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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Why didnt you enjoy the talk? It was talk that I had ever listened to.Athe most interesti

2、ngBthe least interestingCmore interestingDless interesting2、- What about playing soccer with us, Bob?- Id like to, but I _ look after my baby brother.AmayBhave toCcanDcould3、Dad, its a long way from our home to the park!You mean its _ to take a taxi?ApopularBpossibleCimportantDnecessary4、Im nervous

3、about the coming speech competition. What can I do? . You can make it.ABe hard on yourselfBMind your mannersCKeep your coolDYoure kidding5、Which of the following words is formed like handbag?AmeaningfulBsnowmanCprotectionDimpatient6、 Sam, what will the weather be like tomorrow? Sorry, Mum. I didnt w

4、atch the weather forecast just now. I _ a football match.Awas watchingBam watchingCwould watchDwill watch7、When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _.Apick it out Bpoint at it Cpick it up Dkick it out8、 Do you think that I can win the final? _. Everyone stands a chance.AYou never knowBYo

5、u got itCYes, I doDYou bet9、After the boy saw a bird resting by the window, he moved _ to have a look at it.ApolitelyBquietlyCeasilyDsafely10、Jenny_in the kitchen when you called her at 5 oclock this afternoon.Ais cookingBwas cookingCcooksDcooked. 完形填空11、Overhead bridges are found in some parts of A

6、nyue, especially in places 1 traffic is heavy and crossing the road is very 2 .The purpose of these overhead bridges is to enable pedestrians(行人) to 3 road safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way 4 zebra crossings. They are more efficient(有效的) although less convenient 5 people ha

7、ve to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to old people. When pedestrians are 6 a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is 7 the government has built some overhead bridges to help pedestrians and 8 traffic moving 9 the same time.The government of Anyue has 10 lots of

8、money in building these bridges. For their own safety, pedestrians 11 be encouraged to use them instead of 12 their lives by running across the road. Old people, however, may find 13 a little difficult to climb up and down the steps, but it is still 14 safer than walking across the road with all the

9、 danger of moving traffic.Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose. Pedestrians, both old and young, should form a 15 of using them, This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.1(小题1)Awhere Bwhen Cthat Dwho2(小题2)Asafe Bdanger Cdangerous Dsafety3(小题3)Acrossing Bcross Ccrosses Dcrosse

10、d4(小题4)Ain Bfor Cto Das5(小题5)Abecause Bbecause of Cand Dso6(小题6)Auseful Busing Cused Duse7(小题7)Awhen Bbecause Cthat Dwhy8(小题8)Akeeps Bkept Cto keep Dkeep9(小题9)Aat Bto Cfor Din10(小题10)Aspend Bspent Cspending Dbeen spent11(小题11)Ashouldnt Bwont Cshould Dmight12(小题12)Arisking Brisk Crisked Drisks13(小题13

11、)Athis Bthat Cthem Dit14(小题14)Amany Bmore Cmuch Dvery15(小题15)Ahabit Bhobby Chabits Dhobbies. 语法填空12、C根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。A young painter completed a nice picture. To get peoples t1 about his skills, he put it at a crossing on a busy street. And below it a board read, “Gentlemen, I have

12、 painted this piece. S2Im new, I might make some mistakes in it. Please put a cross (叉号) wherever you see a mistake.”When he came back in the evening to c3 his picture, he was shocked to see that the whole picture was filled with crosses. And some people e4 wrote something on his picture. Sadly, he

13、ran to his master and said, “I failed. And if this is what I have learned, Im not w5 teaching. ”The master smiled and suggested, “Ill let you know that youre a great artist. Now go to paint the same picture again and give it to me. ”Then they went to the same street the next morning and put the new

14、picture exactly at the same place. Now the master took out another b6 which said, “Gentlemen, I painted this piece. There might be some mistakes in it. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please give me a h7 . If you see a mistake, pick up the brush and correct it.”Two days later, t

15、hey came back to the place. The young painter was s8 to see that actually there was not a single correction done!Its easy to say but difficult to do. If you want to help people i9 their behavior, youd better learn how to help people change their attitudes (态度) or skills. Also, always remember not to

16、 judge (评 判) y10 by someone elses words and feel bad two homes. 阅读理解A13、“Do you want to come with me?” Kelly asked her brother, “Im going to meet some friends at the bike course. Were going to practice for the race next week.” “No, thanks,” Marcus replied. He was sporty. Most sports were a piece of

17、cake to him. He knew he would win.When the race day finally arrived, Marcus and Kelly rode their bikes to the Oak Park Trails with their parents.“My stomach feels like I ate some butterflies,” Kelly told Marcus when they saw the crowd of kids.“Dont worry. Youll do fine,” Marcus said.The starter shou

18、ted “Go”. Marcus quickly rode to the front. A few minutes later there wasnt anyone ahead of him! Marcus raced along the trail. Time passed, and he was surprised that the course was so long.His tired legs felt like they weighed a hundred pounds. All at once, a flash of color caught his eye. There was

19、 a line of bike riders ahead him! “How could this be?” Marcus said to himself as he pushed forward. “I must have taken a wrong turn,” he thought Marcus tried hard, but he realized his speed wouldnt be enough this time and bike course was just as important.After the race, Marcus saw his sister at the

20、 finish line, and he rode over to her. “Wow, you must have done a good job in the race. What place did you get?” Marcus asked Kelly.“I came in third place. Mom and Dad said I would even receive a medal(奖牌)!” Kelly answered excitedly.“Thats great! I came in ninth place. But Ill do better next year be

21、cause Ill be smart enough to practice the course with you,” Marcus replied with a smile.1When Kelly said “My stomach feels like I ate some butterflies,” we know that she felt _.Aexcited Bsurprised Cnervous Dangry2What does the underline word “this” refer to?AMarcus felt very tired. BMarcus took a wr

22、ong turn.CSome bike riders lost their way. DSome bike riders were in front of Marcus.3What would probably happen the following year?AMarcus would prepare for the race.BMarcus would receive a medal in the race.CMarcus would train his sister on the course.DMarcus would ask his friends to take part in

23、the race.B14、Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Seven this year. He likes reading news and watching football games. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football game.Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio(收音机), too.

24、He is very happy because he can watch a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he will have English and Chinese tests(测试). He thinks hard and finds a way finally.(最后)“Hello, Mrs. Black!” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “Peter is ill in bed. H

25、e wants to ask for half a days leave(请半天假).”“Oh, Im sorry to hear that.” says Mrs. Black, “But whos that?”“Its my father, Mrs. Black.”1Peter is a _ .Amiddle school student Bdoctor Cworker Dteacher2Peter will be _ next year.Atwelve Bthirteen Cfourteen Dfifteen3Peter often reads newspapers because _ .

26、Ahe likes reading newsBhe likes reading storiesChe wants to know where and when there is going to be a football gameDhis father wants him to read them4Peter wants to ask for half a days leave because _ .Ahis father is ill in bedBhe wants to watch the football gameChe doesnt like to have English or C

27、hinese testsDhe is ill in bed5Which of the following sentences (句子) is right?AMrs. Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor.BPeter wants to watch TV at four in the afternoon.CPeter is a clever(聪明的) boy.DPeter is a good student.C15、First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, “Look out.” I put my

28、 head out of a window and a glass of water fell on me. It seems that “look out” may mean “Dont look out.”Second Frenchman: I was once on a ship and heard the captain shout, “All hands on deck (甲板). I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.”Third Frenchman: I once went early in the morni

29、ng to the doctors and his nurse came to the door and said, “hes not up yet. Come back in half an hour.” When I went a second time for him, she said, “hes not down yet.” I had to go away again. Later I thought the doctor should be in the house in the evening, so I went there once more. “Oh, how sorry

30、 I am! Hes not in ! Id better tell him to wait for you if you could come tomorrow.” said the nurse. “Well! Hes not up, he is not down, and he is not in. please tell me where he stays!” I said angrily.1“Look out ” here means .AHelp me.BA glass of water fell from the window.CTake care.DPut your head o

31、ut of the window and look out.2When the captain shouted “all hands on deck ”, what did he mean?APut up your hands. BPut your both hands on deck.CGive your hands to me. DAll the sailors on deck.3When the nurse said “Hes not up yet.” She meant that .Ahe has not stood up yet. Bhe has not yet got up.Che

32、 has not walked up yet. Dhe has not yet come downstairs.4When the third Frenchman went back for the second time, the doctor .Awas still in an upstairs room.Bwas having his breakfast.Cwas reading a book.Dwas washing himself.5What can be the best title for the short story?AThree Frenchman BThree stori

33、esCThe English language DWhat a language!D16、 “Whos Terry?” said Mum as she unpacked her shopping.“Terry? I dont know,” said Tim. He had made a large jam sandwich and was just about to bite into it.“Maybe he goes to another school, not Arkwright,” said Mum. “I heard some mothers talking about him in

34、 the supermarket today. He sounds awful. Hes damaged property(财产) and hes stolen things. They think hes the mugger(抢劫犯) on all those posters.” Tim didnt want to eat his jam sandwich any more.“What else did they say?” said Tim.“They blamed(责备) it on his parents,” she said. “They must be doing somethi

35、ng wrong. I agree with them.” She glanced at Tim. “Are you all right, darling? You look a bit pale.” “Im OK,” he said.“Youre working too hard on your project,” said Mum. She closed the fridge door. “Come here and give me a hug,” she said. She put her arms around Tim and squeezed him tightly. “You ar

36、e such a good boy”, she said. “I know it wasnt easy for you after Dad and I divorced(离婚), but youre the best. You really are. You look after me. You look after Auntie Ruby, and you look after your uncle Frank. Im so lucky to have a son like you. Poor Terry. His parents are probably very disappointed

37、 in him”.By the time Tim reached his room, he had tears in his eyes. He sat on the edge of his bed. He couldnt tell his mum. He just couldnt. He was so afraid of disappointing her. “Hello Tim,” said a voice. “Or should I say Terry?”It was Auntie Ruby. “Guess what?” she said. “Your uncle Frank says h

38、e wants a dog for company(陪伴). What do you think? Is that a good idea?”Tim didnt speak.“Tim?” said Auntie Ruby. “Youre crying.” “No, Ive got something in my eye,” said Tim.Auntie Ruby sat down next to him. She put her arm around his shoulder. “Whats the matter? You can tell me.”Tim wiped his face wi

39、th the back of his hand. Everybody is talking about Terry. Theyre saying what a bad person he isand hes me. “Tim, I love both of you,” said Auntie Ruby, “but stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop telling lies. You cant go on being two people. Just be yourself.”1According to what some mothers said

40、, Terry did the following things EXCEPT _.Ahe damaged propertyBhe was a thiefChe was the muggerDhe blamed it on his parents2Tim looked a bit pale when hearing his mom talking about Terry because _.Ahe worked too hard on his projectBhe was afraid of TerryChe was Terry actuallyDhe often damaged some p

41、roperty3The underlined word “disappointed” in Paragraph 9 means _.AproudBstrictCsurprisedDunhappy4Why did Tim have tears in his eyes?ABecause he has got something in his eye.BBecause he didnt want to let his mother down.CBecause Terry was bad to him.DBecause his mother disappointed him.E17、1The abov

42、e reading is more probably _.Aa poster Ba book reportCa rain check for a book sale Da ticket for a big sale2Its clear that the 36st book sale begins on _.AOctober 5, 2012 BOctober 4, 2012CJanuary 31, 2013 DFebruary 1, 20133If you want to get some cheapest books, youd better get to the Needham Public

43、 Library _Aat 9: 00 am on Oct.4 Bbefore 4: 00 pm on Oct.4Cat 9: 00 am on Oct.5 Dbetween 1: 00 and 4: 00 on Oct.54The reading tells us at 2: 00 pm on Oct.5 you need to pay only _ for a book with a hardcover.A50 cents B25 cents C1 dollar D8 dollars5Which of the following is the best way to get some in

44、formation for the next book sale?ATo visit the ongoing book sale when the library is open.BTo telephone the manager of the library.CTo send an e-mail to booksale.DTo mark your calendars right now.F18、1How many AI products are introduced in the passage?A4B5C6D72Which of the following statements is true?AThe Stanford crossed a chair-filled room in 1997.BDeep Blue can give its owners weather forecasts.CShakey is called the “first electronic person” of AI.DTuring test succeeded and inspired AI researchers.3Who wrote The Sunlight that lost the Glass Window?ASophiaBRooboCXiaolceDDeep Blue4Why did


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