:B12How much sugar did you put in the coffee?Im sorry to say,_.I forget. Ano BnoneCnothing Dno one解析:考查不定代词。此处none指的是not any sugar,也就是说,此处可以这样理解:Im sorry to say that I didnt put any sugar in the coffee,because I forgot it.。答案:B13The crying baby eventually found _ in the arms o

9、f her mother,sleeping through the whole afternoon.Acomfort BadvantageCconvenience Dprescription解析:考查名词辨析。comfort“安慰,舒适”;advantage“益处,优越性,有利条件”;convenience“便利”;prescription“处方,医生开的药”。句意:那个哭泣的婴儿最终在妈妈的怀抱中找到了安慰,睡了整整一个下午。答案:A14I have no idea _ is actually happening ahead of the line of cars held up.Athat

10、 BwhatCas Dwhich解析:what引导的从句作idea的同位语从句,并且what在从句中作主语。句意:我不知道受阻的车队前面在发生什么事。答案:B 15Dad,if your wound _ get more painful again,do call me without any delay.Amay BwouldCcould Dshould解析:考查情态动词的特殊用法。should作为情态动词,可以用在条件状语从句中,表示较强的假设,译作“万一”,这时也可将should置于从句之首,即放在从句主语的前面,而省略从属连词if。答案:D1What does the author t

11、hink of his apartment and the rent?AThe apartment is good but the rent is high.BThe apartment is good and the rent is reasonable.CThe apartment isnt good but the rent is very low.DThe apartment isnt good and the rent is high.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段I do live in a comfortable apartment complex with fair rent可知

12、,作者租的公寓住着舒服而且价格公道。答案:B2What is the stupid decision according to the author?ATo buy a house of his own.BTo rent a big house.CTo be in debt in his life.DTo destroy his good credit.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,作者在经济上无法承受再买20万美元以上的房子的负担。作者不希望因为这个愚蠢的决定而背上沉重的债务并毁坏他良好的信誉。由此可推知,作者认为买房子是愚蠢的决定。答案:A3In the third paragraph

13、 the author mainly tells us_.Athat he will move in less than a yearBthat he will study for a doctor degreeCwhy he doesnt buy a house in AlabamaDwhy he makes up his mind to leave Alabama解析:写作意图题。根据第三段可知,作者一年内要搬家了,他要到新奥尔良攻读博士。他现在买房子的想法已经没有了,他不想在Alabama安家。因此在Alabama买房子是浪费时间、金钱和精力。由此可知,本段主要是说作者在Alabama不

14、买房子的原因。答案:C4In the authors eyes,_.AAmericans pay too much in taxesBit is very difficult to live in AmericaCone can hardly realize his dreams in AmericaDrenting has more advantages than disadvantages解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,租房子并不总是阳光和彩虹,也有不如意的地方,比如邻居很吵。但作者很高兴租房子住,他会继续租下去。由此可推知,在作者的眼里,租房子利大于弊。答案:DBColoring p

15、ages and pictures have always been of great interest for the teachers and parents because of their great benefits.Coloring pages and printable pictures facilitate(促进)the teaching process for the teachers,parents and the learning process for the children.This is the main reason for their popularity a

16、mong them.Coloring pages help parents and teachers facilitate the kids to recognize different colors and objects.Children like them as they contain colorful pictures and interesting objects like their favorite movie heroes or cartoons.Children are very enthusiastic and always filled with thrill.When

17、 they see adults performing an outstanding job,they want to get involved.This passion can be directed to a positive activity through which they not only learn related lessons,but also gain healthy knowledge.Children are quick learners and they develop an opinion about everything they see.To build th

18、eir character,coloring pages can play an important role.The use of the Internet in this area is greatly helpful;there is a lot of stuff available in the form of free sheets,printable pictures and printable coloring sheets.Most of the stuff is free of cost and can be downloaded from the Internet.On s

19、ome sites,you may need to fill out a subscription form in order to download these coloring pages but this subscription is often very simple.Getting involved in the learning process with these coloring pictures gives an additional advantage of familiarity of introduction with the technology.There is

20、another advantage of these coloring pages and picturesthey lead to the creative talent and the hidden abilities in the children.They create their own ideas and express those using colors and lines on coloring pages and coloring pictures.When they find some coloring sheets,they connect the ideas and

21、thoughts that come to their minds.This is good that teachers and parents can easily assess the way of thinking of children so that they can plan programs for them which will give them the right direction to their thoughts and ideas.There are many other benefits associated with the coloring,making them prominent(突出的)le


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