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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、The organization is considering _ some money to victims of the natural disaster.AdonateBdonatingCto

2、 donateDto donating2、There are so many kinds of transportation we can choose in life.Even CaoCao special car provides us a number of transportation services.AtoBatCforDwith3、 Do you still remember ?July, 15th,2015.Awhen did BRT in the city start to runBwhen BRT in the city started to runChow BRT in

3、the city started to runDhow did BRT in the city started to run4、- David asked_ in China.- Of course not. Chinese usually shake hands with a lady as a greeting.Awhy he can greet a lady by kissing herBWhy he could greet a lady by kissing herCWhether he can greet a lady by kissing herDWhether he could

4、greet a lady by kissing her5、You can the hotel on the Internet if you go out to travel.AnameBbookCparkDbuy6、Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?Acorrect concertBalive prideCabsent, ancestor7、Mum, Ive got the first prize in the photo competition. _!AGood luck BGoo

5、d idea CNot at all DCongratulations8、There _ a football match this evening.Exciting news.Aare going to be Bis going to beCis going to have Dwill have9、We can give money to help _ the animals in danger.AprotectBpunishCcontrolDtouch10、 There are a lot of _ of bike riding. I agree. Its good for the env

6、ironment and it saves money.AinstructionsBrulesCadvantagesDproducts. 完形填空11、 When I was small, I used to visit my grandparents in the countryside, far away from the city. My grandpa was a 1 farmer. Though he passed away many years ago, I still remember a lesson Grandpa taught me one summer. Grandpa

7、looked after the sheep and 2 them from wolves and other wild animals in the forest. One morning, when Grandpa gathered(聚集) the sheep, 3 set out. As we were guarding the sheep, Grandpa said to me, “Nick, 4 yourself to be a sheep farmer. What will you do if one of the sheep is lost? Will you go to loo

8、k for it?”“Of course,” I replied. “As a sheep farmer, I should be 5 for every sheep. If one sheep is lost, I will do whatever it takes to bring it back.”Grandpa shook his head and said, “You have a kind heart, 6 I dont think you are wise enough.”At that time, I didnt 7 . Then, Grandpa continued, “Re

9、member, no matter what happens, you must keep your cool. If you dont, you wont be able to make right 8 . If one of these sheep is lost and we go to look for it, what will happen to the other sheep? They might get 9 , too. Whats worse, they might be eaten up by wolves.”The more I thought about Grandp

10、as words, the more I 10 how true it was! From then on, I always remembered to keep my cool no matter what happened.1AchickenBcottonCsheepDrice2AavoidedBpunishedCborrowedDprotected3AweByouCsheDthey4AdoubtBimagineCencourageDsuggest5AhelpfulBknownCthirstyDresponsible6AsoBbutCbecauseDif7AhearBdiscussCwa

11、itDunderstand8AwishesBmistakesCdecisionsDsuggestions9AlostBsickCluckyDpopular10ArealizedBdisagreedCadmiredDforgot. 语法填空12、Which do you prefer to use when you are studying, iPads 1books? Here is a survey about it. Some students think that iPads are2(good). iPads can give them more choices. They can s

12、earch for information in an iPad easily instead of 3(look) everything up in different books. At the same time, students can send pictures directly to a printer to photocopy4(they). And homework will not be5(forget)easily because teachers can send all the homework to their iPads. With 6iPads, they ca

13、n do all their work in them. But 7(other) think that books are more8(help) for learning. 9, reading books wont hurt eyes. Second, what they read in books can leave a deeper impression on them. Whats more, some students usually use iPads to play games at school, which is bad 10 their study. So they p

14、refer to use books. 阅读理解A13、 In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead, with more tactics(策略).One tactic involves where to display the goods. For example, stores pl

15、ace fruits and vegetables in the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food later in their trip. In department stores, the womens shoe section is generally next to the womens cosmetics(化妆品) section: while the shop assis

16、tant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over and find some cosmetics they might want to try later.Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, so they make their own bread each mo

17、rning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wines went up.When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also used highly rewarding tactics. They find that customers

18、make decisions in the first few seconds upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the pool through an open stair

19、way leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.1Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?ATo save customers time.BTo show they are high quality foods.CTo help sell junk food.DTo sell them at discount price

20、s.2According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?AOpening the store early in the morning.BDisplaying British wines next to French ones.CInviting customers to play music.DFilling the store with the smell of fresh bread.3What is the California builders story intended to

21、prove?AThe house structure is a key factor customers consider.BThe more costly the house is, the better it sells.CAn ocean view is much to the customers taste.DA good first impression increases sales.4What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo explain how businesses turn people into their customers

22、.BTo introduce how businesses have grown from the past.CTo report researches on customer behavior.DTo show dishonest business practices.B14、Margeaux Wolberg was sitting with the other 12-year-olds in her class when one of the girls turned to her and asked, Is your mom dead?She never came to school l

23、ike the other mothers to volunteer in the library or help the teachers. It was always Margeauxs dad who did that.Margeaux reached for her computer, typed a few words into Google and showed her classmate a list of information with her mothers name and job titles, from CEO at S to her present role as

24、vice-president of technology business operations at PayPal. See, my moms not dead, she said. My moms famous.Kirsten Wolberg, 45, tells this story with pride. She is not trapped by an uneasy feeling these days when she has to miss a school play. Instead she is glad that her two daughters are growing

25、up with such a strong role model: a woman in a high-powered job in Silicon Valley.Long before neither of her kids was born, Wolberg and her future husband Michael had a talk about how they would divide household and childcare duties. I said, Listen, one of the things thats really important to me is

26、to have a parent at home full time, she remembers. And it cant be me.Michael Wolberg, 43, worked for years for a medicine company. But when Margeaux was born, he offered to give up his job and became a stay-at-home dad. And he has never felt sorry for himself. Spending 12 hours a day alone with a ch

27、ild suits his personality better than an office, he says, and much better than it would ever suit his wife.Shes spent many, many years trying to get to the place where she is and even further, he says, and this lifestyle of cleaning the floor and changing diapers(尿片)and all kinds of other things are

28、 not for her.1From the first three paragraphs we know that Margeaux felt .Asorry for her mother Bproud of her motherChurt by her classmates Dthankful to her mother2According to the passage, Kirsten .Afinds it hard to get her kids understanding Bis as successful in her career as her husbandCfeels sor

29、ry for not helping in her kids school Dis glad to have set a good example to her kids3Why did Michael choose to be a stay-at-home dad?AHe was tired of his job.BHe was forced to leave the job.CHe is more suitable by nature to stay at home.DHe and his wife reached an agreement after the kids birth.4Fr

30、om the passage we can learn that .AKirsten can achieve greater success in her careerBKirsten is neither a good wife nor a qualified motherCMichael loves his kids better than his wife doesDMichael regrets making the decision to stay at homeC15、Night Milk and SleepA warm drink of milk before bed has l

31、ong been the best choice for those wanting a good nights sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off if it is milked from a cow at night. Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce a

32、nxiety.The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night. Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk co

33、llected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been sug

34、gested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax. Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best

35、 choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.1What does the phrase nod off in the first paragraph mean?ATry to keep awake.BTry to sleep a longer time.CChange from being awake to a sleeping state.DChang

36、e from a sleeping state to being awake.2According to the text, the mice being fed with night time milk _.Awoke up later Bwere more anxiousCwere less active Dcould not sleep well3Why do lots of people think milk is excellent for helping sleep?ABecause many people like drinking milk.BBecause its been

37、tested on mice ten times.CBecause it can make people more energetic.DBecause it contains calcium, which helps people to relax.D16、A baby carrier is like a backpack for carrying a baby. Ann Moore introduced the idea of a baby carrier to American people nearly 50 years ago.Ann spent two years in Afric

38、a in the early 1960s. She worked as a nurse there. Ann saw babies wrapped in bright cloth tied to their mothers backs. The babies snuggled (依偎) close to their mothers, and the mothers could use their hands to do other things.In 1964, Ann had her own baby. She tried making a carrier like the one Afri

39、can mothers used. The carrier was like a backpack. Everywhere Ann went with her baby in the carrier, people asked, “Where can I buy one?” In 1965, Ann and her mother began to sell handmade carriers. Ann received a patent (专利) for the baby carrier in 1969. By that time, the baby carrier had leg holes

40、 and straps (带子) that could be made longer or shorter. It could also be worn on the back or front.By 1979, the baby carriers were made in a factory. These baby carriers cost less to make and more than 25,000 were sold every month.When Ann made her first baby carrier, she just wanted to keep her baby

41、 close and still have her hands free to do other things. Now all over the world babies ride in baby carriers, close to their parents, safe and happy.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1Ann Moore made her first baby carrier in .A1964 B1965C1969 D19792People asked Ann where they could buy a carrier because .AA

42、nn looked kind and friendlyBAnn knew where to buy itCthey liked it and wanted to have oneDthey couldnt go to Africa3What did Anns baby carrier look like?AIt was a bag made of bright cloth.BIt was a bright cloth tied to the mothers back.CIt was a big backpack which could be worn on the back or front.

43、DIt was like a backpack with leg holes and adjustable (可调节的) straps.4From the passage we can learn that people usually invent new things to .Astart a family businessBshow they are better than othersChelp people in poor areasDmake their lives easier5Whats the passage mainly about?ABaby carriers in Af

44、ricaBThe mother of the baby carrier.CAnn Moores family businessDHow to make a baby carrier.E17、TRADITIONAL CHINESE FESTIVELSNameLantern FestivalTomb-sweeping DayThe Dragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalDateLunar January 15thApril 5thLunar May 5thLunar August 15thHow to celebratePeople eat sweet du

45、mplings for good luck, watch a lantern show and guess riddles.People sweep the tombs to remember the dead. Also they fly kites on this day.People hold and watch dragon boat races in many places and eat zongzi to remember Qu Yuan.Family members get together to eat mooncakes and enjoy the bright full

46、moon.riddle字谜 tomb墓 lunar农历根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。1From above we know all these festivals are _ traditional festivals.AChineseBAmericanCBritish2The Mid-Autumn Festival comes _than Lantern Festival.Aeight months earlierBeight months laterCseven months later3People usually eat _ and watch _ at Dragon Boat F

47、estival.Azongzi, dragon boat racesBmoon cakes, the moonCsweet dumplings, a lantern show4From the form we know people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival to remember_.AChangeBQu YuanCold people5Which of the following is not TRUE according to the information above?APeople sweep tombs on Tomb-sweeping D

48、ay to remember the dead.BFamily members often get together to guess riddles on Lantern Festival .CWe cant see the bright full moon both on Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Day.F18、In fact,almost every country in the world is named after one of these four things: a tribe (部落) ,a feature (特征)of the lan

49、d,a place or an important person.Here are some examples.Tribe namesEngland is in good company with the lions share (about one third) of the worlds countries named after an early tribe.Important peoplePHILIPPEINES-Named by Spanish explorer(探险家Ruy Lopez de Villalobos,in honour of King Philip II of Spain in 1542.Land featuresICELAND-This name is translated as Land of Ice,perhaps for clear reasons,from the ancient language of Old Norse.PlacesJAPAN- -N


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