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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Chinese Poetry Competition was one of during the Spring Festival. I agree with you. I watched it every week.Amore popular showsBmost

2、popular showCthe most popular shows2、While Derrick was in France, he developed a _ for fine art.AtalentBtasteCwayDhabit3、-How can I get along well with others, Father?-Try to smile to others. You will find it _ to make new friends than before.AeasyBmore easilyCeasierDeasily4、 Nowadays more and more

3、foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese_.AcultureBinventionCcustomDinformation5、 Excuse me, could you tell me _? Theres an e-shop on the third floor. You can make it there.Ahow to arrive the e-shopBhow can I go to the e-shopCwhere I can have m

4、y MP4 repairedDwhich was the way to the e-shop6、 Eric failed to get a ticket for tonights concert.Its a _. Its the last time that the singer will perform on stage.AmethodBlevelCpityDgoal7、 Sam, what will the weather be like tomorrow? Sorry, Mum. I didnt watch the weather forecast just now. I _ a foo

5、tball match.Awas watchingBam watchingCwould watchDwill watch8、What are you looking for?Im looking for the ring_my husband bought me last year.AwhichBwhoCwhomDwhere9、Could you tell me something about Switzerland?Oh, it is European country with beautiful environment.Aan; aBan; theCa; aDa; the10、There

6、are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui,_Mount Huang in autumnAsimplyBfinallyCluckilyDespecially. 完形填空11、 Lisa has always been overweight. She wanted to lose weight, not just because she wanted to 1 more beautiful and healthier, but also because it would make life easier. In school, she needed a

7、 2 chair which was bigger and stronger than the other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very quickly. She was also unhappy about the way people treated 3 sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. Thats unfair! Its true that Im overweight,butI dontthink people 4 treat me diff

8、erently .I cant enjoy 5 with my friends, because Im afraid of getting fatter.” Her friends and family never made fun of her. They wanted her to be happy and healthy. Sometimes when Lisa was feeling sad, she didnt want to speak to 6 .But now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were

9、preparing for the School 7 Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen who was tall and fat. Lisa 8 and practiced a lot.Soon after the play, Lisa became the star! She did 9 well that everybody remembered the proud Queen. She 10 won the School Best Actress Award for her wonder

10、ful performance. Now she believes in the English saying “Every dog has its day.”1AseeBwatchCnoticeDlook2AspecialBimportantCheavyDnice3AherBhimCyouDme4AmustBmayCcanDmight5Ahaving dinnerBreading booksCdoing sportsDgoing shopping6AeveryoneBanyoneCnobodyDsomeone7ADancingBScienceCArtDSports8ArefusedBallo

11、wedCagreedDdisagreed9AveryBtooCsuchDso10AevenBneverChardlyDalmost. 语法填空12、Millie :Have you heard about the pop star Nancy? Its said that she has got cancer.Sandy:I 1 (hear) about it last week. Its very sad because she 2(be) so kind.Millie: I heard that Nancy once donated 100,000 to people who 3 (suf

12、fer) great loss in the earthquake in Wenchuan.Sandy: Yes. She is a generous girl.Millie: Now Nancy 4 (receive) medical treatment in Belling. An operation5 (do) on her yesterday and it was a success.Sandy . Thats great. I really hope Nancy 6 (get) well again soon. 阅读理解A13、For too many people, the har

13、m begins early in life. Four out of ten babies born in the United States do not form a strong relationship with either parent, and they will pay for that in the rest of their lives.New research from Princeton University confirms what other researchers have already found: the number of babies who are

14、 lack of the close relationship is rather big, which prevents them having a fair chance of having a successful life.That finding is supported by many other research projects, including a study from the University of Rochester showing that nearly one third of US parents dont know what to expect from

15、their newborns, or how to help them grow and learn and get along with others. Babies, as others have pointed out, dont come with an owners guide book.The basic problem, according to the Princetons study, is that 40 per cent of babies in the US live in fear or distrust of their parents, and that will

16、 turn into aggressiveness (侵犯), defiance (违抗) and hyperactivity (多动) as they grow into adults.Of that number, 25 per cent dont have a close relationship with their parents because the parents dont satisfy their needs. And 15 per cent find their parents are so troubling that they will avoid them when

17、ever possible.That will not necessarily result in a lifetime of violence, but it will make living a successful life much more difficult.“They can overcome(克服) it,” sociologist Sophie Moullin of Princeton, the leader of that study, said in a telephone interview. “Its not a make-or-break situation, bu

18、t they might find it harder to control their behaviour.”Moullin, alongwithhis teammates from Columbia University and the University of Bristol in England, studied more than 100 research projects, to reach their conclusions.Many reasons lead to the problem, including poverty(贫穷), ignorance(无知), and s

19、tress among parents who are so busy with their own problems that a new child is sometimes more than they can deal with.Yet strong relationships, the researchers say, are amazingly simple to achieve.1According to the writing style of the passage, it may be a_.Anews reportBbook reportCnovelDreview2Whi

20、ch of the following is NOT true?AAbout 40 % of the newborns do not form a strong relationship with either parent.BSome parents are too busy with their own problems to deal with a new child.CParents failing to satisfy their babies needs may cause future problems.DBabies who fail to have close relatio

21、nships with their parents are sure to have an unsuccessful life.3What may be discussed in the following paragraph?AFindings of other projects similar to this topic.BExamples of the results of lacking strong relationships.CSimple ways of achieving strong relationships with a baby.DReasons for failing

22、 in building up strong relationships with a baby.4Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AIts harder to control childrens behaviourBWhat a little love means to a little oneCThe problems of the parents in the United StatesDThe problems of the babies in the United StatesB14、 Micha

23、el Perham (born on 16th March, 2000 in Hertfordshire, England) is a boy who, at the age of 17, became the youngest person to sail around the world in the 50 feet racing boat, completing his journey on 7th August, 2017. He started the world trip on the 15th of November 2016 from Portsmouth, England.

24、Just six days after Michael Perham set sail from Portsmouth, he started having serious problems with the boat, which he was unable to fix himself on the sea. He had to stop in Portugal. Just one day later, he set sail once again, with the hope of breaking David Dicks world record for the youngest pe

25、rson to sail around the world. Michael met many challenges along the way, including rough seas and knock-downs in the Southern Ocean, terrible loneliness and fighting storms, but the largest difficulty Michael faced was the boat itself. It caused one problem after another. He celebrated his birthday

26、 in March last year among the dolphins in Indian Ocean. Michael Perham has entered the record books after becoming the youngest person to sail around the world. The teenager already holds the record for being the youngest people to sail across the Atlantic, aged just 14. Michael Perham plans to crea

27、te the Sail Michael Fund to encourage young people to take to the water. He is also aiming to take part in the 2020 Olympics.1This passage is most probably taken from _.Aa story bookBa magazineCa travel guideDa film review2How long did it take Michael Perham to complete his world trip?AIt took 6 day

28、s.BIt took 50 days.CIt took about 9 months.DIt took about 14 years.3Which of the following is NOT true about Michael Perham?AHe encourages young people to take part in the 2020 Olympics.BMichael Perham has held two world records for sailing so far.CThe most difficult problem he faced while sailing w

29、as the boat.DHe is going to set up the Sail Michael Fund for young people.4Whats the correct order of the following events? a. Michael Perham started the world trip from Portsmouth. b. Michael Perham became the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic. c. Michael Perham celebrated his birthday in

30、 March last year among the dolphins in Indian Ocean. d. Michael Perham became the youngest person to sail around the world.Ad, a, c, bBb, c, a, dCd, a, b, cDb, a, c, dC15、阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。It was over two months before Christmas when 9-year-old Mary told her father and m

31、e that she wanted a new bike. Her old Barbi bike was too old and it often needed repairing. As Christmas came nearer, her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, for she didnt mention it again.Then much to our surprise, on December 24th, she said that she really wanted a bike as the Christmas present

32、more than anything else. We didnt know what to do. It was too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing presents for our children, parents and also friends till midnight. So there was no time to buy the “right bike” for our little girl. Thinking that we might in this way make our child un

33、happy on Christmas, we feltguiltyand sad. Suddenly my husband came up with an idea. “What if I make a little bike out of the clay (泥土) and write a note that she could trade in (交换) the model bike for a real one after Christmas?” So he spent the next 5 hours working on a small clay bike. On Christmas

34、 morning, we were very excited and waited for Mary to open the little box with the beautiful red and white bike and the note. She opened the box and read the note loudly. She looked at me and said, “So, does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?” Smiling, I said, “yes.” Mary had tears i

35、n her eyes when she replied, “I would never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made for me. I prefer to keep it rather than get a real one.” At that moment, we thought we would have moved the god to buy her every bike on earth.1What did Mary want as her Christmas present?AA clay model bike.BAn

36、old Barbi bike.CA new bike.DEvery bike.2Marys parents didnt buy her a bike because she _.Aonly asked for it again on December 24thBdidnt want it any moreCchanged her mind for something elseDdidnt mention it in the past two months3The underlined word “guilty” in the 2nd paragraph means _.AunhappyBwor

37、riedCpleasedDsorry4Marys father got the idea to _.Aspend 5 hours working on the clayBmake a small bike out of clayCpaint her old bike red and whiteDput the present into box5From Marys words in the last paragraph, we know that she _.Astill wanted to get a real bikeBdidnt know the meaning of the noteC

38、preferred a real bike to the model oneDwas greatly moved by what her father had done for herD16、Im Jack. Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV! This is my first time on TV. In the evening, Mum, Dad and I were watching a TV programme in the sitting room and there I was! This is

39、how it happened.I was playing soccer in the park with my friends when a man and a woman came to us. The man had a camera. The woman had a microphone. Im from Channel 9, she said. Do you know the programme Kids Speak Out ? I did know it. I watched it often. Its a weekly programme where kids say what

40、they think about different things.Would you like to be on it? the woman asked me.I wanted to beon it and I thought my friends might also want to be on it, so I asked, Can my friends be on it too?Sorry, only one of you can, the woman said. You can talk about it and decide which of you is going to be

41、on the programme.I asked my friends if they wanted to be on the programme. They didnt, so I went On it. The woman asked me a lot of questions. I thought carefully and tried to give her sensible answers. When she finished, she said I was one of the best kids shed spoken to! I felt very proud of mysel

42、f. My mum and dad were proud of me, too!1How did the things happen?Jack asked his friends if they wanted to be on the programme.The woman asked Jack if hed like to be on the programme.The woman asked Jack a lot of questions.Jack played soccer in the park with his friends.Jack thought carefully and t

43、ried to give answers.ABCD2What does the underlined word sensible mean in Chinese in the passage?A狡猾的B可能的C合理的D正确的3What can we know about Jack from the passage?AJacks parents were proud of him.BJack was the top student at school.CJack was afraid to be on the programme.DJack never watched the programme

44、 Kids Speak Out.E17、阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。After two weeks of meetings in Paris, 195 countries reached an agreement on December 12 to do with climate(气候) change. Its the first time in history that most of the worlds countries, rich or poor, agreed to take action. The agreement sets the l

45、ong-time goal of making sure the world temperature does not get 2C higher than the levels in the 1800s. Otherwise there will be serious problems on Earth like natural disasters.The agreement also asks countries to volunteer to make promises based on each countrys economy(经济), politics and technology

46、. For developed countries, they will do even more. They have a plan to offer over $100 billion (about 647 billion yuan) to help poorer countries develop clean energy like water and wind power.Besides, there are some legally binding (法律约束的) rules. Those countries need to set national goals for cuttin

47、g greenhouse gas emissions (排放) every five years. And they will publicly report their progress every five years starting in 2023.However, the Paris Agreement alone wont solve the climate change problem. The future depends on how well each country will carry out their promises.1The agreement reached

48、by 195 countries is about the .Aworld economy Bgas emissionsCclimate change Dnatural disasters2Lots of money will be offered to help poorer countries .Areduce noise pollution Bproduce clean energyCcontrol climate change Ddevelop their economy3According to the passage, the Paris Agreement .Acan solve

49、 the climate problem aloneBneednt cost a great deal of moneyConly depends on developed countriesDincludes some legally binding rulesF18、 Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Here is a story to help you.Once a bird lived unhappily. So

50、it traveled far away to look for its happiness.It flew and flew. Suddenly it saw a spider climbing up a wall. The spider fell off the wall halfway. But it kept climbing again and fell off again. Even so, the spider didnt give up. The little bird asked the spider in surprise. “Why don t you have pain

51、 but happiness on your face though you fail again and again?”“Because I keep making my efforts. Im happy.” said the spider.Then the little bird saw the happiness is a will in the heart.The bird continued flying and saw a lame(瘸的) duck help a little duck who got lost to find the way back home. Althou

52、gh it was disabled, it had a smiling face.“Im happy because I can help others.” said the lame duck.So the bird saw the happiness is a love in the heart.The bird went on flying and suddenly saw a little dying flower, whose face was full of smile. The bird didnt know the reason. So it asked the little

53、 flower, “Youre going to die. Why are you still so happy?”“Because my dream will come true,” said the little flower.“What is your dream?”“To produce sweet fruit.”The little bird saw the happiness is a hope in the heart.So the little bird no more looked for happiness because it had seen the true happ

54、iness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart. You are the maker of your own happiness.1Who never gave up though it failed again and again in this passage?AThe bird.BThe spider.CThe flower.2Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AHappiness is important for everyone.BWe make happiness by ourselves.CMany people know how to find happiness.3Why is the little dying flower still so happy?ABecause it has a will in the heart.BBecau


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