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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1 Dont put the waste on the ground, young man. Oh, Im sorry. I _ the dustbin ther

2、e. Ahadnt seen Bhavent seen Cdidnt see Dwasnt seeing2To tell the truth, I didnt expect that there were so many people _ the idea.Asupported Bsupporting Cto support Dhaving supported3Meyer and his team were the first _ how the disease spreads fromanimals to humans.AshowingBshowCto showDshown4The art

3、historians tried to figure out how the temple _ when built around 15 BCAmight lookBmight have lookedCmust lookDmust have looked5My sister met him in the street yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture.Ashouldnt have attendedBcouldnt have attendedCmustnt have attendedDneednt have attended6It was not

4、 until 3 days later that the boy came back to life and explained to the police what_ to him.Awas happeningBwas to happenChad happenedDhas happened7If you want to see a doctor,you fix a date with him ahead of time.That is a common _ in the USAAview BexerciseCpractice Dreality8I have no idea what made

5、 the students so excited and crazy._ it have been their teams victory in the finals?AMustBCouldCWouldDShould9Hi, Tom! I got a chance to be an exchange student in Harvard University._! I had been expecting to study there.ALucky youBHave funCTake it easyDForget it10It is almost five years since Jimmy

6、taught high school students and he _ as an interpreter in a foreign enterprise.Aserved Bhad servedCis serving Dwould serve11 F/ friendships fade away if there isnt _good balance between the give and the takeAThe;/B/;aCThe; aD/;the12 Class Two, our class became the Basketball Champion of our school.A

7、BeatingBto beatCBeaten byDHaving beaten13The people in the village are so _ that they are willing to help every visitor.AoptimisticBenergeticCenthusiasticDambitious14Dont you think _of great importance that we should keep fit by taking exercise regularly?AthisBthatCwhichDit15Why does she always driv

8、e to work _ she could easily take the train?AunlessBuntilCbeforeDwhen16 carefully for long time,the opening ceremony won a great success.AHaving prepared BTo be prepared CBeing prepared DHaving been prepared17I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow. .AI really envy y

9、ouBGlad to hear thatCSounds greatDTake it easy18Backward somewhat technologically _ we are for the moment, we have confidence in our ability to catch up in time.Aalthough Bif Cas Donce19-Can I park my car here?-Sure not, we dont allow here.Ato parkingBparkCto parkDparking20Amazingly, Ive managed to

10、start my own shop online!_ I told you it was easy.AThere you are!BBelieve it or not.CHow come?DYou got me there!第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) We all love bank holidays. In the UK, we only get eight bank holidays in one year, and at least five of those occur around Christmas

11、 time and Easter time! A bank holiday is a British English term. This is an official day that is decided by the government, when banks, shops and offices close for the day even though its a weekdayusually a Monday, and a lot of people have a day off work.Bank holidays are different in Colombia -firs

12、tly, they are called “festivos”. There are twenty festivos for the whole country in one year! In Britain, people get more holiday allowances(津贴)than Colombians but fewer bank holidays. There can be even more festivos in Colombia, depending on which region of Colombia you live in. This is because dif

13、ferent regions have their own holidays. For example, some regions have a patron saint(守护神), so they have an extra festivo to celebrate that saint.However, there are some days that are national holidays for historical reasons. There is an Independence Day celebration on July 20 every year. This is ju

14、st like Bastille Day in France on July 14, or Independence Day in the United States on July4. Other important festivos in Colombia are: Labour Day, on May 1, and Columbus Day on October 12. Columbus Day is a historical bank holiday that almost every county on the continent of America celebrates. Thi

15、s includes Colombia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Mexico and the United States. It is memorialization of the day when the Italian sailor, Christopher Columbus, first reached land on the continent in the year 14. Many people criticize this day and say it is not something to celebrate because of the way Co

16、lumbus and his team treated the people that were already living there.1、What is a “bank holiday” according to the text?AAn official nationwide vacation.BA holiday only for the bank staff.CA British traditional religion festival.DA celebration for Christmas and Easter.2、What can we learn from Paragra

17、ph2?AColombia and Britain have the same number of festivos.BAll Colombians have the same number of festivos.CColombians have fewer holiday allowances than British people.DPeople in most regions celebrate a patron saint.3、Why do many Americans refuse to celebrate Columbus Day?ABecause Columbus wasnt

18、an American at all.BBecause Columbus once treated the locals badly.CBecause it wasnt Columbus who found America first.DBecause Columbus didnt live in the continent of America.4、What is the text mainly about?AA British English term.BBank holidays in Colombia.CImportant festivos in America.DDifferent

19、bank holidays in the world.22(8分)We humans spend about one-third of life asleep. Sleep helps us stay healthy, and it also helps our brain remember. Our brains need good sleep to remember what we do and learn during the other two thirds of our life when we are awake. Besides keeping us healthy, some

20、new research shows that a good nights sleep helps make us more intelligent.Researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found that sleep helps improve brain performance by shrinking synapses in the brain. A synapse is the area where cells pass messages to other cells.Cirelli is a leading s

21、cientist at the schools Center for Sleep and Consciousness. She found that sleep is when the human brain mixes information it has learned while awake into its general collection of knowledge. However, the brain forgets unimportant details. This forgetting is important. It makes space for new learnin

22、g and new memories.Cirelli said that the Centers research began with this hypothesis: We sleep so that our brain can repair and refresh itself. She said the idea seems simple and reasonable. However, testing and discovering how it works has been extremely difficult. Cirelli and Center director Giuli

23、o Tononi have been trying to prove the connection between sleep and the brains synapses since 2003. Cirelli said the researchers knew that “stronger synapses are also bigger.” So, they began their study by “measuring the size of the synapses” in the brain.They also knew that during sleep, the brain

24、checks on all its synapses and resets itself for the next day. The team wanted to see if the synapses of the brain are bigger after being awake all day and smaller after a good nights sleep. Synapses are only about 20-40 nanometers wide. So, the team looked for changes in these already tiny spaces b

25、etween nerve cells. The team had lo wail until improvements in laboratory technology made it possible to see these tiny changes.Cirelli says they found that synapse size and strength are upset by being awake and restored by sleeping. She says our synapses shrink as our brains clean themselves during

26、 sleep. We wake up refreshed and ready to fill those synapses with new information.1、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?ASleep can only keep us healthy.BSleep can help our brain function better.CSleep can mix all the information.DSleep can take up two-thirds of our li

27、fe.2、What does it refer to in Paragraph 4?AThe measuring the size of the synapses.BThe space for new learning and new memories.CThe way our brain can repair and refresh itself.DThe connection between sleep and the brains synapses.23(8分)My Dear Stuart,We are overjoyed at your generously long letter.

28、We have been rather worried about you since your reticent Xmas card from Spain. We thought that your indignation at Fascist (Natsi) terrors might have made you join the Spanish Republican army on leaving Oxford. In that case, the world would certainly gain a hero, but we might (O horrible thought!)

29、lose a friend. You can imagine our relief to hear from you again.We shall be here for another four or five months yet, and we shall sail home in September. Not that we have homes to return to! Our houses, spared by the shell-fire, have been looted and gutted of all their valuable contents. Our famil

30、ies have taken refuge in mountains. My wife lost her mother, and I myself have no hope of getting jobs in China. However, ones own people; I dont mind suffering a bit. The revolution of the Fortunes wheel might bring us up, and, as Goethe (歌德,著名诗人) was fond of saying, abwarten Sie.Yes, Stuart, I hav

31、e been working entirely on my own. I have tried to read French literature systematically downwards, beginning with Villon, and already got as far as the mid-nineteenth century. I have also read the German romantics. I am reading Taines novel. Besides, I have not neglected my English and Chinese stud

32、ies.Oh, my baby daughter is bursting fat. She already boasts of six teeth (each tooth meaning a week or so of worries and sleeplessness on her part as well as our own). She is very naughty and self-willed. She will be able to walk a little next month.My wife sends you her best wishes. Write to me at

33、 your earliest convenience.Yours ever,Chung-shu TchiienP.S. My wife wants me to tell you that the baby is really “her fathers daughter”. She loves nothing so much as booksto tear and nibble at, certainly not to read. She throws away her toys to grab at the books we happen to be reading.1、If publishe

34、d, the letter can be found in the column of .Acontinued stories Bcover storyCbook review Danecdotes and life2、We can infer from the letter that .Athe writers homeland was suffering from a terrible warBthe writer, as well as Stuart, was fond of Chinese literatureCthe writer and his family had never p

35、lanned to leave for homelandDStuart was leaving for China together with the writer and his family3、The expression abwarten Sie in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .Aignore helplessly Bescape hopelesslyCseek desperately Dwait patiently4、The tone of the writers writing about his daughter is .Acasu

36、al BcautiousChumorous Ddetermined24(8分)THEATRECity VarietiesThe Headrow,Leeds.Tel.430808Oct 1011 only A Night at the Varieties.All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer,Duggle Brown,6 dancers,Mystina,Jon Barker,Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Trio.Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to

37、your favourite songs.Performances:8 p.m.nightly.Admission: 5; under 16 or over 60: 4.York Theatre RoyalSt Leonards Place,York.Tel.223568Sept 23Oct 17 Groping for Wordsa comedy by Sue Townsend.Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries.Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men and a woman

38、attend.A gentle comedy.Admission: First night,Mon: 2; TuesFri: 3.255.50;Sat: 3.505.75.Halifax PlayhouseKings Cross Street,Halifax.Tel.365998Oct 1017 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson.This is a magical comedy about real people.A beautifully produced, well acted play for everyone.Dont miss it.Performa

39、nces:7:30 p.m.Admission: 2.Mon: 2 seats for the price of one.Grand TheatreOxford Street,Leeds.Tel.502116Restaurant and Caf.Oct 117 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole,Aged 13.Sue Townsends musical play,based on her best selling book.Performances: Evenings 7:45 October 1017,at 2:30 p.m.No Monday performa

40、nces.Admission:TuesThurs:25 ;Fri & Sat:26.1、Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?AHalifax Playhouse.BCity Varieties.CGrand Theatre.DYork Theatre Royal.2、If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs,which phone number will you ring to book a seat?A502116.B223568.C365998.D430808.3、We may learn

41、 from the text that Sue Townsend is _.Aa writerBan actressCa musicianDa director25(10分)Companion planting is the idea that when some crops are planted together, they help each other grow. The compatible plants generally have similar needs for nutrients, soil and moisture.Advice for companion plantin

42、gs is sometimes based more on tradition than proof. But Fabian Fernandez at the University of Illinois says there is evidence for some combinations. These can lead to better crops, reduce disease and help with pest control by attracting helpful insects. For example, some kinds of soil bacteria take

43、nitrogen(氮) from the air and make a form that plants can use. The plants keep the nitrogen in their roots. Legumes(豆类) are especially good at this. Any crops sharing the same space can get the nitrogen as the roots decompose(腐烂).Crops like beans and potatoes, carrots and cabbages, beans and rice can

44、 also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil. Deep-rooted vegetables get nutrients and moisture from lower down, so they do not compete with shallower plants. But some plants placed together may harm each others development. For example, tomatoes do not like wet

45、soil but watercress does, as the name suggests. So you would probably not want to put them together.Even after harvest, some kinds of produce should be kept apart. Apples, for example, release ethylene gas,a plant hormone. It can cause other foods to ripen(成熟)too quickly. Markets often separate high

46、 ethylene-producing foods from those that are sensitive to the gas. But sometimes you might want them together. For example, if you put an apple in a bag with a green banana, the banana will be ready to eat sooner.Now what about peaches, plums and nectarines that are too firm to eat? Growers in Cali

47、fornia answer this question at . They say an apple,a banana or a riper piece of fruit is not needed. The peaches, plums and nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.Heres their advice: place the fruit in afruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. Keep the fr

48、uit at room temperature. When the fruit is soft enough to your liking, either use it or place it in a refrigerator to stop further ripening.1、What are the basic needs for companion planting?AGood old companions. BSome kinds of soil bacteria.CNutrients, soil and moisture. DHelpful insects.2、What does

49、 the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?ATo some extent, companion planting relies more on traditional experience.BIn the field of companion planting, proof always speaks louder than tradition.CTraditional experience is much less reliable than scientific experiments.DScientific re

50、searches have thrown light on the theory of companion planting.3、According to the text, which group of plants are not suitable to be planted together?ABeans and potatoes. BTomatoes and watercress.CCarrots and cabbages. DBeans and rice.4、What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?AWe should ch

51、oose fruit from markets as often as possible.BThe peaches, plums and nectarines should always be put together to get riper.CThe fruit in afruit bowl or in a paper bag should be eaten as soon as possible.DWe should not place any ripening fruit out in direct sunlight.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)

52、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)It was a hot day: the whole group was silting in the shade reading. Sitting beside me was six-year old Mylea, moving her 1 in time with mine. Then I noticed other students, each 2 a picture book for the first time.In creating Racquet and Literacy Lea

53、gue for Youth (RALLY), I hoped to 3 two of my passions: tennis and reading, with inner-city children. Throughout the year, I had advertised for campers and volunteers.But on the first day of camp, 4 my careful planning, things did not go smoothly. Two boys 5 over the net, their noses bleeding. Durin

54、g the reading time, no one 6 a book. They would rather watch films at home. Eli told me, than learn 7 tennis and read boring books.I 8 myself home that afternoon, feeling I had failed. Soon I realized that I should get to 9 . That evening, I called my volunteers together for a meeting, and with thei

55、r help, 10 the entire curriculum; each 11 would pair with a camper to help him / her during reading lime. To emphasize praise and progress, we gave out awards for most 12 reading, tennis and behavior weekly.Mylea said she had a(n) 13 of taking the book home to read to her mom tonight, looking at her

56、 14 face. I offered her a hug. Somehow, after the schedule changes, these children, who had been 15 during reading time, began to find joy in reading stories.Ive heard the expression, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” I witnessed its 16 firsthand at RALLY. Disadvantaged children lack no desire

57、to learn, but the resources to 17 that desire. Solving this issue is a 18 task, but I saw much transformative power at RALLY. RALLYs progress didnt follow the straight road. 19 , with creativity and efforts, I can overcome the twists and reach my destination, and help others reach theirs, too. I can

58、t wait to 20 the journey.1、Alips Bshoulders Carms Dfeet2、Aneeding Bwriting Creading Ddescribing3、Ashare Bform Cconclude Dcomment4、Adue to Bas for Cexcept Ddespite5、Alooked Bfell Cjumped Dstepped6、Aowned Bopened Cpublished Dpurchased7、Aamazing Bstupid Cinspiring Dbeneficial8、Ahated Bdreamt Cdragged D

59、persuaded9、Awork Brelax Cresearch Dabandon10、Areassured Brepaired Crecalled Dredesigned11、Atutor Bstudent Cvolunteer Dparent12、Aarranged Bimproved Cconsumed Dencouraged13、Ahabit Badvantage Cpower Dintention14、Aeager Bnervous Cashamed Dgrey15、Asmart Bactive Cslow Dimpatient16、Atruth Bchange Cdefiniti

60、on Drestriction17、Adestroy Bfoster Cpreserve Ddisplay18、Aunique Bcommon Cmeaningful Dhuge19、ASo BBesides CHowever DTherefore20、Aoppose Badvocate Ccontinue Devaluate第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)Have you ever met anyone of your age from America? Do you think you would have


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