1、精益消费的衡量目的Lean manufacturing measuring*进料仓库道出货仓库时间 DTD Dock to Dock*初次合格率 FTT First time through*依排成消费 BTS Build to schedule *总何设备效率 OEE Overall equipment effectiveness进料到出货时间 Dock to Dock Time DTDDock to Dock Time (DTD)*Definition 定义 .从原物料下货到完成废品出货之间的过去时间 the elapsed time between the unloading of ra
2、w materials and the release of finished goods for shipment .总DTD时间为产品耗费时间如原物料,制程作业,与 在厂完废品出货前在品的时间 the total dock to dock time for a product includes the time that a product spends as raw material, work-in process and as a finished product in plant, prior to being relaesed. 出貨進料進料倉庫废品倉庫進料倉庫到出貨倉庫時間 (
3、DTD)製造週期時間(MCT)生產製造過程衡量指標(DTD)衡量目的-DTDDTD 從进料仓库到出貨仓库間时间 指原料進廠製成完废品準備出貨的時間 包含製造週期時間DTD - 是衡量时数物料经过工厂的 速度,不是程序的速度 DTD is measure (in hours) of the speed of material through the plant, not the speed of the process. 衡量目的 DTD*Benefits 利益 .DTD时间改善以减少库存由较少的物料管理与库存结果较少几率 损坏部品改善FTT dock to dock time is impro
4、ved by decreasing inventories which leads to less material handing and storage .this result in fewer opportunities to damage parts. There by improving first time through.改善DTD时间可增进才干援助OTD目的 improved dock to dock time leads to improved ability to support the order to delivery (OTD) target. .减少物料管理,废弃
5、,及库存搬运本钱,全部可以改善总本钱数 lower material handing. Obsolescence. And inventory carrying costs all lead to improved total cost numbers. 衡量目的 DTD*为什么 Why:.工廠必須消除浪費與改變到顧客拉式系統 PLANTS MUST ELIMINATE WASTE AND MOVE TOWARDS CUSTOMER “PULLSYSTEMS.設置宏大緩衝區生產過多零件(增快製程速度)但是降低了物料速度 By building large buffers you produce
6、 more parts (increase The speed of your process ) but slow down the speed of materials.減少庫存可以減少物料管理及儲存,結果減少損壞零件的機會. decreasing inventories leads to less material handing and storage, which results in fewer opportunities to damage parts.衡量目的 DTD*为什么 Why:.衡量消费库存週转的时间管理 .DTD日程越短那么週转越快 .有效管理库存资金,降低消费本钱
7、.快速对应顾客需求衡量目的 DTD*为什么 Why:.DTD附加价值本质作业value added operation仅量少分.DTD 绝大部分时间是 无附加价值 .等待 wait .停滞stagnation .缓行 buffer .存储 storage .搬 运 Transfer .检查 Inspection .返工Rework衡量目的 DTD*何处 where :1.原物料 - 购买的零件控制部品接纳进入工厂开场计数.运委托制件.由于曾经产品構成. raw material-purchase part (control part) begin counting when it is rec
8、eived in the plant .Even on consignment. Because it is already in its product from already in its product form.原物料变卦成为产品构成 Raw material that is changed its product form衡量目的 DTD*何处 where :2 .制程任务,包括物料在修缮返工区域及全部缓衝区Work-in-process (WIP), including material in repair rework areas, and all buffers.完成产品-一
9、切完废品包含控制部品并入DTD计算直 到被从马头交运Finished goods end item products all finished goods ontaining the control part are included in the DTD calculation until they physically shipped form the dock 衡量目的 DTD*何时 when:数据搜集时必需在作业型態表现优良的产品线上進行Data should be collected at the same time which best represents the operati
10、ng pattern of a product line 衡量目的 DTD*如何做.降低原资料库存.降低平安库存量.提高进料频度衡量目的 -DTD*如何做 . 降低废品库存 .降低平安库存 .提高交货频度衡量目的 DTD*如何做.减少在制品/制程高效率化 .目视化以及 防误措施 .一个流 小批量 .作业依排程消费 .推展全员消费性保养 .缩短转换时间衡量目的-DTD *降低总 DTD 时间 . 制程工程分析改善物流效率. 消除停滞减少搬运 . 制程作业分析改善. 降低周期时间 .消除不良. 提高初次合格率 .排除稼动损失. 提高总合设备效率 .善用价值流图析.衡量目的-DTD*降低总 DTD
11、时间.DTD-从价值流图析能作用明确有效展现.运用工业工程分析改善效率 並进展时间缩短改善 时间- 是各企业公司同样拥有之独一 等量资源 衡量目的-DTD 单作业 DTD= 复协作业 DTD=总控制数线末速率DTD作业1+DTD作业2+DTD作业3 线末速率Total Dock To Dock Calculation(Single Operation ) DTD = (Multiple Operation) DTD=Total Units of Control PartEnd of Line RateDTD(Operation1)+DTD(Operation2)+DTD(Operation)
12、End of Line Rate 初次合格率FTT First Time Through衡量目的FTT定义Definition 1.FTT是为在一完好制程消费中,第一次既符合质量要求的产品件数的百分比率不含被報廢,返工,重实验,線外修缮,前往件数 First Time Through is the percentage of units that complete a process and quality guidelines the first time without being scrapped, return, retested, repaired, or returned 衡量目的
13、FTT定义Definition 2.FTT是衡量消费制程的质量it is a measure of the quality of the manufacturing process.可运用FPS程序工具改善FTT (防误措施,幕式化工厂,快速转换) we can improve our FTT by applying our FPS process and tools (error proofing, visual factory & quick changeover). 衡量目的FTTFTT初次合格率 投入制程总件数-报废+返工+重试+线外修缮+退回件数 Units entering pro
14、cess (Scrap + returns + retests + repaired off-line +returns) 投入制程总件数Units entering process衡量目的-FTT利益 Benefits 1.提升制程/质量不良減少,库存降低,改善DTD时间Increased process/out quality reduces the need for extra production inventory, improvement DTD time.改善及维护顺序经过制程 以改良BTS improves and maintains sequence throughout t
15、he process, improving Build to schedule (BTS).衡量目的-FTT利益 Benefits 2.确保接纳良品提高质量水准与降低浪费产生並全面提升OEEIncreased quality before the constraint ensures that it only receives “good parts which promotes a higher quality rate and reduces wasted out at the constraint ,which all improve the OEE .以降低索赔保证,報费,与修缮本钱改
16、善总本钱Total cost is improved through lower warranty, scrap and repair costs 衡量目的-FTT 为什麼 Why:1改善FTT成果将 improvements in First Through will result in: .提升产能 increased capacity .改善产品质量对内部及外部客户 Improved product quality to internal and external customers .降低大量消费库存结果,改善了DTD时间 Reduced need for excess product
17、ion inventory resulting in improved Dock to Dock time 衡量目的-FTT为什么 Why:2.改善了才干以维护顺序经过制程 改善了BTS improved ability to maintain sequence throughout the process resulting in improved Build Schedule.提升质量 参与作业要求改善OEE increased quality input to constraint operations resulting in improved Overall Equipment Ef
18、fectiveness .消除因报废,修缮,与过多库存浪费 的结果,以改善总本钱 Elimination of wastes due to scrap, repair, and excess inventory resulting in improved Total Cost 衡量目的-FTT何处 Where : .FTT数据搜集必需在最终制程實施 FTT Data should be collected at the end of processes .延伸目的:100 percent (100%) FTT 才干 = 零制造不良与交送 Stretch Objective : One hund
19、red percent(100%)FFT capability = Zero defects made or passed on 衡量目的-FTT何时 When :.初次合格率数據必需搜集并运用 .最少以班别出勤 .数据必需运用带动日常实际行动 .First Time Through data should be collected and used .at minimum by shift . FTT data must drive business practices behavior 衡量目的-FTT计算阐明FTT Formula .这个百分比计算结果 假设一切单件投入一个制程制造 此每
20、件数都经过过程,计算的结果必定100% . This calculation results in a percentage. if every unit entering a process makes it through the process, the result of the calculation would be 100% 衡量目的-FTT计算阐明FTT Formula .驱动使FTT鎖进100% 必需降低报废,返工,重试,退回.或差别在线外修缮区,假设这些工程能被降下 FTT将会提升 To move the FTT measurable closer to 100%,the
21、number of units that are scraped, return, retested, returned, or diverted into an off-line repair area must be reduced. If any of these items can be lowered, the FTT will improve FTT (by operation)单作业Units entering process-(scrap+returns+repaired off-line+ returns ) 投入件数 Units Entering 1000报废数 Scrap
22、 10重制数 Reruns 15重试数 Retest 5线外修缮 Repair Offline 0FTT%=FTT%=FTT%= 97.0%Units entering process1000-(10+15+5+0)10009701000FTT (by operation)Units entering process-(scrap+returns+repaired off-line+ returns ) Units Entering=1000Scrap =10Reruns =15Retest =5Repair Offline =0FTT%=FTT%=FTT%= 97.0%Units enter
23、ing process1000-(10+15+5+0)10009701000FTT Multiple Operation Calculation Example FTT (operation 1) = 92.87% FTT (operation 2) = 87.65% FTT (operation 3) = 65.98% Final Inspection (Operation 4) = 82.34% Total FTT% = (.9278 x .8765 x .6598 x .8234) Total FTT% = (44.22%)复协作业FTT计算例FTT Multiple Operation
24、 Calculation Example FTT (作业 1) = 0.9287 FTT (作业 2) = 0.8765 FTT (作业 3) = 0.6598 FTT (作业 4) 完成检查 = 0.8234 Total FTT% = (.9278 x .8765 x .6598 x .8234) Total FTT% = 44.22%衡量目的-FTTFTT初次合格率.返工与修缮为消费效率隐藏的杀手.隐藏效率将误导管理.计算TACKTIME 必需 确实廓清衡量目的-FTT假设能提升产品经过消费线不用返工修缮的百分比 .顾客将快速接受产品 .产品总体质量将提升 .顾客称心度-顾客忠实度 If
25、we can increase the percentage of vehicles that go through the line without being reworked: . Then, our customers will receive their cars faster, .And the overall quality of their vehicle will improve. . “Customer Satisfaction Customer Loyalty衡量目的 - FTT他能分辨什么工具能改善FTT在您的区域? Can you identify how a too
26、l could improve FTT in your area? 依排程消费 - BTS BUILD TO SCHEDULE衡量目的 BTS 定义 BTS Definition 依排定的天數.排序.数量. 與實際生產天數时间 和實際生產序列 ,数量之間的百分比例. The percentage of units schedule for a given day that are produced on the correct day and in the correct sequence 衡量目的 BTS利益 Benefits.当BTS被改良.低的库存被要求.及DTD被改善 When Bui
27、ld to schedule is improved, lower inventory is required, and Dock to Dock Time is improved. .低的物料及库存的管理引导改善本钱结果 Lower material handing and inventory carrying costs lead to improved Total Cost result. 衡量目的 BTSBTS Formulas 计算BTS =数量x混合x序列BTS =Volume X Mix X Sequence 衡量目的 BTSBTS 绩效挪动BTS向100%,数量绩效.混合绩效.
28、序列绩效价值必需被改善 To move the BTS towards 100%, the Volume Performance, Mix Performance and/or Sequence Performance values must be improved. 衡量目的 - BTS数据绩效=依方案数量的实践消费数量Volume Performance =Actual Number of Units Produced Schedule Number of Units Produced Schedule Number of Units. 实践消费数 方案消费数 = 数量绩效BTS Form
29、ulas 数量绩效算衡量目的 - BTS.实践数量合於一个给定的产品别的數量消费产出.在给定的天时间及排序数量等於给定的产品别排序的数量.这一计算的结果是一百分比.Where Actual Units equals units of a given product produced (off the end of the line) on a given day and scheduled Units equals units of a given product scheduled .The result of this calculation is a percentage. BTS Fo
30、rmulas 数量绩效计算衡量目的 - BTS混和绩效=混合消费实践数低于实践消费或排序方案数Mix Performance =Actual Number of Units Built to Mix Lower of Actual Units Produced or Schedule. BTS Formulas 混合绩效计算实践按照排序消费数排序方案数=混合绩效 衡量目的 - BTSBTS 混合绩效.BTM 实践数量合于消费数是在日消费排序无超量消费以实践数量消费或實際排序数量任何一低的值计算Where Actual Units BTM equals the number of units b
31、uild that are included in the daily production schedule (no overbuilds). Use actual units produced or actual units scheduled, whichever is lower to perform the calculation. 衡量目的-BTSBTS 混合绩效.假设BTM实践数量可以被提升,那么混合绩效价值将增进及BTS将改善If the Actual Number of Units BTM can be , the Mix Performance value will inc
32、rease and BTM will improve 衡量目的-BTSBTS Formulas 顺序绩效计算顺序绩效Sequence Performance=依排序消费的实践数量/实践混合量Actual Number of Units Build to Sequence Sequence Performance衡量目的-BTSBTS 顺序绩效.实践依顺序数量(BTS)等於给定日排程顺序指示的消费数量谨首先完成排程序之前多数的数量 Where Actual Number of Units BTS equals the number of units built on a given day in
33、 the schedule order (only units after the first having a sequence number larger than all predecessors).衡量目的-BTSBTS 序列绩效.假设BTS实践数能被提高.序列绩效值将提升.BTS将獲得改善If the Actual Number of Units BTS can be increased, the Sequence Performance Value will increase and the BTS will improve.衡量目的-BTS计算例 产品 A B方案 5 5实践 7
34、 4 (顺序:.9.)数量绩效= 11/(5+5)+1混合绩效= (5+4)/10=0.9顺序绩效= 6/9=0.67序列绩效 BTS = 1x0.9x0.67=0.603衡量目的-BTS.如何做好工厂施行BTS展现方案到消费什么是 顾客想要的在适切序列与混合Build to schedule reveals how well a plant executes plans to produce what customer what, in the proper sequence and mix .在我的区域执行是 Implications for our area are: 1. 设备总和效率
35、- OEEOverall Equipment Effectiveness衡量目的-OEE定义Definition 1.OEE 总和设备效率 .是衡量-设备例行的消费产出才干-在设计周期率.符合质量规范.不含失败 .衡量一设备有效性.能率.及消费质量水准 OEE is a measure of the ability of a piece of equipment to consistently produce products which meet Quality Standards at the designed cycle rate without disruption. It measu
36、re the Availability, Performance Efficiency and Quality Rate machine. 衡量目的 - OEE目的 Purpose .设备总合效率OEE .是用来衡量三项绩效 时间稼动率.性能效率.以及良品率之复合 总效率之管理目的. .对一瓶颈作业而言OEE 是能用来衡量产能利用率的目的衡量目的 - OEE目的 Purpose.使OEE在更高的正确方向提升時間效益时间添加性能效率速率与质量水准价值必需提升 the Availability (or uptime), Performance Efficiency (or speed) and/o
37、r Quality Rate values must be improved. 衡量目的 - OEEKey Feature 主要功能1.区分定义工厂主要浪费及设备特殊损失于FTPM七大浪费分类Categorizes the FTPM seven Major Losses into Plant Defined Categories and Equipment Specific Losses .清查改善对策Track improvement actions.存储OEE目的与预测Store OEE Objectives and Forecasts 衡量目的 - OEEKey Feature 主要功能
38、2.分析设备复合产品数据Analyze data for multiple parts per equipment.消费线及系部水准数据储存Data Storage at Line and Cell Level.一样设备总和效率计算OEE Calculation on Parallel Equipment衡量目的 - OEEBenefits 利益.提高消费才干降低制程时间减少DTD时间Higher throughput reduces time in the process, decreasing Total Dock to Dock times. .更稳定的制程增进消费预测性进而改善BTSM
39、ore stable process improve production predictability therefore improved Build to schedule .提升消费力及降低返工与报廢本钱以改善总本钱Higher throughput and lower rework and scrap costs lead to improved total costs results衡量目的 - OEEOEE Formulas 计算总合效率OEE 总合效率=嫁动效率X性能效率X质量 OEE = Availability X Performance X Quality 衡量目的 -
40、OEEOEE Formulas 计算.嫁动效率 Availability嫁动效率 Availability作业时间净可用时间 operating time / Next Available Time =OEE Formulas 计算.嫁动效率 Availability .“净可用时间等于总方案时间减去契约要求的 停顿时间给薪的午餐/休憩Net Available Time Equals Total Schedule Time minus contractually required downtime (paid lunches / Breaks) 衡量目的-OEE 衡量目的-OEEOEE Fo
41、rmulas 計算公式 .稼動效率 Availability .作業時間等於浸可用時間減去全部其他停顿時間(停機.設定.調整.小停顿.會議.保養)The operating time equals the net available time minus all other downtime (breakdowns. setups. adjustments .minor. Stoppages. meetings .maintenance) 衡量目的-OEEOEE Formulas 計算 *作業性能效率 Performance Efficiency .在稼動時間內產品生產總數 與理想生產總數的比
42、值 .在作業上實際作業週期時間值與設計作業 週期時間的差異程度衡量目的-OEEOEE Formulas 计算 .作业性能效率Performance Efficiency作业性能效率 = 理想周期时间 X 总件数 作业时间PerformanceEfficiency=Ideal Cycle time X Total Parts Run Operating TimeOEE Formulas 计算 .作业性能效率 Performance Efficiency .理想周期时间 Ideal Cycle Time= 消费一产品运用规定工具的设计工程规范)週期 率或设计的线末率/制程的消费速度 The designed (engineering standard) cycle rate of the equipment for a product using specific tooling, or the designed end line rate /line speed of the process .能于最正确时间完成单一消费件的时间=最小时间值衡量目的-OEE衡量目的-OEEOEE Formulas 计算.作业性能效率 Performance Efficiency .总件数等於全部消费件数 包含好的与不
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