1、UNIT1Communication in the digital age综合教程 2提高篇FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS HEBEI UNIVERSITYPrepare新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 1Objectives1talk about communication in the digital age using new vocabulary2translate the clauses or phrases starting with who and how into phrases3discuss the im
2、portance of face-to-face communication4make a speech about the impact of social media on daily communicationCONTENTSWarm-upUnderstanding the textBuilding your languageSharpening your skillsSharing your ideasWarm-up Listening Further discussionWarm-upWith the development of society, the way we commun
3、icate has changed a lot. Listen to an audio clip and learn about these changes.Listening and speaking1 How has the way we communicate changed?2 At the end of the audio clip, the speaker raises several questions as listed below. What are your answers to these questions? 1) What happens when a child b
4、egins to replace face-to-face interactions with digital conversations? 2) What happens when a mother and father sit at a dinner table on their phone as their child is watching this? 3) What is the difference between asking someone in person and just sending him or her a text message?Questions for di
5、scussion:Warm-upReferences: 1 How has the way we communicate changed?In the past, we talked face to face more often, but nowadays, people tend to rely on cellphones more and prefer digital communication. Face-to-face communication seems to give way to digital communication, to some extent.Warm-up2 A
6、t the end of the audio clip, the speaker raises several questions as listed below.The child may lose empathy and detach himself from the people who he communicates with on the other end of the message.Warm-up1) What happens when a child begins to replace face-to-face interactions with digital conver
7、sations?One possibility is that the child may think their parents dont love each other since they “refuse” to talk to each other; and he may also think they dont love him or care about his feelings because they dont talk to him either. Hence, the childs cognition of love and being loved might be aff
8、ected. Another possibility is that the child may think that its the normal way of interaction between a husband and a wife, and even among family members. When he grows up, he may also interact with his spouse and child in the similar way.Warm-up2) What happens when a mother and father sit at a dinn
9、er table on their phone as their child is watching this?Asking someone in person can show respect and seriousness of the speaker. Plus, it can also build and strengthen personal connection.Warm-up3) What is the difference between asking someone in person and just sending him or her a text message?Fu
10、rther discussion1 How do you understand the sentence “The great lie of our generation is the phrase social media, it is not really social media, but anti-social media.”?Warm-upWork in groups. Watch a video clip and discuss the following questions.2 Now people spend too much time in front of screens.
11、 What would the speaker like to do with this phenomenon? 1 How do you understand the sentence “The great lie of our generation is the phrase social media, it is not really social media, but anti-social media.”?When a group of people are put into a room, they will ignore each other in order to pay at
12、tention to something on the screen. That is not human behavior, and that is not social behavior. The overdose of Internet usage might cause depression and exactly the opposite of what it meant to do in the first place. So the so-called “social media” is “anti-social media”.References: Warm-upThe spe
13、aker doesnt want to blame the device. Its not the smartphones problem. The problem comes down to peoples behavior with the smartphone. He calls on people to change their behaviors, to choose to act differently, to choose to stop looking down and start looking up. Remember: the time we spend in our v
14、irtual homes is at the expense of interaction in our real homes in the real world.2 Now people spend too much time in front of screens. What would the speaker like to do with this phenomenon? Warm-upUnderstanding the text Background information Language points Text understandingThe reading is a repo
15、rt of the Lets Talk project that aims to get people to talk. The audio clip in Listening is a talk Chris Andrews, a recent St. Andrews graduate, gave at St. Andrews University. The Lets Talk project was founded in 2015 by Chris Andrews. This project has seen Mr. Andrews walk over 3,000 miles across
16、the United States to promote a more balanced approach between digital and face-to-face interaction. Background informationUnderstanding the textUnderstanding the textText understandingTask 1Chris Andrews has his own views on digital communication and face-to-face communication, which inspire him to
17、start the Lets Talk project. Read Paras. 4-8 and complete the diagram.Digital communication The digital age has seen great1) _ in communication. There is some lack of 2)_ when we are relying on digital communication.Face-to-face communication It involves non-verbal interaction such as body language
18、and3)_. It is effective for business.Understanding the textadvancesempathyfacial expressionsDigital communicationFace-to-face communicationThe real purpose of Chris AndrewsLets Talk projectThe real purpose of the project is to highlight the 4) _ today and to find the 5)_between digital communication
19、 and face-to-face communication.Understanding the textpower of face-to-face conversationbalanceTask 2Read the text and identify the paragraph from which the information contained in each of the statements is derived. Write down the paragraph number in the blanks.Understanding the text_ 1 Chris Andre
20、ws has ambitious and unconventional plans for after graduation._ 2 The Lets Talk project aims to involve as many people as possible._ 3 The decline in empathy caused by the rising use of digital communication is worrying.Para.3Para. 5Para.13_ 4 Calling for face-to-face communication is not in confli
21、ct with using social media._ 5 Chris Andrews worries that too much digital communication may result in a lack of empathy._ 6 Chris Andrews plan originated from his concern about the change in human communication._ 7 Chris Andrews chooses to run, instead of drive, across the country because running i
22、s more practical.Understanding the textPara.7Para. 6Para. 12Para. 41. The Saint sat down with Chris Andrews to learn about his Lets Talk project, which celebrates the power of face-to-face communication. (Para. 1)Language pointsUnderstanding the text1) The Saint: an independent newspaper written and
23、 run by students at the University of St Andrews, where Chris Andrews graduated 圣安德鲁斯大学校报2) celebrate: vt. to honor or praise publicly 赞扬;歌颂2. Chris Andrews plans for after graduation are as ambitious as they are unconventional. (Para. 3)Understanding the text1) as ambitious as they are unconvention
24、al: (毕业计划) 既野心勃勃又不寻常2) unconventional: a. not based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed 非传统的;不寻常的他的穿衣品味与众不同。He has a really unconventional dress sense.TranslationUnderstanding the textconventional: a. based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed 传统的,寻常的通过
25、传统的电话线来连接因特网速度很慢。Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.TranslationAntonym3. Once there, he will embark on a 3,200-mile journey across American, reaching San Diego eight to nine months later. (Para. 3)中国现在已经走上了低碳经济之路。China has now embarked on the road to a low-carbon e
26、conomy. Understanding the textTranslationembark on/upon: to begin (a course of action, esp. one that is important or demanding) 从事;着手4. He added that while digital age has certainly brought great advances in communication, he started to ask the question of what happens when we start to put face-to-f
27、ace conversation on the back burner. (Para. 4)由于有紧急事件发生,所以我们把你的计划暂时搁置。Something urgent has come up, so we put your project on the back burner temporarily.Understanding the textTranslationput sth. on the back burner: to decide not to deal with sth. until later 暂时搁置某事5. Its about finding that balance
28、and about highlighting the power of face-to-face conversation today. (Para. 7)你的简历应该突出自己的技能和成绩。Your rsum should highlight your skills and achievements.Understanding the textTranslationhighlight: vt. to move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent 突出;强调6. I dont want this trip to be abo
29、ut bashing technology. (Para. 7)严厉批判政治人物乃是新闻界常事。Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press.Understanding the textTranslationbash: vt. to criticize sb. or sth. a lot 猛烈抨击7. The Lets Talk projects use of social media to spread its message has caused many to accuse Mr. Andrews of hypocrisy. (P
30、ara. 9)他声称老师指责他撒谎。He claimed that his teacher accused him of telling lies. Understanding the textTranslation1) accuse of: charge (sb.) with an offense or crime; claim that (sb.) has done something wrong 指控;指责说一套做一套的人真的非常虚伪。Its sheer hypocrisy to do one thing and say another. Understanding the textTr
31、anslation2) hypocrisy: n. U when sb. pretends to have certain beliefs or opinions that they do not really have 伪善;虚伪8. Mr. Andrews admitted that it is a “paradox” but added, “Were not condemning technology. (Para. 9)Understanding the text“Paradox” is a statement that is seemingly contradictory or op
32、posed to common sense, or one (such as a person, situation or action) having seemingly contradictory qualities or phrases. Here Mr. Andrews admits its a paradox because his project aims to promote the importance of face-to-face communication and get people to talk, but he is using social media as a
33、means to spread the message of his project, which seems contradictory.9. The combination of running and conversations may not seem immediately obvious to anyone whose memory of cross-country include more wheezing than chit-chat. (Para. 11)他胸部有严重问题,总是不停地气喘。He had serious problems with his chest and w
34、heezed all the time.Understanding the textTranslation1) wheeze: vi. to breathe with difficulty, making a noise in your throat or chest 气喘吁吁;呼呼地喘气停止这种闲聊,做你的工作!Stop this idle chit-chat and get on with your work!Understanding the textTranslation2) chit-chat: n. U (infml.) conversation about things that
35、 are not very important 聊天;闲谈10. However, Mr. Andrews explained that the idea to run across the USA came along because we wanted to return to the most basic form of transportation paired with the most basic form of communication. (Para. 11)公交车现在随时都可能会来。A bus should come along any minute now. Underst
36、anding the textTranslation1) come along: to come into being or existence, or appear in the scene 出现实习生随后将会与经验丰富的经理结成对子。The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers.Understanding the textTranslation2) pair with: to put together or join to form a pair 与配对, 与一起11. It is much more difficul
37、t to pull over a vehicle to talk to someone if they were to have chosen to cycle or drive across America. (Para. 12)要是累了,就停车靠边休息。If you get tired, pull over and rest.Understanding the textTranslation1) pull over: (of a vehicle) to move to the side of or off the road 靠边停车Understanding the text2) they
38、 were to have chosen为虚拟语气用法,意思是“比起跑步穿越美国,如果选择骑行或开车穿越美国,要停靠路边找人聊天会更难”。“If were to ”“句型引导的虚拟语气表示“如果的话”。需要注意的是,在该句型中,不论主语是单数或复数,be动词始终用were。12. “I want to promise everyone that going out there and speaking to someone pays incredible dividends in the way you feel, in the way that you understand yourself
39、 and others,” he said. (Para. 14)Understanding the textdividend: n. C a benefit from an action or policy 回报;好处pay dividends: to be very useful and bring a lot of advantages, esp. later in the future 有好结果;有回报;有好处;产生效益今天的牺牲和努力未来都会有回报。The sacrifices you make today will pay dividends in the future.Under
40、standing the textTranslationBuilding your language Review Word bank Extended exercisesTask 1Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below. You may need to make other changes.Building your languagestartling acknowledge condemn dependent uncertainReviewcondemn1 Lots of older pe
41、ople express very strong disapproval of the abuse of social media as it may mislead young people.Building your language2 It is very surprising that almost 100 percent of smartphone users under 25 text with emojis according to the survey.3 It is said that the young generation are addicted to the smar
42、tphone.4 People are feeling doubt about whether social media keeps them further apart or not.5 We should admit the benefits of face-to-face communication as it could bring us closer.are dependent on uncertain acknowledge startlingBuilding your languageReviewWord bankComplete the sentences with the e
43、xpressions below. Change the form where necessary. 1 For safety reasons, when you are driving, you have to _ where it is allowed before answering a text message or a phone call.2 In order to do her job during the war, she _ herself _ her feelings.Task 2accuse of pull over detach frombe paired with p
44、ay dividendspull overfromdetachedBuilding your language3 Strong relationships in adolescence seem to _ later in life.4 Each user of the app _ a stranger to do the activity.5 The social media platform _ revealing personal information of its users.pay dividendsis paired withis accused ofBuilding your
45、languageTask 3Complete the sentences with suitable expressions from the collocation box. You may need to make other changes. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.Nouns which often go after:digital age media communicationstartling finding fact statementAdjectives which often go before:conv
46、ersation face-to-face informal privateperspective practical theoretical historicalIt was a(n) _ and no one could hear what it was about.The paper introduced social media from a(n) _ that is, its past, present and future.3 In the _, the younger generation are exposed to a variety of technology and me
47、dia devices.Building your languageprivate conversationhistoricaldigital ageperspectiveThe _ of the survey is that only eight percent of the conversations take place through social media.5 The psychological consultant visited her client, and through a(n) _ she obtained as much information as she coul
48、d about the clients mental state.6 Students now frequently use _ to communicate and work collaboratively.Building your languagestartling findinginformal conversationdigital mediaBuilding your languageWord bankprefix “cross-”The prefix “cross-” is often combined with nouns and adjectives to mean: goi
49、ng from one side to the other: cross-country, cross-border going between two things and joining them: cross-cultural, cross-partyVocabulary learning strategiesComplete the sentences with suitable words prefixed with cross- as listed above. 1 This is an annual national fitness event with popular mass
50、 sports activities like _(越野赛) and mountaineering.2 Therefore,theresearchon _(跨文化交际) would beofgreat significanceinEnglish teaching.3 With the implementation of Reform and opening up policy, the _ (跨国贸易) is booming.cross-country race cross-cultural communicationcross-country tradeBuilding your langu
51、ageComplete the sentences with suitable words prefixed with cross- as listed above. Dieppe has plenty to attract _ (横渡海峡的游客).5 This _(跨党派讨论) proves to be very successful, with consensus achieved on many issues.cross-Channel visitors cross-party discussionBuilding your languageBuilding your languageE
52、xtended exercisesMatch the words with their meanings.Task 1encompassuncertainconcurstartlingcondemndisbeliefacknowledgescopesensiblyfeeling doubt about sth.to include a wide range of ideas, subjects,etc.very unusual or surprisinga feeling that sth. is not true or does not existto agree with sb. or h
53、ave the same opinion as themto say very strongly that you do not approve of sth. or sb.the range of things that a subject, book, etc. deals within a reasonable wayto admit or accept that sth. is true or that a situation exitsBuilding your languageFind out the right expressions according to the expla
54、nation. Explanation Expressionsto try to be less involved in or less concerned about a situationto begin a course of action, especially one that is important or demandingto be very useful and bring a lot of advantages, esp. later in the futureto say that sb. has done sth. wrong or is guilty of sth.t
55、o put together or join to form a pair Task 2detach frompair withembark onaccuse ofpays dividends Building your languageTranslate the sentences below with the expressions given in the table above. 1 我建议你多锻炼,你会发现它对你的身体有好处。2 她的助手被警方指控偷窃。Her assistant was accused of theft by the police.I suggest you get
56、 more exercise and you will find it pays dividends.Task 3Building your languageTranslate the sentences below with the expressions given in the table above. 她已为探险旅行作好准备。4 为了专心致志于学业,他只好暂时撇开社交活动。She was now ready to embark on her journey of adventure.He had to detach himself from social activities for
57、the time being in order to concentrate on his studies.Task 3Sharing your ideasSharing your ideasIn the text, we have learned about Chris Andrews endeavor to get people talking face to face.Are you in support of Chris Andrews project? Whats your understanding of the role of face-to-face communication
58、? Do you think digital communication will replace face-to-face talk? Why or why not?Have a discussion in pairs and report your opinions in class.Step 1:Brainstorm the role of face-to-face communication and write your points down briefly.Discuss with your pairs and share your ideas.Step 2:In class, w
59、e will select a few as samples to analyze and give feedback.Step 3: FeedbackSharing your ideasNote: you cant simply copy the sentences of the text. Rather, you should paraphrase them in your writing.Sharing your ideasIm in support of Chris Andrews project because his intention of getting people to t
60、alk and highlighting the importance of face-to-face communication is meaningful, especially in this society where people rely increasingly on digital communication while face-to-face conversation has been put on the back burner. Face-to-face communication is of great importance.Sample reportSharing
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