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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、May I go to the zoo with you next Sunday?No, you cant, you have a ticket. I have only one ticket.Aif Buntil Cor Dunless2、How amazing!

2、 Scientists took a photo of_black hole in _space last month.Athe ; aBa; /Cthe; anDa; a3、-Is Tom still in New York or already back at home?-Im not sure _. Ill call to make sure.Ahow he will be backBthat he has come backCwhy he has come backDif he has been back4、_ you do in the future, you should try

3、your best to do it well.AHoweverBWheneverCWhoeverDWhatever5、I turned to bookshops and libraries looking for information and found _.AnoneBbothConeDneither6、I want to know_ he went yesterday. He went to his friends home.AwhereBwhyCwhenDwhat7、China is trying to develop winter sports for the 2022 Winte

4、r Olympics,No wonder people are showing more in them.AinterestBcourageCvictory8、You need to walk _ happiness because it wont happen to you itself.AwithBbeforeCbehindDtowards9、 Would you please come to the dancing party with me tonight?_. I suppose we shall have a wonderful night!ANever mindBHave a g

5、ood timeCNot exactlyDWith pleasure10、It is said that students like to talk with friends online.Atwo-thirdsBtwo-threeCtwo-third. 完形填空11、Do you like basketball? Do you know when basketball was invented?Basketball was invented 1 a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, 2 was born in 1861. When he was a

6、college teacher, he was asked 3 of a game that could be played in the winter.Dr. Naismith created a game to be played inside on a hard floor. Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into 4 teams and taught them to play his new game. 5 on the same team must work together to get the ball in 6 teams

7、basket. At the same time, they need 7 the competing team from getting the ball into 8 own basket. Today, the 9 of basketball has risen around the world, 10 many young people dreaming of becoming famous players.1AtoBbyCfor2AthatBwhoCwhose3AthinkingBto thinkCthought4AtwoBthreeCfour5APlayersBTeachersCC

8、hildren6AanotherBotherCthe other7AstoppingBto stopCstop8AtheyBtheirCtheirs9ApopularBpopularityCmore popular10AasBandCwith. 语法填空12、五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Have you ever heard of friendships among animals? At a zoo in Germany, an unusual friendship developed 1a cat and a bear.No one

9、is quite sure how the friendship first began. One day, some 2(worker) in the zoo noticed a black cat was in the bears cage(笼子), and the two animals were playing together peacefully. They were surprised 3well the small cat seemed to get along with the large bear. The bear keeper allowed the cat to st

10、ay with the bear. And later the pair and their unusual friendship 4(become) a hot topic at the zoo.After several years, a new cage5 (build) for the bear. However, the cat was still in the same cage, so it walked around 6(angry) and cried to be with the bear. The bear keeper finally took pity on the

11、cat 7let it stay with the bear. The cat and the bear got 8 (close) than before. They often sat together and shared meals in 9sun.Sometimes it may be natural for animals 10(have) their own ideas about who would make a good friend. These may surprise humans, who usually expect animals to form relation

12、ships with others of the same species. 阅读理解A13、In todays world many people seem to be hungry for money. Some of them even have lost their lives for it. Money does have a great effect on the poor, but if a person has a rich life, a lot more money doesnt mean more happiness.If money were everything, a

13、ll millionaires(百万富翁)would have true love, real friendship, health and a long life. However, this is not always true.Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words “I love you”, but can love be bought? Im afraid not. Love means “give”, not “ take”. Health and a long life are precious(宝贵的)things

14、for every person. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”. Of all the people who live longest in the world, few of them are millionaires. Real friendship cant be bought, either.In a word, where money isworshiped, money can cause brothers to quarrel, lovers to hate,

15、strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have,itis still not enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with and no one to cry for.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内1Whats the most pleasant thing in the writers opinion?AMoney. BHealth and a long life.CFriendship. DLove.2Wh

16、ich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIf you dont have much money, you cant get happiness.BYou may have a long life even if you are poor.CEvery year many people die because they are poor.DIf you are rich, you will have real friendship.3The underlined word “ worship” means “_” in Chi

17、nese.A崇拜 B贬低 C鄙视 D挥霍4What does the passage mainly tell us?AMoney is as important as true love.BMoney isnt necessary.CMoney is important, but not the most important.DMoney can cause some problems.5What does the underlined word “it” refer to?ATo make you a happy person.BTo have someone to laugh with o

18、r cry for.CThe money you have.DYour opinion about money.B14、Biting could be worryingIT makes our fingers look ugly. Its dirty. It could hurt a lot. But many people just cant stop doing it: biting their nails.Up to 45 percent of teenagers in the UK bite their nails, the BBC reported. There are also m

19、any famous nail biters, including ex-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and American singer Britney Spears.Theres nothing wrong with biting nails to keep them tidy. But it could get out of control.Some people bite a nail not because its too long, but because they are driving, reading, feeling stres

20、sed out, or just have nothing else to do.The same could happen to skin picking and hair pulling. A normal behavior could become “pathological”(病态的), as experts say.In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association labeled (把列为) nail biting as an_(OCD). People with this disorder may wash their hands too

21、many times or have to line up their shoes in a certain way.These behaviors have a lot in common. OCD is doing something normal and healthy too much, NPR reported.But nail biting is different from other OCD behaviors in at least one way.“In OCD, the behavior is really unwanted,” Carol Mathews, a psyc

22、hiatrist(精神病医生)at the University of California, San Francisco, told NPR. People with OCD dont want to wash their hands over and over again. There is no fun in it. They just fear that if they dont do something, something else thats very bad will happen to them.But nail biters enjoy it.“Its rewarding.

23、 When you get the right nail, it feels good,” said Mathews.Therefore some people argue that most nail biters are not having a problem as serious as a mental (心理的) disorder.But anyway, its still a bad habit. So what can we do to stop it?Since most people bite nails as a way of relieving (缓解) stress,

24、finding another way to relieve that stress could be useful, suggested Rochelle Torgerson, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in the US. Try playing with your pen instead.Besides, nail biters feel the urge (刺激,冲动) to bite if they find a small imperfect part of the nail, said Mathews. So always keep your nai

25、ls in good shape.1What does the phraseobsessive-compulsive disorderin Paragraph 6 mean?AAn activity that people enjoy doing it.BA kind of behavior that people is really wanted.CA way of doing something that people does it normal and healthy.DA mental disorder that people are unable to control the th

26、oughts or the activities.2How is nail biting different from other OCD behaviors?APeople do it over and over again.BPeople do it happily and willingly.CIt does no harm to peoples health.DIt is a physical and mental problem.3What do doctors suggest people do to stop nail biting?APick skin or pull hair

27、 instead.BForce them to control the urge to bite.CKeep them busy and forget about nails.DFind some other ways to release their stress.C15、Have you ever wanted to grow your own food inside your home? Scientists in Finland have developed a device(设备) that may do just that.Unlike a usual vegetable gard

28、en, it doesnt need soil. But, the small device, called the Cell Pod, grows plant cells which are safe to eat in the home.Lauri Reuter, a biologist, says that instead of using the complete plant as food, scientists take only a small part of itcellsand grow them in a bio-reactor(生物反应器). These plants h

29、ave much of the same nutritional(营养的) value that a real plant has. The plant cells which are safe to eat, once fully grown, do not look very good. The Finnish researchers say they also need to improve the taste. However, the Cell Pod can provide important things that help your body to be healthy.Lau

30、ri Reuter adds that the new technology will not be instead of fields for growing fruits and vegetables. However, the device could help save natural resources. All you would need to do is add the seed culture(培养物) to the device, give it water, sit back and then wait. The machine does the rest of the

31、work.The researchers hope to have a form of the Cell Pod on the market in the next ten years.1If you want to grow vegetables inside your home, you need _.Areal plants and water Bthe seed culture and the Cell PodCthe cells and the soil Dthe complete plant and the device2What can we learn from the pas

32、sage?AThe plant cells are more delicious than the real plants.BPeople will not grow fruit and vegetables in the fields.CThe plant cells are not only healthy but good-looking.DPeople may buy the Cell Pod on the market in the future.3What does the writer think of the Cell Pod?AIt is a usual vegetable

33、garden at home.BIt is a new useful device for growing food.CIt is a difficult way of growing plants.DIt can provide all the nutrition for our body.D16、What is Britpop? Thats a good question. The music is certainly very catchy. You can often recognize a Britpop song as soon as you hear it. Some of th

34、e biggest Britpop bands include Oasis, Blur, Suede and Pulp. However, bands like Oasis that are considered Britpop have more of a rock style (风格).So how do we recognize the difference between Britpop and regular rock or pop? Well, Britpop mixes a number of different pop and rock styles with interest

35、ing lyrics and attitude. But its not just about the music. Britpop is also about fashion, art and politics (政治).If you watch their music videos, youll see how fashionable Britpop singers are. Some of them hire famous artists to help them make more creative videos. English artist Damien Hurst, for ex

36、ample, produced some of Blurs music videos.As for politics, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has talked about how much he enjoys Britpop. Perhaps he was just trying to sound cool to win more votes (投票) from young people.Britpop came and went in the 1990s. Britpop bands had some big hits at the ti

37、me. Pulps most famous song is Common People. Blurs Country House is about a wealthy man who lives a boring life in a big house in the countryside. Blur and Oasis were probably the most popular bands.However, just like many fashion and art trends (潮流), Britpop didnt stick around for long. By the end

38、of the 1990s, Britpop was no longer fashionable. Fewer songs were produced and most Britpop bands broke up.1According to the story, what is Britpop?AThe name of a British band.BA type of music.CA kind of music video.DThe name of a British singer.2Which of the following is true about Britpop?AIt is a

39、 mixture of different pop and rock styles.BIt is about songs without lyrics.CIt is only about art and politics.DIt copied works of famous artists.3What does the underlined phrase “big hits” in Paragraph 5 refer to in the passage?ACreative English artists.BSupporters and fans.CFashionable Britpop sin

40、gers.DPopular Britpop songs and bands.4What can we learn from this passage?ADamien Hurst was one of the best Britpop singers.BTony Blair got more votes for listening to Britpop.CBritpop was a big trend in the 1990s.DBritpop is getting popular again.5In which column of a magazine can you read the tex

41、t?AScience.BSports.CFashion.DBusiness.E17、1Who is this postcard sent to?APeter.BGemma.CKim.2Which country does this postcard come from?ACanada.BAustraliaCEngland.3How did Tom go to Holiday Cove?ABy plane.BBy ship.CBy car.4Why does Peter want to go to the aquarium instead of the crocodile farm?ABecau

42、se he has visited it before.BBecause he is afraid of crocodiles.CBecause he is interested in dolphins.5Where is Tom going on Friday?AHoliday Cove.BRest Harbor.CMill Hill.F18、 Shopping used to mean actually going to shops, but nowadays, you can shop without even leaving your house. Just sit in front

43、of your computer, click your mouse and your things will be sent to your house in a couple of days.November 11this a big day for people who like shopping online. On that day last year, many online stores offered a big discount and free delivery service. The biggest online shopping sites in China,T an

44、d T ,sold things worth 19.1 billion yuan in total.“Goods online are often much cheaper. It also saves me a lot of time. And we often have more goods on many online stores than in shopping malls,” Wang Xin, an online shopping lover in Beijing, said to China Daily. She stayed up very late for a lot of

45、 cheap goods online. She spent several thousand that day.Another big advantage of online shopping is that it helps people get things from different cities, even different countries,_1_“I like eating duck neck very much and I often buy it on Taobao from shops in Wuhan. Its much more delicious than wh

46、at our local (当地的) stores sell, but cheaper,” said Zang Xin, a girl in Yangzhou.While enjoying online shopping, many people also have worries, especially for middle school student buyers. Young students are easily attracted by advertisements on the Internet and buy things they dont need.“Middle scho

47、ol students should pay more attention to their study. Searching for things wastes their time,” said Jing Chunling, an education expert. “Besides, online shop owners have no idea of the ages of their buyers. Anyone can easily buy things that they want to. Some of goods are even bad for young students

48、 such as cigarettes and wine.”1Nowadays many people like shopping online instead of _.Aclicking their mouseBpaying moneyCsitting in front of their computersDgoing to shops2What does the underlined phrase “with ease” mean?A轻松地B困难地C便宜地D昂贵地3According to the article, which of the following is not an advantage of shopping online?AIt can save people time and money.BOnline stores hav


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