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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、On 30th May we walked around the Summer Palace all day so everyone was tired and _ in the

2、 hotel the next day.ArefusedBrelaxedCmovedDbelieved2、-I think children should Tik Tok(抖音) because it is sometimes bad for them.-I agree. Some rules should be made.Athrow awayBkeep away fromCseparate from3、 What do you want to eat for lunch? 1 will prepare earlier today,Honey, you_. Lets go out to ha

3、ve something different.AmustntBcantCshouldntDdont have to4、Do you know the dog can call the police for help?Really? Its thing I have heard.Aamazing Bmore amazing Cthe more amazing Dthe most amazing5、The Hollywood blockbuster A Star Is Born starred by Lady Gaga has received many praises around the wo

4、rld. And the music is fantastic, too. the movie is!AWhat wonderfulBHow wonderfulCHow a wonderfulDWhat a wonderful6、Who the tennis game yesterday?Jack, he all the others.Abeat, won Bwon, won Cbeat, beat Dwon, beat7、Tintin appeared in China in_1980s. He has red hair and _small white dog.Athe; aBa; the

5、C不填;aDthe; 不填8、The population of China _over 1.5 billion and China has _population in the world.Ais, the biggerBare, the biggestCis, the biggestDare, the bigger9、See what you have done! Dont you have a _ of right or wrong!Asense Bfeeling Cthought Dknowledge10、There is a chess match between a Chinese

6、 player and AlphaGo(阿尔法).Its very amazing. Playing _ chess is usually _ one-to-one game.A/;aBthe; aC/;anDa; the. 完形填空11、Do you laugh every day? Most people 1 times a day. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter.In India, there are 2 laughter clubs. The people

7、 in these clubs get together every morning. First they stretch their hands above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing naturally. People say they feel good after 3 together.Scientists believe that laughter is good 4 you. Why For one thing, laughter is a good exercise. Wh

8、en you laugh, you exercise many muscles (肌肉) in your body.Scientists say that one hundred laughs is the same as ten minutes of running. When you laugh, you also breathe deeply. This makes you feel 5 .Why, do we laugh? That is a hard question 6 . We know that people laugh 7 in a group. We don t laugh

9、 very often when we are alone. Many scientists believe that we use laughter to make friends with 8 . Laughter helps us feel part of a group.In English, people say that laughter is the best 9 . Some think that laughter helps sick people get 10 . Do you think so?1ALaughsBdoCdoesDdid2Ahundred ofBhundre

10、ds ofChundredDhundreds3AlaughBto laughClaughingDlaughed4AforBatCwithDabout5ArelaxedBto relaxCrelaxingDrelax6AansweredBansweringCanswerDto answer7Aless thanBhardlyCneverDmore often8AanotherBothersCotherDthe other9AmagazineBknowledgeCmedicineDfriend10AwellBgoodCbadDill. 语法填空12、Many students have hobbi

11、es, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking 1animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative(有创造性的). Hobbies can make you 2(grow) as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills. David Smith is a student. His hobby is writing. 3 the sum

12、mer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, such 4sailing, climbing and mounting biking, there was a writing workshop with a profession writer. “She asked us 5 (imagine) that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our experiences at the camp.”In senior high s

13、chool David 6a story about teenage life. Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a 7(success) young writer.David has been very lucky8his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success to 9(he). But he is also interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball, too.” say

14、s David. “I spend some of my free time 10 volleyball for my school team. Maybe Ill write more books in the future, but Im not sure.”There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different. 阅读理解A13、Selfless LoveJanes mother worked on the farm from mor

15、ning to evening which just could make ends meet. To allow Jane to live a happy life, Mother was very careful about spending money. However, Jane didnt understand her. Every day Mother was busy with her work while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves.One day, Mothe

16、r realized Jane was unhappy and even unfriendly to her, so she decided to go skiing with Jane to make Jane happy.On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were both in white clothes, the manager advised them to buy ski clothes He said they might be easily found in their ski cl

17、othes, in case there was an accident. Mother couldnt afford them, so she refused.Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing happily on the snowfield when suddenly the snowfield began to shake. It was the snowslide. They ran a long way and finally ran out of the snowslide, but the

18、y couldnt find their way. Later, a helicopter (直升机) which came from the nearest airport was flying above, but people on it couldnt see or hear them. Jane was in danger because she had hurt her head seriously and blood dropped on the snow. Just then an idea came to Mothers mind. She pierced (刺破) her

19、wrist immediately and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield. She wrote a red SOS on the snow. At last Jane was saved, but Mother died.1Where did Janes mother work?AOn the farm.BAt school.CIn the snowfield.DIn the airport.2Mother refused to buy ski clothes because _.Athey didnt like the

20、 colourBthey didnt have enough moneyCthey just bought the white clothesDthey have had their own ski clothes3Why did Mother pierce her wrist?ABecause her daughter was unfriendly.BBecause her daughter needed her blood.CBecause she wanted to save her daughter.DBecause she wanted the manager to find the

21、mB14、In America, drivers education is part of the regular high school curriculum. Every student in his or her second year of high school is required to take a class in drivers education. However, unlike other courses, it is not given during the regular school year. Instead it is a summer course.The

22、course is divided into two parts: class time for learning laws and rules and driving time to practice driving. Class time is not unlike any other class. The students study the basic traffic laws from a text to pass the written driving test that is given to anyone who wants to get a drivers license.D

23、riving time is a chance for the students to get behind the wheel and practice starting. Each student is required to drive a total of six hours. The students are divided into groups of four. The students and the instructor go out driving for two hours each time. So each student gets half an hour driv

24、ing time per outing.Drivers Ed cars are unlike other cars in which they have two sets of brakes(刹车), one on the drivers side and one on the other side where the instructor sits. So if the student driver should run into difficulties, the instructor can take over. The car also has another special feat

25、ure. On the top of the car is a sign that reads: STUDENT DRIVER. That lets nearby drivers know that they should use extra caution because the student driver is a beginning driver, not very experienced. After the student has passed the drivers education course and reached the suitable age to drive (t

26、his age differs in every state but in most cases the person must be 16 years old), they can go to a the state office to take their drivers test, which is made up of an eye examination, a written test, and a road test. The person must pass all the three tests in order to be given a drivers license.1W

27、e can infer that the students are required to _ in their whole driving practice.Ago out driving for 12 times Bspend at least six hours drivingCdrive for two-hour blocks of time Dget half an hour driving2In America, the drivers course mentioned above is _.Aconsidered as part of the advanced education

28、Bgiven to anyone wanting to get a drivers licenseCcarried on at the same time as other coursesDrequired of all the students of Grade 2 in high schools3To prevent accidents, a drivers ED car _.Ahas a sign inside it Bhas two sets of brakesCis big enough to hold five persons Dcant run very fast4Which o

29、f the following does not agree with the requirements for the students wanting to get their drivers license?AThey must be 16 years of age.BThey should go to have their drivers course.CThey must have their eyes examined.DThey ought to do well in their drivers course.5The underlined word “caution” in p

30、aragraph 4 means _.Abeing brave Bcourage Cbeing careful DpatienceC15、 China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government carried out onechild policy (政 策)before. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see it

31、s advantages but also disadvantages.From 2016, twochild policy is put into effect. In my opinion, twochild policy is good. First of all, twochild policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Besides the loneliness of t

32、heir child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry an only child girl, the burden(负担)on their child and hiswife is too heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult. But if their p

33、arents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better. Secondly, twochild policy can guarantee (保证) the number of Chinese population.All in all, onechild policy has been out of date. And twochild policy is needed and necessary. It can solve the

34、problems of nowadays (现在)and the future.1Which country has the largest population in the world?AAmericaBBritainCChinaDJapan2The underlined phrase “carried out” in Paragraph 1means“ ”in Chinese.A携带B取消C禁止D实行3Our government carried out onechild policy before in order to Asolve the population problemBta

35、ke care of two old couplesCshare the burden of taking care of their pa rentsDargue that twochild policy should be put into effect4According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?AOnechild policy has its advantages and disadvantagesBIts easy for a young couple to look after an old coupleC

36、China is a great country with the largest population in the worldDFor some families,maybe the parents are only child and they also can have5Whats the main idea of this passage?ATwochild policy is needed and necessaryBOur government carried out onechild policyCTwochild policy is the gift for some onl

37、y childDTwochild policy can guarantee the number of Chinese populationD16、Shyness can be an unhappy feeling. But the good news is, youre not alone. Scientists say that more than 40 percent of teenagers and adults consider themselves shy. Shyness is feeling a little nervous or as if you want to hide

38、when youre around other people or in a new situation._ Scientists say such things as genetics(遗传基因), life experiences, and environment can influence whether a person is shy. For example, in some families, everybody seems to be shy.What happens if you are shy? Well, being shy may cause you to avoid o

39、r miss opportunities you would enjoy.How do people overcome (克服)shyness? This is what Gilbert tells us. When I started off trying to get over being shy, I decided to do little steps at a time, including practicing smiling and saying hi to people. And it worked for me. “But shyness is not the kind of

40、 thing that most people can get over overnight. Overcoming shyness take time and needs practice.Here are some tips given by scientists.Think of what to talk about before you leave home. Prepare things to talk about before youre in a social situation. For example, if you know your classmates are inte

41、rested in an upcoming event, learn about it so you can join in the conversations.Let people know youre shy. If youre shy, just show it. Instead of letting people guess, tell them the truth. Explain that you are shy and feel nervous but enjoy talking to people.Make things easy for the other person. R

42、emember, youre not the only shy person around. Do what you think might help others feel good-for example, say hello or smile.Pick one social skill to practice at a time. Start simply. For example, smile or be the first person to say hi. Choose skills you feel comfortable enough with to practice for

43、a day, a week, a month, or even a year.1Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph2?AWhat is shyness?BWhat makes people shy?CCan shyness be good for us?DCan we overcome shyness?2The example of Gilbert in Paragraph 4 is given to _.Ashow how people overcome shynessBintroduce a shy gir

44、l called GilbertCtell the right time to practice smilingDexplain the steps of overcoming shyness3What does the underlined word overnight in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?ACorrectly.BSuddenly.CSlowly.DFinally.4Which of the following is the right way to overcome shyness?ADont let others know that you

45、 are shy.BWait for others to say hello to you first.CChoose several skills to practice at a time.DGet ready before you join in a social situation.E17、 A French-language daily in Belgium has issued what is thought to be Europes first 3D newspaper. But you must read it with a pair of special glasses.A

46、ll the photos and ads in La Derniere Heures (DH) special edition were given a three-dimensional effect (3D效果), but the next remained the same. DHs editor said there were no further 3D plans because of the costs. Reviewers in France spoke highly of the paper, but they said the overall result was “far

47、 from perfect”.Editor Hubert Leclercq said it took two months to get ready for the special edition, which had a higher than normal print run of 115,000 copies for the stores selling newspapers. “We hear about 3D cinema, television and video games, so we took up the challenge,” Mr. Leclercq told the

48、AFP news agency.According to PC Worlds French edition, readers could get the best results by holding the paper 50cm from the eyes in a well-lit area. “It takes a few minutes to get used to pictures in 3D,” it said, nothing limited the quality of the viewing lenses (镜片).Its said some of the imagesesp

49、ecially the adshad a good 3D effect, but that other pictures were not clear or difficult to look at.1The Europes first 3D newspaper was from _.ABelgiumBFranceCGermanyDAmerica2_ in La Derniere Heures (DH) special edition had a three-dimensional effect.AAll the pictures and the textBAll the ads and th

50、e textCAll the pictures and adsDOnly the text3The underlined word “well-lit” in Paragraph 4 means _ in Chinese.A强光B火燃烧得好的C光线良好的D昏暗的4From the fourth paragraph, we know that _.Athe 3D newspaper is very goodBthey should improve the 3D newspaperCthey should stop issuing the 3D newspaperDthe 3D effect of

51、 the picture is perfect.5Whats the best title for this passage?AThe New 3D TechnologyBHow the 3D Effect Our LifeCThe First 3D NewspaperDThe History of 3D TechnologyF18、ADVERTISEMENTS1.HOUSE FOR SALE Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of the town. Living room, kitchen, dining-r

52、oom, bathroom and three bedrooms. Offers over $35,000.2.ASSISTANT WANTED FOR BUSY RESTAURANT Some evening and weekend work. All meals are free. Ring 332-0178. 3.JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAM Boys and girls who wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9-13. Meet in Greek Park at 3 p.m. on Friday. 4.ROOM

53、TO RENT Small room to rent in an apartment above a restaurant in the city center. Newly painted with modern furniture(家具). Near to the railway station. Buses pass front door. Phone 332-2108. Mr. Brown wants to live near his workplace. Mrs. Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. The Browns children

54、dont care what the house is like as long as the garden is big enough. Ann, their daughter has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks it is an exciting place. Its hard work but she is diligent(勤奋的). She is ready to work on Sundays and Saturdays if she can get other days off. Its not very w

55、ell paid. But who cares much about money?Tom is a middle school student. He is 12. He stops school at half past three, so he has plenty of time to finish his homework. Jack, Mr. Browns brother, is looking for a room to rent. He doesnt care what color the walls are or how old the furniture is. He is

56、getting ready for his drawing. So the house must be restful. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1Why cant the Browns buy the house in ADVERTISEMENT 1?AThe garden is too big.BThere is no dining room.CIt is on the north side of the city.DThe bedrooms fail to meet their requirements.2Why is Ann eager to be an clerk in a res

57、taurant?AIts an easy work for her.BThe place can make her excited.CShe thinks it will be interesting.DShe needs to spend Saturdays and Sundays.3Why cant Tom play for the local football team?AHe isnt old enough. BHes in a different village.CSchool stops too late. DHe has to do his homework.4Whats wrong with the room for Jack in ADVERTISEMENT 4?AIts too small. BThe walls are the wrong color.CHe likes old furniture better. DIts too noisy in the city center.5What does the underlined sentence


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