1、课堂教学设计表课题 U3 section Ala-2d课型 new年级初三一、教学目标确定的依据.教材分析本节课以学习would like to与hope to的用法为主,谈论自己曾经去过的旅游 胜地,表达自己的喜好,并能明确说明原因。同时扩充学生的知识面,了解更 多关于当地的风土人情,地理环境,人文教育等社会情况,渐渐达到胸中有世 界的宽广胸怀。.学生分析初三学生有强烈的求知欲,希望能有更多机会了解并体验外面社会的精彩,但 由于所处环境及知识面较窄,希望能通过本单元学习引导并帮助他们获取更多 的知识。本单元知识点学生在上学期已经接触过,因此学习时应该比较轻松, 同时又是他们感兴趣的话题,学习
2、积极性应该比较高。二、教学的具体目标L掌握形容词 peaceful、 fascinating、 dangerous 等2.根据听力内容选择有用信息,运用新学得句型谈论自己喜欢去的地方并说明 理由教学过程设计教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开 放 的 导 入Free talkT: Do you like travelling?Have you ever been to some interesting places?Where have you been?Do you like it? Why?The students try to answer the questions freelyFoll
3、ow the example and talk about them in pairs.谈论自己曾 经去过的景 点,激发学生 的学习兴趣, 自然导入主 题。核 心 过 程 推 进Write Where would you like to visit?” on the blackboard.Let the students read it together and think about how to answer it.Read these adj. words and let them make sentences with these words.Play the tape and let
4、 them finish the chart of part 1 b Play it again and check the answer.Read the sentence aloud together.Translate it and say the answer.Make a brain storm about the places you visit.Make a similar dialogue as followsReadthese wordstogether for three times Make sentences with the words as many as poss
5、ible.Listen to the tape and进行听力训 练。根据听力内 容进行相关 对话练习,激 发学生说的 能力。Let the students role -play the conversation.Listen practice 2a&2bLet the students read the sentences of part 2a by themselves and make a guess which one they will hear next Play the tape and let them number the sentences.Check the answe
6、rPlay it again and let the students finish Part 2b Check the answerGive some explanation if necessary.finish part 1 bCorrect the answer and role-play the conversation together.Read the sentences of part 2a and guess in which order they will hear them listen and number the sentences check the answerL
7、isten again and finish the chart.Check the answer.At last follow the example of part 2c to talk about where they would like to visit and give reasons.通过情境引 出图片,在情 境中新授单 词及短语,让 学生表达自 己的看法,为 pairwork 提 供必要的语 舌输入。开 放 的 延 伸Let the students read the dialog 2d and answer the questionsWhere would Meili lik
8、e to visit?Why?Ask them to answer the questions.Let them read the dialogue together first ,then role-play it in pairs.Read the dialog and answer the questions Where would Meili like to visit?Why?read the dialogue together role-play it in pairs让学生在对 话中感知 would like to ,hope to 的用法,老师 在情境中引 导归纳 somewh
9、ere 的用法。板 书 设 计where would you like to visit? rd like to visit.Why do you want to visit.?Because.反 思 与 重 建“新基础教育”课堂教学设计表英语敬仲镇中学课题 U3 section3a-3c课型 new年级 初三一、教学目标确定的依据.教材分析本节课以学习travel spotlight: pairs为重点,了解巴黎的风土人情,学习文中重 点单词短语的使用,同时继续travel places这一话题并展开训练,训练形式为给 出景点特征的形容词或名词,并模仿3b进行写作训练。.学生分析学生对巴黎的
10、了解很少,因此会对文章比较感兴趣。文中知识点比较好掌握, 但学生读的能力比较弱,应该给学生更多的时间和方式鼓励他们大声朗读。写 作部分对于学生来说应该是个难点,一是学生所去之处甚少,无话可写,二是 写作水平有待提高,出错较多,教师应在写作方面给与更多的指导。二、教学的具体目标.掌握重点单词短语及其用法理解文章并能根据文章内容对巴黎进行简单的描述,能用正确的语言描述自己曾经游览过得地方。教学过程设计教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开 放 的 导 入T:Do you like traveling?Which city have you visited?Then let them answer th
11、e questions and introduce the city.Warming-upLet some students say something they know about France.Step 2 New words1. Look at the pictures and learn about the new words.Answer the questions and introduce the city. Share the things they like and dislike.通过谈论自己喜 欢和不喜欢的城 市练习上节课学 习的句型,同时 引入城市巴黎。学习文中出现的
12、 生词短语,为理 解文章打好基础核 心 过 程 推 进Fast ReadingLet them read and answer the questionsWhere is Paris?What is cheap in Paris?What language do the people often speak in Paris?最后,教师让部分学生回答答案, 并校对答案。Work on 3b:.告诉学生们再次阅读短文内 容,并完成表格中的内容。.仔细读短文,在短文的相关信息 处划线。.学生们完成表格,并校对答案。.让学生读一下自己的答案,并 改正答案。Write the words on the
13、blackboard:consider capital、 France、 church、 convenient undergroundsRead them and try to remember them.方法指导:带着 问题,然后快速阅读 短文,争取在较短的 时间内,找到答案。 学生们按老师指导 的方法进行阅读, 并快速回答这三 个问题。. In France.The wine.French了解巴黎的风土 人情,学会运用 文中的短语句 型,并能模仿文 中对巴黎的描述 来简述一座城 市。同时提高学 生的阅读能力, 训练阅读技巧。开 放 的 延 伸Work on 3cFirst let the
14、students fill in the chart by themselves first.They can use the information of Part 3b.Then let them talk about it in pairs.Ask several pairs to perform their dialogue.Imagine you will visit a foreign country this summer. Fill in the chart with your ideas and then discuss them with your partner.The
15、students fill in the chartThey can use the information of Part 3b.Then talk about it in Pairs and Perform their dialogue .在学习3b的基础 上进一步深入, 通过完成where to visit, how to go, what to go 几 个问题规划自己 将来想要参观的 城市,同时要求 学生对该城市进 行深入了解,加 强对祖国河山的 热爱.提高写作水平.板 书 设 计.词匚 capital France church convenient underground. qu
16、estions Where is Paris? What is cheap in Paris?What language do the people often speak in Paris?反 思 与 重 建“新基础教育”课堂教学设计表学校敬仲镇中学学科英语案序课题U3 sectionBla-2a课型New年级初三一、教学目标确定的依据L教材分析本节课以听力训练为主,la要求学生对自己的假期做出出行计划,描述当地的 天气、交通等情况,并以对话的形式呈现出来。1b通过观看图片、听录音,了 解Jeff的暑假旅行经历,并完成1c表格。Id要求根据1c所提供的信息编写对 话,用到的句型有:where
17、 would you like to go? Id like to go to what elsecan you tell me? 1 dont want2 .学生分析由于日常教学过程中听力训练较少,学生听得能力较差,听力也是测试中的弱 项。因此,在练习听力的过程中,教师要根据学生的听力效果采取多种方式进 行训练,并强化听力技巧,不断提高听得能力。二、教学的具体目标L能运用所学句型谈论假期计划2.听力训练,提高听说能力教学过程设计教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开 放 的 导 入Revise the passage about Paris by asking two or three stud
18、ents to read it to the class. Make sure that they pronounce each word correctly.The students read it aloud once by themselves.Check the short compositions they have written at home. Let several ones read theirs to the class.复习上节课所 学知识点。通过朗读课文 纠正发音,练习 说的能力。核 心 过 程 推 进Read the instructions to students
19、. Make a list of things that are important to you when you go on vacation.Ask them to have a look at the two model phrases the book provides before they begin.Write them down in your exercise books. Let/s review the ideas youve thought of together. We will correct spelling and find the correct Engli
20、sh words for any words you dont know. Listen to the通过对图片的 解读加深印象, 为后面的听力 训练奠定基础。After about three minutes, tell them to stop writing and thinking.Read the instructions to students.T:Look at the three pictures in Activity lb.We know Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency.We will hear him talking on
21、 the phone with three different people.Can you see the small box in the corner of each picture?Then play the tape for the first time. Tell them only to listen.Play the tape a second time.conversations and number the pictures. Write a proper number in each box to show the right order of the pictures.
22、 As they listen to the tape this time, have the students number the pictures. Check the answers.通过多次播放 听力,使各个层 次的学生在听 力方面都能得 到训练。开 放 的 延 伸Read the instructions to the children.Play the recording again.Pause the tape several times to give students time to fill out the chart.The students fill in the b
23、lanks with the words they hear.Write down the things the three customers want and dont want in this chart as you listentotherecording.Correct the answers.要求学生根据 听力对话内容 编写对话并并 表现出来,练习 学生说的能力。板 书 设 计where would you like to go?rd like to go towhat else can you tell me?I dont want反 思 与 重 建学 校敬仲镇中学学科英语案序
24、课U3 sectionB2a-2f课型new年初三“新基础教育”课堂教学设计表一、教学目标确定的依据.教材分析本节课以谈论梦想和希望为主题。学习文中的重点短语和句型,并做到能灵活 运用。通过学习,要求学生运用目标语言谈论自己的真实经历及目标和梦想, 在讨论现实话题的基础上,调动学生学习兴趣,这篇阅读是本单元话题的提升, 希望通过本文的学习,引导学生要树立客观正确的梦想而努力。.学生分析通过sectionA的学习,学生对本单元的内容已经基本掌握,能够对文章进行理 解和思考。该片阅读的主题是教育,比较贴近学生的思想。通过学习该文,帮 助面临小中考的学生们树立目标,鼓舞斗志,可采用情境教学法吸引学生
25、的兴 趣。同时培养学生的合作精神和用英语思维的能力,锻炼他们用英语交流的良 好习惯。二、教学的具体目标1 .master the phrases2.1earn about the writing style of a survey result3. mas ter the reading strategy:from general introduction to specific details教学过程设计教学 环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开 放 的 导 入Before readingMake a survey: What are your hopes and dreams?Read slow
26、ly. Underline the information that you think is important to remember.Ask several students to answer the questions.First make a survey in group.Make a report.I hope to. My dream is to.Linda hopes to. Her dream is to. Read and answer the questions.What would some students like to do soon?What is the
27、most popular choice of job?由教师展示出自 己的dream和 h叩e,再引导学生 谈论自己的 dream 和 hope核 心 过 程 推 进ScanningRead again andanswer the questions.What are the realistic dreams?Whats the mostRead again and answer the questions.Write down the answer on the blackboardCheck the answer together.L快速阅读文章, 通过画出自己喜 欢的句子和词语, 让学生初步感受 文章。2 让学生带着问 题再次阅读文章,题级impossible dream?Make a conclusion of the importa
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