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1、自然建筑-一种新兴的艺术运动,通过认为塑造环境,去不断探求人类重塑人与自然联系的夙愿。简介自然建筑一种新兴的艺术运动,通过人为塑造的环境,不断探究人类内心对自然的设想和改造的意义,并由此创造了一种全新的、更加和谐的人与自然的关联性。时至今日,大 HYPERLINK /articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然依然能让我们感到惊讶和由衷地赞叹。无论积累了多么丰富的科学知识,人类可能永远也无法穷尽大自然所蕴藏的种种疑团。虽然从未放弃对这些繁复谜团的探究,但令人遗憾的是,人类总是试图通过加强秩序来控制自然。由此不难想象,我们,离我们赖以生存的大自然愈来愈远。 HYPERLINK /art

2、icles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然建筑-一种新兴的艺术运动,通过人为塑造的环境,不断探究人类内心对自然的设想和改造的意义,并由此创造了一种全新的、更加和谐的人与自然的关联性。 HYPERLINK /articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然建筑运动与19世纪60年代兴起的艺术变革-大地艺术一脉相传。后者意在反对画廊在艺术品交易中追求利益最大化的行为,以及所导致的艺术商业化趋势,并试图去打破和拓展艺术与自然之间固有的联系。大地艺术的意义在于提升了自然在所有艺术和设计中所具有价值。作为对于大地艺术的拓展, HYPERLINK /articles/tag/自然 t _bla

3、nk 自然建筑运动不再仅仅扮演反对者的角色,而是意在成为实践者:通过建筑来表现人性和自然,以此重获我们所追求的人与自然间的和谐。这其中的核心理念在于,人类与自然的和谐共存-在利用的同时充分尊重自然。很多艺术家、设计师以及建筑师通过各自的作品来诠释这次运动的理念。这些作品大多很简洁,甚至显得卑微:建造所使用的都是最为基本的材料和工艺。正因如此,所有的作品都表现为一种最原始的构筑物,表达了一种想要回到科技发达之前的渴望。剥去层层外壳,这些作品显露出的其最为基本的形态,向人们展现了材料和地域所固有的无限的 HYPERLINK /articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然魅力。这次运动的表

4、现形式多种多样,从基于地域特征做建造的外来物到以可再生材料建造的构筑物,它们诠释了一个共同的理念:尊重和懂得欣赏自然。这些作品意在提出对建筑的评价,并在此框架下一个推动建筑与构筑物的发展。他们想要给建筑注入全新新的理念,通过刻意的暴露和凸显建造过程中所采用的的 HYPERLINK /articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然材料,以此推翻之前建筑应当尽量掩盖自然的旧观念。于是,我们可以见到作品中的各种树枝、岩石等保持了它们最为原始的姿态;我们可以理解这些作品不会永远存在,它们会随着时间的流逝逐渐变化,分解,直至完全消失。作品的这些特点有意的启发了所有看到它的人们对于传统建筑模式的质

5、疑。实际上,这些作品的设计者并不是在暗示建筑应该符合他们的理念去建造,他们只是提出了一种观点,并且希望能以此启发人们去反思自然与人造环境之间的关系。_ HYPERLINK /articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然建筑 (图书)作者:alessandro rocca出版商:princeton architectural press年份:2007ISBN:1568987218 ISBN:13 9781568987217本书的作者alessandro rocca(一位建筑师及建筑评论家,同时还是the milan polytechnic的教授)在本书中汇集了表现 HYPERLINK

6、/articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然建筑理念的作品,用250张图片详细分析了来自18个艺术家的66个项目。每个项目都深入的思考了自然与设计的内在关系。这些项目设计者为olafur eliasson,patrick dougherty, nils-udo, ex. studio, edward ng, n architects等等。 HYPERLINK /bookpage.tpl?isbn=1568987218 t _blank la tonnelle 设计者: gilles bruni 和 marc babarit, 1996白杨穹顶 设计者:david nash, 197

7、7 HYPERLINK /articles/tag/有机 t _blank 有机高速路 设计者: mikael hansen 1995中国moasi的桥 设计者:edward ng, 2005clemson陶土巢穴 设计者:nils-udo, 2005weidendom 设计者:sanfte strukturen, 2001芦苇小屋 设计者:chris drury, 2002跑圈 材料:柳树和枫树树苗,设计者:patrick dougherty, 1996蟾蜍大厅 设计者:patrick dougherty, 2004雾中公寓 设计者:n architects, 2004 HYPERLINK

8、/articles/tag/自然 t _blank 自然建筑封面 作者 :alessandro rocca 出版商:princeton architecturalpress, 2007 - 本文所有图片均出自本书natural architecture - an emerging art movement that is exploring mankinds desire to reconnect to the earth, through the built environment.the natural environment still manages to fill us with a

9、 senseof awe and amazement. despite the amount of scientificknowledge mankind has gathered, nature still holds greatmysteries that we may never be able to unravel.this complexity has continually daunted man. in frustration, wetry to control nature by enforcing order. as a result,we have distanced ou

10、rselves from the earth, even thoughour survival is completely dependent on it. we are now tryingto regain our close connection to nature. there is an emerging art movement that is exploring mankindsdesire to reconnect to the earth, through the built environment.referred to as natural architecture, i

11、t aims to create a new,more harmonious, relationship between man and nature byexploring what it means to design with nature in mind.the roots of this movement can be found in earlier artisticshifts like the land art movement of the late nineteen sixties.although this movement was focused on protesti

12、ng theausterity of the gallery and the commercialization of art,it managed to expand the formal link between art and nature.this has helped develop a new appreciation of nature in allforms of art and design.the natural architecture movement aims to expand on land artby acting as a form of activism r

13、ather than protest. this newform of art aims to capture the harmonious connection weseek with nature by merging humanity and nature througharchitecture. the core concept of the movement is thatmankind can live harmoniously with nature, using it for ourneeds while respecting its importance.the moveme

14、nt is characterized by the work of a number ofartists, designers and architects that express these principlesin their work. the pieces are simple, humble and built using themost basic materials and skills. because of this, the resultsoften resemble indigenous architecture, reflecting the desireto re

15、turn to a less technological world. the forms are strippeddown to their essence, expressing the natural beauty inherentin the materials and location. the movement has many forms ofexpression that range from location-based interventions tostructures built from living materials. however all of the wor

16、ksin the movement share a central ethos that demonstrates arespect and appreciation for nature.these works are meant to comment on architecture and providea new framework to approach buildings and structures.they aim to infuse new ideas into architecture by subvertingthe idea that architecture shoul

17、d shelter nature. instead,the structures deliberately expose the natural materials usedin the building process. we see the branches, the rocks andall the materials for what they are. we understand that thesestructures wont exist forever. the materials will evolve overtime, slowly decomposing until n

18、o evidence remains.these features are intentional, provoking viewers to questionthe conventions of architecture. the designers arent suggestingthat architecture must conform to their vision, they are justproviding ideas that they hope will inspire us all to rethink therelationship between nature and

19、 the built environment._natural architecture (the book)author:alessandro roccapublisher:princeton architectural pressyear:2007ISBN:1568987218 ISBN:13 9781568987217a collection of works reflecting the ideas of this movementhave been compiled into a book written by alessandro rocca(architect and archi

20、tecture critic and a professor at themilan polytechnic). the book, due out in early november 2007,features sixty-six projects from 18 artists and architectsby way of 250 photos and illustrations. each project reconsidersdesigning with nature in mind. projects by olafur eliasson,patrick dougherty, nils-udo, ex. studio, edward ng, n


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