1、Chapter 15 Nervous SystemCNS:central nervous system PNS:paracentral nervous system脑神经=cranial nerves一嗅 olfactory nerve四滑 trochlear nerve二视 optic nerve五叉 trigeminal nerve三动眼 oculomotor nerve六外展abducens nerve九舌咽 glossopharyngeal nerve舌下 hypoglossal nerve七面 fal nerve八听 acoustic / auditory nerve迷 vagus
2、nerve副 spinal acsory nerve感觉神经 sensory nerves运动神经 motor nerves混合神经 mixed nerves脑rain stem中脑 midbrain桥脑 pons = pons varolii延髓 medulla oblongata脊髓横切面 transverse section of spinal cord白质包外灰居中,灰质断面似蝶形;white matter / gray matterbutterfly前角运动后感觉,侧角交感在腰胸;anterior horns = ventral hornsterior horns = dorsal
3、horns交感神经sympathetic nerve前侧传导束,联络颈节上下行;anterior / lateral / fiber tractterior columnsascending fiber tract =sensory fiber tractdescending fiber tract = motor fiber tract脑神经连脑歌诀一嗅额下嗅球中,二视离球间脑通;脚间窝内三动眼,下丘下方滑车行;桥腹两侧连三叉,桥延沟内展面听;橄榄后沟上至下,舌咽迷走副神经;锥体橄榄之间处,舌下神经看得清。一嗅额下嗅球中 额叶 frontal lobe 二视离球间脑通;嗅球 olfactor
4、y bulb间脑 diencephalon betn-brain /erbrain /lamencephalon脚间窝内三动眼,下丘下方滑车行;下丘脑 hypolamus桥腹两侧连三叉,桥延沟内展面听;pons = pons varoliimedulla oblongata橄榄后沟上至下,舌咽迷走副神经;橄榄olive锥体橄榄之间处,舌下神经看得清。cone锥体反射深腱反射ReflexesDeep Tendon ReflexesBicep Reflex(C5-6) Tricep Reflex ( C7-8)Quadiceps ( Palar, Knee Jerk) Reflex ( L3-4)
5、Achilles (le Jerk) Reflex (S1-2)Match the following inflammatory conditions with their corresponding ChiShingles Meningitis Myelitis带状疱疹脑膜炎 脊髓炎Polioencephalitis脑灰质炎Rabies Tetanus Arachnitis狂犬病,恐水病破伤风蛛网膜炎Encephalomyelitis脑脊髓炎How would you r Schizophrenia Depresthe following psychiatric conditions? an
6、d why?精神抑郁症症OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) Alcoholism强迫症anorexia nervosa paranoiaolar disorder神经性厌食症妄想症燥郁症Match the given terms with their definitionaencephalia, ataxia, amnesia, alexia, aphasia,loss of the ability to read = alexia失读症partial or total loss of memory = amnesia失眠症partial or total
7、loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend language = aphasia失语症congenital imperfect development of the brain = aencephalialoss of the ability to coordinator muscular movement = ataxia脑发育不全共济失调dipsomania, delu, dementia, deliriuma temporary se of mental confuand clouded consciousness deli
8、rium谵妄an insatiable, often perioraving for alcoholic beverages = dipsomania嗜酒错觉a false bef strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence = deludeterioration ofellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment = dementia 痴呆dysbasia, dysphasia, dyskinesia, dyslexiaan impairmenthe abil
9、ity to control movement dyskinesia运动impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words dyslexia诵读impairment of speech and verbal comprehen dysphasia言语difficult in walking dysbasia步行narcissism, pica, lergy, hydrocephalus, hemiplegiaparalysis affection only one side of the body hemipl
10、egia偏瘫hydrocephalusan abnormal accumulation of fluidhe cerebral ventricles 脑积水erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of ones own body narcissism自恋an abnormal craving or appetite for nonfood substan, such as dirt, papica异食癖a se of sluggishness, inactivity and apathy lergy打采Match the
11、 following conditions with their corresponding Chitorpor麻痹;呆滞ticspina bifida syncope petit mal paraphasia necromania hallucination脊柱裂昏厥癫痫小发作语言错乱,错语症恋尸狂,恋尸癖幻觉Translate the following titles of medical essayso English对疑诊脑膜炎的成年患者在腰穿前进行头部计算机体层扫描术Computed Tomography of the Head before Lumbar Puncture in A
12、dults withed meningitis高血压和 Observation of mellitus患者颅内脑动脉狭窄的观察racranial artery occlusive diseases in patients with hypertenand diabetes血浆高半胱氨酸(Homocysteinec)是痴呆症和海默氏病的一种Plasma Homocysteinec as a Risk Factor for Dementia and Alzheimers Disease缺氧缺血性脑病动物模型实验治疗的病理观察A pathological survey of the ther enc
13、ephalopathyutic effect on experimental animal mwith hypoxic-ischemic急性脑缺血鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的活动特征Active characteristics of hypo in ratslamo-pituitary adrenocortical cortex during acute cerebral ischemiaChapter 16 Endocrine System垂体Neurohypophysis 垂体神经部;神经(性)垂体(垂体后叶)Pituitary gland/hypophysis Adenohypophysi
14、s 腺垂体前叶Hormones secreted by hypophysisGH/somatotropin成长激素Prolactin/lactogenic hormone 催乳素Thyrotrophyroid-stimulating hormone 促甲状腺激素ACdrenocorticotropin/corticotropin 促肾上腺皮质激素Gonadotropic hormones 促激素FSH=follicle-stimulating hormone 促激素ICSH=erstitial cell-stimulating hormone促间质细胞激素,促(生成)激素MSH/melanot
15、rophelanocyte-stimulating hormone 促黑色素细胞激素Vasopressin/ADH=antidiuretic hormone 后叶加压素,抗利尿激素oxytocin(后叶)催产素,缩宫素Hormocreted by pineal body(松果体)melatonin 退黑激素Hormones secreted by thyroid glandThyroxine 甲状腺素Tetraiodothyronine (T4)四碘甲腺原氨酸 calcitonin 降血钙素(一种调节血中含钙量之 Hormones secreted by parathyroid glandsT
16、riiodothyronine (T3)三碘甲腺原氨酸)Parathyroid hormone or parathormone 甲状旁腺激素Hormones secreted by adrenal glandsCorticosteroids = adrenocortical hormones 肾上腺皮质激素Mineralocorticoids 矿质(肾上腺)皮质激素Aldosterone 醛固酮Glucocorticoids 糖皮质激素Cortisol 考的松,皮质醇corticosterone 肾上腺酮;皮质脂酮Sex hormones(Androgen 雄激素Catecholamines
17、儿茶酚胺nephrine=adrenaline 肾上腺素 Hormones secreted by pancreas Glucagon 胰高血糖素(alpha cells) Other endocrine glandsEstrogen 雌激素)nornephrine 去甲肾上腺素Insulin(beta cells)What hormone has this function?Regulating the biological clock of the bodymelatoninRegulating the activities of several other endocrine gland
18、s such as thyroid, adrenals,reproductiveglandsAnterior pituitary hormonesregulating the rate of metabolismThyroxineParathormonecorticosteroidsDecreasing the concentration of calcium Decreasing the concentration of glucosehe blood he bloodcalcitonin 降血钙素insulinRegulating the development of secondary
19、sex characteristicsAndrogenEstrogenWhich endocrine gland is responsible for?Diabetes insius 尿崩症Pituitary gland Adrenal gland Pituitary gland Adrenal gland Pancreas Thyroid gland GonadsParathyroid glandsAddisons disease DwarfismPheochromocytoma 嗜铬细胞瘤Diabetesmyxedema virilism腺瘤化hypercalcemia 高钙血症Tests
20、 for endocrine systemRAIU 放射性碘摄取ITT 胰岛素耐量试验TBG 甲状腺素结合球蛋白ACTH test 促肾上腺皮质激素试验Radioactive iodine uptake testinsulolerance testThyroxine-binding globulinLH test 促激素试验Luteinizing hormone testAldosterone and renest 醛固酮肾素试验Translate the following case preseniono Chi1A 47-year-old woman was admitted to the
21、 hospital because of recurrent hypercalcemia.The patient had been admitted 14 years earr because of hyparathyroidism, with an increasedthymusthymosinDevelopment of immune systemstomachgastrinDigestion of foodplacentaChorionic gonadotropinOvary to maahe uterine liningSmallesticretin素Pancreas to produ
22、ce bicarbonate Gallbladder to contractcholecystokinin 缩胆囊素Heart (atria)atriopeptin 心房肽level of calcium (12.3 mg per deciliter 3.1 mmol per liter), markedly increased levels of alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone (293 pg per milliliter; normal range, 10 to 60), and a low phosphorus level (1.
23、8 mg per deciliter 0.58 mmol per liter). Physical examination revealed a nodulehe left lowole of the thyroid gland.2A 64-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of hyperadrenocorticism.The patient had a history oina pectoris and had undergone five-vecoronary-artery bypasssurgery nine years
24、 before admis. He had long-standing heartburn, and for two years had hadermittent upper abdominal pahat responded to ranitidine. The results of upper gastroestinalendoscopy were normal. Six months before admis, he began to bruise easily; weakness, emotionallability, moon facies, and peripheral edema
25、 developed; and his weight increased by 5 kg. Threemonths before admis, a tremor developed in his hands. One month later, bouts of tachycardia andbradycardia occurred, and a dual-chamber electronic pacemaker was implanted. Shortly thereafter, atrial flutter with exertional dyspnea developed and did
26、not respond to medical treatment.Chapter 17SpeOlfactionl SensesGusionSpe Vil Senses:AuditionSkin SensesCommon Building Blocks acou/o- (Gr. akouein) to hear audi/o- (L. audire) to hear dacry/o- (Gr. dakryon) tears-acousis (Gr. akouein + -is/-ia) to hear-opia (ps + ia) eye-opsia (opsis + -ia) a condit
27、ion or a defect of viOuter (External) ear:The outer ear is comed of pinna and the external auditory c:The s-shd structure surrounding the auditory copeningA short, narrow chamber carved Ceruminal glands(耵聍腺) Middle ear:o the temporal bone of the skullThe middle ear is a small, air-filledwithhe tempo
28、ral bone:fl fled laterally by the eardrumed by a ball with two openingsspanned by the three ossicles: the hammer, the anvil, the stirrupInner (ernal) ear:The inner ear is a maze of bony chambers located deep withhe temporal bone.The bony labyrh is filled wiplasmalike fluid called perilymph.Suspendedhe perilymph is a membranous labyrh.Mechanism of hearing:Within the membranes of the snail-like cochlea is thean of Corti, which contains the hearing receptors or hair cells.Matching Gameconjunctivitis 结膜炎dacry
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