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1、Module 4 New technology 一、教学目的本模块的中心话题是技术;通过本话题的学习, 要求能懂得简洁的科技产品说明书,能简洁说明操作步骤;并把握以下学问:1单词: press, button, video, instruction, copy, memory, lend, recorder, second, lady, gentleman, bite, dish, appear, hide, cool, chest, hurt, wrong, medicine, suggest, text 等;2短语:turn on, come on, save ones life, tur

2、n off, connect to, send sb. sth., pick up, bite sb. on the hand, stay + adj., the next day, on holiday, text a message等;3语法: if 引导的条件状语从句 二、重难点学问讲解1If you want to play back, press the green button. 假如你想重播的话,按绿色的键;play back 指的是 “播放 已录制的录音带、录像带等 ”;e.g.I recorded Mikes voice, then played it back to him

3、. 我把迈克的声音录下来,然后放给他听;2Youve done that. 你做对了;这句话字面的意思是“你做过了; ”在本文中表示说话者的确定,意思是“你做对了 /你的操作是正确的;”3If the red light doesnt come on, wait for thirty seconds. 假如红灯没亮,等待 30 秒;come on 在这里的意思是 starts working or functioning 灯或机器 打开,开动 ”;come on 常用在口语中表示一种敦促,意为“来吧、拜托、帮帮忙、动手吧”等; come on 仍可表示“来临、生长、进展、茂密、偶遇、邂逅”等多

4、种含义;e.g.Sing us just one song, Marie, come on.给我们喝首歌;玛莉,拜托啦!Come on, Lucy. You can tell me. I won tell anybody else. 露西,拜托啦,你告知我吧!我不会告知别人的;Come on. Or youll be late 快点儿,不然你就要迟到了;Snow came on toward evening. 黄昏以前就下雪了;The rice was coming on. 水稻长得很好;I came on an old friend yesterday. 昨天我邂逅了一位老友;4Well,

5、shes my friend, and its important for 恩,她是我的伴侣,而且这对她很重要;It s important for sb. 意思是 “ 对某人很重要 ”, It s important for sb. to do sth. 的意思是“做某事对某人很重要”;e.g.It s important for him to pass the exam. 对他来说通过考试很重要;It s very important for us to study a foreign language well. 对我们来说,学好一门外语很重要;拓展: It + 形容词 + for sb

6、. to do sth. 做某事对 来说 此句型中的 it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语;这是一个特别有用的句型,期望同学们务必把握,在需要的时候信手拈来;e.g.It s good for people to do morning exercises. 晨练对人是有好处的;It s dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 小孩们穿越繁忙的街道是很危急的;5If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button. 假如你想开录音机,按蓝钮;turn on 拧

7、开、打开 自来水、电灯、收音机等 e.g.Turn on the radio, please. 请打开收音机;反义短语: turn off 关掉 自来水、电灯、收音机等 e.g.Please turn off the flow of water. 你请把水关掉;Turn off the tap. 关上水龙头;在你走之前,别忘了关灯. Dont forget to turn off the light before you leave. 拓展: turn up 提高,调大(声音等)I cant hear clearly, please turn up the radio. 我听不清,请把收音机声

8、音调大;turn down 减弱,降低,压低(力气、声音等)e.g.Please turn the television down a bit. to turn down the gas 关小煤气请把电视机音量关小点;6He picked up a dish from the table, and suddenly a snake appeared 他从桌子上拿起一个盘子,这时突然显现了一条蛇;pick up 在这里是 lift sth. up 的意思;e.g.Mr.Black picked up his hat and went out. pick up 仍有许多其他的意思:(1)(在无线电

9、中)收听、接收布莱克先生拿起帽子走了出去;e.g.I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号;(2)(用车)来接(可以是到某处去接某人或载货,也可以是中途顺便把人或物带走)e.g.Mr. Brown stopped his car in front of the shop to pick up the empty boxes. 布朗先生在店门前停下车,顺便把空箱子带走;I pick you up at your home tomorrow. (3)整理;整理明天我会开车到你家接你;e.g.Youd bet

10、ter pick up the tools after finishing the work. 完成工作后你最好把这些工具收捡起来;(4)复原精神 / 健康;(生意)好转、复原e.g.This old man is beginning to pick up now. (5)跌倒后(自己)站起来现在这位老人开头复原健康;e.g.The little girl slipped and fell, but she quickly picked herself up. 这个小女孩滑倒了,但很快就站了起来;7 and suddenly a snake appeared bit him on the ha

11、nd. 突然,一条蛇显现了 并咬伤了他的手;bit him on the hand 的意思是 “咬伤了他的手 ” ;在这个句子中,含有这样的句型“动词 +宾语介词 the身体某一部位 ”;e.g.They hit him on the head. 他们打了他的头;He hit the boy on the nose. 他击中了那个男孩的鼻子;8Anyway, Mr. Jackson stayed cool and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. 不过杰克逊先生保持冷静,用手机拍下了蛇的照片;(1)cool “凉快的 ”,它

12、的反义词是 warm.留意 cold “冰冷的 ”,它的反义词是 hot;e.g.It cool in autumn. 秋每天气凉快;Let s sit in the shade and keep cool. 我们坐到树荫下去凉快凉快吧;冷静的He has a cool head 他有着冷静的头脑;He is cool in difficulties. 他在危急与困境中镇静自如;形容人的行为 “酷” , 属于流行用语;He was trying to be really cool. (2)stay 在句中用作系动词,意思是 接形容词或名词作表语;“保持 某种状态 ,维护 ” =remain,

13、keep,后面常e.g.The weather has stayed warm all the week. 一周来天气都很温和;The shop stays open till night. 这家商店始终营业到晚上;9 they could give Mr. Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. 当他们明白到那条蛇的类型后对症下药,杰克逊先生其次天就出院了;(1)right 在这里是形容词, 意思是 “合适的 , 恰当的(most suitable)”,它仍有 “正确的 ”的意思;e.g.He is the

14、 right man for the job. You were right in deciding not to go. 他是担任这份工作最合适的人选;你打算不去是正确的;(2)可用作副词,意为“正确地,始终地”;e.g.Put it right in the middle. 把它放在正中间;(3)可用作名词 “ 正确;权益;右边”;e.g.We should know the difference between right and wrong. 我们应当明辨是非;10 If you want to send your recording by email, connect the rec

15、order to your computer. 假如你想通过电子邮件发送录音的话,把录音机和你的电脑连上;(1)by email 通过电子邮件留意类似短语 :by bus/ train/ bike/ plane/ air/ car乘公共汽车 /火车 /自行车 /飞机 /小汽车 ”名词前没有冠词;当详细到某一交通工具时,前面要加冠词或形容词性物主代词,并且不 用 by. e.g.I went there by bike.=I went there on my bike. 我骑自行车去的那儿;Tom went to school by car. Tom 搭出租车上学;Tom went to sch

16、ool in his father. s car Tom 坐爸爸的车上学;(2)connect 在这里表示 “连接 ”,后面可以接介词 to 或者 with ,变为 connect sth. to/ with e.g.Could you connect the printer to the computer. 你能将打印机连在电脑上吗 . Will you connect this wire to the television. 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe.将煤气炉和煤气管接起来;三、语法点拨 if 从句()1i

17、f 从句的构成我们会用汉语说 “假如想去的话,请告知我”、“假如你想明白更多的内容,请打电话给我们老师 ”,其中 “ 假如 ”后面可以有主语,也可以没有;那么用英语该如何说呢 .第一看几个例子:If you want to go, please tell me. 假如想去的话,请告知我;If you want to know more about it, please telephone our teacher. 假如你想明白更多的内容,请打电话给我们老师;If the green light isn , wait a minute. 假如绿灯仍没亮,就等一下;从例句中可以看出,if 所引导的

18、是一个完整的句子,肯定要有主语;2if 从句的位置本模块我们接触的都是“ if从句 +祈使句 ”的句子; if 引导的条件从句表示“假如 ” ,条件状语从句可置于祈使句前或后,如上面的例句;也可以放在主句之后;e.g.Print the photo if you like it. 假如喜爱这张照片就把它打印出来;Look at our website if the camera does not work. 假如相机出故障就到我们网站上查看;Tell him to make a phone call to me if he comes here tomorrow. 假如他明天来这儿的话,叫他给

19、我来个电话;3留意 if 引导的条件状语从句和宾语从句的区分if 可以用来引导宾语从句也可以用来引导条件状语从句,主要是要弄清if 引导从句的时态;if 在引导宾语从句时,意为“是否 ”;要依据实际情形来确定时态,而if 在引导条件状语从句时意为 “ 假如,假设 ”,要用一般时代替将来时;e.g.I want to know if he will come here tomorrow. 我想知道他明天是否到这儿来;if 在上句引导的是宾语从句,从句中有很明显的表将来的时间状语 tomorrow ,所以 if从句要用一般将来时;e.g.If it rains tomorrow, well put

20、 off the sports meeting. 假如明天下雨, 我们就推迟运动会;if 在上句引导的是条件状语从句,尽管从句中也有表将来时的时间状语 tomorrow,从理论上讲也应当用一般将来时,但是在 if 引导的条件状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时,故从句谓语动词用 rains 而不用 will rain. 一、单项挑选:1I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _. A turn it on Bturn it down Cturn it up Dturn it off 2I want to see a TV play. Can

21、 you _ the TV set. A turn on B turn off Cturn up D turn down 3Liu Ying told me _ for her at home. A waits B waited C to wait D wait 4Well stay at home if it _ this afternoon. A rain B rains C to rain D raining 5We will go to the Great Wall if it _tomorrow. A wont rain Bisn t raining Crained D doesnt

22、 rain 6 I don t know if he _. He will come if it _. A comes; won t rain ? B will come; doesnt rain C comes; doesnt rain D will come; wont rain 7Do you know what time _ A the train leave B does the train leave C will the train leave Dthe train leaves 8Do you think _ an English film tomorrow night? A

23、is there B there is going to have C there is going to be Dwill there be 9Will you please tell me _? A where Pudong Airport is Bhow far Pudong Airport was C how can we get to Pudong Airport Dwhen was Pudong Airport built 10 Mike wants to know if_ a picnic tomorrow. Yes. But if it _, well visit the mu

24、seum instead. A you have; will rain C you will have; rains B you will have; will rain Dwill you have; rains 11 Why didn t Nick come to school yesterday?_ he was ill. A After B Where CWhen DBecause 12 This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it. A too; to B so; that Cvery; that D too; that 13 I don t know

25、_ he still lives here. A where B what C when Dwhether 14 You should exercise to stay _. A healthy B health C healthily D unhealthy 15 As he didn t have much money, he had to _ a second- hand computer for his work. A pick up B give up C look up D take up 二、翻译以下短语;1挽救某人的生命 2捡起,捡起 3咬了某人的手 4打开(电源)5回放 6其

26、次天 7把, 连接到 , 8送某人某物 9通过电子邮件 10保持冷静 三、用括号里动词的正确形式填空;1We dont go shopping if it _ rain tomorrow. 2If you _ be in danger, _ ask the policeman for help. 3If it _ not, rain tomorrow, _ go with me. “ delete ” if you_ not, like this message. 4_ press 5If they _ be not here, _ call them. 6I m sorry _ hear t

27、hat. 7It s important for you _ learn Japanese. 8 Do you know if she_ come tomorrow. If she_ come tomorrow, I will tell you. 四、补全对话;Jim: Good afternoon, Doctor. Doctor: Good afternoon, Jim._ 1. Jim: Ive got a headache and a cough. Doctor:_2. Jim: Since last night. Doctor: _3. Jim: Is it terrible. Doctor: No._4 Drink plenty of water and stay in bed for two days. Jim: But I have a lot of work to do. Doctor: You should do your work later. Take this medicine,_ 5, and you will be better soon. Jim: Thank you, doctor. B


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