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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、- What a pity! You missed the beginning of the movie, it _ for 10 minutes.- Oh, a traffic

2、 jam!Abegan B stated C has been on D has been off2、When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life_ a group of people have in common.AwhatBwhoCwhereDthat3、The schoolbag looks so nice. Is it _?Ayour Byours Cyou4、The people who are more confident have more_to make themselves successful.AeducationBchan

3、cesCprideDexcuses5、It was raining. My father asked me a raincoat.AtakeBtakesCtookDto take6、Lets go to Wanda Movie Theater? It has a large screen.But it is _ of all the cinemas in Jinan.AexpensiveBmore expensiveCmost expensiveDthe most expensive7、Do you know why the man was in prison?Yes. He _ robbin

4、g the bank.Awas accused ofBwas interested inCwas good at8、Im sorry. My parents arent here now. They have _ on their journey to Hainan.Asold outBleft outCset outDbrought out9、Whats your father doing now? He _ the room.AcleanedBcleansChas cleanedDis cleaning10、 exciting film we saw yesterday!I think s

5、o.AWhat a BWhat an CHow an DHow a. 完形填空11、完形填空 (15分)If you meet Walker Smith, a 2-year-old boy from Coral Gables, Florida, the _ thing he will ask you is what kind of car you drive. Walker has been interested in _ for more than a year, ever _ the day his father, a car fan, brought home a single matc

6、hbox car for him. “He started to _ cars from his father, and within a week _ two, he could name many cars on the road,” Walkers mother Lynley Smith said.Walkers father often brings home magazines_ cars. Lynley said, “So Walker and his father would try to find cars _in the magazines we and our friend

7、s drove. So theyd find a Saturn and my husband would say This is the car_mommy drives ! and then theyd look for Saab and say This is daddys ! Before we knew it, he pointed _our kinds of cars out on the road.”So now he knows every car you can _,” said Lynley, “including some super fancy cars that you

8、 _ see on the road,” such as Aston Martins and Lamborghinis. “Were so _ to have such a clever baby. Walker can now identify the cars he sees on the road though his _ isnt always right “Hes not _ at rs, so for example when he sees a Porsche, he calls it a Posh. And when he sees a Ford, hell call it f

9、od,” said Lynley. When you ask him what he wants to be when he _, he will say “Of course a car businessman”. This must be his dream job.1Alast Bnext Cfirst Dcoming2Aboxes Btoys Ccars Ddolls3Asince Bbefore Cwhen Dafter4Alearn Bbuy Cborrow Dsteal5Aand Bor Cbut Dnor6Aof Babout Cfor Din7Aexcitedly Bangr

10、ily Csadly Dsurprisingly8Awhat Bthat Cwho Dwhere9Anone Ball Ceither Dboth10Abreak Bdestroy Cimagine Drepair11Anever Balways Calso Dever12Asurprised Bdisappointed Cbored Dangry13Aspelling Bpronunciation Cimagination Dexplanation14Astrict Bangry Cgood Dcareful15Agrows up Bgoes to college Cgets married

11、 Dhas time. 语法填空12、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Taking public transportation in the United States, you can often see people reading books on 1 way to school or work. But in China, I hardly see people reading 2 their free time.Are peoples attitudes toward reading 3 (diff

12、erence) here? Not really. Data (数据) released by Amazon China show that Chinese people still read a lot. They 4 (simple) prefer e-books over regular books.However, other data show that reading is still 5 (popular) in the US than in China. Is there a reason for this difference? Im not sure. What I do

13、know is that China has a rich history of literature (文学). From classic novels like Romance of the Three Kingdoms to the modern science-fiction epic The Three-Body Problem, Chinese authors 6 (create) many fantastic works so far.Perhaps the difference starts from childhood. Reading textbooks and doing

14、 homework can make you feel quite tired. By the time you finish it, you might not feel like reading for 7. Chinese students surely have to read more and do more homework 8 American students. So its no wonder that they might not want to read much in their spare time.9 learning to love reading can be

15、great. Reading can open doors to places, people and ideas that you cannot imagine. Even just a single book has the power to change your own 10 (person) beliefs and attitudes. Where will your next book take you?. 阅读理解A13、Look around and youll see people busy on their smartphones. Smartphones do make

16、our lives easier. But have you ever thought about what they mean to your eyes?According to a study, half of British people own smartphones and they spend an average(平均) of two hours a day using them. There has been a 35% increase in the number of people in the UK who suffer from shortsightedness(近视)

17、 since smartphones were introduced there in 1997.Staring(盯) at smartphones for long time gives you dry eyes. When looking at something in the distance, your eyes automatically blink(自动眨眼) a certain number of times. However, when you look at things closer to your face, the blinking slows down. This r

18、educes the amount of tears and causes discomfort in your eyes. Another bad habit is using smartphones in dark rooms before going to sleep. If you look at a bright screen while your pupils(瞳孔) become larger, too much light enters your eyes. This can do harm to the eyes and cause a disease called glau

19、coma(青光眼).While youre probably not going to stop using to your smartphone, there are a few things you can do to protect your eyes. Hold your phone at least 30 centimetres away from your eyes when using it. Take a break every hour and try the following: look at something at least five meters from you

20、 and then focus on the tip of your nose. Repeat this several times. It should reduce the discomfort in your eyes.1The last sentence in Paragraph 2 probably means .AThe number of shortsighted people makes up 35% of the population in the UKBThe number of smartphone users has increased since 1997CShort

21、sightedness is common among people around the worldDMore British people have got shortsightedness since 19972Using smartphones in dark rooms may lead to .AADry eyes BThe danger of glaucomaCSleeping problems DA drop in the amount of tears3We can infer from the passage that .AThe blinking of eyes is a

22、 kind of self-protectionBSmartphones have become a necessary item nowadaysCPeople should spend an hour a day on smartphonesDUsers couldnt fall asleep without smartphones4According to the auther, smartphone users should .ABlink their eyes more times to avoid glaucomaBLook at something at least 30 cen

23、timeters from youCAvoid always staring at the screens without a breakDDo some exercise every day to kill the discomfort5The article is mainly about .AThe rules to make full use of smartphonesBThe harm that smartphones do to users eyesCThe reason why teenagers get shortsightednessDThe popularity of s

24、martphones among the BritishB14、 Do you know Weibo? Do you write a Weibo? If you dont, you are out! Weibo means microblog. People may spend muchtime writing a blog, but it takes a little time to write a microblog.Why? Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words.Microblog started in t

25、he USAIt came to China in 2009 andit has developed very fast. In 2011, the number of Chinesemicro-bloggers grew to 300 million. Now, more and more people are interested in writing microblogs. For manymicroblog users, it is a great way of learning the freshest news,talking with friends and sharing di

26、fferent kinds of information, including news, daily life, pictures,music and so on. Many stars and famous people also write microblogs and share good things with theirfans. It is easy and fast to send a message on a microblog. However, this can also lead to problems and even cause panic . For exampl

27、e, when thebig earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in March, 2011, messages like Salt can protectpeople from radiation were hot on microblogs. It soon caused a crazy buying of salt. Later people realized it was just arumor (谣言). In a word, microblog plays a new role in the life of Chinese people.1Peopl

28、e spend _ time and _ words writing microblog.Alittle, a fewBa little, fewCa little, a fewDa few, a little2There were 300 million Chinesemicro-bloggersin _.A2008B2009C2011D20133Which of the following is TRUE? AWriting a microblog needs a special training.BMicroblog appeared in China only one year ago

29、 but it has developed rapidly.CAs a popular thing, microblog has its advantages and disadvantages.DMore and more Chinese show great interest in microblog because it started in the USAC15、My sister Alli and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette butts(烟蒂) for seven years. One day

30、, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It”. At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth is Not Your Ashtray(烟灰缸)” written on

31、them. We put the pictures around our hometown-in parks, by beaches, and along roads. We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts hurts the environment. Most smokers dont think that dropping butts hurts the earth. But it does! All rubbish does. Later, we wrote to companies and asked them

32、for money to help us. We used the money to buy ashtrays to give smokers. We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didnt have to drop butts. At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes. Some companies want to do it.Many people

33、have started to join our group since it began. Today there are 45 other “No Butts About It” groups in America. And there are even groups in England, Australia and India! Many newspapers have written about my sister and I over the last seven years. And we have won many prizes for our good work.But we

34、 are not interested in prizes. We just want to make the earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people. One day it will be.1(小题1)“No Butts About It” started_Aseventeen years ago. Bseven years ago.Cseventy years ago DIts not mentioned.2(小题2)Why did they start the group?ABecause they

35、dont like cigarette.BBecause they want to make money.CBecause they want people to know them.DBecause they want to protect the environment.3(小题3)How many “No Butts About It” groups are there in America?A7 B45 C46 D49.4(小题4)The writer lives in_AAmerica. BEngland. CAustralia. DIndia.5(小题5)What did the

36、writer do the following EXCEPT_?Astarting a group called “No Butts About It”Bwriting to companies to ask them for helpCasking newspapers to write about her sister and herDmanaging to get some cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each cigarette packD16、阅读理解。Best Tool to Teach Baby TalkA new study

37、 says electronic toys are not helping babies learn. The studys writer is Professor Anna Sosa. She leads the Child Speech and Language Lab at Northern Arizona University. She said, “Even if companies say that their toys are educational, theyre not teaching the babies anything at this time.”Anna Sosa

38、and her team studied babies who were from 10 to 16 months old.The scientists listened to recordings of parents playing with their babies. The children used electronic toys, traditional toys and books.What they found is that parents talked less with their babies when the babies played with electronic

39、 toys. Sosa says that the parents also responded(反应) less and used fewer words when the babies played with electronic toys.Why is this important?She says research shows that how quickly children develop language often depended on what they hear from parents. When the babies played with electronic to

40、ys, parents said little to their children. Sosa says parents talked a lot more when the babies played with traditional toys. Parents would describe the toys, name them and tell about their colors and shapes, as their children played. Parents even gave more information as their babies looked at the p

41、ictures in books.Sosa is not telling parents to throw out electronic toys. She believes that these electronic toys can provide entertainment(娱乐) for the babies. But parents should not look at such play as a learning experience.Toy Industry Association spokeswoman Adrienne Appell responded to the stu

42、dy.She said, “It is important that parents make time to play with their children. Playing is a way that kids can learn so much, not only learning skills, but social and developmental skills.” She added that play should be balanced, including time for just “make-believe” activities, as well as tradit

43、ional and electronic toys.1(小题1)According to the study, electronic toys teach babies .Aa lot BlanguageCcolours Dnothing2(小题2)From this passage we can learn that .Aparents talk helps baby to learn language quicklyBplaying with electronic toys is a kind of learning experienceCSona advised parents to t

44、hrow away electronic toysDparents talked more when the babies played with electronic toys3(小题3)What is the passage mainly about?AA study on electronic toys.BBabies different learning skills.CA study on the tools to teach baby talk.DThe importance of traditional toys.E17、 Ive been skiing since I was

45、eight or nine years old. Ive been on expeditions (探险)in many places like China, Pakistan and so on. But it was in my home country, the USA, that I came closest to death.It was April, 2011. I was skiing in the Tetons with my friends Jeremy and Xavier. They were both excellent snowboarders. That day,

46、I was the last person to ski. They were watching me from a safe area. Suddenly, I heard someone cry loudly. I turned around and saw the whole mountain start to move behind me. It was a massive avalanche (大雪崩). The kind of avalanche that destroys trees, cars, buses, even houses! Tens of thousands of

47、tons of snow was coming straight down the mountain behind me. I felt the snow push me forward, hundreds of metres, and then cover me. It was so heavy that I couldnt breathe. And then it pushed me forward again and up. I looked around, and for a few seconds, I actually stopped being frightened. I had

48、 a moment to stop and to look at the power of the avalanche. I looked down into the bottom of the valley (峡谷). I could see trees that were 30m tall because I was so far away, and they looked tiny to me. OK, Im going all the way to the bottom! I thought. Then the snow pushed me again down the mountai

49、n another 450m. I thought the force of the snow would destroy me; it was powerful. But in the end. I felt the valance slow down and I just fell heavily over the snow at the bottom of the valley.It took Jeremy and Xavier about 20 minutes to reach me. There was a pile of debris ( 碎雪) across the bottom

50、 of the mountain 300m wide. They couldnt believe it when they saw me. I was so lucky.Has the experience changed me? Do I think about life differently? I dont know, maybe. But I do know that its important to live your life with meaning. Life is a gift, so be grateful to God.1From the passage, its tru

51、e that_.Athe writer came closest to death when he skied in PakistanBthe avalanche pushed the writer down about 300m awayCthe writers friends came to learn skiing with the writerDthe writer couldnt breathe because of the weight of the snow2Which word can best describe the writers feeling towards the

52、avalanche?AExcitedBScaredCHappyDPatient3The underlined word they in Paragraph 3 refers to_.Athe mountainsBthe treesCJeremy and XavierDthe valleys4In what order did the following events take place in the story?a. The snow pushed me hard down into the bottom of the valley.b. Jeremy and Xavier were see

53、ing me in a safe place.c. I stopped for a while to see the avalanche.d My friends came to my side.e. I heard a loud voice and saw a huge avalanche coming behind me.Ab-e-c-a-dBb-e-a-c-dCd-c-a-b-eDd-e-c-a-b5According to the writer, _.Ahis experience and his friends have changed himBits impossible to k

54、now the force of the snowCone should not live a meaningless lifeDhe doesnt mind the matter of life or deathF18、阅读理解。Today people are paying more and more attention to improving their health through sports and exercise. But some of them have some wrong ideas about it.A plate of chicken is a good meal

55、 before games because it has much energy.In fact, the best meal before games should have carbohydrates(碳水化合物). Foods like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich in it, chicken and meat are not. Carbohydrates are the best and most easily used forms of energy. The energy that you get for todays game is fro

56、m what you ate yesterday.The best time to exercise is early in the morning.Morning is a good time to exercise, but it may not be suitable for you. If an afternoon or evening period suits you, and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthier, you can choose any time to exercise. There is no fixed time

57、for you to exercise.If you drink water when you exercise, youll get headaches and feel tired.The fact is that you must have some water during breaks when you exercise. And after exercising, you must have enough water. If you dont drink enough water, then youll probably get headaches and feel tired.E

58、xercising the same body part every day is the fastest way to improve strength.False! Exercising the same body part every day is the fastest way to cause problems. To improve strength, you want to work your muscles(肌肉) hard, but then you need to give those muscles a day of rest. Too much exercise can

59、 cause serious problems to muscles.Girls who do strength training will make their muscles big.Wrong! We usually connect those big muscles with bodybuilders(健美运动员), but girls dont have enough male hormone(雄性激素) to make their muscles big like men. Strength training is a good way to make their muscles

60、strong for girls.1You had better eat _ before games.AbananasBmeatCbeefDchicken2You can _ to improve arms strength.Aexercise your arms every dayBeat enough chickenCget enough male hormoneDexercise your arms hard but rest for some time3The writer advises you to _.Atake exercise only in the morningBbec


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